Dropdown Choice Determines Value In Another Field

I have a field in my add page, "Method of Payment". It is a dropdown box with the choices:

Cash (value =1)
Check (value =2) etc.

Depending on which choice is made, I need a date to fill in the "Date Paid" field in the same table. Here is the code below. I'm getting a syntax error. Any ideas? Code:

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How To Hide Form Field Based On Dropdown Choice

Dropdown has three choices. If the third is chosen, the next field needs to be hidden. is there an ASP version of a show/hide script?

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Editable Dropdown/list Field

I have a page that has a form on it which has a dropdown list on it. It connect to an sql database and populate the list. What I would like to do is make the list editable so that if the data returned doesnt contain what I want, I can type in the data I require which will then be updated to the database when the form is posted. Hope I've made sense, you may be able to tell.

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Blank Field In A Dynamicaly Gernated Dropdown

I have a dynamicaly drop down the problem is that it places a blank in the first position I need for it to only display the values returned Code:

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Problem With Dropdown Menu In Search Field

I have an access db called boards and a table in it called notes. I have 3 fields in the table ID, subject, and notes. I have code to search the db and display the results in the notes field.. This code works very well. I wanted to modify this code so that I can use a dropdown menu instead of type in the search field but i cannot get the dropdown menu code to display the search results. Code:

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Storing A Choice To Use

I have a page which reads the contents from a certain table. The displayed text is followed by a link which is also stored in that table. They can just click the link belonging to a certain newsitem and the page with that news will display. But, for every new item I make a new page. What I want is that the link every time opens the same newspage but with only the selected newsitem. Something like "SELECT description FROM tblNews Where ID= [the ID belonging to the link I pressed on the previous page]"

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Script Language Choice

I see that ASP allows you to specify the scripting language of your
choice - including (if you get the COM object) PERL, REXX and more. That
seems pretty good, I think.

Out of the box, it supports VBScript and JScript.

The question is (and I know that personal preference will come into
this) what would you choose to use out of JScript and VBScript? Does one
actually have more capability than the other?

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Retrieving Choice Of Combo Box

On a webpage I have three comboboxes. The second and the third are dynamically filled dependent from the choice in the first combobox. Each choice in all three boxes consist of a numeric value and a string.

This is done through a javascript and it uses the numeric values of the first box. When submitting the page to an asp script I don't want to post these numeric values but the selected strings. Can this be done?

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Making Dropdown Menu Dependent On Another Dropdown

I have a category that I will call "company". in my access DB, there are about 6 or so companies. On another table, I have a list of locations that are related to these companies.

What I want to do, is have a drop down menu that lists all the companies. When you select the company, the second drop down menu will automatically populate with the locations of the company you selected in the first dropdown.

Anyone know any links to some examples of this? My google searches have been pretty fruitless since Im having a bit of a problem trying to explain it concisely (as you probably noticed).

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LEFT JOIN On A Date Field And A Numerical Field - Using WHERE Clause

I am using a Relational database for my site and i have the following tables:


the fields in FIXTURES are:


(All of the above are numerical fields)

the fields in GAMEDATES are:

GameDate(#Date Field#)

What i have done is in the GAMEDATE field in the FIXTURES table i have used the ID number of the date that i wish to assign to that record - using a LEFT JOIN to display the actual date that is pulled from the GAMEDATES table (That which corresponds to the relevant id used in Fixtures)

The problem is that in some of my code i want to display records using sql and sometimes in the where clause i use the following:

WHERE Fixtures.GameDate<=(Date())

obviously meaning WHERE GAMEDATE is LESS THAN or EQUAL to TODAY.

The thing is when i use the join it does not use the where clause and displays all of the records in the FIXTURES table.

Does any one know how to get around this, i have not received any error messages it just isnt displaying the right data

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Comparing Field Data From Previous Field

Im comparing values in a field while doing a loop if sAct<>myData(5,i) then At the end of the loop I make the value of sAct equal the current myData

This will work when comparing other fields withing my recordset (so I know the statement works) but it will not work for the field I want to compare. The only difference with this field is that it has null values. Could this be the problem? if so, how do I deal with nulls?

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Fill Field Based On Another Field

I have a input form with 5 fields. One of the fields is MajorNo and the other is named Description.

I have a reference table in my MS Access database (tblMajor)that lists the major numbers and their descriptions.

I would like to have the description field in my ASP automatically filled based on the major number entered on the form, so the user will only need to input the major number when submitting to the Access table (tblSalesTotal).

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CSS Dropdown

Does anyone have any code to display a dynamic dropdown menu (similar to Windows Start menu)? There seems to be a browser compatability problem with most that I've seen.

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Get Value From Dropdown

I am trying to get the value of a dropdown box which is populated from a access database.

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
sql="SELECT DISTINCT Company FROM Customers ORDER BY Company"
rs.Open sql,conn



I need to send dthe value of this dropdown to the next page which will response.write the company name. Any ideas on how to do this?

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3rd Dropdown

i had done coding for two dependent dynamic drop down boxes.taking code from http://forums.aspfree.com/t53159/s.html......it is working nice
but now select 2nd box and populate 3rd one.i m very confused how make a changes in code for 3rd one.if any of u
have time i can send my code for urs technicalful advise

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Dropdown Box

I have code to present on this forum, but not with me at the moment. This is what is happening now. On my page there is a drop down box that calls on an onChange javascript function. The drop down box dynamically displays locations depending on the location of the cars.

Therefore...if Toyota Camrys are in Philadelphia and New York, the drop-down box will display: ALL, Philadelphia, and New York. Selecting one will filter out only those in that location.

What i want to do is...change it so...it displays dynamically the locations horizontally...here is an example: PREFERED LOCATION? ALL PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK (all are links to filter out those that do not match the location).
i need to do it to save space and make it more user-friendly.

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Getting Dropdown Value

I know this is supposed to be easy but I can't get this to work. I
have a dropdown that pulls all the Projects (tp_title) available. All
I want to do is get the ID (tp_id) of that record so I can get the
developer assigned to that project (tp_assigned_to). Then, when I get
the developer, I need that to be redirected to a second page. Code:

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ASP Dropdown & XML

I've got an XML file that I use to populate a treeview control and a dropdown box. That works fine, although I now want to be able to sort the list of people in the dropdown list. Someone suggested using an XML template, but I'm a bit of an XML newbie and not sure how to do this. Code:

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Dropdown Box

Lets say you have a dropdown box with few options in it. Several products have such a dropdown box. is there a way to do this following stuff.

I want one of that options in the dropdown box to be 'unique'. When selected, it would dissapear, or it can't be clicked on, on another product's dropdown. 'yes or no' answer would do just fine for now.

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Now that I can store variables from a form listbox into a session variable... say there are 4 options from the dropdown like


and the user selects performance.. I store the string "performance". now how do I place it back into the listbox after the user hits 'submit'? that way the selected values are shown.

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Dropdown Box Value

i have a web page which allows user to update Subject information. There may be several subjects in the dropdown box. However, each person will have a subject allocated to him when he is inserted into the database.

As such, now when i want to update his particulars, in the Subject dropdown box, i would like to set his Subject to the one in the database followed by the rest which he can choose.

Originally, Subject = Literature
in Subject dropdown box, i will see Literature at default but when i click the dropdown box, i will see the other options such as History, Gepgraphy etc. How should i go about doing this?

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Dropdown On Textbox Using ASP

I have seen some techniques like this on the web. Currently, I'm using Combo
box which values came from database table. One disadvantage is when the
combo box have lots of values, users are complaining since you cannot use
keyboard to search the value that is needed.

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Autocomplete In Dropdown

I'm trying to put a drop-down box on an asp, which will containing a list of
names.When a user starts typing a name that is in the list I want the text to
e.g. when the user types 'st' I'd like the text to autocomplete to steve or
stephen, depending on which is first in the list.

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Dropdown List

How to display sql database data to dropdown list in asp?

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Dropdown From The Database

It gives me a blank dropdown when there are values in the Currency Table and
it also does not display any form element that I place after this code.

<select size="1" name="Currency" >
SQL = "Select CurrSymbol FROM Currency "
While NOT RS.EOF%>
<option value="<%=RS("CurrSymbol")%>"><%=RS("CurrSymbol")%></option>

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Dependent Dropdown Box

I have a dropdown box getting data from a database, and I send the data to the database on form submition, But, I need to send another data to another column to the database according with the user dropdown box selecion. Example.

Dropdown option 1: DELL Corp.
Dropdown option 2: IBM Corp.
Dropdown option 3: Avante Systems

If the user select DELL Corp., it will send 'DELL Corp.' to the database but I need it to send dell.jpg to another column too. I have the code to send the data, but the relationship of the boxes is 'the thing'.
A solution almost like bellow is what I am looking for, but instead of, the selection in the first combo should point to another selecion in the second combo (so the second combo will have the dell.jpg value): http://forums.aspfree.com/code-bank...own-137839.html

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Dropdown Retrieval

i now have my dropdown connected to my database. everytime the user adds a new record, he simply has to choose a Department from the dropdown menu. However, when he tries to edit that record, the value that he has chosen from the dropdown and has been saved to the database cannot be retrieved in the dropdown menu.
so i want to retrieve the data from the database INTO THE DROPDOWN so it would be the default value of that dropdown menu when the user edits his specific record.

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Dropdown List

I would like to display 15 items (lines) in the dropdown list, but by
default the list displays only 11 lines. How can I have all the 15 items
displayed in my dropdown list

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Format Dropdown Bot

How would I format this dropdown box to uppercase and where would I place the UCase syntax?

<SELECT name="txtSearchCity" class="form">
Do while not Rs.EOF
<option value="<%=Rs("Addr City")%>"><%=Rs("Addr City")%> </option><%=Rs("Addr City")%>

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DropDown Item

i have two dropdowns(dd1 & dd2) in the same page. dd2 items depends on the item index from dd1.when dd1 is onchange, the form will get the dd1 index value and then do a search in DB for the results to be input into dd2.How can i achieved that?

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ASP Dropdown Option Value

Here is my page:

<form name=myForm>
<select onChange="myForm.forename.value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value="Arnold">Pam
<option value="Mokoena">Joe
<option value="Seth">Pat

<input type=text name=forename disabled>

when inserting on the database,the value of the dropdown option is the same as the value of the textbox which is wrong.they must not have the same values example
when Pan is selected,then the value inserted to the database must be "pam" not Arnold.

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Dropdown To Execute

what If i wanted to have a dropdown that executed a query based off the selection. so i have a dropdown on page and when they make there selection it queries other data with out submit?

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Dynamic Dropdown

I have a table called tblParts. The are 3 fields: PartID, PartNumber and Price. I have a dropdown box on my ASP page that is dynamically populated with PartNumbers from the database.

I have a text field for the price. I want it when the user selects a part number from the dropdown to display the correct price in the textbox for that part. I "DO NOT" want the page to reload.

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