Email The Same Html Page As Attachment After Submission
I have designed a form after submission of which an email is sent to a perticular e-mail id. Up to this it works fine but I need to send a complete filled html page in attachment too.
Can this be possible. If any way to do this please let me know. As mail sender am using CDO.
All of my previous web page work has been done with .html and Cold Fusion. My new host does not support cold fusion but does have ASP 3.0 and ASP.Net 1.1. They've told me that I have to use CDO.Sys for sending email. I've spent the past 3 days doing all the research I can find but most of the examples assume a basic knowledge of ASP (which I am severly lacking in).
I have a simple .html form (4 fields) that currently DOES get sent through email (although it is sent as plain text). I would like to be able to send an email that is formatted into html (allowing me to use tables, images, etc.
Here is what I have so far (I've commented out the "text" based part and am trying to send as an html email now).
Can anyone get me started or point me to a resource for some help?
I have an ASP page that displays various boxes, tables, and information. I want to be able to click an "Email" button and have the asp page save the page as an attachment (html?) and then launch Outlook and automatically attach the page to it and enter the email address of the person I want to send it to.
I can't just send a link because the page is generated on an Intranet and I need to send it to people outside the network. So, I need to save a print screen of the page and then have Outlook grab that and the recipient's email address and put those into Outlook so the sender can review and send out.
I'm using CDO SYS to send email messages. I can attach a file just fine. However, I need to attach an HTML page that's generated on the fly by my ASP code. The attachment source code gets assembled into a VB string. How do I attach this? I think there was an easy way in CDONTS but that's no longer an option.
This is my first post hope it makes sense. I have learnt how to send emails from forms passing variable etc and it works, but I am lazy so here it goes:
I am writing a set of intranet based asp reports for which the underlying asp code can get quite complicated (tables nested in tables, all sorts of calulations and parameters etc). I would like users to be able to send that report (neatly formated in his browser) by pressing a form button. (by the way, we use Outlook)
1. either as an .html attachement (which would of been saved automatically either locally or on the server)
2. or as an html email (as you would do when doing File > Send > Page by Email in IE 6.0) Code:
OK - I have a shopping basket with data in a database. Once the person has successfully completed their order I want to be able to send them an email with the products ordered roughly in the following format:
Product Price Quantity
prod1 £6.99 1 prod2 £5.99 2 Postage £0.50
Total whatever..I'm lazy
Formatting would be a little different (just spacing out the prod table a little more.
Any ideas or links to scripts that do this?. I've been looking for a while now but have had no luck in finding a solution. I just want to send a text email (and not html).
The other thing is that on the last page but one, this shopping basket is displayed. Is there anyway I could capture the html data from that page, store it in a session variable and then generate the email after the order has been completed (so sort of like sending a mirror of that page)? In that case having a HTML formatted email would be ok.
Each mailer component has different properties and methods available, and each should have documentation available. That's where you'll solve your coding, it sounds like you're trying to use a method that doesn't exist in the mailer object you're using. There are email sample codes at among other places.
I am sending email using CDO. I want to send attachment through email.For that I have to send my file to webserver first then have to write path of file in CDO code.what is the best method developer's using for the same?Would you please send some component so that from local m/c I can upload desire file to webserver and consequently can attach that file into email.
I am sending email using CDO. I want to send attachment through email.For that I have to send my file to webserver first then have to write path of file in CDO code.what is the best method developer's using for the same?Would you please send some component so that from local m/c I can upload desire file to webserver and consequently can attach that file into email.
I want the users to be able to send an email with an attachment from my web page. The problem is that the file ".DOC" resides on the client machine and not the server. It would be ideal if the user could browse for the file.
Can someone tell me if this is possible and how? Do I have to first upload the document before adding it to the email as an attachment.
i have pbm, all the values from first form is passed to the asp form including the path of the file attachment, through local host it is well running if i upload files in remote server and process then error is generated could anybody help this out Code: ... stratt = Request.QueryString("f_path")
With objCDOMail Set .Configuration = objConfig .From = strFromEmailAddress .To = strToEmailAddress '.Cc = strCcEmailAddress '.Bcc = strBccEmailAddress .Subject = "Enquiry sent from enquiry form on website" '.HTMLBody = strHTML .TextBody = strBody .AddAttachment stratt (path) .Send End With
i found out that by default, ASP apps can only access files that are on the computerthat the server runs on. how can i change this so the IIS will take the files off the client's computer?
I have a CDO mail script in JScript that works fine if I send the message without an attachment. However, I haven't been able to figure out how to attach a file without getting an error. Does anyone know how to attach a file to a CDO message in JScript?
<%@language="JScript" %>
<% var cdoConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration"); cdoConfig.Fields("cdoSMTPServerName") = "";
var cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message"); cdoMessage.Configuration = cdoConfig;
var cdoBodyPart = cdoMessage.BodyPart; cdoBodyPart.ContentTransferEncoding = "8bit";
cdoMessage.To = ""; cdoMessage.From = ""; cdoMessage.Subject = "CDO Test in JScript"; cdoMessage.TextBody = "This is a test email sent using JScript."; cdoMessage.send(); %>
I've tried adding each of the following lines, but none of them works.
I have a form that i have created and i need it to that the user can attach a file then get the form to send the file. Please have a look at my current code:
I have a asp form which has a file field and a Send email button. I want user to use the file field to select an attachment path to be send out as email. How can I do that?
i have a form. data is written to mssql and confirmation is sent to a user and receiving partly. also form need has a field which selects a file and sends it with confirmation to email. The problem is this: i can send email and write to DB but not attachment or i can send attachment but does not write to db.
I'm trying to send out emails but the body of it keeps sending as an attachment so with some email services, such as yahoo, puts the email into the bulk mail. I was wondering if there was a way to stop it from sending the body as an attachment.
I am trying to send an email attachment using an asp VBscript from a .asp form. The script appears to be working fine however no email comes through to the recipient. I have tried the script without the attachment and it works fine. Code:
I want to create form in which user specify his details. But that mail should be take cc address from database and also that form have one attachment field.
Mail body must be in html format. Attachment and "from" his email field compulsory....
Im trying to get a CDO email sent from a form submittal with an attachment which has been just uploaded with aspupload.
Everything goes ok, the file uploads when the form is submitted and I have verified this in the upload folder. It all goes pear shaped when I try to code in the CDO object. I get this error:
Error Type: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01A8) Object required: '' /profilescreative/jobapplication2.asp, line 63
I am trying to get a asp-mailer setup that will send a specified attachment. I have tried both CDONTS and CDOSYS methods ... both are giving me headaches.
And the best part is how incredibly helpful the error is: (Sarcasm Intended)
Error Type: (0x80004005) Unspecified error <-- They should change that error to ... "Good Luck!" /knowledgetree/emailer-drivers.asp, line 90 I hilighted the above line in the code as well.
I want to send email with attachment. I have no problem if the file is located on the same server but i got error when attach file from different server. This is the code,
set mail=server.CreateObject("persits.mailsender")"" ..... 'mail.addattachment "c:attach est.txt" ' no problem with this mail.addattachment "websvrattach est.txt" ....... mail.send
I got this error, "Persits.MailSender.4 error '800a0007' Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."
when i changed the servername to static ip address also got the same error. any idea? fyi, this user has an administrator rights to the server.
I have a 2000 server running IIS 5. I need to send approximately 10000 emails to recipients from an excel spreadsheet with a small word document. These are requested emails, no spamming. I don't have a clue as to where/how to start this.
I have a timesheet type form that has 40 different row - each row has two dropdowns, one for a project and one for a task, and a dropdown box for each day of the week. Once a project and task has been selected, hours spent on that task each day of the week are entered into the text boxes.
What I would ideally like to do is, before I send this page for processing on my asp page (which involves saving the data back to the database), I'd like to check whether or not the user has entered the same project/task combination on multiple rows.....the dropdowns on each row are named project1-project40, task1-task40, mon1-mon40 etc.
I'm using VBScript for the server side scripting, but I'll happily incorporate a section of Javascript code if that will offer me a simpler solution.