Dynamic Image Checking/Rendering

I'm trying to use a database field value to show an image...

If image exists then
show it
show default image

..even though the image is on the server, the default image shows......

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Rendering A Webpage

I want to write a simple ASP.NET page that displays outlook web acces in an iframe element and I want to construct the source attrbute of the iframe dynamically in the page_load event. Is there any way to reference an iframe element in the code behind page?
Can I do something like: this.frame.src

= "http://server/exchange/" ?

Are there other possibilities to display the content of OWA within an ASP page?

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Font Rendering Component

We are currently running IIS 6 on Windows Server 2003.
I am looking for a font rendering component. It should take a typeface
(Truetype) and print out the supplied text as a .GIF or .JPG
It should work with traditional .ASP or .NET.
I have looked at ServerObjects, Inc.

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Dynamic # Of Asp:Image Tags?

I have the following code:

while (sqlDR.Read())
lblImages.Text += "<a href="" + strCMSImageDir + sqlDR["picture_url"].ToString() + "">" +
"<img src="" + strCMSImageDir + sqlDR["picture_thumbnail_url"] + "" /></a>";
Which generates the following HTML:


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Dynamic Upload Image

I have a database with Image paths for a field (fldImagePath) How can I make an ASP script where if it CANNOT FIND the image at the specified path, that it uses a default image instead ("which will be a product image not available" image)
Do I have to use Error trapping?

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Dynamic ASP Image Slideshow

I have a slideshow tied into a website that as currently programmed works like this. When the page loads I make a connection to an Access database that has a table of images with fields for various aspects of each image, eg. title, file name, dimension, etc.

With the connection I create a recordset using the getrows() function. I then loop through the recordset but with a twist so to speak. When the images are displayed on the page I want them always to appear in a random order. You'll see how I've achieved this in my code below.

Right now I have this system working perfectly on my website - See Example. Here is what I would love to see happen. On the page where you see the 8 thumbnails I'd love to have a nice little navigation up there, something like "<< Gallery Navigation >>" The >> links would move to the next (or previous) set of 8 images.

I know this may be asking a lot for help on this but if someone is feeling generous it sure would be appreciated. Would I need two pages to pull this off? Would I need a session variable holding the recordset and some type of marker telling me where I am as I go page to page? Here is My code:

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Dynamic Image Creation

Can ASP VB create dynamic images of text? (ie. an image of a line of text)
If so does anyone have any examples I could take a look at please.

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Dynamic Image Loading

i have an image on my page and on some user interaction i change the image but i cant reload it on the page since the image is already cached on client it shows the old image but if the user refresh the page he will get the updated image or if the user delete the cahed image from temp folder he will get the new image.

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Rendering HTML Documents As Images

I'd like to take a HTML document as input (preferably a HTTP URL to a HTML / PHP document), render the page as a web browser would, and display the output as a graphic - kinda similar to what the <object> tag can do in HTML (i.e. within the Windows Explorer Web View, you could "Preview" HTML documents like a graphic etc.)

It doesnt matter too much whether the rendering needs to be done in VB.net or ASP.net - although I'd prefer ASP.net!! To be honest, the only method I can think of for doing this is to open the page in an IE window using vb.net, take a sceenshot and resize! But as the request could be run as and when,

I think that it'd add a large workload to the server if it has to launch a (reasonably large) .exe every time!! Plus that method would also rely on no other windows appearing on top of the preview window before the screenshot is taken!!

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Problem Outputting Dynamic Image

I have a script which stores an image to the server whilst at the same time stores the filename for the image in a database. I am now trying to output the image file contained on the server using the filename contained in the database.

Whilst I can retrieve the filename from the database and also obtain the correct filepath of the image, the image itself doesn't display on the screen!

Response.Write("Path to file: " & pathToFile & "<br><br>")
Response.Write("<img src=""" & pathToFile & """>")

pathToFile contains full path and filename of the image.

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Unable To Get Dynamic Image To Display

Hi, I am trying to output an image using a filename from a database.

My code:

Response.Write("<img src='uploaded/" & bannerRecordSet("Banner_Image_File") & "'>")

Response.Write("<img src='uploaded/homepage1.jpg'>")

The first example works but doesn't display the image
The second example works and always displays the image

I don't know what is wrong with my code as the images are definitely on the server.

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Dynamic Calendar, Need To Create Dynamic Array....

I code that creates a calendar for each month and then it displays events from that month that are stored in a db. I need to loop through my recordset and display all the events, but I can't quite figure out how to do it. I am thinking I need to do an array. But I am not really sure.... any ideas. Here is where you can view the calendar. Code:

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Display An Image From Access, Stored As Location Name Not Actual Image.

I have a client who has had a ASP site with an Access database for several years. It stores information for the used cars on his lot. I have stored text in the database that points to the location of the image for each record. Each record will have a thumb image that is supposed to display in a list of vehicles available then the user can select an item from this list and a new page displays with the information and the regular size image. So far everything has worked fine exept for the display of the images which are stored in a separate directory called veh-photos. All I get are image place holders. I am using Dreamweaver 2004 and and Access 2000 for the database.

Following is the code to list vehicles: ....

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Open Image In 'Kodak Image Edit Control' With Web Browser

1.I want to show a image file of type '.tif' in the browser window; for that I'm writting as ASP code page.

2.This '.tif' type image can be shown better with 'Kodak Image Control'.

3.To have this 'Kodak Image Control' on my code page I just add it's ..ocx to tool box and then drag it from 'Toolbox' to the page.

4.Now after dropping this control to the code it's type is getting changed to 'object' instead of type 'ImgEdit'(and I think this is the
reason I don't get correct result).

5.On one button's 'Onclick' event I'm calling a javascript function with which I'm setting a 'Path'and'Display' property of a control.

6.And want to show a image at location -- '..MFTDRCMF919685173-62.tif' which get shown in new browser window but could not get shown in that particular control. That means the path is correct, then what is the problem?

For better understanding of problem I'm pasting a following code which I've tried up till now......
<%@ Language=VBScript %>

<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
function showpic()
var path;
path = document.frmtif.path.value;
document.frmtif.ImgEdit1.Image =path;


<BODY bgColor=#ffe4e1>
<form name="frmtif">
The Image
<OBJECT id=ImgEdit1 style="WIDTH: 409px; HEIGHT: 218px" type="ImgEdit"
border=1 classid=clsid:6D940280-9F11-11CE-83FD-02608C3EC08A

<input type="hidden" name="path"
<input type="button" name="show" value="Show" onclick="showpic();">



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Displaying Alternate Image When Image Source Not Found

I am creating a dynamic ASP VBScript page, which gets data from an Access database.

In the database, there is a field which holds a URL to an image. I can get the image to display fine, but where there is no file that matches the URL (i.e. a missing image) I want to display an alternative, default image (e.g. one that says "Awaiting Image"). The field is never blank, but the image file may not exist for all records in the database.

I think what I am trying to get to is the following:

If file exists (using URL from database to get location of image file) then
display image using the url from the database as the image source
display default image - hardcoded in program

I have had a go and come up with the attached but I get an error with my if statement...

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Image From Image Folder Into Byte Array?

I can convert an image that is retrieved from a FileUpload object into a byte array and insert it into the database..

When the user signs-up i wish tosimply insert into the Picture (DB Type = Image) field to an image i already have saved in my images folder?

Anyone know of a way to do this? Tutorials, articles or advise??!

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Show Image From SQL Image Field?

Here is my code. I'm using 2 pages.

(Page 1) blob.asp

set Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_blob_STRING
Recordset1.Source = "SELECT AboutPic FROM Elizabeth.GF_AboutUs"
Recordset1.CursorType = 0
Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2
Recordset1.LockType = 3
Recordset1_numRows = 0
Response.contentType = "image/jpg" 'Recordset1.Fields("AboutPic") <---Tried
both methods
size = Recordset1.Fields("AboutPic").ActualSize
blob = Recordset1.Fields("AboutPic").GetChunk(size)

(Page 2 Show the Image)

Dim urlString
urlString = "?" & Request.QueryString

<% Another rs to show other information as text from the same table %>

<img src="blob.asp<%=urlString%>" width="194" height="256">

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Upload New Image Get Path Of Old Image

I'm working on a project where I'm suppose to upload a image to a server. The uploading works fine but when I want to change the image I uploaded to another image I can't get the filepath of the old image to show in my "filefiled"....is it possible to set a "value" where I can retrieve a filepath in a form if the input type is "file"?

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Checking For Value

I have this table that has two columns Department and RecId. what I am doing is I need to give access to different people in different departments. So if I am in billing I say billing 76 which is my rec id and than if I also need acess to accounting I say Accounting 76.

So now in my asp page I open this records set to check and see who has access to what departments and give them the access Code:

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Checking Value

I want to check whether the value in recordset is "=> 3 ".
I try "If rs => '3' then...".
But it doesn't seems working. Can I can't check the condition by using the recordset like how i written above?
Or do I need get the value in recordset and assign to a variable in order to check the condition. Please advice.
Let say my rs now stores a value of "2". Can I check with the following code.

set rs = server.createobject("...")
rs.open "Select...", objconn


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Checking On And Off

I want to do some error checking using on resume next to determine whether to commit an ADO transaction. However we have a custom 500 error page which we use through out the rest of the site. Can I remove the on error resume next after I have rolled back the transaction and raise a normal error.

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Checking For Www.

I'm trying to qualify email addresses. Is there any reason why the following line would not catch an email address beginning with "www." ?

ElseIf Left(Session("em"),4) = "www." Then

I put in a dummy email address: www.mydomain@aol.com and it goes through....
<%=Left(Session("em"),4)%> does reflect "www."

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ASP & Checking AD

Is it possible to have an ASP page which checks if a user is in a certain group in Active Directory (AD). For example jbloggs is logged in and belongs to the group "project_allowed". When jbloggs goes to project.asp it will allow him access
However when jsmith is logged in and belongs to no groups and tries to access project.asp it will deny him access.

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Dynamic Dynamic Text

Ok, I have a Javascript ASP and in it I have a dynamic repeating table with certain attributes to people. If one of these attributes is old or invalid, i want to change the color of the text (and maybe make it flash, blink, change size, something) so that it's easy to read.

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Form Checking With Reg Exp

The script is designed as a form validator which checks fields for various criteria and then sends a mail with the form contents. Since 40 different forms will be plugged into this script, there needed to be complete seperation between the two.

I've managed it so far by checking for required fields by putting the word 'required' into the name of the field. The script then sources out any fields which has this text and checks them to see if they are filled out.

The problem I've come across now is that I need to check for field length. My idea was to put the amount of characters needed into the name of the field in the form and then have the script check with a Reg Exp. However, Im not too sure of the regular expression needed to check for this.

Can someone suggest one? The one I have at the moment is [1-14] but say I had a field like this: <input type="text" name="passwordrequired12"> That would match bout for 1 and 12. Any ideas?

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Checking Variables

How can I check whether a variable is set as a value, integer, etc .. ??? (So that when a user submits a value via a web form and its a letter, i can give them an error note.)

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ASP Error Checking ...

I am writing a script that lets me brows the contents of a web server. The problem is the account that is running ASP does not have permissions to every folder. Don't ask me why ... I have no idea but it can't be changed.

What I would like to do is perform a check for:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046':Permission denied

And if this happens display an error message saying they do not have permission to view this directory. Code:

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Checking Incoming IP

How can I write an asp page, say, CHECKIP.asp that checks the incomin
requesting IP address and returns a protected page, based on th
checking result? That is, if the IP is a permitted address, the
presents a page, say, OK.asp. If the IP is not allowed, then send
REJECT.asp. Both OK.asp and REJECT.asp cannot be directly accesse
without going through the CHECKIP.asp.

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Checking A Recordset

I am a somewhat beginner in ASP. I would like 2 know how do I check whether a recordset, that was fetched from an MS-ACCESS database through a 'SELECT' query, is empty or not??
The scenario is that I m making a form where users can register for my message board. The form will take in all the details and pass on to another asp file which checks whether the username is already in use or not. If its in use then it says that Username in use else the page is displaying error.
I m using the following sql.
"select * from members where user='" & username & "'"

The error is something like record cannot be found. Either EOF or BOF or the record was deleted.

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Checking Links

win 2k pro
sql server 2k
asp - vbscript

I got the below code from somewhere ages ago. I have a list of links on my site that link to other sites but I want to check if the link is a valid link automatically and if it fails after x checks (checks every 7 days) then to mark the link as a possible broken link

the below seems to take ages to process and was wondering if there is a better way to do the below. Code:

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Error Checking Fix

How to re-write this so it can error check for each individual field. Username, email, password etc.

This is written and validates if the user already has an account in the Database. then it returns the messaage below. But I would like to indentify if it is the username that exist or the email or password. Code:

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Password Checking

i wanted some help in the bewlo subject i tried in different code but some time it is showing wrong error.is anybody give me the example or site linke where i can donwload the the password checking script from database.
I have pulled data from database and shown those user name in suer tab ( drop dwon box) user need to select the his name and to type password.once user type the password it should check with database . if it exists then it should capture that user name and move on to next page.

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Checking A Number;

I have a simple question. Can you check if a number has been passed through a form? For example I making a website for a property letting company and they upload the property themselves. But if you you put in text into the rent field, it throws up an error when adding to database obviously.I do validate the in put before adding it to the database so was thinking about another IF statement checking that a number was entered before they get as far as adding to the database and throwing up errors

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