Dynamic List Boxes

I've tried doing this tutorial on Macromedia's site, but can't get it to work.


I'm using VBscript server side script.

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2 List-boxes With Add

I would like to create a page with VBscript and ASP which will contain two list-boxes one in the left side and the other in the right side with two buttons namely "Add>>" and "<<Remove" so that if the user selects a value listed in the left side list-box and presses "Add>>" then that selected value should go inside the right side list-box.

Similarly if the user selects a value listed in the right side list-box and after clicking "<<Remove" then that selected value should go back to the left side list-box.
provide me the code?

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List Boxes

I have two forms on one page. Form A only has a list box, lbox1, in it that is pulling its values via a stored procedure. Form B has a bunch of other stuff on it. What I want to do is hide Form B until a value is selected in lbox1. How do I accomplish this?

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Select One Of The List Boxes

I have two list boxes . User can select multiple values from the lists. Is there a way I can force that the user can select from only one of the list boxes? Can I associate the radio button with the list so that as soon as user selects the radio button the other list box turns grey(not letting the user to select anything from that list).?

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Dependent List Boxes

i am trying to link list boxes for a mini intranet. I have created a booking database for our staff to add bookings into for a business and it is all based around dates etc. I want people to be able to select the year in the first box and then in the next list select the month and then the date.

Can you give me a sample code on how to link the lists so that they are dependent? i can get single drop down lists just cant link them.

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Getting 2 Selection List Boxes Working Together

Here is my situation, I have an ASP page with 2 list boxes. The first list box displays people that are available to be selected. The other list box shows the people who have been selected. This makes it easy to see who has been selected and who has not been selected since if you are in one list box you will not be in the other.

I know how to write the SQL to get the data for each list box but my problem is getting this to work without having to reload the whole page (I thought I could just re-run each list boxes' SQL and display the results instead of having to load the page again).

Write now I was thinking each list box would have an OnClick or OnChange JavaScript event. I would then have 1 table with all People in it and a second table of people who were selected. When the user clicked on the list box of available people (not selected) I need to run an ASP insert script and then requery both list boxes to pick up the change. In the case a user was removed from the selected list box, I need to run a Delete ASP script.

My problem is that I can do this if I reload the page every time a person is selected from a list but there has to be a way this can be done without reloading the page. Do you have any ideas or suggestions?

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Populating Three List Boxes From The Database

I need to have three list boxes automatically populating each other, (ie
when region is selected from the first listbox, it will populate
automatically the second one which is the TOWNS and when the town is
selected is should populate the third one AREA) all data is in the database
in one table.

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Dynamically Linked List Boxes

I want to link 2 list boxes on the same page without reloading it. The list boxes are dynamic and when one selects an item in the first one, the second one get's populated accordingly. So far I've been stuck with Javascript Object Expected Error and I cant find a way to make it work. Code:

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2 List-boxes With Add & Remove Button

I would like to create a page with VBscript and ASP which will contain
two list-boxes one in the left side and the other in the right side
with two buttons namely "Add>>" and "<<Remove" so that if the user
selects a value listed in the left side list-box and presses "Add>>"
then that selected value should go inside the right side list-box.

Similarly if the user selects a value listed in the right side
list-box and after clicking "<<Remove" then that selected value should
go back to the left side list-box.

Can anyone provide me the code?

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Multiple List Boxes Dependent

I am working on a survey form. I need to create multiple-multiple dependent istboxes...I need to allow the user to make multiple selection from a categoryListbox and as the user select from categoryListbox must display and add available subcategories into the subCategoryListbox and allow to select multiple subcategoris.

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Dynamic Text Boxes

i have been asked to create text boxes dynamically on a web site, the user can click a button and a new set of text boxes will appear. The user can add as many boxes as many times as he wants, I have created the text boxes already using the following code.

function inserttextboxs() {
var tab = document.getElementById("Difference")

var tr = tab.insertRow()
var tc = tr.insertCell("") tc.innerHTML = '< input type=text id=text1 name=text1>';


The problem is I don't if this how I should be doing it when I submit the form all the elements have the same id, I need to create something with unique id's so I can retrieve the different values

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Dynamic Text Boxes

how do get dynamic content to a drop down text box from a db. For example:

There are two drop down boxes. First one continents Second one countries.

The user selects content from the first drop down box and using the onChange javascript function the data on the second drop down should show the countries related with that content.

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Multiple Dynamic Drop Down Boxes

I have a form with 2 drop down menus. the first is populated via a database query and the second gets populated based on the selection made in the first box. (Category/Sub Category)

I am having a difficult time keeping the initial item selected after the page reloads. I thought that this statement would work: Code:

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Code To Make Dynamic Dropdown Boxes

I've been farting around with trying to make some dropdown boxes populate based on the value selected from the first drop down box..

I have 3 DropDowns..


the first one takes all the pump types from a database table called pumptypes and populates it

the second dropdown gets its values from an sql query to a second database table called pumpdata that puts all the manufacturers that have that have a pump that matches the type selected in the first dropdown.

the third box does essentially the same thing but looks for all the models based on the values of the first 2 dropdowns..

whats happening is when I select the pump type it goes to the next page without allowing me to select the other 2 boxes.

heres the code I have .....

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Dynamic Form Lists And Dependant Text Boxes?

I am having trouble with the ordering page. I would like a dynamic form list to look at a database and when the user selects a product code, the text boxes containing description and price change too to reflect the product code.

The user will be entering in their contact details, so I dont want the page to reload too because I will lose that info. Code:

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Dynamic List

I have 2 radio buttons: A and B. I also have a menu/list/dropdown.

When 'A' is selected, I want the menu/list/dropdown to fill up with all values from a database WHERE column = A (for example) and the same to apply when I choose B... I want the menu/list/dropdown to fill up with all values from a database WHERE column = B.

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Dynamic List Box

I have a dynamic list box in which I am calling data from my database too and having when the user submits the form it takes a value and submits it into one column of my table but i need one select to submit a value into that column and a value into another column at the same time depending on what they picked from the drop down list.

there are four options in the list and each one has a different Type value and also a DES value that both need to be submited into two different columns depending on what is picked.

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Dynamic Drop Down List!

I have a form I'm building in Dreamweaver. On my form I have a drop down list that is populated by a table in my Access Database. I won't to add a second drop down list but have the contents of it vary by what I select in my first drop down list. Let me explain further. Lets say I have a database of Movies. And The name of the movies are in a table and that table is used to populate my first drop down list. Now I have another table that has the actors in the movies. I have a junction table to make them relate in my database.....now how can I select a movie in the first drop down list...and the actors from that movie popluate the second drop down list?

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Getting Responses From Dynamic List

I am working on a page to display providers of services in my SQL Server 2000 Database. Visitors to the page choose a category and type then a dynamic list of available services that meet the specified criteria is displayed in a select field. My problem comes in with this list.

You can choose multiple services from the list. I want to then use the chosen services and a payment type to query a different table and display providers that meet the criteria specified. I am using the following code to read the choices from the select field. Code:

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Dynamic Dropdown List

I'm trying to build a asp dynamic list were you can select a option in the first list and depeding on that value the second list will change to match. For instance I choose a customer in the first list, the second list then has to give all the codes from that customer. The list is variabel, as the value;s are from a database.

If tried some stuff with ASP and Javascript, but the page reloads after selecting one option, but because it reloads, it delete's the text that is written in the rest of the form.

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Dynamic Drop Down List

I hope this is the right group. I am very new to ASP so this is
probably a stupid question. I have some vbscript that query's AD and
populates a recordset. I know the recorset contains the information I
want by doing a Response.write. I am having problems dynamically
creating a drop down list from the data in the recordset. The drop down
is created but it is empty. Code:

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Dynamic Drop Down List

I need advice how to reduce the size of my drop down list which is created dynamically using a field from my database. If you visit this link you'll see as the box is too long it's knocked out the whole look of the page. Other than shortening the names of the businesses, is there anything else I can do?
My concern is that next year sometime after this site has gone live, it will be maintained with a content manager by people with no IT expertise.

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Dynamic Drop Down List

i want to retrieve the value from Mircrosoft Access database into the drop down list..it works.. so its dynamically..

but the problem is.. how could i redirect from the dynamic drop down list to other page.actually this page mostly like a search page.

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Dynamic Drop Down List

I have an form/application that requires several pages of steps to be completed. On page4 (income school info) I have a dynamic drop down list that builds itself from the database based on member names that the person has entered on the previous pages. When the person filling out the form gets to the end they have the chance to edit their data if something is wrong on page5a.

When they click on the edit icon the member name is passed back to page4 in the querystring. Based on what the member name is in the querystring, I want the dynamically built drop down list to select whatever name is in the querystring. Code:

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Dynamic List Menu

I could not solve for the past 3 days. I am try to build a website using ASP and VBscript. I am still a newbie to it.Let's get to the problem. What I am trying to do is to have multiple dropdown list. Each list menu ( except the 1st) dependes on the choice made in the one above.

I am using dreamweaver, it did generate a the form and everything and I was able to filter the results. The problem is that I don't know HOW TO REFRESH THE LIST. In other words, I can't figure out how to change the list menu options when the choices above change. I have tried to find some tutorial about it, but all I found was with JavaScript and I don't wanna mix VBS with JS.

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Dynamic Drop Down List

I have a web tool written in ASP. One of the feature is dynamic drop down list which updates a drop down list as another drop down list is changed.I uses javascript to reload the same page to update the drop down list.Everything works fine on the webpage using desktop/laptop.

However, it doesn't work on my mobile device(i.e. one drop down list doesn't get updated as another drop down is changed)how to make it works on mobile device? Should I integrate ASP with another technology,. WAP maybe?

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Dynamic List Menu

Does anyone know how to make it so that when someone clicks on certain menu item on one list it automatically updates a second list with values.For example,if i click the Make of a car in one list, i want the second list to automatically update with the relative Models.

I've seen it done on various sites such as www.autotrader.co.uk but can't think how its done. So far i'm populating the first list dynamically with a database but don't know what the next step is to get the second one to do it.

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Dynamic Dependent List

I have a set of dynamic dependent list boxes that are populted from a database. When I select the first box the second box is populetd with the correct items. If the first item is the desired selection another option has to be selected and then the first item has to be reselected for the list to work properly to update the next dynamic list box. To include the --Select-- in the second and third list box table would add several thousand rows to the table. If I added the --Select-- in the table it would add several thousand rows to the database.

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Dynamic Menu/List

I currently have an "Add customer" page on my site. On this page you can choose multiple "brands" from a list box. (These brands are dynamic and come from a seperate table in my db). These brands are split up into an array and each added as a row to a database table.

Now I am working on a "Modify customer" page. It has all the same fields as my Add page except that the fields are already filled in with information from the db. I can't seem to figure out how to have my list box have multiple items selected when you first come to the page.

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Dynamic Document List

Desire: Build dynamic page using SQL database. The page is just a list of Form Number/ Form Name. I am using an SQL database which comprises: Dept. Number/ Form Number/ Form Name. The form number is a concatination of the dept. number and form number (Dept=10, form=100, form number on WEB page list =10100). These forms are in Word and Excel format.

I use the following ASP code to display the form list and it works fine: Code:

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Dynamic List Population Problem

I have a series of dropdown boxes on my site which are generated from the database which work fine, but when I go to modify the code for list boxes (multiple select), it doesn't work and I can't figure out why it wouldn't work. Code:

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Dynamic Drop Down List Problem

I have an asp application which I made "Multilanguage". I made an asp file
for every language with all the strings to be used stored like this:

Langstring1 = "French"
Langstring20 = "VTest"

In the beginning of an asp file I determine which language file to include.
In my database there are only numbers. I can now display the right text in
the right language using respons.write: Response.write(Langstring20)

Now I want to use a dropdown box displaying a text as selected based on a
relation between the number in my database and my language files. When I
have number 20 in a database, the value of the option should be 20 and the
text displayed should be 'VTest' for this is Langstring20. Problem is that
the option value seems to be correct with what I do, but the text displayed
in the box is not correct. How can I solve this? Code:

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How To Pass Dynamic List/menu In Forms?

I have a form called form1.asp which has 10 dynamic list menus. This is the code for one of them. In this form I have a recordset. Code:

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