Easiest Code For Database Paging

Can anyone help me find a code for Database Paging? I have seen some of it but its very hard for me to read, its too advance. Need to have a code with beginner to intermediate level.

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Easiest Way Of Paging???

any one let me know the easiest way of ASP paging .... i m feeling difficulty in paging...can anyone can help me ... i will be gratefull in advance to Forums Administrators and the Brilliant Helpers... about ASP PAGING .

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How To Create A Database Paging With The Code I Have

How to create a database paging with the code i have. im trying to do database record paging, im not quite sure how i had tried couple of open source code but cant not get it to work with my code:

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Database Paging Won't Work!

I'm trying to use a very simple script for paging through a database: Code:

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Sybase Database With Asp Paging

i have one sysbase databse
i want to do paging with sybase databse using asp

i am using database connection DNS
Cn.ConnectionString = "DSN=ankcvic;uid=username;pwd=password"

database Connection done using that string Code:

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Javascript Language Paging Larger Database Record Sets

I am fimliar with asp javascript and not asp VB.

i can display the results ok, but if i return 100 records from my table i would like it to display 5 records per page. i have looked at asp recordset paging on several sites, however cannot find any scripts that work with ASP JAVASCRIPT....

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The Easiest ASPUpload Method Ever?

What is the easiest method of using ASPUpload? Has anyone got any good example source code to view?

I've looked at Persits example information and I'm having trouble understanding it.

My form consists of a file input field (name="filUpload") and I want to submit the form to the same ASP page.

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What Is The Easiest Way To Use The IIS To Browse The ASP Web Page?

What is the easiest way to use the IIS to browse the ASP web page?

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What Is Easiest Way Convert Number To Text

what's the easiest way to convert a number to text i.e.

2005 --> two thousand and five
67 --> sixty seven

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Easiest Way To Save Form Vars For Later Download

a customer already has a website with ASP pages to request a call from a salesman... and it emails HQ with about 20 form values and also emails the customer.

what we'd like to do in a simple way is store those 20 fields somewhere they can be downloaded as well, instead of messing with the emails. but i don't want to mess with any rdbms (cause we don't have access to the server--- long story) so i'm wondering if some simple commands can just write the data to a physical file somewhere in webroot so it can be downloaded at a later time.

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ASP Code From Database

We have some ASP code in a database, say something like


If we ever call that, instead of resolving to the value of the session variable "strFirstName", it shows the whole line of text "<%=session("strFirstName")%>".

The question is, how can we get code like that in the database to generate on the page along with the rest of the ASP code

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Database Last Updated Code

Does anybody have code to add a "Database Last Updated...." line on your webpages that are generated from an MDB? There is simple ASP and javascript for 'page last updated', but the code that I have found just detects the time when the page was generated, which is every time the page loads since it is querying the database.

Im looking for code that queries when the database was last updated, then displays that info on the page.

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Code For Searching A Database.

Basically i have one table and i want to search it by what the user types in the search bar/text box.

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Database Management Code

i just wanna a simple code for ADD, Find, EDIT, REMOVE asp code to manage a simple database contains only products name and its details and picture to be viewed in web site. is there any?

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Pulling ASP Code From Database

I have a two pages. The first is a data entry screen (which saves the form data to a DB) and the second page displays the text that was inputted on the previous page( pulled from DB). Is there a way to insert <%=date()%> into one of the text areas and have it
be processed on the second page when that text is pulled from the database?

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Code For Access Or SQL Database

Trying to find out if this code is written to query an access or sql database or does it just depend on the connection string ?

Set Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_beero_STRING
Recordset1.Source = "SELECT beer_brewery FROM dbo.BEER WHERE beer_country = '" + Replace(Recordset1__MMColParam, "'", "''") + "' GROUP BY beer_brewery ORDER BY beer_brewery ASC"
Recordset1.CursorType = 0
Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2
Recordset1.LockType = 1

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Code Reading Database

I downloaded an online quiz application from the Internet. The application works fine but and after I answer questions, it does not produce any results and display it on the screen. It gives an error message saying the database is read only.

I think there is a problem with reading the database to retrieve the correct answers. It is an MS Access database. But I don't know what it is and how to solve it.

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How To Execute ASP Code Coming From Database ?

I'm showing page contents text coming from database, normally the contents are plain text or in html formatting... it works fine.. but I want to add ASP code within page contents, as well... i did try but it dispalys ASP code as it is in the output...

is there any way to execute those asp code lines coming from database...?

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Generating A Random Code Which Is Not In Database

I am trying to write a script that generate random code which are not in database.

Things are ok on these points:

1. Generating a random code

2. Controlling whether it is in database.

For now, if the code is in database, it gives a message.

What I want the funstion do is to generate a code which is not in db?

How can id do this?

I write the code as reference.....

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Code To Handle Database Connection Error

could somebody help me with the ASP code to redirect user to "loginfail.htm" page when an attempt to connect to a database fails.

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Saving Code In A Database Via Use Of A Textarea Form

i have built an interface for template making. i am using a simple form with a text area and submit button to save the code, i want to show in a template page, into the database.
I also use the same textare to view any code saved to the database for a specific page.

THE PROBLEM - i have to save a

the minute i paste it into the textarea it saves it fine but shows it wrong as if once it reads the </textarea> in my saved code the main page 'closes' the main textarea . i.e. the rest of my saved code is shown as part of the page - and its not pretty!

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Basic Code To Open, Select And Close A MySQL Database

I am looking for the basic code to open, select and close a mySQL database using asp code. I am experienced in php and have a site using php to access this database but this client would like one page using asp.

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I Need A Code For Uploading Files Into Oracle Database In Blob Fields Through ASP

I don't know how to upload word doc, images and other files into Oracle Blob fields with binary format.

I tried with the following code, normally it's inserting, suppose if i try to convery binary. Code:

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Code For Collecting User Ip Address/date Into SQL Server Database

I need code to capture a users ip address once they agree to a disclaimer (a form yes/no). If the user states no a message telling them they do not have access and a redirect back to the home page.

I need to put the ip address along with the date a sql server database. I am lost as to how to code this and also how to set it up in my directories.

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ASP Code - Anti Spam Verification Code

I'm looking for sample code that will require a use to enter a code from a scued image format.

I'm sure you've seen them before where the image is barely readable by a human and the user has to enter the code correctly to submit the form.

I'm looking for ASP code and NOT ASP.NET code as I am supporting a legacy site.

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<alt=> In Paging Possible?

Is there a way of using the ALT outside the IMG? I was wondering if it's possible of using an ALT on paging # to show which page is at what record. This is what I have though it doesn't work: Code:

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ASP SQL Paging

I was wondering if any body can kindly help me with a little dilemma I have.
ASP and SQL paging was relatively easy to implement, however, I cannot manage to get start the paging from a certain record:

In the script that I made, about 4,000 pictures get displayed as thumbnails in paged view, when users click on a thumbnail they are taken to individual picture view, with “next” and “back” controls, however, I cannot find a way of returning the user to the thumbnail view that starts with the picture they just viewed, and not the beginning of the recordset.

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Paging 001+001=002 <> 2

I have a database table with field as a three digit number like 001 (I did that because when I was searching for example 1, it would bring all the numbers which included 1, like 1, 10, 11, 12...100...). I have the following so far: Code:

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ASP - Paging

I'M using paging in my application.
I have separated my pages by 50 records per page.
Now, lets say Iwant to sort by name only 50 records
that exist in page 3 for example(lets say page 3 is the
currently displaying page). How can i achieve this.
Because as it is my sql sorts all the table(all pages)
and a specific record that was in page 4 maybe
in page6 for example.

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Paging In ASP

I do done paging of first previous next last but now i want the paging in displaying page number. i.e. if there is 25 pages then display only 1 2 3 4 5 .... and if click on number the page will be display and next five will be apper on screen

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Asp Paging

I have an asp page that I would like to do paging. The problem I'm running
into is that the same page that prints to the output is also recieving data
from the previous page for query parameters for the sql string.
When I click on the next page, it queries itself and loses all the query
parameter information from the parameter page and brings back all the
records.How can I keep the parameter values from the query form and still advance to
the next page?

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I am building up a search engine with .ASP 3.0 using sql server database for data listing and what I Like to do is display max 10 items in one page per search query and have Prev and Next to display pages with informations requested and found in recordset. sort of like google.

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I am working on a database based web page that has paging. I'm not getting error message, but it is not working at all. Let me tell you what it is not accomplishing and what I want it to accomplish.

1.) I want it to only display 20 records per page. It is currently displaying all records at this time.

2.) I want the numbers of page to be reduced. I don;'t want it to show all of the pages. I would prefer that it show something like next 10 after about 20 numbers.

You can find my code. It's lengthy. I have attached a document to let you see what I don't like.

Code: ....

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