Display Records Based On Last_modified Date

I have an access product inventory DB which has a Last_modified field associated with each product. I need an ASP function that will display all records that have been added within the previous week. Aka, SELECT * FROM TBLINVENTORY WHERE .....

The format of the date and time stored is like this: 18/02/2004 6:15:55 PM ...

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Can't Display Today's Date Records With = Now()

I'm trying to display only those records from the events table with today's date in the event_date field. I thought it would be easy to do with

"SELECT * FROM events where event_date = now() order by event_date asc"

But that returns nothing at all. why it won't work?

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Displaying Records Based On Timestamp

I currently have entries in my dbase with time stamps. Does anyone know how I would display only those records with the time stamp that reflects a particular day. For example I want to display all records from today which would be 8/23/2004 on the page.

Im assuming this has something to do with the Date () function but i dont understand how it could incorporate it into code.

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Returning Records Based On Time Field

How does one return records in a recordset based on a time/date field. If todays date is 8/25/04, how could i return all those records from 8/25/04. Mind you, i have long date format ex. "8/25/2004 4:46:45 pm"

I dont want to user a form for this i simply just want these time- sensative records to be returned in the recordset .

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Display Info Based On User's AD Membership

I'd like to have a frequently used link page on our intranet that displays
the urls' based on a users's ad group membership, i.e. if from accounting
show general ledger reports, if from loans, show credit report. I'm not much
worried about hiding from enterprising users, i'd just like to make it
simpler rather than having people have to scroll through pages of links.

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Recordset Based On Records Selected Freom Previous Page

What I want to do is have a recordset with all records in and display a list by title with a tick box next to them, then goto a new page which the recordset is all the records that the user selected on the previous page.

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Run Code Once Based On Date + Asp

i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to run code once based on date. I have an application that i want to update a database based on the particular month. Any ideas?

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Date Based Criteria

i'm looking to select records based on date, the database
stores the date as mm/dd/yyyy time am/pm ie: 08/11/2004 2:42:28 PM and
unfortunately the field is called date

this much I know if i want to select based on date:

select from table where [date]=

it's my understanding that i need to put the name of the date field in
[] in order to prevent it from confusing it with functions etc...
however my problem is this

how do i get it to select records from the month of december i have
tried [date]='12/*/2004' and [date]='::12/*/2004::' and many other
variants that i have read about on various web sites, but it never seems
to work once again the answer is probably not as complicated as i
believe it to be,

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Search Based On Date Range

I have this simple form that I want to be able to search my database for one field with a date range based on the values from this form, but I am unsure how to write the asp side of how to search the database field for a date between value one and two from a form. Any ideas would be great. Code:

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Change Image Based On Date

I can use to rotate images based on the date. I have a number of logo images that I want to appear in the same location of my web page. However, I want to determine which one is "active/viewable" depending on the date. I'm somewhat of a noob although I know how to manipulate canned scripts to get them to work. Any scripts out there that do such a thing?

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Show Recordset Based On Current Date

I want to call a recordset based on whether the 'expiration_start' date and 'expiration_end' date are within the current date.

I've tried a few things but can't get it to work?

Here's my non-working SQL statement:


sSQL = "SELECT * FROM poll WHERE #" & date & "# BETWEEN expiration_start AND expiration_end"

I'm simply using 'date' to call the current date. I'm not sure if that's correct but it seems to work ok when I use it in an "if" statement like this example:

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ASP Date: Get Records With Date = Today (SQL Server)

I'm trying to get all records from my SQL Server Database with
"DeadlineDate" = today (not today - 24 hours).

All records has a field called "DeadlineDate", and the date is stored in
this field like this: 13.08.2005 07:00:00

I dont care about the hours (Ex: 07:00:00), just the date (ex: 13.08.2005).
This is the SQL I have made, it gets all the record with the date = today -
24 hours... but that is not what I want.

sql = "select title from tblProject where (deadlineDate BETWEEN DATEADD(d, -

How can I get just the records that has the date = today's date??

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Create Monthly Totals Based On Date Field

my question is regarding using ASP to loop through the results of a sql query and calculate a monthly total based on a date field.

I am using the following query to total the number of train rides for a given branch by day type (weekday, Sat., Sun.) and create a 3 month rolling avg. (to diminish large fluctuations in the data). I am using Oracle 9i to store the data.

Please see below for the database query, the query output, and the desired output using ASP to sum the rides for each month. Code:

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Display Records

three records into three table cells and then starting a new row for the next
three records.(I've used While not EOF and MoveNext for writing each new record to a new

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Only Display 10 Records In ASP

I'm trying to perform a loop to display the contents of my DB, the only issue is that I would only like to display 10 results maximum this is relatively easy but what happens if there are less than 10 results in the DB. If I was going to do a :

Do Until objRS.EOF

Then it would display the full records, likewise if i put a counter on the loop then it will run into errors if I have less records than the count.

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Display Records

I have data base which I ctreated for it a Query to display every Username have same LastName.so this is what I did.I created Query to display to me every Username which have same Lastname For example lastname "Admin"

message for Admin's : why I can't add images.

so I got

Query Table : display all the the username which have the lastname Admin.so how can I display the records from the Query to my ASP page ?

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Sql Display Only The Last 5 Records

How do you do a select where you only want the last 5 records from Column1?

SQL="Select column1,column2,column3 from Table1"

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Display 5 Records Across

I have a page displaying records in a table across but there are too many records to display and they run off the page, SO I thought I could show five columns with an unlimited number of rows. I'm stuck though. I've never done that before. I don't know where to start. I don't need paging as I can display all records on one page, keeping it
simple. Here's my recordset:

<%set rsAll=objConn.execute("select * from qyProd where catalogid>0
order by designer_name")%> ...

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Display Only 5 Records

Maybe I'm just having a brain freeze, but I'd appreciate some help with this. I have a code that goes something like this (simplified):

for iUser = 0 to dOnlineUsers.Count - 1
sKey = aSessions(iUser)
sUserInfo = dOnlineUsers.Item(sKey)
aUserInfo = split(sUserInfo, "<|>")

sUserName = aUserInfo(0)
sLastActionTime = aUserInfo(1)
sLastPageViewed = aUserInfo(2)
sLastPageURL = aUserInfo(3)

'Since not all pages viewed are product pages
If instr(sLastPageURL, "product.asp") then
Response.Write sLastPageViewed
end if


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Display Newest 10 Records

my select is done and I have all my 200 records..... now I want to display only the 10 newest one.

do I need to specify something special in the Select or a simple Response.write will do the thing? Either way, am at lost as to what to do.

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Random Display Of Records

I am doing a simple program which display random records to students.The student table has the following fields(Access Database) Code:


and Question table as


Now What i am trying to do is , when the first time is student is login,he wil be shown a random record from the question and his answered wil be stored in the Ans field of the student table with column separeated.

The he will be redirected to the same page with one new question.This question should not be in the Ans Field, and must be randomly generated.I am using this code.But this not working. Code:

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Display Distinct Records

i am inner joing two tables customer and program. if i use select distinct i still get duplicate records displayed. how can i display distinct records for a customer by cust_no but still pull fields from program.

my customer and program table are joined by the cust_no field but in the program table the customer may have 10 different programs.

I tried "Select DISTINCT customer.cust_no ,customer.lastname, customer.firstname, program.season inner join program on customer.cust_no = program.cust_no"

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Display Records In 2 Columns

i have a database with 60 records. I display all of them into a single column. What i want to do is to display the records in a table with 2 columns, the half of them into the first left column and the rest 30 to the right column.

I used the RecordCount to count all my records but how will i count the half of them and when the half is reached i will change the column and go to the right one?

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Display 3 Records At A Time?

Basically, what i want to do is select all records that match a value (1 for instance) in a feild(userID), then Display Only 3 in its own column on a table row on the page, then create another row and display the next 3 records in the same format from the same select query.

i think its got to be somehow possible with a For statement, but i cant think what.

Is it Possible to this and if so how?

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Display Records From SQL Table

I'm trying to display records from a table in a sql database.The problem is, every month a new table is created, so I don't know what the name of that table is going to be.
It there a way that I can make sure the sql only reads from the latest created table?

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The Best Way To Display Records For A SITEMAP?

I have all the text for all pages and sub pages in the database, also news, events you name it everything is dynamically driven.

Now I have come to the sitemap page, and thinking about how to go about displaying all of the pages.

Can anyone give me some ideas of a way in doing this. How would you approach this task. Obviously this needs to cater for new pages being added by the client when he or she decides to add them.

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Display Records Horizontally

How can I display records horizontally for 4 or 5 records in a row and move to the next row again to display the next 4 or 5 records again... Code:

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Display Only Relvent Records

I have created an asp page that contains a datagrid.This reads a sql table and the ID column is bound to the first column of the datagrid. This is also a buttoncolumn.What I would like to achieve is on click of this column. Retain the value say in a cache (any other method welcome). Then open a different asp page and display the entire record in the relevant text boxes on the new page.

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Display N Number Of Records

how do I display only n number of records? then create links to the next set of n?

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Display Records On A Page

i want records displayed on one side of the page and the other side i have a form where users enter data using the list that they have. i am able to list the records after or before the form but not to the side of it. how do i do that.

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Display The Records In Red Color

i would like to display the records in red color for the paid member.and blue color for free member.using database. i m not geeting the correct.


<% If membership='paid' Then%>
<font color="red"><%RS(Product_name)%></font>
<font color="Blue"><%RS(Product_name)%></font>
<%end if%>


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Display Ammount Of Records

I ahve a page which displays all the fields in my database but I want to be able to set the amount of records the web page displays, with a next button to go the next 10 or so records.

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Display Only Approved Records

On our site we have option where users can add coments to articles. Lately some people have been misbehaving. I wish to add a field in .mdb file and call it "approved".

If the field contains "1" then it's ok to show the message (or a checkbox field), if the field has nothing in it comment will not be shown. How do I implement this into below code. I wish to leave posting as is, just not showing not yet approved comments.

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