Do I Need To Initiate/register CDOSYS In IIS 5?

I downloaded your "A Beginner's Guide to CDOSYS" article I
displayed the Sample1.htm page with the IE6 within
a web folder. The page display perfectly. I filledin the
e-mail info and clicked send. All worked without any error
message. I destination e-mail address never received
the mail. Do I need to setup IIS 5 first? Register it
somehow. Please advise. I'm anxious to use this built
in component.

My ISP is Comcast. My OS is Windows 2000 server Pro.
I setup the MS Outlook for outgoing mail. Outgoing mail
with MS Outlook works fine.

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Using A Dynamic Dropdown To Initiate An Action

I have a dynamic dropdown list that has info brought in from my SQL database. Based on the user's selection, I want to create a message box that informs a user that an additional step must be taken first before the form can be submitted. For instance:

Drop down list contents -

New Build

If a user selects "New Build" from the dynamic drop down, a messgae box would appear to let the user know that they need to have a permission form filled out before they can submit the work order. Something to that affect. Can this be done based on a selection in the list or do I need to use check boxes instead.

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I run a classified ads site, and one of the features are that the user will be notifed of all new ads (at once) that are posted, everynight. At the moment the user must go to a specific page to enable this, what i would like to do is set this automatically when registering to enable.

the database uses yes and no for this feature, however i have tried entering a default value of yes, however when someone registers it shows the (-1) in the database and not the yes.

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Self Register

Is it possible to creat aSelf-register form on IIS? Using Widows server 2003, is ther any script needed to do so, or any extensions.

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How To Register DLL Programmatically?

I have this ASP page that checks if a certain DLL is registered on a client machine. If it ain't registered, then it should be registered.

Here is the part of my code that supposedly registers the dll: Code:

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Register And Login

I need help with creating a register process for the user(Name, Password, email and phone) and then them being able to login(using name and Password)

I using ASP and access database, I'm also doing it in wap/wml but I think that if I had it in just normal html I would be able to convert it

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Register .exe For CreateObject

I made a small executable file in VB, compiled it and threw it in the Bin folder of my virtual web directory, however when I try to run it from an ASP webpage I keep getting the error that it can not create the object.

After some googling everyone seems to say that you must register the .exe with the server first. My question is, how do I go about registering the .exe file with the server (I have admin access to the server) so that I can use it in my ASP webpage.

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Register Txt Sends Me Where

This regards a listing of youth events. I have a Access DB that users input to. A page where users can view input and the events. I use Dreamweaver to make this. When entering informaiton into the db a user would enter in the Event_Reg field the site where a person can go to register for the event. I would like to make a Link Titled "Register" for all events that users enter into the db.

But when a users clicks "Register" it would take them to the site specified in the Db Event_Reg field. Below is the dynamic code I am using now. It will produce the actual site address. I just want it to show Register when clisked take them to the appropriate site.


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Register Components With MTS

How do I register FileSystemObject and ImageGlue component with MTS? Because the files manipulated using ImageGlue & FSO need to be recorded in the database. Without transactions, a lot of 'floating' files (without entry in the database), and entries without the physical files left around on the server.

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Login And Register Function

I have set up a login and register function in my site. When a user logs in they are re-directed to the homepage.

What i want to do is display the users name after they have logged in, on the homepage. How do i do this?

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Login.asp And Register.asp Link To MS SQL

how to build a login.asp page with a session control and register.asp page with validate input value.

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How To Check If A Register For A Specific Field Does Not Exist?

I have a database with two fields: product and photo. The page should display pictures of the product, which are on the photo field and if there is no picture (in this case there is no registers in the database) I need to display a message like "hey dude, no pics right now". Code:

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How To Write The Series Of [Log In/logout/register/lost Password]?

i'm developing a site but i'm still new to ASP..i could only
code a simple DB [add/edit/remove] coding..

i need to creat accounts for users, so i must have a LOGIN page
contains all the standard such as: Logout, register new user,remember password ,,

users who should register in my site , are previously stored in DB by a KEY field..not to allow any user to register..a new user should only insert that key,if it is exist in my record,i shall allow him to view some pages.

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When A User Register In Website Then All Informtion Send On His Email

I want an automatic email to send to a user when they register, the first page looks like this, i took away all the table information and what have you ....

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Check If User Is Register. How To Detect If Any Records Are Found In Database

I am having trouble trying to detect if no records are retrieved by the search. There doesn't seem to be a problem with the connection to the database or the SQL query. I think the problem is somewhere in my If statement. Code:

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how to use CDOSYS... i am getting pain by changing my servers

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Cdo, Cdosys

I am desperately trying to install a login script for my website. I keep getting this error:

error '80040211'
/register.asp, line 88

Here is what is on line 88:


i spoke with my hosting company - they said CDOSYSMail.Send and objCDO.Send are the same thing and if one is supported they both are - is this true?

I don't know what to do to get this working. It's a remote SMTP, but they have assured me that isn't an issue because I have the correct outgoing SMTP info in place (Verio hosting)

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How can i create an form in CDOSYS to send an email?

Win 2k and NT used CDONTS, but XP does not support it. Does anyone know how to utilise this using Win XP Pro with IIS version 5.1

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From Name In CDOSYS

I know with CDOSYS there's a objMail.from class, but this is for the From email address of the sender, not the From Name. Is it possible to assign a from name and from email address as seperate values?

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I have an asp registration form, generating a html email, using cdosys.
When a hotmail user registers they receive an empty email or so it
seems, until you forward the email then the contents appeas as if by
magic. Is this a problm in the way my asp page is generating the email
or is it a settings issue with the hotmail account

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Using Cdosys

I have allready posted my problem at this forum and i got replies too.But they suggested me using cdont or cdo component for win 2000.But my os is XP
professional and it contain CDOSYS component for sending email in asp.Plz provide me solution a/c to Windows XP Professional CDOSYS component

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I keep getting this error when my website tries to create an object to send an email for the checkout email confirmation: Error creating object: 006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~800401f3. Do you have any idea of the reasons this could happen? I had an engineer configure the software for CDOSYS, and this is what he said: Andrew, I’ve replaced all the files and I still get the same error message. So this leads me to believe that we’re looking at the wrong site or where I am publishing to the wrong location. Either that or the host is doing some sort of an ASP caching.
I don't see how he could be publishing to the wrong location; i gave him the right ftp info. Do you know what an ASP caching is, or do you have any clue what i could do to try to fix this problem, or where this error came from in the first place?
URL URLI was told by somenone that the object is not installed and registered properly. Does this mean that the dll for CDLSYS is not installed server side, or that the error is a function of my server not being set up right?

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I am getting this error, but have no attachment code!! What other paths could it be looking for. The only one I have is:

.Item("") = "c:inetpubmailrootpickup"

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i am using CDOSYS to send mails to the users from my application. Everything is working fine, mails are being sent to the user but in the mail the user receives, some extra characters such as '!' or spaces are coming between words. I tried defining a character set but still the problem exitss.

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Does CDOSYS have all the same methods and properties that CDONTS does? I need to know 'cause I just put XP on my box and I heard CDONTS has been deprecated since Win2k anyway.

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I am having difficulty with the cdosys for windows 2000, I can't seem to find a method that allows me to attach a file, I have been searching msdn and the page I needed was not available.

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Using CDOSYS to send email:

Code: ( text )

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I was using CDONTS to send ASP forms. They used to work fine, but now it seems that my webhost provider (not to mention some others), are changing the fotmat from CDONTS to CDOSYS. I have been looking at some of the examples, but they seem confusing. So, my questions is this...

What is the easiest way? I am more concern with the collection of the data from the form's fields. What is that I have to do in order to be able to collect the data sent from the fields?

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CDO Take Two CDOsys

I have a form that I use to send an email using CDO. When I submit the form, it brings up a blank page and no email is sent. Can you look through the code and see what's wrong?

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Email & CDOSYS

does anyone know why the code below wont work ?

It doesnt thow any errors, but no email is being sent!

'-------- now use CDOSYS to send email because im using IIS5.1
Dim objConfiguration
Dim objFields
Dim objMessage
Set objConfiguration = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
Set objFields = objConfiguration.Fields
With objFields
.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort
.Item(cdoSMTPServer) ="localhost"
.Item(cdoSMTPServerPort) = 25
.Item(cdoSMTPAuthenticate) = cdoBasic
End With

Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With objMessage
Set .Configuration = objConfiguration
.From = ""
.To = ""
.Subject = "Here comes a Subject"
.TextBody = "Here is a text body"
End With
Set objMessage = Nothing
Set objConfiguration = Nothing

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CDOSYS: No Email Is Getting Sent

I am trying CDOSYS code to send out email. The problem is when I try to send email to gmail and hotmail account, it never works. Means, no email appears at gmail and hotmail account. But when I send it to yahoo mail, it works.

I run the code at localhost. I use Win XP Pro. I just wonder why this happen.
Can someone explain to me?

Below is the code that Im trying out: ....

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CDOSYS Compatibility

If I code automated email sending functionality for website using CDOSYS it will work only for users with Windows 2000/XP. Is it correct?

Or Windows 2000/XP requirement is only related to the server side software and all my users will not have any problems using other systems on their computers?

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I have an ASP page that uses CDOSYS to send a simple HTML format email with a
PDF attachment. When I open the PDF attached to the email it shows up as a
blank page. I log into the web server console and open the same PDF in the
source directory and it opens fine. I run a binary comparison of the source
and attached files and there's a difference: one byte, x'2E' is missing at
offset x'0231'. If I save the attached file and use a hex editor to insert
the x'2E' the file opens just like the original

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