Dreamweaver Or Studio?

I've tried (during a trial period) Dreamweaver quite extensively for HTML coding. I thought it did a good job of that. I'm just dipping my toes into ASP, and I was wondering if people found it as good for ASP programming as they did for HTML.

I'm seriously thinking about purchasing either Dreamweaver or, may be Studio.

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Dreamweaver Or Visual Studio.net

I have an access database wich contains info on 190 people. Each of them could have up to 50 variables (age, hiring date, salary, status, bonuses, ... etc). Using dreamweaver i was able to connect an .htm file to my Access database (thus converting it to .asp).
The reaseon is that i want to build an Intranet, so everyone here can see all the info organized, make changes quickly etc etc .

what do you recommend? Should i continue using Dreamweaver to do this project or its better to use Visual Studio.net ? what is the main difference beteween asp. and asp.NET .

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Visual Studio .net With ASP

I am fully aware that this is not a .net newsgroup, my question is can Visual Studio.net be used as the development environment for ASP?

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Using Visual Studio

I just graduated from FP to Visual Studio and two things that challenge me are. Say I want to transfer a "project" as I guess you call it, to a remote server from my local host. I have been able to do this but only buy choosing "Copy Project". Then I usually have to sit there while it transfer each and every file, regardless if I just made a change on a page or two? Can I change this? Second, when I want to add a file to the project, I am ok with that, but adding folders confuses me. You seemingly can't "import" folders, but rather have to make the folder first, then import into this. Is this correct. I just extracted a large forum application into my project via c:/inetpub but then had to tediously "add" all the files then the folders and then the files in those folders.

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Visual Studio

I've downloaded both MS Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition and MS Visual Web Developer
2005 Express Edition.

All I want to do is be able to write some code snippets,in ASP (VBScript) and then run
them locally for debugging purposes.I've been going through the docs for both these
programs and I don't know if they can do this?

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Visual Studio .NET

Using either VS.NET 2002 or 2003 I can only get the ASP debugger to connect when my start action is Project (file based). If I change the start action to URL I get an error: Unable to find project on the Web server.

Unable to set server into correct debugging state automatically. You may not be able to debug ASP pages. I once had this working using VS.NET 2002. Is it possible that loading VS.NET 2003 stepped on something?

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Visual Studio

just started creating my WebSite using Visual Studio. I would like to create a site with three different "parts" - one for searching, one with index and hyperlinks and the third one (the main one), which will change according to the chosen subject. No one I've asked so far could help me, but everyone told NOT to ude frames.

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Visual Studio

I know it's a bit like drawing on a cave wall with a charred stick, but I have ASP web applications in production. I use Visual Studio 6 and Windows Server 2000 as a local development platform to maintain and extend them. I was needing to get a new computer, and wondered:

Do newer versions of Visual Studio even handle vbscript and plain old ASP anymore? I am not sure if my old Visual Studio 6 would even install on a newer operating system now available, even if the nine-year-old CD is still readable. Do any ASP development/authoring tools still exist that can be used on new machines?

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Visual Studio .Net With ASP 3.0

Could someone point out some information on connecting Visual Studio.Net to
an existing asp app?

I have one developer who'd like to use the new IDE, but the warning that
pops up when he connects sounds pretty dire. That is, that it will no
longer be usable by previous versions.

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Visual Studio 2003

I get this error, despite doing everything the internet says to fix it:
"Visual Studio .NET has detected that the specified web server is not running ASP.NET version 1.1. you will be unable to run ASP.NET web applications or services."
YES, I have run "aspnet_regiis.exe -i" about 75 times. It doesn't work. I've uninstalled .NET Framework, reinstalled it, rerun aspnet_regiis over and over and over again... nothing works.
I think it might have something to do with bad permissions somewhere, but I looked for over an hour for some magical window that says "Make ASP.NET work" and I'm convinced it doesn't exist.
I'm using Windows XP Professional SP2, IIS v. 5.1, ASP.NET v. 1.1.4322.0, VS.NET 2003 Version 7.1.3088

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Visual Studio And Sessions

The VStudio group does not seem to get much action. I think ASP folks
may be able to answer as well. I have a situation that I cannot understand
why it is happening. I have an ASP app which I am debugging in Visual
Studio.NET. I am trying to duplicate a situation with 2 users. I open a
browser and access my site (local to my machine). I navigate to the page I
am trying to test. I then run the same app from Visual Studio.NET by hitting
the debug/start button.Could this be doing the equivalent of an IISreset, or somehow causing the Session_OnEnd to fire for the *other* browser session? That is what seems to
be happening, but I am having a hard time confirming it. If Visual Studio is
the culprit, so to speak, then my code is working properly, or I need to
prove it does outside of Visual Studio. Otherwise my code is broken and I
have to fix it.

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Does Anyone Have The Beta Of Visual Studio.net?

Apparently, Microsoft quit letting you have a trial copy of this some time ago. If anyone happens to have a copy of the old beta lying around from when they downloaded it, I'd love to get it, if possible.

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Visual Studio .Net Question

Hope this is the appropriate forum to include a .Net question.

Just got Visual Studio .Net and I hve a question. I plan on installing it on my home computer. I do not plan on hosting any applications that I build on my system.

If I choose not to install IIS and the FrontPage extensions on my system, can I still test the Web applications that I build on my system? Or must I upload them to a remote server with IIS and FP extensions in order to test?

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Visual Studio Settings

How do I turn off the feature that adds code to my ASP pages in Visual Studio 6? I using include files and the editor keeps adding


to all of my pages causing them not to display properly in IE or NS. It's a pain going back in and deleting all of the unnecessary code it adds to my pages.

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Installing Visual Studio .Net In My XP-Pro OS

I am interested in installing Visual Studio .Net in my XP-Pro OS. I tried once before and it hosed my IIS installation and could not even run it until I removed VS.NET and re-installing IIS.

Is there anything I need to install in my OS before trying again. I am pretty sure that it has all the OS updates.

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Visual Studio IIS Settings

I have been trying for ages to get IIS running ASP script pages, without success.I don't know if it is a problem with IIS or visual studio I have tinkered with all the obvious stuff. point me to a website or a book which covers initial setup, step by step.

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Maxlength Value, And Also Any Beginner Tut For Visual Studio For .Net Use

In the my Microsoft SQL Database I have text fields limited to say 340 characters. In the actual ASP page is there anyway of limiting the inputted character amount to that number. I know you can do this using maxlength for normal text fields, but this does not work for textarea, is there any ASP code maybe that will do this, or maybe a standard tag, any help would be great.

Also if anyone knows where I can get some basic starter tutorials for Visual Studio, I would be very chuffed, as I have it as part of my development in work, and really want to learn it in my own time, but am starting from basically just opening up the package, but I will be aiming towards .Net usage on the web, so any tips, hints please post.

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Disable Visual Studio Debugger

im writing classic asp code in dreamweaver. i did install visual studio ages ago. about the same time the vs 'just in time' debugger keeps popping up every time theres an error in my code (im using dreamweaver not vs). How can i disable this and go back to having the error display in my browser? Ive gone into vs and disabled the debigger but its still doing it. does anyone know? i dont really want to uninstall vs as i may need it in the future.

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Visual Studio 2005 Backwards

We have classic ASP running (so I'm told) on IIS 6, and I found a vbc executable on the system that says visual basic 7 when I run vbc - help . If I have them install Visual Studio 2005, I am hoping it is backward compatible with our current ASP codebase ?

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Image Editor In Microsoft Visual Studio

I want to put some hot spot in my image in HTML page with (microsoft visual studio), all of menu of image editor is inactive. How I can active them?

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Visual Studio 2002 Default Browser

How do I set the default browser for VS.NET 2002? I tried setting the
default through windows...did not help. My project in VS.NET does NOT have
the "Always use Internet Explorer for debugging" enabled.

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Server Side Jscript Asp Pages Using Visual Studio.net Ide As Editor

I have visual studio.net and i use it to edit my asp pages.

And I use JScript as my server-side script.

On the page property, visual studio.net let me change the server script language to either VBScript or JScript.

I change it to JScript but afte I close the page and reopen it , the property goes back to VBScript.

and all the syntax coloring goes back to how VBScript color them.

where is this kept ? like in a .ini file somewhere ?

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Visual Studio .NET Has Detected That The Specified Web Server Is Not Running ASP.NET Version 1.1. You Will Be Unable To Run ASP.NET Web Applications Or Services.

i've installed vs.NET 2003 on my pc which is runing window 2000 pro with sp4, but when i'm trying to create new ASP.NET Web appication i got this messages "Visual Studio .NET has detected that the specified Web server is not running ASP.NET version 1.1. You will be unable to run ASP.NET Web applications or services."

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Dreamweaver Mx

using dreamweaver mx,i created a 'jump menu' trying to do this below:

<option value="Settings/CT2004S1/setCT2004S1.asp?paper=Common Test 2004 Semester 1" selected>Common

but seem not possible..
<%response.write Request.QueryString("Paper")%>

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Dreamweaver MX

Dreamweaver MX has a behavior called Restrict Access To Page. It is not working for me. I have Access 2000 db set up and working. The registration and login pages work based on the database info. It is only this behavior I can not get to work. My db has a field AccessLevel. There I made sure I had admin entered to match to the Behavior condition. I still do not get access to the page even though the admin is the AccessLevel condition.

Here is the code.....

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ASP - Dreamweaver

I keep my church's website updated. Recently they got someone to do a new design. This guy used asp for all the pages and I know nothing about it. When I try to make updates I try to view the page with DreamweaverMX 2004, but it all comes out funky looking.

The footer is at the top of the page, the text is all on one side. Graphics are just wherever. Believe it or not I can update this, but I frequently have to do pages from scratch and I would like to know what it will look like before I download to the server. Is there some setting I can change on Dreamweaver to make things look right.

Our designer doesn't have a clue. He just says to learn to write code. I can learn the code if I have to but we have other volunteers who aren't as computer savvy.

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Dreamweaver MX Extensions CMS?

I'm just about to embark on building a custom cms with Dreamweaver MX with ASP. I've done something on a very mico level, but i'm gonna go bigger this time.

Something along the lines of Interactive Tools Page Publisher.

Can someone recomend some invaluable (and free) Dreaweaver extensions that can help in this process. Also, if there are any good DWMX tutorials and open source stuff that can help in this process.

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Dreamweaver Login And MD5

I'm using the out of the box Dreamweaver login script (I'm a super noob developer) and I'm interfacing with a database that uses MD5 to protect passwords. I need help modifying the DW code to work with this. Code:

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Dreamweaver Security

I see that Dreamweaver MX has a pre-written ASP login script that you can just drop in, as well as a drop-in for every page to ensure users are logged in before they can view the page.

Can any security-types out there tell me if this is any good? We're setting up one site where the database is above root level, so I'm hoping that the DW system will provide adequate security (since its SOOO easy to use). Will it?

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Connecting With Dreamweaver

Im using dream weaver to connect to my database. I hav e made my connection successfully,
added my recordset succesfully....however when i insert my dynamic text.....

I get this: Code:

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Jscript Dreamweaver

Can someone tell me , how to apply jscript in dreamweaver, as well as the example, because I am trying to run jscript script with an include file ....

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Is Dreamweaver Good?

I've been doing ASP by hand-coding in either Homesite or Interdev for years. I have been using Dreamwever for static sites that I make on the side. I recently was asked to make a form which will store info in an Access database, and thought it would be a good chance to learn how to use Dreamweaver MX's ASP capabilities.

Haven't tried it yet, but reading up on it, it seems that it forces you to use Session variables. I'm not a big fan of session variables, and want to avoid them. Anyone here use DW MX for ASP?

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Frontpage / Dreamweaver FTP

I know that this is not the most appropriate forum for this question, but after the excellent advice i have recieved from some members about various things I figured I would wrack your brains. The situation is this: The webserver in question is settled behind a firewall, and you can only get ftp access if your ip address is on a trusted list. A colleague of mine wants to access it from home but due to the fact that he has a dynamic ip address he is unable to be added to the trusted list.

I assumed that his access would be denied, and sure enough when i configured dreamweaver for the site it did indeed fail to connect. So far this makes sense, but then I discovered that if, when on the website in IE, if he clicks the edit with frontpage button frontpage will open and give him access to the site once he has logged in with the correct username/pass. He really needs to be able to access the site via dreamweaver so im wondering if anyone can explain how FrontPage is able to get access and if this information can be used to get dreamweaver connecting.

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