Displaying Images - Seems Like Permissions Error

I have a page that allows someone to upload an image, and then the image is displayed on another page. Unfortunately, When the permissions are set to allow the photo to be uploaded, it won't allow it to display on the other page. When I change the permissions so that you can't upload an image, it will display on the other page. The page in question is http://www.atlantatoysfortots.com/Pictures.asp I'm at a complete loss. Is there anyone out there that knows enough to make this stupid thing work? I have checked every page and they are good....site is hosted on GoDaddy.

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Images Not Displaying

response.write FilePath gives this path, ImageName.jpeg but the image(s)
doesn't display in the below code. What am I missing..? Cheers.

<%Response.Write FilePath%>
Original Image:<BR>
<IMG SRC="<%=Server.MapPath("ImageUploads") & FilePath%>"><P>

Thumbnail (50% reduction):<BR>
<IMG SRC="<%=Server.MapPath("ImageUploadsThumbsThumb") & FilePath%>">

The files definitely exist in the database.

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Displaying Images

I have created a table that I need to display images on.so its 3 images across and how ever rows down. but I need to do this dynamically.what I have at the moment is a standard recordset, it will display the 3 recordsets left to right, once reaches 3, then drops a line and carries on.

But this isn't working properly.as its calling the images directly instead of from the database.Can someone let me know how I can display images 3 x ~until the recordset goes EOF/BOF

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Displaying Images From Outside Of Web Folder

Have two folders on my web server, data and public. Public is the www root and is read only, data has my database and is read/write.

I've got an asp upload script sending image files to data/images which works fine. I've also got a file listbox which picks out the file names on an asp script to add the names of the files to a database table.

However...I'm having real problem pulling the images out on the gallery page, I reference them with a virtual path '../data/images/imagename.jpg' etc, but they will not show.

Anybody know a way round this? Sorry if you need more info just say.

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Displaying Images From Database

I am building a website where users can place advertisements with images. I have decided to place the images in an Access database to ensure the right images are matched the correct advertisements. My problem is that I can retrieve all of the data from the table which holds the photos (eg, filename, file size, content type) except for the actual photo itself. When I try to download the photo or press the hyperlink to display the photo all I get is the square with the red cross. I do not get any error messages.

Does anyone know why this is happening. My code is below:

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Displaying Images From Database

I am trying to display images on a results page which have been saved in a Access database as BLOBS. I also trying to resize the images at the same time so that each record on the results page has the same dimensions. I have 2 include files on the webpage to resize the images, a processing ASP page to download the images and the syntax to make it all work.

My problem is that I am new at ASP programming and having the problem of putting all of the pieces together. I keep on getting an error message on 1 particular line and have no idea on how to fix it after many hours of trying different ideas. Code:

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Displaying Images From A Folder

Everything works but the image that is called from the database does not dispay? no error messages are displayed, have double and tripple check paths and image name to no success, thought it could be the code:

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Not Displaying 'Next' Link If 10 Or More Images

I have a database that I am storing image URLs in. On the website, when you go to a project my work has done, if there is more than one image, it displays a next (and previous link) link where necessary. However, if I have 10 or more images, it does not display at all.

I think I've realized this is not the best way to do this, but this is how the database is set up: name, description, image01, image02, ... , image11. Each one is its own column.

Thanks to photoshop_god I have a code that does the next and previous links. But it is not displaying any images but the first one if there are 10 or more. Here is my code:

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Displaying Images From Access

i am producing a e-commerce website using ASP. My database is MS access using a database called products.But heres my problem, the database holds the images using a OLE object. But when i come to view the data on the website, i can get the data showing such as price, product id and other information but when i try and view the images from the database on the webpage it comes up all garbled like wildcards.

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Displaying Images From Access Db

I know not to store images inside a Db table using the ole method, but I don't know how to call an image to accompany text in a for loop script.I can provide the unfinished script (missing is the coding of the fields: Pic1, Pic2, Pic3, Pic4) for inspection.

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Displaying Images From A MS Database

i would like to store images in a database so that when a link is clicked on a html page a new page opens with the image taken from the database. I have heard that you should only store the image path name in the database. how i would do this and then display the image on a HTML page.

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Retriving Images From D/B And Displaying On Webpage

How do i retrieve images[.gif/.jpg] from database and displaying it on a webpage?

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Displaying Images From An Access Database

I have an Access database set up with a number of text fields and a hyperlink field which references a different image per record. I am trying write ASP code to retrieve allt his data and images onto a web page. I have the data but the images are causing a problem.

The code I am using is as follows:

For the data: ....

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Displaying Images Uploaded Onto Server

With the website i'm developing, the user can upload images and the filename is saved to a mysql db, the problem is displaying these images. If i use the servers local path i.e. "C:InetpubwwwrootIMGimage.jpg" then the page just displays the little box with a square, circle and triangle in it, that usually displays while an image is loading. If i use "http://localhost/IMG/image.jpg" then when i load the page i get the "connect to the server:type name & password" box popping up...

I've set the permissions so that an Internet guest has read & write permissions to the IMG folder so I don't understand why it's not just displaying the images.

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Displaying Images Stored As Blobs

I have images stored in a access db and i'm trying to access them like this.
But problem is only one gets displayed. I also cannot get any html on the page since it displays all dots and dashes. Any idea how to solve this.

StrConnect = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("../04_db/aspupload.mdb")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
SQL = "select image_blob from myimages"
rs.Open SQL, strConnect, 1, 3

while not rs.eof
response.binarywrite rs("image_blob")

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Resizing Images And Displaying As Thumbnails

i pulled this out from an archive but without any comments or instructions on how to use it. any ideas. Code:

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Displaying Images At Random From SQL Query String

I have a database of images with captions that I need to display at random on an ASP page. Once I have pulled out my recordset, what's the best way to select on item at random from the recordset to display? Also, at first I might have only 5 items in my recordset, how can I avoid the same item repeating 3 times in a row if the person clicks refresh?

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Displaying/placing Number Of Images In The Specific Areas

If I m using a simple code like this;

Set RS = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset")
strsql= "SELECT Images from product where status = 1 ORDER BY [Supplier]"
RS.Open strSql,Conn,3,3
If RS.RecordCount <> 0 then
While not RS.EOF
Images= RS("Images")

While using this code "Images" is an array..(a collection of imagesname from the table "Product" whose status is 1). Now I have to use first 4 images at a time among these collection of Images in the different specific locations in a page in the same time.

Like Inshort (For example)....

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Displaying Images :: An Unhandled Data Type Was Encountered

I am trying to display images from an access database and going around in circles.

If len(rsdvd("picture"))>0 then
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
Response.BinaryWrite rsdvd("Picture")
Response.Write ("<img src=""images/sorry.gif"" alt=""Sorry, No picture."">")

It returns this fault:

Response object, ASP 0106 (0x80020005)
An unhandled data type was encountered.
/description.asp, line 115

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Permissions Error

i got somethiung about permissions or something, like when
i goto my site, and theres a bunch of bs about folder
permissions set to non read... whats up witht that????

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A File Permissions Error Has Occurred ...

i seem to to be getting this error on my website for any pgae which ends in asp/php. any page will work fine in html format Code:

A file permissions error has occurred. Please check the permissions on the script and the directory it is in and try again.

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Not Displaying Error Msgs

I used to get the error msgs,when I run after changing the code. But recently, since a few weeks, I'm not getting the error msgs. I'm getting the following msg, "There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed." Can any one tell me what went wrong in this ?

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Error In Displaying Data

I have an ASP web page that displays records from SQL 2005 database. It works fine until I re-order the columns, all values of some columns disappear. I have no error or warning
I tried to change the font and font size, it doesn't effect.

Also I have an update record form, If I re-order the fields, some values disappear Code:

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Database Lookup In A Javascript Function *before* Displaying The Error

Is it possible to do a database lookup in a javascript function *before* displaying the error alert?

We want to do a database table lookup first and get a BETTER error message based on the text field throwing the error.

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Can't Find Error. Issue With Variables, Forms, And Displaying Stored SQL Data

1) This is page built as a form which displays the content of a SQL database (a specific row) for users to update.

2) Each form field contains the actual information that the database has at this time (some Columns May or May not have info in it. No actual way to determine if its NULL or Just Empty).

3) I have the actual row selector based on the Unique ID (autonumber value). Its selected from a previous page and passed through GET.


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How To Resize All Images Sizes And Coordinates Of The Images On Resize Browser

My page have background image,on that image have more images and text. My problem is whenever resize browser that images are not resized and also not moved correct place .(i.e look not like before alignment).I want to do everything in dyanamic....

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FTP And IIS Permissions

I need to set an online directory and file the write permissions,fot JET to use it's temp file whthout problems.

Im using ACE FTP Freeware,and the properties I ask for each element directory and each file says that the write permissions are OK, but I still got errors while trying to update it online.How can I change IIS permissions?

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Dll Permissions

I have a compiled activex dll component on my server. When I log into the website under the administrator I can successfully access the dll, however using another windows NT user simply shows 'unable to create component due to permission'.I have ensured that the user in question has all writes to the dll file on the server, including the IUSR and IWAM accounts.

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Folder Permissions

Does anyone know of an asp script, online somewhere, that I can use to find
out the permissions of a folder? My ISP says these folders have full
permissions, but my programs say "permission denied". I don't know if it is
the programming, or if the folder don't really have the right permissions.

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List Permissions

Is there a way to list the permissions on a directory in my web folder? Like group permissions and such

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Permissions Configured

I keep getting"Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN "
errors pointing to my connection string when the same connection string
is working for a few of my other pages.The MSAccess database does have
the right permissions configured. Below is code I'm using:

dbcon="DBQ=" & Server.Mappath("diary.mdb") & ";Driver={Microsoft Access
Driver (*.mdb)};"
Set calConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
calConn.Open dbcon%>
<%dim freetsql,rsfree
freetsql = "select text_field from diary where dte ='" & dfm & "'"
set rsfree = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsfree.Open freetsql,calConn,3 %>

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ADSI Permissions

I know this isn't the best group to ask this in - but I also know a lot of
you have experience with this kind of stuff
I'm going to be creating a site where customers will be able to set up their
own sub-site (ie. www.mysite.com/theirsubsite). I'll need to be able to
create virtual directories on-the-fly, so I plan on using ADSI to accomplish
this. My question is - what are my options when it comes to permissions?
Will I need to give the IUSR account admin permissions to create these
directories, or is there some way to impersonate an admin account on the
script creating the directories? Has anyone dealt with this before?

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Permissions Question

i need to allow my ASP app to append and use data in text file, but restrict users from pointing directly to it and opening it for viewing.

what permissions should be set for the text file and is there a special way to access the file from the my ASPs? i am use JET ISAM driver to had data access to the text file. it all works fine except for the problem i mention. also, i have to reset permissions when ever i upload from my PC to development and production sites.

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