Email Multiple Recipients With CDO Mail Component

I'm a PHP programmer who for some reason was tasked with fixing some code on an asp page. I have what I feel should work, but I am getting this error:

CDO.Message.1 error '8004020c'

At least one recipient is required, but none were found.

/admin/mass_email_monthly.asp, line 47

Line 47 being this line: objMessage.Send

Now I want to have multiple recipients pulled from the database as illustrated in the code, but it isn't working. I have no idea why, and I have no idea what that error message means? Can anyone point me in the proper direction of a tutorial that can help? OR possibly show me where my syntax is wrong?

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Multiple Recipients Mail

I have few textboxes on my first page that ask for user's e mail address and other five additional e mail address after submiting that form it sends a copy to all the people use e mail address is entered.

I can send e mail to only one person if i put following code

objCDOMail.Cc = "


objCDOMail.Cc = Emailtxtfield

but how can i send e mail to all the people on the list

it works if i put this
objCDOMail.Cc = ";"

but i have to get the value from txtbox

so if i put this code

objCDOMail.Cc = Emailtxtfield; Emailtxtfield2

it doesn't work.

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How Can I Send The Mail To Multiple Recipients

how can i send the mail (CDONT) to multiple recepients in ASP

if i select the address from the address box ,then all the selected mail id will go to TO text box with ' seperator.

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Email Multiple Recipients From Recordset (jmail)

I'm trying to send an email (jmail) to everyone in a recordset but I'm getting no joy,I keep getting a "not all servers received message" error or something similar, can someone please take a look at this code and see if they can spot my glaring errors ?

set rsetReminder = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsetReminder.ActiveConnection = MM_connmessages2_STRING
rsetReminder.Source = "SELECT * FROM accessgroups WHERE ((accessgroups.fldjoined<Date()-14)) AND fldGroup = 'Guest' ORDER BY fldjoined DESC"
rsetReminder.CursorType = 0
rsetReminder.CursorLocation = 2
rsetReminder.LockType = 3
rsetReminder_numRows = 0
While NOT rsetReminder.EOF
firstname = rsetReminder.Fields.Item("fldFirstname").Value
lastname = rsetReminder.Fields.Item("fldLastname").Value
emailadd = rsetReminder.Fields.Item("fldEmailAddress").Value
username = rsetReminder.Fields.Item("fldusername").Value
password = rsetReminder.Fields.Item("fldPassword").Value
usrid = rsetReminder.Fields.Item("fldnewuserid").Value

crlf=chr(13)+chr(10) .....

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Multiple Recipients

I have a form that I want to email three people from - dependant upon three fields in a form.At the mo, I can only email 1 doesn't work

Set iMsg.Configuration = iConf
iMsg.To = Request.form.Item("Room") & Request.form.Item("student") & Request.form.Item("teacher")

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How Can I Use SMTP And ASP To Send Mail To Several Recipients On A Single Occasion?

I use CDOsys and this code to specify the recipient. I guess I could create two separate instances of the objMail and specify everything one more time, but I want to send mails to two persons at once (the recipient and myself) and therefore wonder if there is a shorter way to do it.

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Multiple Recipients : ASPMailer

I'm sending email using ASPMailer thru ASP to single recipient, it is working fine. But if i m sending to multiple recipients its not working, email is going but not in proper format. i am sending some HTML format email. the email received by recipient if getting junk not in proper format.

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Cdo - Send To Multiple Recipients

I'm using cdo to send auto-generated emails. I'm calling a stored procedure that returns a recordset.

In most instances, the recordset will only return one record containing one email as the value. However, there are instances, where two records can be returned with two seperate email addresses that I need to send out using cdo. This is how I'm calling the procedure:


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Send To Multiple Recipients

I am using CDONTS to send a confirmation email. I am using plain text to send my email. I would like to send to multiple users, but I am already using the "To," "Cc," and "Bcc." Is it possible to send to multiple recipients in the "To" field? I am also using variables instead of hard coded email addresses. Here is my code:

Set MyCDONTSMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
MyCDONTSMail.From= TeacherEmail
MyCDONTSMail.To= Administrator, Administrator2, Administrator3
MyCDONTSMail.Cc= Secretary
MyCDONTSMail.Bcc= TeacherEmail

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Multiple Recipients Using CDONTS

somebody can whats wrong with my script, i would to add some additional recipients on the cc field, what would i do? Code:

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ASPEmail To Send To Multiple Recipients?

ASPEmail to send to multiple recipients? I tried to use comma and semicolon but all the time give this message error:

Error: 6 - 501 Bad address syntax

nor : email@dom,email@dom,email@dom
or: email@dom;email@dom;email@dom

what is the sintaxe for it? can I only send for one recipient by time?

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Mail Component

Anyone know an asp email component which supports both multi-part (html&text at the same time) messages, but also lets you change the date/time on the email. aspemail does the first and aspmail does the second, but I need a component to do both. Inline gfx included in the email would be nice too.

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E-mail Client ASP.NET Component

My current webhost provides limited web-based e-mail management, but at the same time does provide unlimited number of pop3 accounts.

I would like to offer my clients the ability to compose, send, receive, store, sort and filter e-mails using an interface with my company brand on it. Is the best solution to add an e-mail application to my web application which allows me to do all this (something along the lines of this e-mail application retrieving the e-mails from my host's server and storing them in a database on my application).

I hope I have made myself clear, if so what are my best options? Are there components available in ASP.NET that provide a solution to this? Would a web service be able to provide this functionality.

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HTML Mail WYSIWYG Component

Anybody know a good component for sending HTML mail with WYSIWYG? I am bulding a system with a lot of Mac (maybe old versions) Internet Explorer/Netcape users.

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Mail Component POP3 Or IMAP4

Mail component to retrieve mail from Hotmail, Yahoo, gmail..etc?
I am not sure these web based mail support POP3 or IMAP4. Is there any mail
component out there that can retrieve mail from these services?

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Asp Mail Without Using A Mail Component

I'm looking for an asp code who can send an email without using a mail component. I started to write somethings using winsock but I don't have enough time to finish it.

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Where I Can Get Code Of Aspsmartupload Component For Attache Mail?

I have aspsmartuplod component on my server. I have from of information with attachment field. I success to upload file on server with that form but i want that upload file will come at my end as mail with attachement.

I tried at my end but not find any code. Can any one help me to get that code. I want user infromation and his uploaded file through mail.

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Email Using CDONT Component

i have to send the mail to all the employees of the company , e-mail address
is stored in a table .

i m using cdont component to send the mail ,

what are the basic requirement of cdont

how to install cdont on server 2000 and is it necessary that smtp server
shoud be installed or enabled on that server or it can be on other server .

actually , where i m developing this software , tech support said , the
server on which i m working smtp on that server is not installed , it is
available on another server , is it possible?

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Where I Can Find A Cdonts Email Component

Where i can find a Cdonts email component or another email componet .

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Mail Form Sends Multiple Copies?

I've been trying to figure this out for about an hour now but a combination of my own narrow scope and limited experience, coupled with a general lack of information on this sort of thing has this ASP newbie scratching his head. I was told that the issue with receiving multiple instances of the document is relevant to this chunk of code:

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Email With CDOSYS SMTP Mail

I've been using CDOSYS Mail and this bit of code fine for a year. Well, we wanted to change the method of sending email from the Webserver sending it, to designating a specific SMPT server.

So, I found this code on MSFT's web site (MSFT CDOSYS SMTP ) that will allow me to do this, and it works, except that the redirect command that I have at the end of the file no longer works. I have no idea why.

Thi is the error I get:
error '8004020f'
/asp/send_email_foundation_conf.asp, line 78

Code: ...........

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ASP Form To Mail - Duplicate Email Problem!!

I am making a multi-page form that will be sent to email... I have no problems sending the form data to the email address, but I keep getting TWO COPIES of the same email!!! What's going on? Code:

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How Can I Watch A Mail Folder For Incoming Email?

i want to build a trouble ticket system. i'd like to have a component
written in vbscript watch a specific mail folder for income email (something
like '') the system should write the sender's email
address, time received, and message body to sql server, return a new trouble
ticket, etc. anybody know how to set this kind of thing up?

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Mail Content-type And Messages In One Email ASPMailCtrl.1

What I want to do, is to be able to send only one email with tow header text/plain and text/html with two different messages

I was able to do it only to send two email with different content-type and messages, but I would like it to send only one email with two content-type headers and two messages ...

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Tracking Email Success Or Failure With CDONTS Mail

Anyone got much of a clue how best to send emails to selected people from a database table and to be able to track them, maybe as much as a read receipt, or perhaps just checking that they don't bounce, or end up in the bad mail folder.

Is this best/possible to try and code or is there a free/cheap component that does this simply.

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Multiple Email Recipient

the script works but i wanna have this email to be sent to more than one recipient (see below code in red). I did add another ObjMail1.To tag for another email recipient but doesnt work.

Dim salutationname,salutation,t1name,t1,t2name,t2,t3na me,t3,t4name,t4,highqualificationname,highqualific ation,checkname,check,MyNewRandomNum
MyNewRandomNum = Round(Rnd * 100000000000)+1
salutationname = "Salutation"
salutation = Request.Form("salutation")
t1name = "Name"
t1 = Request.Form("t1")
t2name = "Telephone number"
t2 = Request.Form("t2")
t3name = "Email"
t3 = Request.Form("t3")
t4name = "Age"
t4 = Request.Form("t4")
highqualificationname = "Qualifications"
highqualification = Request.Form("highqualification")
checkname = "Options"
check = Request.Form("check")
Dim stname,st
stname = "Comments"
st = Request.Form("s1")
Dim ObjMail1,ObjMail2
Set ObjMail1 = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
ObjMail1.To = " "

ObjMail1.From = t3
ObjMail1.Subject = "Enquiry"& "" & "QUEUE NO: " &Trim(MyNewRandomNum)& ""
ObjMail1.Body = t1name & vbcrlf&_
t1 & vbcrlf&_
t2name & vbcrlf&_
t2 & vbcrlf&_
t3name & vbcrlf&_
t3 & vbcrlf&_
t4name & vbcrlf&_
t4 & vbcrlf&_
highqualificationname & vbcrlf&_
highqualification & vbcrlf&_
checkname & vbcrlf&_
Set ObjMail1 = Nothing

Set ObjMail2 = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
ObjMail2.To = t3
ObjMail2.From = ""
ObjMail2.Subject = "Thanks for your enquiry."& "" & "Your QUEUE NO: " &Trim(MyNewRandomNum)& ""
ObjMail2.Body = " Hello " &"" & t1 & ".You have submitted your enquiry to us. You will hear from us shortly. " & "" & ":" & st &""
Set ObjMail2 = Nothing
Response.Write"<center />Thank You.You will hear from us soon. "



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Multiple Email Address

I'm sending mail using below code. It works fine. How can I send email to more than one address. I wanna add one more address in .to feld or in .cc

Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With cdoMessage
Set .Configuration = cdoConfig
.From = ""
.To = ""
.Subject = "abc"
.HtmLBody = body
End With

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Email Code Run Multiple Times

I have an html page with standard contact us type form. This when posted goes to an asp page which stores the data and then sends an email to me. It then redirects back to the original email form with a message thanking the user for the contact.

The problem is I am getting multiple spoof emails which are being generated form the asp page. Some one is accessing and then just refershing the page so it generates numerous emails.

Is there a way of either hiding the asp page in the original HTML form or checking that the page has been called by the html form rather than just refreshed.

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CDONTS: Email With Multiple Attachments

i've finally integrated a way to send multiple attachemts from within an asp page and it works!!!!!

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Sending Multiple Attachments Via Email

Just want to confirm if you can add multiple attachments like this? Code:

Mail.AddAttachment "C: est.doc"
Mail.AddAttachment "C: est2.doc"

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Email Notification Query (many To Many) :: Multiple Directions

I could sure use some conceptualization and query help with a Page Watch
System I am building in Access 2000 and Asp.

I need to cycle through databae and generate a compiliation query email that
notifies a person of yacht(s) that have changed on our website:

Key database tables.....

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How To Send Multiple Attachments To Email, From This Script I'm Using Now...

Here's the script I'm using now to send me a picture selected in a form (from a browse button type thing), sent to me in the attachments.

Right now it will only send the one picture (field name="Attachment"), how can I change this script to send multiple (for example; ten) pictures in the attachments from the form??

Here's the script...

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How To Display Multiple Form Fields In Email Using This Script?

I am using this script to submit my form fields into the body of my email:

Dim strBody
dim ix, formElementName, formElementValue
strBody = "Results of form submitted at " & Now() & vbCrLf & CrLf
For ix = 1 to Request.Form.Count
formElementName = Request.Form.Key(ix)
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item(ix)
strBody = strBody & (formElementName & ": " & formElementValue & vbCrLf)

I'm completely new to vbscript and have been searching all over the net for an example of this script being used with mutliple fields with absolutely no luck.

The closest I've come to getting something back from this thing is when I tested the script with these elements:

FormElementName = Request.Form.Key("Name")
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item("Name")
formElementName = Request.Form.Key("Telephone")
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item("Telephone")
formElementName = Request.Form.Key("Email")
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item("Email")

Which produced this result:

Email: Email
Email: Email
Email: Email

Its seems the answer to my problem lies in defining the 'Key' and possibly the 'Item' parameters but I haven't been able to find any documentation on these terms. Can someone out there please save me from what probably is a very simple solution?

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