Do Declare Temp Table, Doing Inner Join In Asp

Anyone has done declaring temp table in ASP code, and then populate the temp table, and then inner join with other table and so on? I encounter some sql error it seems indicate asp can't do such operations..

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Running Query And Storing In Temp Table

I want to do the following but am not able to do it.I have one query which is:

SQL2 = "SELECT * From totalcloser INNER JOIN zipcode ON = order by"

I want to store result of this query in a temp table so that now i can go ahead and compare the results in the temp table with some other table.I know i can do this in Access..but i want to do this by coding (in my program itself) where the query runs and dumps the query results in temp table and then the second query runs and does comparisons and displays the result on screen.Towards the end ,we can flush the contents of the temp table.

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Declare Arraylist Using

may i know how to declare arraylist using asp?

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Declare A Variable

Using Option Explicit necessitates that any variable used has to be
declared (Dimmed) explicitly but it DOESN'T necessitate that the
variable HAS TO BE DECLARED BEFORE the variable is used. For e.g. the
code below, which first uses the variable "str" & then declares it,
works fine:

<% Option Explicit %>
str="Hello World"
Dim str

Why so? If I am not mistaken, usually it's the other way round with
other languages where variables have to be declared before they are

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Aplication Variable Declare

I am calling Server.Execute("2.asp") from "1.asp" and expect to have
application variables declared in "1.asp" available to the script code in
"2.asp", at least this is what the documentations says, but it doesn't work.
I am declaring the variables in "1.asp" as public (VBScript). Does anyone
have an idea if this is supposed to work?

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Declare A String For Combo Box

how do we declare a string for combo box.I know for a textbox it would be

strName = request.Form("txtName") -provided txtName is the name of the textbox.
Lets say name is the name of the combo box...

Do we declare like this ?

strName = request.Form("Name.selectedIndex") ??

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Declare String Variable In Asp

I am calling function of vb dll from asp. How do i declare the arguments to be passed of string datatype. I tried using Dim but its giving me error. I want to explicitly declare three variable as string.

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Temp Db Or Array

I need to be able to view a list of files (could be large number!) on a web page and hv been considering using the filesystemobject just to create an array. However their maybe a large number of files and they may need to be sorted.

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Writing Temp File

I am trying to setup an ASP code to write a text file to the client side, not the server side, for the purpose where it will be email attachment.

The following code seems to only work on the server side and was wondering if there as an equivalent out there for the client side since I am trying to avoid potential interruptions on the server side:

Const TemporaryFolder = 2
Dim myFSO, WriteStuff, myAttachment, tfolder
Set myFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set tfolder = myFSO.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)
if (right(tfolder,1) <> "") then
tfolder = tfolder & ""
end if
myAttachment = tfolder & "test.txt"
Set WriteStuff = myFSO.CreateTextFile(myAttachment, True)

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Declare Smtp Server When Send Email

My question is do ASP need to declare smtp server when send email using CDonts function?

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How To Declare Session Variables And Use In Insert And Update

how to declare session variables and use it in insert and update sql statements... the scenario is I have:

2 html forms

I am able to trap data from the first form into the acces table..but my second form(which is continuation of first form) has a update query....( shld update the same record the one inserted from the 1st form )..both the forms work on table in access db

its an annonymus...questionnaite...therefore i am not trapping any user name or login id...but the requirement is the survey made shld be in no user shld be able to answer the questions twice.

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Delete Temp Data Is Window Closes?

I have data that needs to write to a temp table (there is a lot of data sometimes). Once they are finished, the user approves their input and it goes to a permanent table.

I give them the option of deleting that data by cancelling their request.

The problem I have, just to be on the safe side, what can I do to protect myself if the user closes or perhaps browses away from the page? Is there any sort of an window command whereby I could enable a sort of a kill-like function?

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Deleting A Temp File On Session End From Global.asa

I am trying to write a sub that will delete a spreadsheet file created by the web user. THis is the code I have inserted into the global.asa file, but it is not working.

sub Session_OnEnd
'delete the temporary excel spreadsheet
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFSO = Nothing
end sub

I have made sure that the temp folder has permissions set for the IUSR_machinename account to be able to delete files. I am running IIS 5 on a windows 2000 server.

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Pass Temp Variable To Document.form

I have a dropdown that calls a javascript function onChange. One of the lines in the script is:

tmp = document.form1.familyID.options[document.form1.familyID.selectedIndex].value;

How do I change it to allow familyID to be a variable passed to the function?

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Retriving Rows From Stored Procedure That Uses Temp Tables.

I want to retrieve row from a stored procedure that uses temp table.

Stored procedure works well in SQL Query Analyzer, but if run it from ASP thru Command object, i am getting an error stating that,

Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0E78)
Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.

code used: .....

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.mdb Temp File (ldb) Not Destroyed After Closing Database Conn

I recently installed IIS lockdown, and ever since my ASP pages have been hell. One problem is that now after a user views my ASP page which reads my local Access DB, the temporary file, .ldb, stays in the folder forever!

This temp file is created when a user opens the file, so I checked out the .ldb file and it says the ADMINISTRATOR is opening the file! How can the internet user be using the ADMIN account?! This is not good news! I will share my code for my page; however I have a feeling the code isn't the problem, but a setting is. Code:

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Inner Join

I am trying to create a record set using data from two tables. I am using the following code-
Dim objRS
oracleConnection.CommandType = adCmdText
Set objRS = oracleConnection.Execute

Set oracleConnection = Nothing

While Not objRS.EOF
Response.Write objRS("CONT_FNAME") & " " & objRS("LOGN_USER_EMAIL")

I am getting an error at the line
Set objRS = oracleConnection.Execute
The error is
SQL command not properly ended

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I have three tables in the DB MySQL:

TABLE_V = id, codebar, description
TABLE_C = id, codeplu, description
TABLE_M = id, internalcode, description

In the tables TABLE_V and TABLE_M for each record the descriptions are the same, Is different in the table TABLE_C.

Relations in the tables:


I must query INNER JOIN into three tables to extract CODES and corresponding DESCRIPTIONS, its possible ?

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Inner Join

I can't seem to get the syntax right for an inner join statement, its based on one main table and two linked tables,

From Employee inner join((Department ON Employee.Department_Code=Department.Department_Cod e) Location ON Employee.Location_Code=Location.Location_Code)

or something to that effect. Employee is the main table and Dept,Location contain all dept/location codes+descriptions.I'm sure its pretty simple just can't get it right.

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I have 2 tables I want use join to use their data its working but it will return twice of each record.


strSQL = "SELECT Foods.*,SeFoods.* From Foods INNER JOIN SeFoods ON Foods.food_id = SeFoods.food_id WHERE SeFoods.type = 1 ORDER BY seFoods.sf_id DESC;" .....

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Inner Join

I need to insert simple SQL Queries (joins) in an ASP page.

Select Count (*) from
Fileindexqueue Q,
Domains D,
Files F

My ASP code where queries can be inserted looks somewhat like this:

objRec.Open strSQL, objConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
Response.Write "<P Class=""clsMono"">Files Failed&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp: <b>" & objRec("COUNTOF") & "</b>"
objRec.Close ...

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in this code, Code:

strSql = "SELECT tblClippings.fldClippingID, tblTopics.fldTopicName, tblMessages.fldMessageID, tblMessages.fldMessageTitle, tblMessages.fldMessageCreated, tblPeople.fldPersonDisplayName, tblMessages.fldTopicID FROM tblTopics.fldTopicID INNER JOIN (tblPeople INNER JOIN (tblClippings INNER JOIN tblMessages tblClippings.fldB_MessageID = tblMessages.fldMessageID) ON tblPeople.fldMemberID = tblMessages.fldPersonID) ON tblTopics.fldTopicID = tblMessages.fldTopicID WHERE (tblClippings.fldB_MemberID=" & iPersonID & ")"

after the FROM statement, I am getting confused. It gives error message. I think the problem is just about here,

FROM tblTopics.fldTopicID INNER JOIN (tblPeople INNER JOIN (tblClippings INNER JOIN tblMessages tblClippings.fldB_MessageID =

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I am in the process of creating an ASP application to read a SQL Database. I
have imported the database from an Access Database. The Database holds
Client details, such as Agent Name, Address, Telephone. etc. in a table
called Client Code:

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Inner Join

I have been racking my brain with this and I just can't seem to figure it out. Here is what I am trying to do. I have 3 tables named Registration, Events, and Customer.

I want to produce a page that lists all events and the number of attendees and who is attending each event. I assume that the only way to do this is by using an inner join and I am having a hard time grasping it.

My registration page has three fields
My events page has five fields
and my customer table has three fields that I need to use

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How To Transfer Records From One Table Of A Database To Another Table In Another Data

I have aproblem to transfer a data from table x to table y based on id. Its mean when 2 table have same id all data table x must move to table y. I don't know which command need to use is it insert into or update?

Dim conn
Dim rs

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=prmm;UID=administrator;pwd=sa"


MYSQL = "SELECT * FROM table_x where paymentdate between '" & tarikh1 & "' and '" & tarikh2 & "'" MYSQL,conn ....

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I Cannot Get This Inner Join To Work In Asp

<!--#Include Virtual="/bug/"-->

<title>Bug Status Board</title>

Dim conn
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source = (local); Initial Catalog =
techsupportBT; User Id = sa; Password="
Set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sSQL="SELECT T.BugIndex, T.[Date Entered], T.DESCRIPTION,"
sSQL= ssql &" T.Company, T.Technician, T.Developer, T.PROGRAM, "
sSQL= ssql &" T.Status, T.PRIORITY, T.[Version Fix], n.noc"
n.bugindex "
set rs=conn.Execute(ssql)

and this is the error message that I get Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14)
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'INNER'

I cannot find an example anywhere that helps with this situation. This works fine in SQL, but for some reason asp is being a pain.

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Sql Inner Join Problem

I'm trying to select all the records from a table (usergames) based on the username. I want to then display all the records based on the title of the pin which is my inner join statement. Can I do this or is it easier to just have another sql statement?

sql = "SELECT AS gamecount, searchtable.title FROM usergames INNER JOIN searchtable ON = WHERE usergames.username = '"&username&"' ORDER BY searchtable.title DESC"

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SQL Delete And Inner Join

Basically I'm trying to combine an SQL inner join with a delete statement, like:Code:

var cnn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection');
cnn.Execute('delete * from editors_sections inner join editors on editors_sections.editor_id = editors.editor_id where editor_id='+intEditorId+' and editor.isSectionOne=0 or editor.isSectionTwo=0 or editor.isSectionThree=0');
But it gives me the following error:

Incorrect syntax near '*'.

Can this be done, and if so, can anyone see where I'm going wrong (I'm using JScript if that makes any difference?)

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Mpre Than 1 Join

i was just wondering if it is possible to join more than one table with sql.
I am currently joining the tables care, and images with inner join;Code:

cnnSimple.Execute("SELECT * FROM [care] INNER JOIN [images] ON care.english = images.english WHERE care.english = 'whatever' ")

I have a third table, 'video' that i would also like to join(at video.english) and display on the page.

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Join Insert

How can i insert a data using a join statement

insert into partmaster.p, execmaster.e(e.execno, e.model, e.battqty, p.partno, p.parttype, p.itemtype, p.stacklength, p.line, p.execno)
values('1234567890', 'GBM', '2', '9876543210', 'AR', 'M', '29V', '2', '1234567890')

i have a few input box for the user to enter. but as u can see that both tables has execno. it's for both tables to connect. that's why i want to check on how i can key in one input box insert into execno in two different tables

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SQL JOIN 3 Tables

I've got three tables:

Id (PK) | Event_Name

Id (PK) | Delegate_Name

Id (PK) | Event_Id (FK) | Delegate_Id (FK)

I need to retrieve a recordset with the following information:

Booking Id | Event_Name | Delegate_Name

Can anyone see how to do a SELECT statement to do this?

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Complicated Inner Join??

I have a table in my DB called members. In that table, I have 2 tables I
will be using "username" and "points"

Now, I also have a table called all_matches. This table contains every match
report. Over 25,000 of them. I have a "username" field an "outcome" field an
"username1" field and "extra_match" field.

What I need to do, is make a query that takes the username from table
"members" and find :

using the "username" field in the members table, i need to obtain stats
that give me the following. Code:

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Problem With Sql Join

Tables spec:

drop1 - autonumber
drop2 - autonumber
drop1id in drop2 - number

strsql = "SELECT drop2.drop2id, drop2.drop2, drop2.drop1id"
strsql = strsql & " FROM drop2 INNER JOIN drop1 ON drop1.drop1ID = drop2.drop1id where drop2.drop1id = " & drop1id

error msg:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80040e14'[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'drop2.drop1id='.

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