Dynamically Populating Meta Tags

I have a situation that I am not sure how to solve. I am working on an ASP site that needs to have unique Meta tags for the appropriate page. This would be populated depending on the department selected I need the Meta tags to populate the page. I first thought about creating an application that loads a meta tag file that is called by the department ID or Title.

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META Tags...

I want to my site be searchable by Internet search engines such as: Google, Altavista, Yahoo, Lycos...

Because that, I've putted four META tags: author, robots, keywords and description into my .asp page...

However, my searching by keywords I've putted in doesn't work... In other words, I've got nothing which in connection with my site... Would you be so kind to advise me how to do that and what's wrong with my approach... My META tags section is Code:

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Creating Meta Tags

I would like one of my clients to dynamically insert meta/title tags into their ASP driven site. Caveat, I am no webmaster, but rather a more ecommerce oriented consultant. I know this can be easily accomplished. But, their webmaster claims it isn't possible.

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Add Meta Tittle Tags

how to add code Meta Tittle Tags into different pages of the website? I have already inserted code Meta Tittle Tag into my website but it appears in all of my web pages. I want to add more specific information into each of website page tag tittle but i dont know how to do? My website is written on ASP.

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Dynamik Meta-tags

I use ASP.net 2.0 C# for my shop-system. I want to programm dynamic meta-tags.

In some books I find as memer of HtmlHead statements like
Page.Header.Metadata.Add("description", "my product");

If I try this, i got the error message: Metadaten not member of HtmlHead

Want do I wrong?

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Adding Meta Tags To .aspx From C# Codebehind

I am adding meta tags to my .aspx in my C# Codebehind.


(1) How can I add a carriage-return, line-feed after each control?

(2) How do I verify my .aspx?

The </meta> is added. I am new to .aspx.
So, I added </meta> to one of my .html files and
ran it through validator.w3.org and got this error:

end tag for element "META" which is not open

In my .html, I use the line:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">

(2a) Is there a validator for .aspx? Code:

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Populating Fields In PDF Dynamically

I get all excited to to pump some data into these PDFs that some loan-sharks want to use on their intranet, and then I find that the Adobe Acrobat SDK doesn't support .NET (which they said they did); however, one may access a little "tip" from Adobe if one joins their dev community for the low annual fee of $195.00. Has anyone taken advantage of these features of Acrobad Pro 6.0 in .NET? I'm going to try, but some "tips".

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Dynamically Add Html Tags

I have an asp email applciation that will be used to create a newsletter. I want to me able to enter a few lines of text into the textarea part of the form. Then if I want to add a hyper link to the textarea. I just want to click a buttom and add the html tags into the body of textarea along with the text I enter above the hyper link.

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Populating 2nd Combo Box Dynamically On Making Selection From 1st Combobox

I m having three combo boxes on my asp page.
For 1st, i m fetching values thru a query.

For second, I want to populate it with values thru a query by giving the selection from first combobox as input.

Similarly for Third also i want to populate it with values using query by entering selection from second combobox as input.

So in other words second combobox is dependent on first and third combobox is dependent on second combobox.

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Dynamically Populating A Dropdownlist From Other Dropdownlist

I hav two tables in which one table consists (ID and description) and 2nd table consists (Id,1stable ID,description) and in the front end i am taking 2 dropdown boxes in which 1st box consists the first table decsription, and on selecting the description in the first box the 2nd box must display all the descriptions of secondtable which belongs to selected firsttable description.

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Meta Description & Meta Keywords In Asp?

Where in an asp file do the meta name="description" content="description"
and meta name="keywords" content="key words " go?

Is it similar to where they're located in html? the top of my file looks like this (below), is it correct?

<% Response.Buffer = True %>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0.11 Transitional//EN">
<script src="java.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<meta name="description" content="description" >
<meta name="keywords" content="key words " >
<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
<style type="text/css">

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Meta UTF-8.

i wanted to store chinese character in my DB. I have set the datatype to nchar.

When i try copy a chinese character and paste it directly into the table. The table will stored the value.

But when i display the value in IE, even with meta set to UTF-8. I can only see "????" but not the chinese character. Can anyone tell me where went wrong?

I also discover that when i try perform INSERT in EM, trying to insert the chinese character into DB instead of pasting it directly to the table... But it failed. Table will only show "????". Any advice?

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Meta Tag

I'm trying to redirect the page while trying to pass some values to the next
asp page. I'm not getting any values when I do this. Is this possible?

I'm using the code below to redirect

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="5; URL=supportservicelist.asp">

but when I look at the value of my variable PEN, there is nothing there.
Yet I see on the current page the value is set

response.write "<input type='hidden' name='pen' value ='" & lpen & "'>"

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Is there anything to be gained by putting META tags on multiple pages within my site? I've got my META stuff (title, description, keywords) on two pages, index.asp and home.asp. Ideally, I'd like my visitors to start at either of those two pages.

Would my site be more apt to appear in search engine if I repeated the same collection of META information (or a subset thereof, more specific to the page it's on) on
other pages within my site?

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When creating ASP Page in VS, I see few lines of meta tags, like Code_Language, vs_defaultClientScript. What do they mean? Where can I get a list of all tags that are relevant for ASP.

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Can someone explain to me why the META Refresh doesn't work in an ASP.NET page? It works just fine in my old asp one! Content value has to be in quotes if not otherwise I get a warning. Code:

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Meta Data

Other than Meta data and keywords how is it best to get near the top of search engines?

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Extract Meta Description

Does anyone know how (using ASP & VBScript) how to extract the description from a webpage. I mean the meta description contained in the HTML (eg <meta name="description" content="description of website">).

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ASP Dynamic Meta Title

Is there a special way that I can write in keywords from the dynamic query parameters into the Meta Title, Description and content of the page?

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Dynamic Meta Data?

I have a page where a user can edit the meta tags for the page which are
then written dynamically at the time of the page being redendered.

I was wondering today whether this actually works or not? ie, if a search
engine (google or whatever) is trawling a site, does it only read html
pages? What happens when it encounters an .asp? Surely it wouldn't execute
it and therefore be able to read the meta data correctly?

Any info on this would be appreciated, if my current way of doing it is not
appropriate I will need to invest some time into changing it.

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Extract Meta Data

Is it possible to extract meta data (resolution, copyright, aspect ratio etc)from an mp4 file onto a web page? If so, how?

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Meta Data Info

how to get some meta info on a number of files, such as author and owner. it is for a .asp web page wich indexes a list of files and shows info about those files (name, type, date last modified, etc)

so that who accesses the page can sort those files by the detail they wish, and i can't discover how to get the author and owner info about those files.

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Changing Meta Keywords

how I can dynamically change metakeywords based on page content? That is, a page on restaurants should have restaurant related keywords, etc.

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IIS6 Meta Refresh Issue

this is an interesting problem i've been trying to solve past week. I have a framed site and one of the frames is refreshing through meta tag refresh every second. The page that is refreshing looks pretty much like this:

Database: Access, IIS6 - Windows 2003 Server

1. Declare connection object
2. Declare recordset object
3. open connection
4. open recordset with sql query
5. Check database for changes (on change, refresh another frame)
6. Close recordset
7. Close connection
8. Destroy Recordset
9. Destroy Connection

That's all. After about 6 hours in operation (constant refreshing) the WWW Service just dies. Restart of the service makes it stuck ever more, the only solution is to completely reboot the server.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I'm at a point of sticking the connection and recordset into session so it does not declare and kill it every second..

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Invoke The Meta Data For Ado In My Global.asa

1. how to determine the 'progid' parameter in the /oject tag for both session and application tags, eg,

<object runat="server" scope="application" id="web1" progid="web1"></object>

2. i want to invoke the meta data for ado in my global.asa, so it will there
for all the sessions:

<!--METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" NAME="Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1
Library" UUID="{00000201-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}" VERSION="2.5"-->

is this then coded within the application 'object' tags, see 1, or is it coded in the application_onstart subroutine?

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Meta Refresh Results In Blank Page

I am trying to debug a problem with some ASP pages when accessed via IIS on
Windows 2003 Server SP1.

In summary, the pages are structured as follows:

Root page
Page loaded via IMG SRC

Root Page extract Code:

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Populating An Array

I have two recordsets that I want to populate within an array.

The array will always have two columns, but the number of rows is unknown (sometimes 2 rows other times 200 rows). I'm not too familiar working with arrays.

I want populate the array using a loop. How would I define and populate the array within loop so that I don't lose values and each new set of values are populated into the array through each iteration of the loop? Code:

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Populating Javascript From ASP

I need to dynamicaly create my javascript as the page loads because as persons add items I need to increase my layers based upon the number of records returned from a recordset. Code:

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Populating A Drop-Down Box

Can someone point to an example where dynamic drop-downs are populated? I would like to execute a sql statment and populate the items in dropdownbox1. I would also like to retrieve all possible values for dropdownbox2 and use Javascript to build an array that holds these values.

Then, I would like to scroll thru the array to select the correct values for dropdownbox2 based in the selection made in dropdownbox1. At last I would like to save the selected values for dropdownbox1 and dropdownbox2 to the database. I would appreciate very much if someone can give me code examples for each of the things listed above.

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Populating A Drop

I'm orking on an online Catalogue, users are to select from a dropdown menu the finish they wish there goods in. The way I was thinking of doing this is have the finishes availiable stored in a column in the database - lets say 'finish' and the column would contain the finishes seperated by commas.. like red,blue,green,yellow etc, so the pull down menu would need to dynamically populate with these values.. is there an easy way of doing this, or am I going about it the wrong way?

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Checkbox Populating From DB

I am populating the few fields values from one of the table. I put series of checkbox having same name but have a different value ( value of checkbox is small int, an autoincrement field of table).
I have to take action against the selection of checkboxes. If the user check one of the checkboxes and select "Approved the things " then the USER will move to some else page and the selection will Approve.
On the contrary, if the user opt delete the things then user move to other page and record will be delete from the table.
Now my problems is...
1) how can I know which checkbox user selected ?
2) Are there someway to get the value of checkbox without making form ?

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Populating Drop Down Box

i am trying to create a drop down with information from a db. i am clueless as to what to do.

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Populating Drop Down

I am trying to populate a drop down so that it shows the current date, plus the previous 6 days. Here is some pseudocode. I can't get it to work from here.

<SELECT name=Date>
Dim d
d = Date()
for i=1 to 7
<% end for %>

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