Displaying Results

I am reading information from a sql db and would like for the information to display, which i had working, until i tried making it so that if there was no information in the db field, that it would not display any results. Here is a snippet of the code. Any thoughts.

if name <> "" then
Response.Write("Name: " & recordset("name")& "<br>")
end if

if company <> "" then
Response.Write("Company: " & recordset("company")& "<br>")
end if

if title <> "" then
Response.Write("Title: " & recordset("title")& "<br>")
end if

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Displaying Results From SQL Query

I'm stuck on trying to display a single row from a query I'm executing.. it was fairly easy in PHP and I'm sure it is in ASP too, I'm just not sure what to code.. I couldn't find anything on the web that was simple.

If anybody has some suggestions on how to display just the one row that is returned from the query that would be great for now. I'm looking to eventually add 'LIKE' to the query to allow for similar names/passwords to be displayed.. but for now this should do. Here's the code:

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Displaying ASP Search Results Issue

Well I was able to build a simple search page, that would search a database and give the results on the restuls page from the criteria on the search page....

However I am having a issue with the data that's shows in the results. I'm getting the ID Column of the table in stead of the Column with the names. Eg:


Is there a way to change the data to be displayed to another column?

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Displaying Results From A Drop Down Option

I am still trying to get my feet wet with ASP, VBScript, and MS SQL here and I am trying to create a very useful page where I can eaisly view my SQL tables and the columns within those tables.

I have two SQL scripts that work well, one to display the tables within my database and one that shows me the column names in that table.

I created a form, added a drop down selection and coded it so the table names appear in the drop down, then added a "Submit" button.

What I am trying to do is get the page to display the column names below based on the table name I select from the drop down list.

ISSUE #1: I cannot seem to get the table name when chosen from the drop down to pass it's value to the second query so it can display the results.

ISSUE #2: How do I display these results from the chosen table name based on the column script below? Code:

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Displaying Query Results Per Where Clause

I am trying to design a page that displays data from a query in groups of a field in the where clause and then displays a 'total' per each group. Code:

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Adding To Tables Together And Displaying The Results

i run a classified ads site that allows people to post ads, and stores the results in a ms access database.

2 of the imput fields are: price and quantity

What i am trying to do is the following:

To add all the prices and and quantities together and be able to display the results on my site for example my database has the following:

Price | Quantity
2.00 | 300
1,50 | 1
10.00 | 10
140,00 | 7

and on the website i can display the results like so:

Current ads worth: 1681.50

I need the script to ignore letters as in the quantity field people have also added word such as packs and VE ETC so i need it to ignore letters, however in the price field some people have placed the ( , ) sign in there price so the code must recognize ( , and . )

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Displaying CrossTab Query Results

Has anyone experience with rendering CrossTab Query results with ASP?

For example, using this SQL:
TRANSFORM Count(threads.threadid) AS CountOfthreadid
SELECT threads.threadSeverity, Count(threads.threadid) AS [Total Of threadid]
FROM threads
GROUP BY threads.threadSeverity
PIVOT threads.threadStatus;

This returns the following in Access:
[threads_Crosstab] [threadSeverity] [Total Of threadid] [Analyzing] [Closed] [Coding] [Open] [Re-Testing]
[Medium ] [1] [1]
[Not Set] [160] [1] [122] [1] [35] [1]

I want to create a HTML table to display the results in my webpage. However, I don't belive the output from a "Transform" is a true recordset. When I request the names of the fields in the recordset, I am getting data from the "rows".

Is there standard way to display these types of queries? How does one access the data in a crosstab query? Are there ojbect classes to handle this?

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Displaying Quiz/test Results On Same Page

I have created a quiz with 14 questions that the user can click a yes radiobutton or no radiobutton. In the code-behind I have set a varable to store the selected items.

What I have taking place is if yesRadiobutton is selected the variable is incremented by 1. then after all the radiobuttons have been added up. i check the variable using an if statement. Code:

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SQL 10 Last Results Only

Anybody know how to get only the 10 latest results of an SQL query ?(in SQL)

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Stripping Results

i have a record that is returned by the database as domain/username. i want to be able to strip off "domain/" and just display "username". is this possible? if so, how would i go about doing this?

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Trimming Db Results

i don't know what to do here exactly.
i have seen the TRIM function, but i'm not sure if it's the right way to do it.
i have a recordset called RSUSEREDIT.
in the recordset there is a column called "EMail".
i can print out the results using Code:


the email column always uses the same domain name... - username@domain.com
is it possible to remove the part after and including the "@"?

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Results Of URL To File

I have a URL... everything returned by the url, I need to write to a file. lets say its 40 lines of text... how can I write it to a text file and save it??

ADODB stream?

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Seperating Results

I'm creating a site that pulls details from a database & display it on screen. Problem is that there's sometimes loads of data which makes the page huge. What I want it to do is display ten and a next page link to display the next ten. Like the way Google displays results. Problem is I don't know how to generate pages on the fly. So the question is can it be done and does ne1 know how to do it?

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Filtering Results

First, thanks to all who have helped me over the last few weeks !!
I have a form that allows the user to select multiple options.
These are user names:

Fred S
Bob D
Paul G
Dave O

When the form is submitted, I'm getting the details using

user = request.form("user")

this is returning the mutliple options.
What I would like to do is pass all the options to 'user' but at one
point on the results page only show the first user selected, not the
multiple selection

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Ordering Results

what is an easy way to go about sorting my search results through links, you know, like clicking the link at the top of a column. i know how to pass the order by in a querystring:


where orderlast is the order querystring.

but what about all the other links? what do I do with the previous querystring entries like lastname, firstname, and state? i find if i add orderlast to my lastname column and i click on it, i will have 2 orderlast querystrings

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Recordcount Results

I'm using multiple recordsets on a page, and they are all returning correct results and enough of them. My problem is when I try to access the recordcount property rs.recordcount, they all return a result of -1. This would usually mean that no records are returned. So why is showing my recordsets that are displaying records with recordcounts of -1. I can't seem to figure out.

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Display Results

what I need is to dysplay only the first say 10 results and then have a link 'next' and dysplay 10 more in a new page


I can create a var and add 1 more for each result, till 10� end then create the link, but i don't now how to start the new page from the 11� result.

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Using Bbc Code With Results

I know how to display results that contain html code on a page. (ie. <br>

what i would like to know, is if a result contains bbc code (ie.. [code]
[url]..) how would i display that to be readable?

This is not for a forum, but would be the same as if i was writting a forum.
I think there is a script that the page has to contain to be able to read it
correctly, but I can't find it.

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ASP Different Results In Firefox And IE !

I have following code, picking an ID and saving it to Cookies.

ItemID = Request("prod")
Response.Cookies("THREES")(ItemID) = Request("prod")
Set rdset=objConn.Execute("SELECT ID, Name, Large, Description
FROM shop_products WHERE ID=" & ItemID)

In IE it works fine as it should, adding item id to Cookies

In Firefox it gives me the following error:

Cookies object, ASP 0102 (0x80004005)
The function expects a string as input.
/shop/addcart.asp, line 27

Any information on that. Any idea what is going wrong.

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Return Results

My SQL statement won't return results where any field in a record is blank. What can I do to fix this?

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM newarchive WHERE Program_Title LIKE '%" & program & "%' AND Year_Aired LIKE '%" & yearA & "%' AND Sponsor LIKE '%" & sponsor & "%' AND Month_Aired LIKE '%" & monthA & "%' ORDER BY ID"

It gets its values from a form where some fields can be left blank. If the record itself does not have a blank field, the search will pick it up. But if the record contains a blank field, then it won't be selected unless it matches the Program_Title data.

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Getting The Results From Executing An Exe

Is there any sample about getting the results from executing an exe using

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Searching Results

I know how to use the LIKE command in a query but how do I do it in the
results of a recordset results="<b>Hello</b> World"

I want to search the above result and if it has a <B> in it, I want set

I need to be able to search through a large amount of text so the BOLD marks
will not always be at the front of the results. They maybe be on line 50
character 59,

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Fetch The Results

query = "SELECT table. * FROM table where table.lastname=" & lname

How can I fetch all the rows with the lastname field equals to lname variable?

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Form Results

I have programmed several online forms(typically using cgi).A client of mine does not like how the results are formated (the long column of text)Is there anything I can do to program the results of this online form to get put into another format that would be e-mailed to the receipient?

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Dump Results

i have a results page on a webpage and i was wondering if it was possible to dump these results (they are stored in a database)into a excel spread sheet?

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Results In New Window

Currently I have results writing to the browser just fine (using frames).I would like to change it to where the results of a query are written to a new browser window.I have changed my asp code to be form.

method="post" target="_top".

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Results Every Ten Fields

I have a database in Access and I want to dislpay all the lastnames of the database through an asp file. I have managed to do that. But I want to display every 10 fields.I mean to appear 10 last names.and then to press next button and appear the other 10 and etc. Any clues?

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Radio BTN Results

I have a form email that was built in a .html doc that posts to a formsubmit.asp page. I have radio buttons in the form email-how do I get the results of the radio button selection to post in the email?

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Tab Delimited Results

need to query a database and then get the results in a tab delimited file.currently am writing record by record in the file using the FSO,but just wanted to check can we directly get the results in the TAB delimited format and save to a file on the server.

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Get Http Results

I want to pass theHTTP content from one a static file into another file and then serve it to the browser using ASP. Can anyone tell me how to do this?

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Modifying Results

Using the following query I get my desired results. However, in the resulting recordset, how can I show for example 10 words before and 10 words after the keyword or phrase that was searched upon? If I get 20 resulting records I think it would be easier for the user to decide which they want to view.

DECLARE @SearchString varchar(100)
SET @SearchString = ' "stress" '
FREETEXTTABLE(Articles,*, @SearchString) AS KEY_TBL
ON Articles.ID = KEY_TBL.[KEY]

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Survey With Results

I am going to be working on a project that is a web based survey that will submit the data to a database. But the data will also need to be multiplied by a number and displayed back to the user with some text. And was wondering if anyone had any good resources or samples I could check out I really appreciate any response.

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Form Results

Is there a way to grab all the results from the querystring which are sent via a form submit? In PHP, you can just do something like $var = _GET; which will grab all the fields on the querystring.

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