Email Send Failed: The Server Rejected One Or More Recipient Addresses

I am using ASP formmail from I keep getting this error message:
Form could not be processed due to the following errors:

Email send failed: The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550

The email address in the form is correct and does work. I have changed the settings to different email address and SMTP servers to try to figure out the issue. However I still get the same error. Here are the basic settings:

referers = Array("", "")
mailComp = "CDOSYS"
smtpServer = ""
fromAddr = ""

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Configuring SMTP To Send Email To The Recipient

It seem that I did not configure the SMTP service on a Windows 2000 server correctly because all the email is been sent to InetpubmailrootQueue directory. Do I need to install Outlook for the email to send the mail to the recipient?

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Email Recipient

how do I get the response from the user to an email recipient?

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Multiple Email Recipient

the script works but i wanna have this email to be sent to more than one recipient (see below code in red). I did add another ObjMail1.To tag for another email recipient but doesnt work.

Dim salutationname,salutation,t1name,t1,t2name,t2,t3na me,t3,t4name,t4,highqualificationname,highqualific ation,checkname,check,MyNewRandomNum
MyNewRandomNum = Round(Rnd * 100000000000)+1
salutationname = "Salutation"
salutation = Request.Form("salutation")
t1name = "Name"
t1 = Request.Form("t1")
t2name = "Telephone number"
t2 = Request.Form("t2")
t3name = "Email"
t3 = Request.Form("t3")
t4name = "Age"
t4 = Request.Form("t4")
highqualificationname = "Qualifications"
highqualification = Request.Form("highqualification")
checkname = "Options"
check = Request.Form("check")
Dim stname,st
stname = "Comments"
st = Request.Form("s1")
Dim ObjMail1,ObjMail2
Set ObjMail1 = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
ObjMail1.To = " "

ObjMail1.From = t3
ObjMail1.Subject = "Enquiry"& "" & "QUEUE NO: " &Trim(MyNewRandomNum)& ""
ObjMail1.Body = t1name & vbcrlf&_
t1 & vbcrlf&_
t2name & vbcrlf&_
t2 & vbcrlf&_
t3name & vbcrlf&_
t3 & vbcrlf&_
t4name & vbcrlf&_
t4 & vbcrlf&_
highqualificationname & vbcrlf&_
highqualification & vbcrlf&_
checkname & vbcrlf&_
Set ObjMail1 = Nothing

Set ObjMail2 = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
ObjMail2.To = t3
ObjMail2.From = ""
ObjMail2.Subject = "Thanks for your enquiry."& "" & "Your QUEUE NO: " &Trim(MyNewRandomNum)& ""
ObjMail2.Body = " Hello " &"" & t1 & ".You have submitted your enquiry to us. You will hear from us shortly. " & "" & ":" & st &""
Set ObjMail2 = Nothing
Response.Write"<center />Thank You.You will hear from us soon. "



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Different Email Recipient Issue

The form I have created is intended to send a email to an address based on what subject the user selects. Right now the form processes fine, but I receive no emails.

Dim name, email, phone, subject, message, customer, advertisement, truck, objNewMail
name = Request.Form("name")
email = Request.Form("email")
phone = Request.Form("phone")
subject = Request.Form("subject")
message = Request.Form("message")
customer = Request.Form("customer")
advertisement = Request.Form("advertisement")
message = Request.Form("truck")

Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objNewMail.From = Request.Form("email")

if ("subject") = "1" then
objNewMail.To = ""

elseif ("subject") = "2" then
objNewMail.To = ""

elseif ("subject") = "3" then
objNewMail.To = ""

'else if ("subject") = "4" then
'NewMailObj.To = ""

'else if ("subject") = "5" then
'NewMailObj.To = ""

'else if ("subject") = "6" then
'NewMailObj.To = ""

'else if ("subject") = "7" then
'NewMailObj.To = ""

'else if ("subject") = "8" then
'NewMailObj.To = ""

end if

objNewMail.Subject = "Message from HRI Website"
objNewMail.Body = "Name: " & name & _
"<br>Email: " & email & _
"<br>Phone: " & phone & _
"<br>Subject: " & subject & _
"<br>Message: " & message & _
"<br>Heard About HRI from: " & customer & _
"<br>" & advertisement & _
"<br>" & truck

objNewMail.BodyFormat = 0
objNewMail.MailFormat = 0

Set objNewMail = nothing
Response.write "<p>Thank you for contacting Hackworth Reprographics, Inc. Your message has been successfully sent. You should expect a response from us within one business day. Have a great day.</p> <p>Return to <a href='default.asp'>Home Page</a></p>"

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ASP Email Form: Sends To Some Email Addresses But Not Others..

here is the script i use:

Set myMail=server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
set myMail=nothing

this script sends emails to some addresses but not others--and its based on the email service it's sending to. for instance, hotmail email addresses get the email, but email addresses dont get the email. i have tried sending it to other email hosts, too, and still, some work, some don't. what is going on here?

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Use CDOSYS To Send Email On Different Server

I've set up a website contact page which uses CDOSYS to send form details to an email address.

However, the domain is set up such as the client is using their own mail server, and using my server only to host the website.

Ordinarily I would set up hosting with email and change the nameservers of the domain to point to my server, but in this case the client is keeping the nameserver details the same, but just updating the A record to point to my server to display the website.

Trouble is, the CDOSYS email doesn't seem to work with this set-up. Do I need to hard code their mail server IP somewhere to get it to work?

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Send Email Using ASP At Linux Server

I need to send a email to my clients from my website using the email object. I developed my site in ASP, and the server is linux, thats why i cann't use CDONTS object to send emails bcz server is not IIS....

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Send HTML Email From External Server

how to send an HTMl email from an external server. I am trying to Send email using CDOSYS
this i what i have tried but cant get it to work.

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Declare Smtp Server When Send Email

My question is do ASP need to declare smtp server when send email using CDonts function?

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Problem When Send Email With Attachment From Diff. Server.

I want to send email with attachment. I have no problem if the file is located on the same server but i got error when attach file from different server. This is the code,

set mail=server.CreateObject("persits.mailsender")""
'mail.addattachment "c:attach est.txt" ' no problem with this
mail.addattachment "websvrattach est.txt"

I got this error,
"Persits.MailSender.4 error '800a0007'
Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."

when i changed the servername to static ip address also got the same error.
any idea? fyi, this user has an administrator rights to the server.

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How To Block Email Addresses

I want to block certain email addresses like,(See the MailTo Section, I don't want the Sandra email address), through my online forms. I've been receiving spam from people using the forms. My code below is ASP. The code basically sends the form data to 3 email addresses and send the visitor who filled out the form an HTML style email message as confirmation. I added an IF THEN statement (Look at the MAIL TO) for the unwanted email address thinking it would do the trick but it doesn't block or send the email to the unwanted email address. Here's the beginning of my code. Any help would be greatly appreciated. NOTE: I replaced the wanted email addresses with phony names because they are private.

If request.form("Email")="" then
response.write "<p><br><center><font face='arial' size=3>"
response.write "<b>Please don't forget to enter your"
response.write " Email address!</b></font>"
response.write "<form>"
response.write "<input type=""button"" value=""Return to Form"""
response.write " onclick=history.go(-1)></form>"

Else ........

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Search Email Addresses

I want to search email addresses through phrase, for example there are 4 emails in the database like
and i want to search thest all 4 email addresses through a phrase like 'abc'

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Multi Email Addresses

Simple question no doubt -
I am trying to send an email to a form variable as well as a list of addresses, but I can't seem to get it to work. Please help.
I want to combine these two lines - what is the syntax?
MyCDONTSMail.To= ""

MyCDONTSMail.To= creat_email
They work individually (I have declared creat_email).

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Masking Email Addresses

Im currently working on a simple form which only contains one text box, I would like it so that the content within the box is e-mailed to a specific address but for the senders e-mail address in the From line remains anonamously masked in some way. Is this at all possible/ any tutorials on this?

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Using Nslookup To Validate Email Addresses

I am wanting to validate the domain name of email addresses submitted through a form. Has anyone written a script for using nslookup to do this? My searches are finding components for sale.

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How Can I Search Email Addresses Through Phrase?

I want to search email addresses through phrase, for example there are 4 emails in the database like:

and i want to search thest all 4 email addresses through a phrase like 'abc'

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CDONTS, ASP And Internal Email Addresses

I have an ASP page that emails the user who entered their email in the form, which could be an external or internal address. Internal addys come in the form of: symthe, poncenby
when this is type manually in an outlook message it gets resolved as being on the global addres list.

Testing at the moment consists of me emailing myself using the TO field being an external address and the FROM field being internal. The email get to me but the sender's address is just the first part of form value before the comma. e.g. smythe .

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Mailshot Without Disclosing The Email Addresses In The To: Field

I want to send an emailshot from my ASP/VBScript page without disclosing the email addresses of its recipients in the To: field. I've only considered CDONTS. Can it do this? Or is there another way?

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Server Object Error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' Server.CreateObject Failed

I'm trying to install a simple e-mail form to my webpage; which takes some info from user (like name, phone, e-mail,etc...) and when user pushes submit button e-mails them to me immediately. I've tried to do so with ASP Formmail but I couldn't succeed. . it gives me: Server object error " 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' Server.CreateObject Failed " error. Can anyone please help me to install my form? Because I need to install it immediately;

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Server Object Error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' Server.CreateObject Failed

I'm getting the error,

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/pdf_project/form1.asp, line 19
Invalid class string

I'm trying to submit the data in my pdf form to the web server.I've written the .asp code for it but it has been giving me this error.

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Server.CreateObject Failed

Any idea why this is happening? The directory exists on the FS. It's an upload script to put files in a database directory. It errors out on the upload.

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

/ProspectTracking/alphatest/default/Upload/upload.asp, line 3




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The Transport Failed To Connect To The Server

I tried setting up formmail ASP based on Matt's cgi script but only got these errors when submitting this page:

Formmail v1.3 detected the following errors:
error no.: -2147220973
description: The transport failed to connect to the server.

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Error: Server.CreateObject Failed ??

I've put together a CDONTS e-mailing script which was working fine two weeks ago. Now all of a sudden I'm getting the following error...

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

/content/5_message_sent.ssi, line 5


I've made no changes whatsoever to the file so I cannot imagine why it would stop working just like that.

Do you think there is a server error or something, or did I screw up a config file somewhere along the way??

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Prevent Spammers From Entering Fake "" Email Addresses?

i have a problem with an asp form on my workplace site. Spammers appear to be hammering it daily with requests, our form sends an automatic email, but the email addresses they enter are all fake "" which is causing a mountain of repeated mail delivery subsytem messages that run on for days. AVALANCHE!!!

Is there a method of blocking the text "donotreply" in email addresses via validation?

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006~ASP 0230~Server.Transfer Error~The Call To Server.Transfer Failed While Load

Any idea what is causing this error? 006~ASP
0230~Server.Transfer Error~The call to Server.Transfer
failed while loading the page.

Just read about benefits of Server.Transfer over
Response.Redirect, replaced, and getting the error.

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Error: The Transport Failed To Connect To The Server

I'm using this coding but get some error. i can't understand this line

.Item(sch & "smtpserver") = "<enter_mail.server_here>"

mail server means which server im used help me

error:Error Type:
CDO.Message.1 (0x80040213)
The transport failed to connect to the server.

sch = ""
Set cdoConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
With cdoConfig.Fields
.Item(sch & "sendusing") = 2 ' cdoSendUsingPort
.Item(sch & "smtpserver") = "<enter_mail.server_here>"
End With

Set cdoMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With cdoMessage
Set .Configuration = cdoConfig
.From = ""
.To = ""
.Subject = "Sample CDO Message"
.TextBody = "This is a test for CDO.message"
End With

Set cdoMessage = Nothing
Set cdoConfig = Nothing

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Error: The Transport Failed To Connect To The Server.

I have a form in my website and keep getting this error I was wondering if anyone could help out with this error message I keep getting

<!--#include file="email_validation.asp"-->
Dim strMailFrom
Dim strMailTo
Dim strMailServer
Dim strMailSubject
' -------------------------------------------------------
' Stuff you need to change
' -------------------------------------------------------


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Bar Graph Error :: Server.CreateObject Failed

I am drawing a bar graph using asp and encounter the error below.

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

I wish to know how to solve the perblem. Also, I want to know why it is happening.

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Running A Server Side Script And Getting Failed To Initialize

I am attempting to have an asp page call a batch file. I had it working, I was high on life and then I decided to log off the server. Once I did, the code would no longer work. When I logged back onto the server, I saw:

'The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142). Click on OK to terminate the application.'

Now before I get the usual questions, here is what I have/did: These servers are 'secure' so I'm not so concerned about security. I have the anonymous access account in IIS (server 2003, so IIS6) using a local admin account. I have granted full permission to every user account (IUSR, IWAM, ASPNET, Network Service etc. etc.) to all the
files in the website's dir. I have granted full rights to cmd.exe, wscript.exe.

Now, after stopping/starting IIS about 7000 times and offering up many a prayer to the IIS/ASP gods (who obviously hate me), my ASP code starts to work again. HOWEVER, as soon as I log off, Poof! The script stops working and I need to go through the whole dance routine (which isn't consistent) until the script starts working again. Code:

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Dllhost.exe :: Listener Failed To Start A Dedicated Server Process

I am having serveral web applications in ASP in my server ( windows 2000 advance server ), sometimes dllhost.exe taking more memory and causes the cpu usages to be 100% and makes the server hangup and causing error like "TNS : listener failed to start a dedicated server process", by the way if i end the process of dllhost.exe manually then the cpu usage will be very less and i wont get such error .

i have the following questions regarding that

1)what causes the dllhost.exe to takes more cpu usage,

2)is there any command from dos to kill such process so that i can create bat file to be run every one minute. i have searched i found only some third party tools and there is command taskkill but it is not for windows 2000 ( it is available only for win xp and windows 2003)

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Error: Server.CreateObject Failed, Invalid Class String

I am trying to create a comments form with html and have it sent to my email address from the website via ASP. I keep getting an error message that says:

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/myapp/email.asp, line 3
Invalid class string

I've examined my line 3, and I cannot see the problem. Could anyone tell me whats wrong with the codes, or must I have a separate database to house the contents of my forms as well?

Heres the code:....

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'ASP 0178 : 80070005' :: Server.CreateObject Failed While Checking Permissions

Get this

Server object error 'ASP 0178 : 80070005'
Server.CreateObject Access Error
/SendZipFiles.asp, line 40
The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is
denied to this object.

on my win2003 iis6 asp page when component is registered in COM+ service.

How do I solve this? How do I allow "out of process" in IIS6?

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