I have a set of code for displaying information from the database. However now i can only view text with no pics... what can i add in order to see pics together with the text and what data type should i put for the pics in the database? Code:
I am building a website where users can place advertisements with images. I have decided to place the images in an Access database to ensure the right images are matched the correct advertisements. My problem is that I can retrieve all of the data from the table which holds the photos (eg, filename, file size, content type) except for the actual photo itself. When I try to download the photo or press the hyperlink to display the photo all I get is the square with the red cross. I do not get any error messages.
Does anyone know why this is happening. My code is below:
I am trying to display images on a results page which have been saved in a Access database as BLOBS. I also trying to resize the images at the same time so that each record on the results page has the same dimensions. I have 2 include files on the webpage to resize the images, a processing ASP page to download the images and the syntax to make it all work.
My problem is that I am new at ASP programming and having the problem of putting all of the pieces together. I keep on getting an error message on 1 particular line and have no idea on how to fix it after many hours of trying different ideas. Code:
I have a page that allows users to sign on and then have access to the site. What I need to do is to have them sign on and see selected (tables) or data that is in the database. I need some help. How would this be written. Unfortunalely the only book I have on the subject is asp.net. Code:
I have just recently use record paging, i now have a problem the way the records are displayed.
I have a table header with each header name of records to be displayed, and each individual record should be displayed directly underneath each other PHP Code:
I am using MS Sql server and asp pages together.The problem I am getting is not knowing what data type to best set my data to.There is a part # set to nvarchar which seems to work great.
THen an Inductance, currently set as float. My inductance values show as 1.5 and 5, 3, 3.2, etc etc, however I need it to show 5.00 and 3.00, 3.20 etc.the inductance is measured in mH and another column called DCR is measured in Ù. Is there anyway to get this symbol to show in my table on my asp page? or do I need to enter the symbol into the database table?
I am trying to display all the records in my database when I click a button that I made. Can anyone show me how to do that? Right now I have no code for this. I just want a button on my page, so that someone can print out a list of all the records in my database and have it for reference.
i would like to store images in a database so that when a link is clicked on a html page a new page opens with the image taken from the database. I have heard that you should only store the image path name in the database. how i would do this and then display the image on a HTML page.
I have a database on my server that houses information regarding trouble tickets. I know how to write asp page to take the inputted info from a form and put it in the database but what I would like to know if someone could show me or point me in the direction of a good tutorial that shows me how to list all the content in my database on a web page.
For instance I would have a page titled, view all tickets, then on that page would be a listing of all the tickets and their information with buttons to add, delete or update ticket.
I am displaying a table that contains 36 columns and 20-40000 rows.The first row is a header.When i scroll the page down the header disappears(anyways this is a fact).Is there any way in which i can keep the header/first row constant when i scroll the page downwards or sideways for n number of records? I am using Access as the Backend and the front scripting is by ASP and connecting thru ADO.
I have an Access database set up with a number of text fields and a hyperlink field which references a different image per record. I am trying write ASP code to retrieve allt his data and images onto a web page. I have the data but the images are causing a problem.
I can display information to a webpage from a database and handle the connections etc. My next task is a bit more complicated for myelf. Id like to have a page the pulls information from a record set and displays like this.
down one side
the container numbers
along the top
the products in the containers
the information in the middle would be the amount of product that came on that container.
Im just wondering how the best way to setup my database would be, and the best way to setup the asp webpage. (oh) nearly forgot, it has to repeat the information till all the records are finished but i guess that gos without saying.
This code has worked in the past on this same page, and for some reason it doesn't want to calculate the numbers anymore. Anyone see anything that is out of whack?
Basically I am taking the input numbers for each field and adding them up on one column, then taking the totals of all of those columns and adding it up to display as an overall total. Code:
I know how to write a script that will show all the tables fieldnames and then all the tables fields, but how can I do it so that it shows the database table one column at a time? for instance:
fieldname 1 <br> 1st fieldvalue for this column 2nd fieldvalue for this column 3rd fieldvalue for this column <P> fieldname 2 1st fieldvalue for this column 2nd fieldvalue for this column 3rd fieldvalue for this column etc..
I am developing a simple little application for a client that allows them to do an employee lookup. This small Access database contains only a few fields such as name, job, email address etc.
However, when the data is pulled from the database, I would like my ASP pages to create the email as a mailto command when pressed. I'm not sure how to go about this.
I tried creating a mailto: link on the dynamic text but that hasn't worked.
I wish to display an image from a folder based on the name held in a field in a database.
<% If len(rssal("picture"))>0 then Response.Write ("<img src=""/ProductImages/rssal("ProductCode").gif"">") ELSE Response.Write ("<img src=""images/sorry.gif"">") END IF %>
I have a website that we display images we have saved into a SQL Server 2000 database as binary BLOB. This is on a Windows 2003 Server. Just recently (a week ago) this website began to save the images it is displaying on the website as ASP pages in the Temporary Internet Files > IE.Content > Folder.
We have other websites where we use the exact same code and these do not save files on the server when they are displayed.
Here is the code to display the image: Set rs = objConn.Execute( SQL ) Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream" Response.BinaryWrite rs("Product_Image")
SQL is the SQL String to get the image from database
When I add this code:
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
The images still display on the website, but now are saved in the Temporary Internet Files folder as JPG's.
This is a follow up to a question I asked two weeks ago which I thought was solved but on further inspection I realised it wasn't working fully. I have an ORDER BY on my search results page, the search uses two dropdown menus, the first one is start character (A-Z), and the other is grade.
The problem I have is that the ORDER BY work perfectly when I leave the start character dropdown blank, and when I use the grade selection dropdown, but when I select a start character I get this error message:
An ASP page outputs data from the query "Select ThisAndThat from comments WHERE pageURL='" & pageURL & "' ORDER BY threadID, datesent" (Access mdb) threadID is a string (OK, I know!), which means that 103 displays before 99. Is there a way to write the SQL query to order them numerically? This would be much easier for me than changing the data type and hunting down every page that INSERTS or UPDATES the db.
I am extremely confused about how i should go about doing this: I have puled out current orders and have displayed in a table .These orders have their own order numbers.
Once the person clicks on first order,the order is displayed in a form,where the user can edit the order details and hit submit.
Now when he hits submit ,I want his to go the previous page where the orders are displayed in table ,so that he can click on the next order and process it/OR may be whent he user hits submit ,i want the next order directly to be displayed in the form.
I have a table in my database with several numbers.(2, 5, 8, 0, 9, 0).Now i retrieve the numbers to my page using "order by numbers", and my page look like this.
0 0 2 5 8 9
I want the lowest number to be first, but if the number is 0 (zero) I want it to go to the bottom.Can that be done
I have one table wich has a unique ID feild for each record and other feilds, and another table that has one field that is a number that contains the an ID from the other table and another field that contains some text.
I want to open with sql the first table, but order its records alphabetically by the text in the second table. is it possible? Code: