Dynamic Drop Down To Database

I have this code which works fine except the information in the second box is not submitted to the database. Code:

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Dynamic Drop Down Box

i have two drop down boxes: student id and student name on a web form.

a database (ms access) has the student id and student name fields in a table.

the drop down boxes should get their values from the table's fields respectively.

i am ok with that (using asp) but my requirement is as follows:

once i select a studentid from textbox1 then automatically the textbox2 should be selected with the corresponding student name.

how can i do this using asp? or can javascript do the job too?

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Dynamic Drop Down List!

I have a form I'm building in Dreamweaver. On my form I have a drop down list that is populated by a table in my Access Database. I won't to add a second drop down list but have the contents of it vary by what I select in my first drop down list. Let me explain further. Lets say I have a database of Movies. And The name of the movies are in a table and that table is used to populate my first drop down list. Now I have another table that has the actors in the movies. I have a junction table to make them relate in my database.....now how can I select a movie in the first drop down list...and the actors from that movie popluate the second drop down list?

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Dynamic Drop Down Menu

I want to create two drop down menu. one is for the Main Category and second is for Sub Category. Both value should be come from the database.

when i choose the Main cat. say business then it should load sub cat of business in second drop down menu but is should be done without refreshing the page.

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Dynamic Drop Down List

I hope this is the right group. I am very new to ASP so this is
probably a stupid question. I have some vbscript that query's AD and
populates a recordset. I know the recorset contains the information I
want by doing a Response.write. I am having problems dynamically
creating a drop down list from the data in the recordset. The drop down
is created but it is empty. Code:

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Dynamic Drop Down List

I need advice how to reduce the size of my drop down list which is created dynamically using a field from my database. If you visit this link you'll see as the box is too long it's knocked out the whole look of the page. Other than shortening the names of the businesses, is there anything else I can do?
My concern is that next year sometime after this site has gone live, it will be maintained with a content manager by people with no IT expertise.

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Dynamic Drop Down List

i want to retrieve the value from Mircrosoft Access database into the drop down list..it works.. so its dynamically..

but the problem is.. how could i redirect from the dynamic drop down list to other page.actually this page mostly like a search page.

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Dynamic Drop Downs

I have two drop downs. Both dropdowns are dynamic and data is send from a db for both,

Depending on what is selected in the first drop down i want to populate the second drop down. I know and have done this using XMLHTTPScripts but as this is for a website i dont want to go down this route.

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Dynamic Drop Down List

I have an form/application that requires several pages of steps to be completed. On page4 (income school info) I have a dynamic drop down list that builds itself from the database based on member names that the person has entered on the previous pages. When the person filling out the form gets to the end they have the chance to edit their data if something is wrong on page5a.

When they click on the edit icon the member name is passed back to page4 in the querystring. Based on what the member name is in the querystring, I want the dynamically built drop down list to select whatever name is in the querystring. Code:

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Dynamic Drop Down Lists

I have to populate a drop down list from the database depending on the values of another drop down list. And the thing is it should also be able to add more dynamic dropdown lists to it.

Basically is a survey result page for which the one trying to look at the survey has to figure out different criteriaz.

Suppose he's looking for a group of people who are interested in buyin a stuff and then he wants to find if their age is above or below 50 and then further he decides to see if they are employed or not...

I did try a couple of things such as populating a dropdown list in a new page depending on the values passed on by previous one... but was hoping to find a better solution as the one i m workin is tooo complex and tooo complicated.

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Validation For Dynamic Drop Down?

This will display all records in PropSec table order by SecSort column which has values like '01', '02', '03', '04' and etc.

The reason for this is that i want to sort the records according to the SecSort, '01' first followed by '02' and so on. There musn't be a same value in the drop down box. The no. of records can increase, & not necessary fix to 3 records only.

MS Access db design :
Secsort = text(2)
Title = text(20)

Expected Outcome:

I would want to check to see that the user does not select the same value twice, i.e to prompt out an error message if it does. I am really confused as how to do a dynamic checking when there is no specific field name to check against.

The checking can be done in the secsort.asp or secsort_rs.asp. As long as it can detect the same values & prompt error msg, i am very happy.....

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Dynamic Drop Down List

I have a web tool written in ASP. One of the feature is dynamic drop down list which updates a drop down list as another drop down list is changed.I uses javascript to reload the same page to update the drop down list.Everything works fine on the webpage using desktop/laptop.

However, it doesn't work on my mobile device(i.e. one drop down list doesn't get updated as another drop down is changed)how to make it works on mobile device? Should I integrate ASP with another technology,. WAP maybe?

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Dynamic Drop Down W/ No Refresh?

I have a dynamic drop down being populated by a db and then the second drop down is populated depending on what was selected in the first. When it does this though the page refreshes. Is there a way to do this without a page refresh?

I dont think using javascript and arrays is an option cause I am doing this with states and cities and there are about 75,000 records in the db that it is lookin through. Code:

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Dynamic Drop Down Lists

Does anyway know the best way (preferably usinge ASP and avoiding the use of Arrays) how to achieve the following:

I have an ASP page. In it, I have a FORM that contains 2 Radio Buttons and a Drop Down List. I need to have the values of the Drop Down List change depending on which Radio Button is selected by the User.

(I thought that maybe some sort of code acting on the OnChange action for the Radio Buttons might work??).

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Multiple Dynamic Drop Downs

Im getting the functionality of it down first, thats what It looks a little bland. Anyway, the basic idea is that im trying to have a person select a department which brings up a list of class numbers, which brings up a table of tutoring times. Ive just started using ASP a week ago, so don't tear me apart too much. Code:

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Two Linked Dynamic Drop Downs

I want to make a form where m using two drop down menus.

Where in based on selection in first drop down the second drop down should populate itself with relevant data based on first drop down. Like first can be COUNTRY name and second can be STATE name where based oon country selected the STATES are displayed in second drop down for selection.

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Dynamic Drop Down List Problem

I have an asp application which I made "Multilanguage". I made an asp file
for every language with all the strings to be used stored like this:

Langstring1 = "French"
Langstring20 = "VTest"

In the beginning of an asp file I determine which language file to include.
In my database there are only numbers. I can now display the right text in
the right language using respons.write: Response.write(Langstring20)

Now I want to use a dropdown box displaying a text as selected based on a
relation between the number in my database and my language files. When I
have number 20 in a database, the value of the option should be 20 and the
text displayed should be 'VTest' for this is Langstring20. Problem is that
the option value seems to be correct with what I do, but the text displayed
in the box is not correct. How can I solve this? Code:

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Multiple Dynamic Drop Down Boxes

I have a form with 2 drop down menus. the first is populated via a database query and the second gets populated based on the selection made in the first box. (Category/Sub Category)

I am having a difficult time keeping the initial item selected after the page reloads. I thought that this statement would work: Code:

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Dynamic Drop Downs And Page Variables

i have a website that uses (or needs to use) dynamically driven dropdowns using asp & JS on all pages. it contains 3 different dropdowns that are DB fed and are dependent upon the value of each other. the drop down values are updated using a repost to itself.

they work perfectly on the initial pages where no other variables are involved, but i am having troubles on the pages where more variables are being sent. eg: i have use a lot of error checking, and when i repost, the variables are deleted, and thus the error listings take effect as the variables are now blank. can i refresh the dropdowns without repossting to the samepage without effecting the existing variables on that page? sessions? cookies?

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Multiple Drop Down Boxes Querying A Database

This is the solution needed to have Multiple Drop Down Boxes querying a Database(s) that will not wash out you other textboxes and objects on the select. Copy the code, change the connection to get you data and fly. Code:

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Drop Down Menu Auto Genrate From Database

I need to create a drop down list that will auto Generate numbers from 1-60.
So when they select the drop down list, it will display 1 thought to 60.

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Drop Down Selection On Intranet Sets Default Value In Database

I'm working on a project, trying to create an HR hiring intranet page. Basically, here is problem. I have a table in a database called "Title Access" that lists titles, and has software, email, and user rights associated with each title. For example, Network Administrator will get Office, Dreamweaver, be part of the IT and Admin groups.

Now, here is the issue: Whenever the user types in the name, pay rate, hire date, and title on the intranet page then clicks "submit", I want the database to create a new user in the "employee" table with that name, and populate the access rights in that table with the rights associated with the title. Thus, the "employee" table will now include "John Doe", and will have Office, Dreamweaver, IT, Admin checked off. Is there any way to do this????????????

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Dynamic Checkbox With Database

i have list of items as a list.Now user can select any item in that list. Now what i do is create checkboxes to enable user to check the item which has to be selected.

1. Checkboxes are dynamic.

2. I create checkboxes with one name assign value = Itemcode value so that when form is submitted i can get the itemcode value as a comma seperated list and which would be easy for me to put it in a database query.

3. the part i have problem is i have to display those checkboxes ticked back to user , ie after form submit i have to make the checkbox which are previously checked, to be in checked state.


assume this is an arrray i am getting from form element.what is the easiest and efficient method so that i can make those checkbox checked again.

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Update Dynamic Asp Forms To Sql Database

I have created a form dynamically which displays questions and a selection of possible answers. These questions can come in many forms ie radio buttons, select box etc this is controlled by the entry in the database. My problem is how to update the database with the results entered. I am confused as they all have the same name for question and selection and there can be up to 10 questions. Code:

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Dynamic Display Of Database Records

I am rewriting from scratch some code done by previous programmer on a glossary for our website. I have a database with three fields, ID, Term, Definition and a table called glossary. I need to be able to display everything to the *same* ASP page.

I have already successfully created the db connection and the records display according to the SQL statement, i.e. where Term like 'a%'.

What I would like to do is to display each letter of the alphabet dynamically from the Term field as a hyperlink that will display the terms beginning with that letter, i.e.

A B C D .... Z

The terms would be displayed as hyperlinks and when clicked will display that term and the definition. If A were clicked: Code:

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I-frame And Dynamic Data Via Database

I am having some problems with setting this up. Included in my main index.asp page is an iframe like below:

<iframe src="iframes/iframe.asp" width="425" height="225" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"></iframe>

Basically I want the text in the iframe to change depending on the pid value. (pageID), I have all this set-up previously in my functions page. Except the only way I can see any action is by running the iframe directly and passing the querystring like iframe/iframe.asp?pid=4 and this works fine, but in my main window index.asp it does not change.

I have an idea that when i type index.asp?pid=3 its trying to get the querystringbased on the index.asp not the iframe.asp, so does anyone know how I connect these two up so that my content will change in the iframe held within the index.asp page.

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Dynamic File Upload W/ Access Database

I have two forms, the first of which has a dropdown with which the user specifes how many banner ads he wishes to upload for a client. So say he enters the client info and wants to upload 5 banners. The form passes to another page which uses a loop to output form fields. Each form field name is something like name="msg<%= count%>" or name="url<%=count%>".

In the 3rd-Party script I am using I then have this script ....

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Dynamic Table Genrated From Satatic Database

I have a dynamic table, with a column named "player" in this column is NBA player names - generated from a statistic database.

I am hoping to be able to create a link on the players name that will direct the webuser to a profile page like the following: Code:

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Building Dynamic Strings From Database Values

We use an ASP application in which we send out emails using cdo for various

At present the email text is hard coded into the code. for example

strMessage = "Dear " & rs("firstname")
strMessage = strMessage & "Your request has been approved with reference id
" & rs("id")

This causes an administration overhead as everytime the text of the message
needs to be changed we need to alter the code to incorporate text or
database values.

What we want is to store the message text into a table so it can be altered
by the application administrators through GUI by adding the text through
freetext entry and field names though a dropdown. Code:

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Dynamic Link Breaks When Database Gets Too Large

I have an asp page that returns a table from my database. Only about 6 columns from the table are shown on this page. I have the ID column set up as a dynamic link to a 'details' page, so a user can view the rest of the record data.

My database has been growing rapidly, and now when the page is run i get the error "page cannot be displayed".

I believe this is due to how large my database table is because if i delete records the page works fine, as it did when the system was first running. Right now there are 4600 rows in the database and will be growing.

How do I fix this problem, I cannot get rid of any records.

Oh yea, and if i delete the line of code that contains the link, the page works fine and shows the entire table.

Here is the code for the link:
<A HREF="details.asp?<%= "JOB_NO=" & rsResults.Fields.Item("JOB_NO").Value %>"><%=(rsResults.Fields.Item("JOB_NO").Value)%></A>

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Inserting Dynamic Text Box Data Into A Database

Does anyone know how I can insert daynamic text box data into a SQL Server database? I have text boxes that are being generated dynamically and I want each of those values inserted into the database that hold the results. I'm not sure how to write my loop statement.

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Create Dynamic Hyperlink From Database Field

I would like to create a page of hyperlinks that are constructed from the contents of a database field. When the user clicks the link they are taken to a page that will display all fields from that particular record.

I already have the page structures in place. There are two pages, one with the links and the other to display the record. Code:

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Display Drop Down Options Based On The Selected Item From Another Drop Down

The code that I have has 2 drop down boxes dd1 (visible) and dd2 (hidden). Based on the option selected in dd1, dd2 should be visible and populate options. I think I can have OnChange script but how could I return the value and put it in the SQL query (see variable in red in thecode)? Code:

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