Dynamically Loaded Drop-Down Lists

I am somewhat famialiar with ASP.net but I am trying to use ASP. I want to dynamically load drop down lists from an already created MySQL DB. I already have the table build and all the fields, and what not but I can't figure out how to load the values of a drop down list with the records from a column.

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Dynamically Loaded LISTBOX

ListBox A is bound to Teachers. When an item is selected in ListBox A, related students are read from the Student table and displayed in ListBox B. This is working properly. The problem is when I select an item in ListBox B, it keeps on selecting back the first item. I have AutoPostBack=true for both ListBoxes.

But this happens even when I turn AutoPostBack off for ListBox B. Every time I try to perform an operation on ListBox B, such as remove an item, it always does so to the first item. Wassup with that? Any can tell me what can be done to work around this problem?

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Drop Down Lists

I have a SELECT element on my asp that is autopopulated from a search button.
Currently, the user inputs the saecrh term, clicks the button and the drop
down is populated from the DB. The user then select from the list. Everything
simple thus far.Now I have been asked if I can get the drop down to open automatically
(apparently to save the users the extra click of opening the list!!!), but I
cannot find out how to automate this (then again, I have little momentum to
do so at this stage) and I know this request will rear it's head again

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Different Drop Down Lists

iv searched the forums and kind find anything that fits what im looking for.

I have made an online store, but am having problems with displaying multiple different dropdown options for different products, that are listed in a repeat region

i use dreamweaver 8, and ms access Code:

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Drop Down Lists

Not sure if this is posible but how do you create a dropdown box where if you type a "c" it takes you to the start of the c's then if you type an "h" it takes you to the ch's etct .

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Dependant Drop Down Lists.

I need to populate a list box with values that will be determined by the selection of another list. What it is, is when we add a user, they get added to a city, eg Townsville and then there are a heap of groups that only apply to Townsville people.

So once I select Townsville as the location, I want to perform a search in AD and return the list of groups in the Townsville OU.

I am not exactly sure of the appropriate method to handle this in asp. If necessary, I could make a third page and just pass values to that from the second page. Is there a better way?

In case you are wondering, there are currently two pages. One is for use by supervisors/managers, and they fill out some details which get put into a URL that is emailed to the administrators.

Clicking on the link fills out the base form for the admin people, but I want them to have more access and to see more than the managers/supervisors that are submitting the request.

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Dynamic Drop Down Lists

I have to populate a drop down list from the database depending on the values of another drop down list. And the thing is it should also be able to add more dynamic dropdown lists to it.

Basically is a survey result page for which the one trying to look at the survey has to figure out different criteriaz.

Suppose he's looking for a group of people who are interested in buyin a stuff and then he wants to find if their age is above or below 50 and then further he decides to see if they are employed or not...

I did try a couple of things such as populating a dropdown list in a new page depending on the values passed on by previous one... but was hoping to find a better solution as the one i m workin is tooo complex and tooo complicated.

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Dependant Drop Down Lists

whether anyone had any knowledge of the use of dependant drop downs? For example i would like to choose a product based on the type i.e computer hardware, monitor etc then a list of all products of the same type be displayed in a following dropdown.

Any examples of similar things done, urls to try, your own experience? How simple is it to implement?

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Dynamic Drop Down Lists

Does anyway know the best way (preferably usinge ASP and avoiding the use of Arrays) how to achieve the following:

I have an ASP page. In it, I have a FORM that contains 2 Radio Buttons and a Drop Down List. I need to have the values of the Drop Down List change depending on which Radio Button is selected by the User.

(I thought that maybe some sort of code acting on the OnChange action for the Radio Buttons might work??).

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Form With Linked Drop-down Lists

I have an ASP-page where I want to be able to select a fabric and color of that fabric. Since different fabrics comes with different colors I want to have a form with two drop-down lists where selection of fabric in the first list populates the second list with the right set of colors. I need to have the lists in the same form so it only require one submit.

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Read Only And Editable Drop Down Lists

I have a drop down box(Yes, no) if users select Yes that is suppose to bring up another drop down list with a list of choices.

I was told by someone that the best way to go about is to create the second drop down list and make it read only, but make it editable when Yes from the previous drop down list is selected.

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Dynamically Populate Drop Down Menu Option Value Problem

I have dynamcally populated a drop down menu with data from an access
database using ASP. The values seem fine, however when i pass them to
the next page (using form get method) the whitespaces in the values
are ignored.

For example with <option value=jim jones> then only "jim"
gets passed to the next page not "jim jones". I have viewed the source
created on the dynamic page and the values are populated fine, but
passing to the next page seems to be problematic...

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Sorting Data Based On Dynamically Created Drop Down Menu

i have a page which displays a list of events searched for by a particular date. we usually have a lot of events and i don't want the user to have scroll through all of them, especially if they're interested in a particular type of event.

i have created a dynamic drop down menu which consists of all the event types. how can i got about displaying the events returned by the query to a specific event for that date.

so for example, if some one searches for 03/08/2005, they will initially get a list of all events for that day. if they click on "Closed" from the drop down menu, it will display all the "Closed" events for 03/08/2005.

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On Loaded

how do i and what exactly does an onloaded function look like? I want to use an on loaded function that when the page is done loading,i want to use, respose.redirect to reload the page.

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Loaded In ASP

I am using an ASP to update some table contents on my HTML page by calling the ASP page using hidden frames.

But the ASP script seem to get called even before the HTML FRAME is loaded ie.(operlayout_preload.html). Is there a way to check in ASP that it should start running only after the html is loaded completely below is the html code that contains the HTML and the ASP(hidden)

<frameset rows = "80%,*">
<frame src="operlayout_preload.html" name="content">
<frame src="operlayout_xml.asp" name="Refreshpage">

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Page Is Loaded For The 1st Time

is there any method that tests if it's the 1st time that page is loaded? Or if the submit button is clicked or not? my form validation function is working as soon as the page is loaded. but i don't want that. i need that function start working only after my submit button is hit. how can i check the difference?

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Bytes Loaded From DB On Connection

I'm working wih Flash and using ASP at the backend to connect to an access DB and retrieve 10 records per execution. Is there a method or way to detect the total-bytes of these 10 records (they can be of any size) AND the bytes used by connecting to the DB in the first place. If I can solve this issue, then i can use actionscript within flash to show the realtime DB connection and data-transfer.

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How Can I Hold Wilst Data Is Loaded?

i have managed to get my paypal ipn script to login my webhost to sandbox, however i have had to do this via httppost.

now my problem is, the script moves on, when still loggin in how can i get my script to wait a moment, chill and then proceed as normal like it would if i was live.

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Loaded Latest Scripting Engine

I downloaded the latest version of the VB scripting engine for Windows 98 as I needed to have support for regular expressions. Everything was fine yesterday but when I switched my pc on this morning and tried to access micros personal web server/web manager via start/programs, the page where I click 'start' does not appear.

I can't get it to run. what has happened and how to rectify it. i am under huge pressure to get something done by the end of today and desperate to sort this out asap.

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Specified Driver Could Not Be Loaded Due To System Error 1114

what happened was that I have installed oracle in my window 2k server and when I try to get a ASP program to access some data on the oracle db this error keeps on bugging me... I have search the web in vain for solution n would be really grateful if any one can help me with this bug


Microsoft Ole DB provider for oDBC drivers (0x80004005)
Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 1114

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Display Drop Down Options Based On The Selected Item From Another Drop Down

The code that I have has 2 drop down boxes dd1 (visible) and dd2 (hidden). Based on the option selected in dd1, dd2 should be visible and populate options. I think I can have OnChange script but how could I return the value and put it in the SQL query (see variable in red in thecode)? Code:

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Lists And ASP

Is there a quick and easy way to take the results of a query and turn it into a list?

I I run a query and return 15 records (of 1 value each) how can I turn it into 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.....

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Opt In Email Lists Via Asp

Can anyone here recommend some service for opt in email lists. My problem is that most services will take the user off the site to sign them up and the forms are very basic. I have some complex quote forms and contact forms where people can input alot of information. I'd like to be able to add people to this subscription list if they want after processing the detailed information that they have entered. But at the same time I want to keep users in categories based on the industries that they are in so we can send targeted emails based on their industry. Does anyone know of a such a services? I've looked into listserv and lyris list manager, but I won't be able to install these apps on the webserver. So they are pretty much useless. Does anyone have any experience with this?

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Standard Lists

Does anybody know where I can get some standard lists like

- a list of all countries in the world (with abbreviation, international prefix...
- a list of common christian names (aaron, abbey, adeline...
- a list of all currencie
- a list of all language

in txt/xls/mdb or whatever format

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Dynamic Lists

I have a form with two drop down list. I need the list items to vary by what I select. Ok..short and sweet. I have a list of dates in one....in the other I have a list of events. If I select a date in the first drop down I only wanna see the events for that day. Also if I select an event I only wanna see the dates for that event! What is the best way to go about doing this....and please dummy it down for me...I suck at sql to be honest.

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Multiselect Lists

I' m using a multiselect list but I have to press Ctrl when I want to choose more than one records. How can I select records without pressing Ctrl? Code:

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Repeating Lists

help me with making a repeating "dynamic list/menu" . i use dreamweaver and when i put a "repeat region" on a "dynamic list/menu" the page just keeps loading forever. do i need to change the default coding dreamweaver makes...iv been trying to figure this out for literally weeks, and im about to give up. I know it can be done becuase iv seen it done.

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Multiple Lists

I'm developing a form in which people can choose to attach articles to numerous countries. I.E if someone was writing about the Commonwealth Games we could attach the article to all of the Nations in the Commonwelth. However, implementing this code wise is proving a headache. Code:

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Dropdown Lists

Is it possible to sort dropdown lists alphabetically via a recordset without using SQL statements?

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Lists And Arrays

how I could achieve the following. I am looking to create an asp page with a dropdown list and associated values. When the user selects a value from the list, i would like to store this value into an dynamic array, as i am looking to use the array to calculate some values. Is this possible?

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Displaying Lists

I am displaying lists from a database just fine. There are 5 items in an unordered list that can be displayed. My problem is that if I have less than five, the emty list items will display a bullet.

How can I opt to only display list items if there is data in the field, and if a field is left empty to no display anything at all (in this case the bullet).

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Mailing Lists (forums)

I have been looking for mailing list scripts, but discover that they all seem to be for "newsletter" type lists rather than debating lists. Are there any that can be used to allow all subscribers to post?

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Populate Multipule, Lists

I am building an online shop, i wish to select all the sizes out of a table and polutate a drop down list with the selection, then dependant on what size you selected it offers the quality available in another dropdown list based on the amount recovered from the database relating to that size.

I know this can be done is javascipt, but have no idea what to search google for, nor where to start, any ideas would be good .

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