Displaying Image Data From SQL...single/multipart Tiff

An application is logging faxes sent in SQL2000 image column type. I have
found code on the net but what it is doing is prompting to save to local
which is fine for single page image. Not good for multiple page faxes. I
have not been able to locate an example to load in the browser or how to
handle multiple image in the one column. Code:

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Multipart/form-data Vs Xml

Is it possible if i wanna append xml data and upload picture at a same time using the same form?

The problem i'm facing now is, when i add the 'multipart/form-data', i can't append the xml data

I know there's one solution, using 2 FORM but the project i'm doing now is designed to be put them both (file type for upload and textarea for append) together

Besides, i have no idea how to encode or decode the posted data.

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Multipart Form Data

I have a form which uses the encode type "multipart/form-data". How do you parse and iterate through the form field collection once the binary read method is used?

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If I'm using multipart/form-data as the enctype and the action is the same page how do I check if the form has been submitted? Usually I'd use something like this:

if request.form("input_submit") = "Save" then
' Process the form ...
end if

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Problem With ASP Multipart/form-data

I am using VB 6 and ASP to upload files to the web server in one of my web applications. The architecture is something like this...Thin ASP/html front end using multipart/form-data when user selects the file and clicks on upload a COM object is being called to upload file.

This works absolutely fine when dealing with file sizes in b/w 1 to 15mb....Now users are trying to upload huge file sizes such as 80mb/100mb. the web application dies without uploading the file....hence was interested to know if there is any size restriction for this???

The COM object is written using ASP Scripting library, MTS scripting engine, ASPSOFT upload....references.

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I am trying to upload a file . In my asp page I have enctype='MULTIPART/FORM-DATA'. for my form. Problem I am having is that I have some hidden variables in the form which do not pass through when that form is submitted. how to pass the values of hidden variables with enctype='MULTIPART/FORM-DATA'.

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Multipart/form-data And Select

I have a form (which is multipart/form-data) it has a file field and a select. When i submit this form i can get the file but i can't get the value of the select? any ideas?

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Encription Type 'multipart/form-data'

I am facing one problem while uploading images in ASP. I am using ASPUpload to upload the file. I can upload the files also. for that I am giving the Encription type as multipart/form-data. THat time I am not able to get the other informations in that form like some hidden fields inthat form.

Is it possible to get the information when we were uploading the images. I am using post method for uploading.

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Displaying Alternate Image When Image Source Not Found

I am creating a dynamic ASP VBScript page, which gets data from an Access database.

In the database, there is a field which holds a URL to an image. I can get the image to display fine, but where there is no file that matches the URL (i.e. a missing image) I want to display an alternative, default image (e.g. one that says "Awaiting Image"). The field is never blank, but the image file may not exist for all records in the database.

I think what I am trying to get to is the following:

If file exists (using URL from database to get location of image file) then
display image using the url from the database as the image source
display default image - hardcoded in program

I have had a go and come up with the attached but I get an error with my if statement...

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POSTing A Binary File Using Multipart/form-data

I'm trying to setup an ASP page to POST an image across to another page- essentially simulating what a browser does when you use <input type=file> in a HTML form.

I'm able to correctly setup the headers etc and do the POST, but I'm unable to include the binary data of the image.

The only way i've been able to do it is if I base64 encode the image. I'm using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP to do the POST, and I can't seem to do the .send with a form body that includes the binary data of the image. Code:

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Seperating Data From Single Table Field (string)

I need a way of putting say 10 to 20 bullet points in one table field in an
Access database

- say seperate them with a special character, then build a bulletted list on
my page.

If I can get the page to detect each special character, insert a new bullet
and move on to the next occurance in the string... Code:

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Passing Form Data Using ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"

I have a form that has the option to upload a file at the bottom. If you select a file it works fine but if you leave file selection blank the forms bombs. This is not how I want it to work. On the form you need to use ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" in the form tag.

On the processing page I need to use Set to assign a variable to the form data. I tried using IF on the variable assigned to the file path but it bombs out telling me "This function is not supported". Is there any other way I can check to see if curQes has a value assigned to it?

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Passing Variables When Using Enctype="multipart/form-data">

I am using an asp page (upload.asp) to gather information and to upload
files to the web server using SoftArtisans SAUpload Tool. In the first page
(upload.asp), I have a form for gathering info with the following: Code:

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Displaying An Image

I'm sure I'm missing something completely obvious, but I can't figure out what. I have a path to an image file stored in a database. I'm trying to align the image to the right, but nothing seems to be working:

Response.Write("<img src='" & rs("faculty_link_to_photo") &"'>")

dispays the photo without any wrapping, but when I try the following, the images go all over the page:

Response.Write("<img align=""right"" src='" & rs("faculty_link_to_photo") &"'>")

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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IMG Tag Not Displaying Image

I have ASP (classic) code that writes out a table and sets the <img....> tag
with a virtual directory source, e.g. src='/test/imghold/xyz.png', and the
images do not appear on the IE page. The code is from a production site
that works fine.

We just duplicated the web site to one named test and now
the images do not display. The IMG item is in a TD element of a table.
Also, I looked at the "view source" of the page and it shows the <IMG
src='/test/imghold/xyz.png'...> just fine. I even tried it with different
images and none of them show up.

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Image Not Displaying

It is not displaying the image thepicture. It is in the directory. I also have a similar bits of code for a other pictures with of and they is working The response write displays the correct reference.

The alt displays instead of the image as though the image has not been found and as I said the Code:

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I am trying to complete a file upload form and I am getting very close (at least I think I am). Part of my process is that I want to display the file location back to the user after the file is uploaded.

So here is what occurs.

-I have a from that has the encType="multipart/form-data" as part of the form (it is doing a post). -In the next ASP page, I try to view the contents of the INPUT TYPE=File by using Request.Form("txtFileLocation"). The problem is that when I display this value it is blank.

This is part of a file upload process so I think I have to use encType="multipart/form-data", correct? Then assuming I have to use the encryption or assuming it is wise to, how can I retrieve the path the user entered in the previous form in the txtFileLocation?

I tried this without encType="multipart/form-data" and then I was able to display the path entered but the way I understand this is that it is required for the file upload process or at least it adds security.

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I have a basic file upload form.

<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="uploadaction.asp" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<tr><td><b>Image</b></td><td><input type="file" name="UploadFile"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2 align="center"><input type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload"></td></tr>

what exactly does the enctype="multipart/form-data" do? I'm having trouble getting the request.form("UploadFile") to work with it, but it has to be in the form for the file upload to work. Is there a way to "undo" this once it makes it to the action page?

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Displaying A Tif Image To The User.

I have to display tif images using .asp page. I have tried to read the image
as a binary file and stream it to the browser. The relevant code is as
follows. Unfortunately, the display on the browser is a lot of gobledygook.
How can I ensure that the image displays correctly in the browser? Code:

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Displaying Image At A % Of It's Size

The pic in the DB is just a named reference, as all the pics are stored in 2 common folders. 1 for the normal size pics and 1 for the thumbnail equivalents.

As this particular page has to be tight on space, I wanted to set the image as a percentage of it's size so I set the following:

<IMG SRC="thumbs/<%=picname%>' WIDTH="30%" HEIGHT=30%> etc....

Problem I have with this is that the browser seems to set all pics to 1 common percentage size rather than each being say 30% of each individual pic's size. This results in some piccies being completely distorted.

I don't want to go down the route of storing the x and y of each pic in the DB, so could you please let me know if I am doing something really stupid with the above.

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Testing To See If Image Exists Before Displaying It

I dont know if this is the right place to ask this but I have a database which contains shop details, each of which can have several images associated with it. In the database I am just storing the image paths, the actual images are held on a remote server.

I am able to grab the pathnames from the database and then use the following code to loop through the recordset displaying the associated image(s).

While NOT rs.EOF
Response.Write("<img src=""servernameImages" & rs.Fields(0) & """ width=""150"" height=""150"">")

My question is, in the event of one of the images not being found, it just displays a red cross, is there any way of testing to see if the image exists before I try and display it?

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Image Not Displaying From The Include Page

I have designed asp pages where all pages have common header and footer. I have added Images to the footer page called as footer.asp.

now i have the footer.asp in another folder
and i call that footer.asp within my index.asp page as a include page.

but the images in the footer.asp are not displaying in the index.asp.

what could be the problem?

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Displaying An Image From A Folder From A Name Held In A Database

I wish to display an image from a folder based on the name held in a field in a database.

If len(rssal("picture"))>0 then
Response.Write ("<img src=""/ProductImages/rssal("ProductCode").gif"">")
Response.Write ("<img src=""images/sorry.gif"">")

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Displaying Image Using The Mailer Object In HTML Format

The code sends an automatic email, but the email is html format. At the top of the email i want to include an image.

Everything is working except the image is not being included, instead a box with a X appears.

Here is the code that i am currently using


PHP Code:

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Method="POST" Does NOT Work With Enctype="multipart/form-data"

My form has mixed fields in it, one of them is a file field for picture upload when i submit my form via method="GET" i can retrieve my form data with Request.QueryString() method but as then I loose my file, but as soon as I switch to method="POST" and use Request.Form() method i get nothing unless I remove enctype="MULTIPART/FORM-DATA" at which point I loose mi file also... What is causing this? is there a different enctype i need to be using?

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Displaying SQL Data

I have a fairly simple (at least in PHP) request but I can not find how do do it. I've seen things that are kindof what I want but not really. Here is what I want:

I have a ton of data in a DB. I want to pull some of that data and display it in a table. In PHP I would create a SQL query called $Result "(SELCT * FROM whatever)" and produce this code:

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Displaying Different Data

Is it possible to show different information on a page for different users?
For example a first year student that needs to select modules for this year compared to a second year student how would have to select different modules.

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Displaying Data

I've got an table that has event name, start date, end date. For instance:
EventID: 1
EventName: My Event
EventStartDate: 1/1/2007
EventEndDate: 1/4/2007

Right now we just display the name, start date through end date (if there's a different end date). So the above looks like:
My Event
1/1/2007 - 1/4/2007

Now instead, they want to have something like the following:

My Event 1/1/2007
My Event 1/2/2007
My Event 1/3/2007
My Event 1/4/2007

Other than trying to create some kind of math calculation based on the date, is there an easier

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Request In Form Enctype="multipart/form-data"

I need to get some Request value from a Form... but this form is enctype="multipart/form-data" (to upload files) and I if I use the standard syntax Request("nameField") I don't get any value.

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Images TIFF

I need to show an image .TIFF in a .aspx web
page. The web site is developer on Visual Studio 2005. The image control no
support this image format, that control i can use to show this format?

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TIFF Conversion

I am currently generating a report in asp, which then needs to be exported to tiff format. How would I go about this?

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TIFF Conversion

I am currently generating a report in asp, which then needs to be exported to tiff format. How would I go about this?

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Displaying Data In A Table

I would like to display the data in a table like first 50 records in a column and next 50 records in another columns.

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