Duplicate Records With A Date Block

I am looking to create a calendar. I am stuck on how duplicate records based in a date parameter. Example

A person is off between 12-01-04 to 12-09-04 . They submitted a form than contains the description. I want the record to duplicate 8 times because of the date paremeter.

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Duplicate Records

My table in the database may contain duplicate records, which means except
the primary key (auto_increment) field is unique, all or almost of all the
fields are with the same content. How can I select them to display and
delete them?

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Duplicate SQL Records Created ?

I am trying to do a simple INSERT into SQL. I've done it tons of times before with the same code, but this time is is placing duplicate entries in the table. Any ideas why this would be happening? Here is my ASP code doing the form processing:

set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
conn.Open "Driver={SQL Server}; Server=SERVERNAME; Database=DATABASENAME; UID=USER; PWD=PASSWORD"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

strTitle = Replace(request.Form("title"), "'", "&#39")
strContent = Replace(request.Form("txtContent"), "'", "&#39")

strSQL = "INSERT INTO [webPages] ([created], [section], [title], [content]) Values ('" & now() & "','" & request.Form("section") & "','" & strTitle & "','" & strContent & "')"
rs.Open strSQL, conn, 3

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How To Handle Duplicate Records With ASP

I'm connecting to an MS Access database using ASP. Within my database I have duplicate records (more specifically records with the same serial no.). When I search by the serial number only the first record is displayed. I would like to display all records containing the given serial no.

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How Can I Get Duplicate Records Through Sql Query

how can i get duplicate records through a sql query i am using MS Access database.

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Show Duplicate Records

A table exists that is built like this:

CREATE TABLE tb_test (name varchar(50))

The table is full of records; many are duplicates.

What would be the correct syntax to show ONLY those records appearing more than once?

A. Please do not use Stored Procedures
B. Please do not use User Defined Functions
C. Please do not use Variables
D. Please do not use Temporary Tables
E. Please do not use Views

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Hide Duplicate Records

i want to hide duplicate record fields in an asp form, i have access database, e.g, i have a field schoolname, and studentname, 1 school have many students, so i want to print or display schoolname only once.

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Check For Duplicate Records In MS Access

I made an asp that I insert records in an MS Access Database. I do insert them allright. But I want to check before inserting if this customer already exists. I try to do that by checking lastname and name (p_eponimo and p_onoma) but seems not to work ....

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Is There An Easy Way To Prevent Duplicate Records Being Added To A Access DB

I am adding simple records to a fairly simple access database with the following code

rsEntry.Fields("Player1") = ShortName(Player1)
rsEntry.Fields("Player2") = ShortName(Player2)

'Write the updated recordset to the database
Set rsEntry = Nothing
Set adoCon = Nothing

How can I SIMPLY :-) prevent duplicate records from being added? I know I can set the index property on the fields but that mean handling the errors - not sure how to do this.
OR I could write the code to seach the DB before update - which may be the only way :-(

Is there a simple way?

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ASP Date: Get Records With Date = Today (SQL Server)

I'm trying to get all records from my SQL Server Database with
"DeadlineDate" = today (not today - 24 hours).

All records has a field called "DeadlineDate", and the date is stored in
this field like this: 13.08.2005 07:00:00

I dont care about the hours (Ex: 07:00:00), just the date (ex: 13.08.2005).
This is the SQL I have made, it gets all the record with the date = today -
24 hours... but that is not what I want.

sql = "select title from tblProject where (deadlineDate BETWEEN DATEADD(d, -

How can I get just the records that has the date = today's date??

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Get Records With A Date

I am trying to get only the records that have a date entered. my select statment;

strQ ="SELECT Inquiries.CustomerID AS CustomerID, Inquiries.CustomerFName AS CustFName, Inquiries.CustomerLName AS CustLName, Inquiries.CustomerSSN AS CustSSN, Inquiries.CustomerDriverLicense AS CustDrLic, Inquiries.KnownWaterCo AS KnownWaterCo, Inquiries.ShutOffDate AS ShutOFF FROM Inquiries WHERE ((Inquiries.InquiringWaterCo='"&WaterCo&"') AND (Inquiries.Shutoff<>'' ));"

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Displaying Records By Date From To

I want to be able to display records inputed from Monday at 12:00am to Sunday at 5 pm. Every week.

So far, I can display records for the last 7 days, but How can I be more specific?

Any Ideas??

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Fetch Records Within Due Date

I need to run a query to get records with date within 30 days from current date.What I used to do with SQL server 2000 was the following:

Date30More = Date+30
MPQry = "SELECT * FROM SOP_T where Rev_Date < '" & Date30More

This stops working with Oracle because Rev_Date in Oracle is in the format of "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MM:SS PM". Therefore, I received an error message as the following:
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

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Delete Records Using A Date Field

I've got a table with three fields:

ref (Autonumber)
notice (memo)
expdt (Date)

I'm trying to use an SQL statement to delete all records where expdt < the current date (Now). Here is the code I'm using:

If Request.Querystring("act") = "clean" Then

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open ConnStr

strExpdt = cdate(Now())

sql = "DELETE FROM tblNboard WHERE expdt < " & Now()

conn.Execute sql

set conn = nothing

strResponse = "All expired notices have successfully been deleted."

End If

However, this just gives me the following error:

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'expdt < 11/12/2003 19:54:25'.

What am I doing wrong??

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Selecting Records Where Date Between Two Dates

I'm trying to display all the jobs that occur during a selected month/s. Here is the code I use: Code:

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Sort Records By Short Date,

I like to pull the top 5 record that are closest to the current date but the date field can not be empty, see some records do not get assigned an expire date and others do. I want to show the closest expiring records.

objconn.commandtext = "SELECT TOP 5 * FROM merchants ORDER BY Expires"

What do I need to add to exclude the emtpy expires field records.

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Query All Records After Today's Date

I've got an access database with a field containing dates (each saturday of the year), set up as a date field. In my code i need to write the SQL to select all records that have a date after todays date.

I've got the rest of the code but it's the where clause i'm stuck on. Something like, WHERE mydatefield is after (could i use >?) currentdate. Not really sure how ot go about doing this... I'm using ASP, is there a way the SQL can get the current date, or would i need to generate it and store as a variable first? Also, don't know what type of quotes i would need to use " or ' or + etc.

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Can't Display Today's Date Records With = Now()

I'm trying to display only those records from the events table with today's date in the event_date field. I thought it would be easy to do with

"SELECT * FROM events where event_date = now() order by event_date asc"

But that returns nothing at all. why it won't work?

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Delete ALL Records Before Current Date

how can you delete every single record in a table from the access DB with a DATE column, which stores the date in format DD/MM/YYYY? Code:

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Display Records Based On Last_modified Date

I have an access product inventory DB which has a Last_modified field associated with each product. I need an ASP function that will display all records that have been added within the previous week. Aka, SELECT * FROM TBLINVENTORY WHERE .....

The format of the date and time stored is like this: 18/02/2004 6:15:55 PM ...

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Can You Block A URL?

I need to block a URL from printing at the bottom of the page from a
website. Is there any code that can do that? I know I can make it
into a PDF on the fly and that will elminate alot of hassle, but is
there any easier way?

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For Each Block

I am tryong to iterate within a folder collection and am having problems getting to the next iteration when my if statement proves true:
For Each folder in foldercollection

if instr(lcase(folder.name),"_vti") = 0 then
else if instr(lcase(folder.name),"_vti") = -1 then
util.AddScopeToQuery Q, sPath & "/" & folder.name , "SHALLOW"
AddSubsToQuery Q, sPath & "/" & folder.name
end if

I get an error stating unexpedted next, but am not sure how to jump to the next item.

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Block Of ASP

I have a block of ASP code (enclosed in <% .. %>).
How can I call that piece of code from another piece of similar code?
And can the code be in any order on the page for it to work?

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How To Block The Keyboard

i want to disable the keybord because i am making a quiz test engin. when the user
gets to the test page he will be only using the mouse and will not need the keyboard
at all.

i have a code copied from somewhere and it uses vb code. i need to know if its
possible to do that in asp using vbscript or javascript?

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Block MM_editAction

The first IF statement and redirect is what I need. It's the Else statement:

If Len(Request.Form(NAME_OF_CAPTCHA_TEXTBOX)) > 0 Then
If UCase(Request.Form(NAME_OF_CAPTCHA_TEXTBOX)) = UCase(Session("CAPTCHA")) Then
Don't allow the form to upload to the db & m_sUserResult = "You typed " & Request.Form(NAME_OF_CAPTCHA_TEXTBOX) & " which was incorrect!"
End If
End If

I can not figure out how to block the MM_editAction (form upload) if the first "if" statement is false.

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How To Block Email Addresses

I want to block certain email addresses like,(See the MailTo Section, I don't want the Sandra email address), through my online forms. I've been receiving spam from people using the forms. My code below is ASP. The code basically sends the form data to 3 email addresses and send the visitor who filled out the form an HTML style email message as confirmation. I added an IF THEN statement (Look at the MAIL TO) for the unwanted email address thinking it would do the trick but it doesn't block or send the email to the unwanted email address. Here's the beginning of my code. Any help would be greatly appreciated. NOTE: I replaced the wanted email addresses with phony names because they are private.

If request.form("Email")="" then
response.write "<p><br><center><font face='arial' size=3>"
response.write "<b>Please don't forget to enter your"
response.write " Email address!</b></font>"
response.write "<form>"
response.write "<input type=""button"" value=""Return to Form"""
response.write " onclick=history.go(-1)></form>"

Else ........

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Need To Block Access To A Page...

I am designing an app with multiple users. User 1 logs in and navigates to a Page 1 where a page template is modified. When modifications are over User 1 saves the page and logs out of the system.

I need to block access to every other user to Page 1 until User 1 "releases" the page.
At the moment I am using a field on my Access DB called locked that I set when any user enters Page 1, and upon saving locked field is cleared... Is there a more efficient way to do this?

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Block Or Redirect An IP Address

Can I do this if I know the person's IP address?

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Vb Script Block Execute

I have a asp page and keep submit to itself and I use a hidden field to
track the step. But I found in each step, sometime the block is being
executed twiece. How to debug this and fix?

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Block Closing The Window

if i run my project IE will open and output willl be shown. my need is u can able to see three butons(minimize,maximize,close) in yhe right corner of the IE window, me need is that should not be appear so only screen will be displayed.why i need this requirement is user cannot close teh window using any method, one method is this pressing this close button, i need to block this

my second need is if try to use alt+f4 to close the window i shouldn't close for ten minutes,after ten minutes he can use alt+ f4 to close so please give me coding for this also

third way is if he tries to use windows+d or windows+m or alt+tab it should not work,i need to block this way also

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Block Access To Website

is there any way to block access website to particular country internet users.

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i am looking for to block INTERNET EXPLORER to doing its activity.how can i stop IE not to use back button OR like this way if someone want to go back from the certain page. can we show the any other IE generated messages.like page cannot be displayed etc

my basic requirement is not let the user to see his last page which he had submitted
can it be done?

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Block User From Login

i've developed a application in asp i want to restrict the user to login more than one at the same time i mean if user is already login then if he try to login on another window at the same time the message should b displayed u r already login.

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