Editing XML Using ASP + XMLDOM

I'm in the process of 'trying' to write a very small CMS which will allow me update an existing XML script I have.

Unfortunately I just cannot get the script to work, my script falls over with an objRoot error when I try to set the objField using selectsinglenode. XML looks like this:

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I have an Excel file with one column of data. This excel file, I have saved it as an XML file. Now using the XMLDOM, I am trying to display the contents into a Textarea.

This is what I do in ASP code:

Code: ....

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I'm parsing an XML document using the XMLDOM object in ASP. I am
running into a problem with a section formatted like this:


If I use node.text, I get TitleOfElement TOE. I need to seperate the
two but cannot find any reference that addresses this. Of course I can
manually parse using standard functions like InStr, but it seems like
there should be a more proper way to extract the data. Anyone run into

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I want to load some HTML which is in a ASP variable into an XMLDOM object but am having no success. All the examples I see point to loading documents from the filesystem using the .Load or .LoadXML methods.

Is what I want to do possible? Any examples?

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Use Transformed Xml In Xmldom

I have transformed some xml using xsl: Code:

xslProc.input = xmlDoc ' The xml to transform

I now want to use the resulting xml output (the xsl transforms to a different grammer) to do some stuff before the whole lot (xml and stuff) is passed back to the page that called it (AJAX). How do i feed the transformed xml into xmldom, domdocument or what every is required for me to navaigate using xpath and so my stuff?

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How can I select a comment node using selectSingleNode, sendo que selectSingleNode("#comment") don't works?

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Sorting XML Using XMLDOM Without Using XSL

I've had an ASP project dumped on me written in VBScript. I'm actually a
C#/ASP.NET developer and am struggling trying to find a way to sort the
result of a XPath query executed using SelectNodes? Code:

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Cannot Get Xml String From XmlDom.xml, But Text

I have the following code which I try to load an xml file, but in browser, I
only get text value for each node, not whole xml string. I expect to see
something like:

<name firstName="betty" lastName="Smith">I am at home</name>
But I only see text "I am at home"
did I do something wrong?
Set xmlDom=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")

XMLDom.async =False

xmlDom.load Server.MapPath("0925SelectTest.xml")

DataToSend = "xmlValue="& xmlDom.xml
Response.Write DataToSend

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Order By Date In XmlDom

I have a field type date in xml, loading with Microsoft.XMLDOM, how can I order by date? xml code:

<Field Id="456955" Date="01/05/1956" />
<Field Id="159753" Date="21/06/1972" />
<Field Id="769513" Date="14/07/1932" />

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Microsoft.XMLDOM ASP XML Parsing

I have an XML string:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SSOUser><Status>FAIL</Status><Message>Unable to find session id of

That I am trying to retrieve the values between the tags for.
I want to get the value from:

so I get the value "FAIL"

I am using the following code (and have tried MANY variations) to retrieve
the specific field values but I can not find out how to do this.


This writes the ENTIRE XML data to the screen. I want to get the above data
ONLY. I want to be able to do this ALL in ASP server side ONLY.

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It works perfect on my Win xp machine but when i upload the page into my server which is win2003 it returns 0 What is the possible cause of it ? Code:

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Displaying XML Data With XMLDOM Questions

I've got an application setup that uses freightquote.com API to receive XML responses containing shipping information. A basic response example is as follows: Code:

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DB Updating/Editing

I have a script on my asp page which takes values entered from a form and inputs it into a database, in their appropriate fields. It's been working fine, but lately I'm noticing that I've been getting some blank records being entered in my DB table.

I know it's not my form becuase there is no way to leave it entirely blank, so even if you don't enter anything... their are hidden fields which already contains a value that get's passed and goes into the DB.

I am wondering if this is a result of many people entering data into the access db at the same time, and i'm wondering if i have the right locktype parameter.

I am using adLockPessimistic right now... should that be adLockOptimistic or adLockBatchOptimistic????

and should the cursor type be adOpenDynamic???

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Editing Asp File

Is it possible to edit an asp file using filesystem? when I read a
text file using filesystem it doesnt show me the asp code in the <%
tags as this code is run server side, but is there a way to read ande
edit this code from another asp file

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Form Editing

It is saturday night and guess what i'm doing. Friggin geek.
anyway. I have another question for you guys. I have a form to send emails. But i want the user of the form to be able to edit the html content, so if he wants to add bold text he can just click a button and the <b></b> tags apear in the body textbox. Much like the options we have here press the button # and you get the quote tags on screen.
I looked all over but nobody seems to have anything on that particular feature. So i was wondering if any of you could tell me or at least point me on the right direction.

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Editing .js File

I have a .js menu file that runs in all of my intranet
files.I have an asp calendar system where I can add
calendar names to a db and it will display these new
calendars. What I don't have is a good way to edit my .js
menu file to add a new menu item.
Can fso add a line to a .js file that is "live" on an
intranet or will it run into file locks? by iis?

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Editing Many Rows At Once

We've been asked to upgrade the system and one of the common complaints is that they often have to edit just one field, but for all the students. Currently you have a list of students and you have to click each one and go to their summary page before you can edit anything.

So they've asked if there is there any way of creating a 'spreadsheet like' view of my data and allowing the user to edit and either save everything, or save each row as they go (without causing a page refresh).

I managed to get a basic idea up and running, involving lots of wee forms or one big form... but my ASP ended up creating 266 SQL queries to do the saving (one for each pupil) ... and the script would just take forever. Code:

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Editing Record

I have a recordset where when a user uploads a file, the field on the recordset will create the word "Processing". Once the Administrator logs on and gets the uploaded file, it will provide that record with a File Number. The problem I am having is that when I go in the form to create the "File Number", the field where it printed the date of the upload, disappears.....

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Editing ASP Pages

Can you edit ASP pages using dreamweaver without being connected to a test server? If so, how?

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Editing MS Word

Does anybody know how to edit an existing word document using ASP or VBScript. For instance, I have some text in the doc that I want to change to something else. Is this possible?

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Editing A Textfile

I am currently writing a script for a course i am doing, It lists all the files and folders on the server, and works similar to windows explorer ( if you click on the folder it shows the content ). I have enabled it so you can delete, view source, and download all files/folders.

Now theres one more thing i would like to do, and that is to enable the user to edit a file, and i am struggling quite a bit, any guidance, ideas or links to a similar tutorial. I am probably going about it completley the wrong way, I was trying to open the file read each line and write it into a textarea, so the user could edit it, and then save it.

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Textbox Editing

I know how to read a file system object and output it to the browser page. The desired result would be to put that file into a textbox on the screen for a user to modify and then write the file back to the file system.

The concept seems simple enough, read the text file into a variable then some magic asp will put it into a textbox value, then somehow take that value and write the file. I know how to write files to the system as well. I am missing a key piece.. any ideas?

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Editing XML Data In ASP

What is the best Method, for deleting or editing existing XML Data? I have a form that submits to XML via ASP using VBScript. I now need to pull data into another ASP page which allows for either Editing or Deleting Individual fields.

I know I can use XSL but is there any better methods as the original form imports data into the Drop Down lists?

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Editing Databases

I can get the data from my database to be displayed in a table, but how can i get the data to be displayed in a way that it can be edited? Can i populate a form from the database? If i can, how would i go about it please?

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Tab Lite And Editing

i have been using Notetab Lite for PHP, Perl and HTML editing. I see it can be used for ASP work. There is a fair amount of files (ASP) to modify; will NoteTab Lite do the job? The files have quite a bit of VBScript code in them. I have heard that Crimson Editor is better than NoteTab Lite, for ASP work. I notice that Crimson editor 'color highlights' the VBS and the xhtml code, which is easier to view than Note Tab Lite.

I would like an editor that will be able to syntax check the VBScript code, if possible. Also, is there any method of viewing ASP files locally . This would save me lots of uploading/testing the modifications, if I could test locally (i) the syntax of both the VBS and xhtml code , and (ii) See what the form looks like. The ASP application uses an MS Access database. I do have Access 2000 Developer and VBA.

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Editing Outlook Web Access

Has anyone had any luck editing the Microsoft Outlook Web Access pages? I am setting up my company's new OWA 2003 server. Now here's the problem, I had to create new logon pages because we authenticate to a different domain then the server is on (stupid mergers).

Now when the logout button is clicked on the page, it takes you back to the default logon page. Were a user to try and log back in from here it wouldn't work. Now simply adding a "response.redirect" to that page seems to break their code completely. So has anyone managed to do this and could let me know how?

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Error Editing File

When I type out my new stuff in the edit field I click submit and get this error. The next post is my code for the entire page.
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.
/hwnetwork/edit1.asp, line 110

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Editing Choices In Checkboxes

I am working on the form where the client can go back and uncheck and check collections to be assigned. This is in a different table. The collections come from a table called Collections.

The products table adds collectionID of each collection selected in the RelProdCollection Table. I need to be able to allow the user to edit the collections by unchecking and checking check boxes on the form. Let me show you my code.

Code That Displays All of the Collections dynamically in a check box. But it doesn't show the values if there are some collections that are checked by a product with a productID of 4. I need that code:

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Editing An Access Database With SQL And ASP

I can edit information in tables no problem with insert delete etc etc. My question: is it possible to edit the tables themselves ie make new fields, tables etc! If so can someone provide a simple example or point me to a tutorial im sure I will pick it up pretty quick but I have no idea where to start!

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Web Based File Editing

Is it possible to write a web based text editor? For example, is there a way to edit an asp file using an asp file? Here is what I have so far but instead of displaying the asp code it just displays the output html, Can I display the asp code so I can edit files without being at my computer and not using FTP?

Here is the current code:
<textarea name="editor" rows="35" cols="120">
<!-- #include file="default.asp" -->

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Interface For Editing SQL DB Tables

I'm moving away from Access db's to MS SQL Server databases for storing form records.
While the MS SQL Server provides all the tools I need to edit/delete/add records, I need to provide an interface for non-technical people for obvious reasons.

I have a halfway decent one for manipulating Access databases but it doesn't seem to translate over to SQL Server too well. Obviously I'm fairly new to ASP and SQL but I've tried everything to make this editor work for SQL server.

So, I would like to just start from scratch and ask if anyone has an asp script that acts as a front-end to edit/delete/add records - nothing too fancy.

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Editing A Text File

I have been searching the web for hours trying to find a simple tutorial or code example for what i need, but i have had no luck. What i need is very simple. I have an asp news page which will simply feed off a .txt file (hopfully maintaining line breaks).

All i want is another simple asp page which will display the content of that text file in a html form (one field), so that the user can simply edit or add to the text using that form, click submit and the text file will be updated.

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Database Editing Solution

I have a roster of people from a db showing up in a frame containing ans asp page. In order for the client to edit a record on the roster, I have an edit page opening up in a javascript pop-up.

I know how to edit the db but what I don't know is how to 'bind' the text boxes in the pop up to the correct record in the db (based on which record they selected to edit). Here is how it looks:

John Smith 12 123 Main Street Your Town State edit this

the 'edit this' is a link that opens the pop-up. How can I get the correct record to show up in the pop up?

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