Email Blasts To Registered Members On A Site

I am trying to send out email blasts to over 6000 users of a website (Not Spam) However when I try it with the following script, it crashes at times and sends it through at times. I need a more reliable way of sending out emails to a large number and this is the mail feature of the website. There will be users trying to send out mails at the same time. Code:

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Tracking Registered Users

I have a site with a login page and several dozen secured pages behind it. The user data is in an Access Database. The client wants to add some specific tracking features. I haven't started working in it yet, so I don't have any code.

This is more of a planning phase and I wanted to make sure I wasn't going down the wrong path from the beginning.

1. The primary goal is to track the number of times each user logs in during the course of a month. They want to keep track of 3 months worth of information. After that, each new month would overwrite the oldest month.

The login code is pretty standard stuff - check for a match in the database and create server variables.

I'm thinking I'll need to add a table to the database with a field for UserID, a date field and a numerical field. When the user logs in, the page will need to check and see if a record exists for this user and this month in the table.

If so, it will update the record by incrementing the numerical field and updating the date field. If no record exists for this month, it will create a new record. This part I'm pretty sure I can handle. I'm not quite sure how to automatically overwrite the oldest month when the number of records per user is greater than 3.

Any thoughts on the best way to do this? 2. As a secondary goal, they wanted to see if it was possible to track which pages each user was going to while they are logged in. I don't have the foggiest idea how to do this. Any ideas?

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Component Registered On Server

Is there a way I can use my custom dll just by placing it in the ASP folder
and not having to use regsvr32 to register it? I takes forever to get our
admins to do anything like this for us.

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How Can I Send Email Via My Web Site?

how can i send email via my web site?

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Creating An Email Containing A Web Site Form

I would like to write a generalised page which creates an email
containg the (calling) HTML form complete with the user populated

In this way the appearance of the email will be just like the form
elements of the form that called the generalised page together with
the completed fields.

I can see that I can caputure the (blank) calling page itself in the
email by using the CreateMHTMLBody method of CDO. I can also see how I
can retreive the individual elements of the form using Request. But is
it possible to combine the two?

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Filter Members

I want to dynamicaly filter the members in my pivottable.
Here you see how it's done the static way:

pview.RowAxis.InsertFieldSet pview.FieldSets("manager)
Set fld = pview.FieldSets("manager").Fields(0)
fld.FilterFunction = c.plFilterFunctionInclude
fld.FilterMembers = Array("ZWAENEPOEL Geert","VAN COILLIE Caroline")

but I receive the selected members from another page, they are all in
the field 'selectedmembers', so I tried this:

fld.FilterMembers = Array(selectedmembers.value)

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Group Members

I have a asp page that I need to check to see if the current logged on user is a member of a specific active directory group. How can I do this?

I have tried so many different LDAP code examples and none seem to work. Do I need to include a administrator username and password in the code? Does any have any samples of code I can try?

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Sorting Members

Am a complete newbie at ASP, I currently have a site which has a MySQL backend database, users can apply to join and then once joined they can edit there information. I can login using a username/password senario.

From there I can see all users currently active, and whom I am waiting to join. I can also search the users Birthdays that are coming up and delete users. Pretty straight forward. I want to be able to see the last 5 users who logged on? Anyone know how to do this or if it's fairly complicated?

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Edit Members Page

I have a members page on my site and want to give the members a way to edit there own pages (either just text or images as well) so they can log into there own members page and then edit text boxes to complete the required info.

May be if you see a page you will understand what I want to do.

Members Page

I want to let the members edit the orange text and the small bit of white text on the right.

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ASP - Members Area Via Paypal?

I would like to create a member's area on my ASP/Access web site but members must pay an annual subscription fee via Paypal to access this member's area.

Unfortunately, the Hosting provider does not support a Unix system, so i cant store all my members area information in a password protected folder.

Please could anyone advise me the best way to do this?

I already have a merchant account set up with Paypal.

I need to give every member an individual UserID and Password, and restict access to the members files, so visitors cant access them directly via the Browser Bar and by-pass the Paypal fee.

I would also like an automated service, so if a member does not renew their subscription, they will not be able to access the member's area once a year has passed.

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Stripping Quotes From All Members Of An Array.

I need to make a function that takes Request.QueryString elements and strips all single quotes from the input.

function StripQuotes(array)
dim StripQuotes
for each old in array
new = replace quotes (old)
Add new to StripQuotes
return StripQuotes
end function

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Display Active Members Online

I tried searching for it but didn't find anything. Once my members log in, I want to display their names in a reserved section on the page. I was wondering what is the best way to display "who" is online.

I was going to add their names to an "online" table in my database when they logged in. But how would I remove them if they didn't log out. How do I remove their names if the session variables timeout or they close the browser without clicking the log out link. I am also open to other techniques.

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Building An ASP Site Using Dreamweaver - Can Html Site Be On ASP Server?

I am to build a site onto an ASP server. Anyone here used Dreamweaver and is it just a simple matter of opening up a new ASP page in Dreamweaver and build the site like you would normally do with a HTML page and it will handle the ASP coding accordingly and you can just simply upload it onto an ASP server and it will work?

The site I am to build is basically just a standard html website, but my friend wants me to build it for an ASP server so he has asked me to make sure it is an asp site so I am presuming with the extension .asp

If I build it as a html site to begin with, will converting it to asp be hard. Could I just export my pages into asp or is there more to it?

Can a Html website be loaded and working on an asp server or host?

Is it possible to have a site mixed both html and asp, eg. the home page is html and when you click on shopping cart on the home page it goes to a hopping cart page thats .asp or do they all have to have the same extension.

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Posting Form Variables From Site A To Site B

I have to pass form data from my site to another organizations site using POST method... how exactly do I do that? Im familiar with how to do it within a single site/domain, and cant use querystring... I dont know where to begin.

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Site Search Powered By Google Site Map?

Whenever I do a site that is mostly static but with some semi-dynamic
sections, I've struggled to find a good site search solution without
paying for a hosted search service.

I like the FSO-based search engines, but they fail to pick up on some of
the dynamic part.

I was just creating a Google sitemap and it made me wonder: has anyone
created or seen a script that uses the XML Google sitemap to power a
search engine for your own site?

Seems like if you were keeping it updated for Google, why not use it for
your own site?

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Email Validation Of Email Address Within An Access Database

Im running a simple mail system program which emails newsletters to a database list of 3000+ users.

The program loops through a database containing the emails and sends them out using ASPEmail.

My question is, is there some way i can validate each email address so that if there are invalid characters e.g. the space in "blah"
it will skip the record and continue the loop.

At the moment i have a working program however, whenever the program comes across an invalid email address it stops at that record and prevents the program from emailing any further.

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CDONTs - Problem Formatting An Email, From Form To Email

I am having a problem formatting an email message which comes from a form.

I am currently having difficulty with the <br> tag which I am using for line spaces within my email. I am getting an expected statement error message which is pointing to the line which is underlined below. I can't think what is causing this.

The code for my processing page is below:-

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Generating Email Address And Textarea To Be Inlcluded On Email

1. I want users to type in their email address on a textfield, and after users press the "Submit" button. The info will automatically go to another person's email to receive a compliment, suggestion, etcetera.

2. Another is how to include the message written on a textarea of a form with the ASP code supplied below: Code:

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Asp Email Verification Check Valid Email Thru Mx Record

how to write to check verification valid email thru nslookup or mx record or dns record. Is it possible to do that. Is there any tutorial from sitepoint, previously found it but i lost the link.

example to check assume is not a real email, is real email
how do u check it.

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Cdonts Email Script Won't Send Email

i used the following script but it won't send the email. any suggestions why?

Dim TBdy
CR = Chr(13)
Set MyCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
MyCDO.From = ""
MyCDO.To = ""
MyCDO.Subject = "collegebound info"
TBdy = Request.Form("cb_name")
MyCDO.Body = TBdy
MyCDO.Importance = 1 (Normal)
Set MyCDO = nothing


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Email Form - Verify Email Address

Just starting to play with scripts, and need a little guidance. I want to check to make sure that the email addresses users enter in a form are identical before it will allow them to submit. here's what i have:

the variable for the second email address is EmailFrom2

Dim validationOK
If (Trim(EmailFrom)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("emailerror.htm?" & EmailFrom)
If (Trim(Name)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("nameerror.htm?")
If (Trim(CityState)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("citystateerror.htm?")
If (Trim(SchoolName)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("schoolnameerror.htm?")

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ASP Email Form: Sends To Some Email Addresses But Not Others..

here is the script i use:

Set myMail=server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
set myMail=nothing

this script sends emails to some addresses but not others--and its based on the email service it's sending to. for instance, hotmail email addresses get the email, but email addresses dont get the email. i have tried sending it to other email hosts, too, and still, some work, some don't. what is going on here?

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Email Through CDONTS Using ISP Email Server

I am using CDONTS component to send email in ASP.

The code is some thing like this:

Dim Mail
Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.Newmail")
mail.From = "" = ""
mail.subject = "Test Email Subject"
mail.body = "This is Email body message"

Now the question is that this code will use the Default Virtual SMTP Server in IIS, but I want to use my ISP's SMTP server. please tell me how to do this. I have used my ISP's email server in Outlook express and it is working fine. Please do not suggest to use "CDO" or "CDOSYS" to use for sending emails because I must have to use "CDONTS".

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How To Log Out Of Site?

How can my members log out of my shopping website? I can't seem to figure it out. I'm using a session cart where users can log in before shopping or log in upon checking out products. How do they log out??? I'm using ASP and oracle sql.

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Asp Site Map

I would like to create a site map for my map site which is in ASP. I tried
to use Visio to create a web site map but it fails because my asp home page
requires to authenticate. Is there any other tool to create a sitemap from
username/password protected website?

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Site Within A Site

I want to open a website let say in my own site.but i want to replace some of its images with my own.
but remember site ( ) will be running in my website everything should be of google but look will be mine.i wanted to do it for my own two websites i just used name of to demonstrate my problem

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My 1st Asp Site

some code to look through for getting started, i still need to sort out thing like a file to hold all the db stuff so i can call the functions rather than type it every time. cleaning up really .

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Web Site

i have a slight background in HTML and basic web dev. I have been asked to create basically the following, it will be my project over the next couple of months. I basically want to build an e-commerce website that will take all data from a database. It all needs to be dynamic, products added to the database would automatically update in the website, the navigation also needs to be dynamic, it needs to be low maintainence, i aim to have the checkout to save customers details to a seperate database, the payment process would have completed, no payment details would be saved.

What do you think on the above. Does any one have firstly any code they may be able to give me, to help me along the way. it does need to be done on a budget, I will buy code if need be. What is the best program to develop such a website in?

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Lag On My Site

I'm looking to eliminate all lag on my site and I have a couple questions regarding databases. Is it possible to open 2 ADODB connections at once? I want to put my sites boards on a different database than everything else but I want to get user information to update in the main db. How would I go about doing this?

Does closing all the stuff you opened in your ADODB connection make a difference? Does it resuly in the use of more bandwidth and site lag?

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Site Map

i have been asked to create a 'site map' for an ASP / Access DB website which i have just started. Can someone explain to me exactly what a 'site map' is and what it is useful for please?

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ASP Site

i've got a local server on another pc (ip address: but when I want to connect to ASP site that's on that computer it can't. when type "" in my browser it returns this:

IE says: "impossible to find the page" and Firefox says: "the operation timed out when attempting to contact". I know that ASP works, because when we try it on the localhost it works (but that's not my computer so I can't use it).

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Site With Mysql

How create site with webmatrix with MySql ?

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Site Counter

i have a simple asp counter in my site, the counter uses a access db & cookies (so every visitor will be counted once).

in the past days the counter has gone wild & count goes from 300 in ordinary days to 1000.
i guess this is because of robots, crawls, worms etc. is there any way i can count only real visitors?

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