Embedded Flash Movie Controls

I have embedded a flash movie (.swf) in my web page - but I don't know how to put the "play,pause,stop,volume" controls to the video.I need the movie to share with my colleagues at work using our local web server.

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Get Value From Flash Movie And Pass To ASP

I have a movie clip having a few buttons inside that Movie clip. User can click on each part and fill a color.

I used getRGB() function to extract the filled color value of that button. I have used trace to see what the value is. Now I want that value to transfer into a database using ASP.

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Insert Flash Movie Within An ASP Page

got some problems inserting a simple flash movie within an ASP page. Actually i am working with Dreamweaver and when I test my page from PWS directory, the flash movie keeps on loading..can't get the flash movie, but when I test the movie outside PWS, it does play the movie.. Should I include any file within the PWS root directory?

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I have been working with ASP classic on this current project im involved in. Well the problem im facing now is there is a page where a flash movie should play in a particular section on the page but it wont play on the secure pages, on the unsecure pages it plays fine. I had added an Active X work in accordance with the Lawsuit issue but it still wont play. Has any body faced this problem.

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Flash Movie Wont Play On A Secure Page

I have been working with ASP classic on this current project im involved in. Well the problem im facing now is there is a page where a flash movie should play in a particular section on the page but it wont play on the secure pages, on the unsecure pages it plays fine. I had added an Active X work in accordance with the Lawsuit issue but it still wont play.

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Movie Displaying

I done Internet presentation for my client and presentation is placed on Brinkster...

Displaying movies is a part of presentation...

Those are .mov files...

As movie container I use Quicktime...

My problem is:

I have to wait to full movie loading...

Wait and wait...

When the movie is loaded then display starts...

Sometimes, it can take a long time...

I want to achieve effect with movie slider in my Quicktime container...

In other words, I want that movie begins to play before the end of full loading...

How can I achieve this?

My code is here:.....

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Upload Movie Clips

I am handling a module using ASP3.0 which has to upload an movie clips of size 1 mb or 2 mb. i have a code which upload only files or images....

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Name Of Arabic Font Which Can Be Embedded

my problem is that i want to convert my web pages into Arabic. and for
this I have already install Arabic font in my pc but the problem is that
once i select that specific Arabic font the text is still written in
English . Can u please suggest me some embedded Arabic fonts which are
when selected will write Arabic rather than English.

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Cdonts Embedded Image

My readers that are lotus note user receive the mails I send using cdonts with image displayed as attachement in place of inline.

I read http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docvie...uid=swg27002572
that say "for displaying image inline in lotus you must set correct
mime header as content disposition : inline"

however I can't achieve it with cdonts : my mime header is stuck to
"content disposition : attachemnt" and I can't see how to change it.

I read somewhere that using attachurl instead of attachfile will fix
it but my test did not achieve this way.Any of you experienced sending inline image to lotus note users with cdonts ?

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Embedded Code Within JavaScript

I have a checkbox in a form and i want it to create a session if clicked. If it is not checked the session is deleted. I have tried the code below but it always creates the session even if the check box isnt clicked.

<input type="checkbox" id="txtValidate" onClick="<%session("checked")= "true"%>" />

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Logon Field Embedded In Web Page

I have a logon field including user name and password, which is stored to an access DB. Many websites have a logon and password field integrated into the page. I want the field to always be there.

When successfully logged on, the user will have access to other pages that I designate.

I have a complete web page and I want to stick the code from the working logon field, etc in the page w/o redesigning it around the existing logon.asp page.

I am asking if this is something I can do with the skills that I currently possess? Remember, I'm a novice .asp programmer, but an experienced web designed. We're working on the "dynamic" in web page design.

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JavaScript Where It Runs When Embedded In Asp Page

I want to know when we embed javascript or vbscript in asp pages where the script runs whether on client's browser or web server? also is there any possibilities like in asp.net we have "runat" wherein we can specify sever or client option available when we are programing in asp.

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Passing Variable From ShockWave Movie

On the Shockwave movie (in a browser) I have:

on mouseUp me
postNetText("address/page.asp", myVariable)
goToNetPage "address/page.asp", "_blank"

and in the ASP page I have:

<% passedvariable = request.form("myVariable")%>

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Opening Movie Based On Checkbox

I want to load a particular movie in my active x control but I want it based on whcih checkbox the user selects.

How easy is this to do as I have no real ASP experience but someone here said this would be an ASP thing. I will paste some of the codes below that I have. I have no real ideal as to what I am doing with ASP so the code is probably a bit screwed up.

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Send Html With Embedded Image Email In Asp

I want to send email in html format with containing more images added dynamically using cdo.message method. can you pls explain any body one how to do this. i alredy done this, but it send only one picture with that email. here i posted my code also. pls any one tell me what is the problem in this code.

Set cdoConfig = server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(theSchema & "sendusing")= 2
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(theSchema & "smtpserver")= "smtp server"

Set mail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")

html = "<html>"
html = html & "<head>"
html = html & "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"""
html = html & "content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"">"
html = html & "</head>"
html = html & "<body>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial"" ><b>Name: " & name & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial""><b>Company Name: " & cname & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial""><b>Country: " & ctry & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial""><b>E-mail: " & email & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial""><b>Details: " & remarks & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p>&nbsp;</p>"

for i = 0 to ubound(iid)
html = html & "<img border=""0"" src=""" & "http://www.abcd.com/img/" & fnme(i) & """></td>"

html = html & "</body>"
html = html & "</html>"

mail.From= emailFrom
mail.To = emailTo
mail.Subject = emailSubject
mail.HTMLBody = html
set mail = nothing
set cdoConfig = nothing

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Exporting To Word Using ASP - Need Linked Images To Be Embedded

I have an application in ASP that exports to Word using the Response.ContentType method.

The application references another ASP page through the img tag that uses a Response.BinaryWrite (of an img content type) for its output.

In other words:

App A.ASP contains the code: [...] <%Response.ContentType =
"application/vnd-msword"%> [...] <img src="B.ASP">

Then B.ASP contains the code: [...] <%Response.ContentType = "image/png"%>
[...] <%Response.BinaryWrite BinaryObject%> [...]

When Word opens and the document is saved, it references the images as links. I need to have these images be embedded as the file will need to be emailed outside of the network.

I can go in and manually break the links and save them as embedded files, but this process needs to be automated as users will not know how to do this.

Is there a way to force these images to be embedded instead of referenced as links when the Word doc is intially created?

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Searching Access Databases And Their Embedded Documents.

I've had a look and found a few items on searching a database but I need something a bit more complicated.

I want to store documents in a database, I also want to have a web page view and pdf download of the documents available (easy enough if I just embed the URL of the locations). The problem is I want to also be able to provide a search page that allows the user to search the documents and the database (for authors, date etc) using the same page.

So the question is what's the best way to start with the database and pdf docs and end up with a web view and search engine for it. The database is Access btw.

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Dynamic Movie Times Based On Zipcode?

Does anyone know how to display movie times from a particular zipcode stored in a DB? I need to find a website out there has a data feed that can be accessed with movie times. Anyone have any ideas?

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ASP, CDO For Windows 2000 & Embedded / In-line Images Showing As Attachments

I have been using the CDONTS.Newmail object for a number of years to send
nicely formatted HTML Emails with inline images.

I am now trying to switch over to using CDO and I cannot reproduce this
functionality. I am using the AddAttachment method instead of the old
AttachURL method but the attached images just show as separately attached
files rather than in line in the HTML.

According to MSDN:

"If you populate the HTMLBody property before calling the AddAttachment
method, any inline images are displayed as part of the message."

Well, I am doing that but it is not working. The images show up as if I had
attached them using the old AttachFile method.

Code follows....

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Controls In ASP

How will create no.of check boxes as per user requirement in ASP. How will we keep the names to the check boxes.

<% for i=1 to n %>
<input type="checkbox" name=? >

How we use the naming convention in the place of? How can we check the condition by using above naming convention

if( checkbox.checked =true) then
<< body of the condition>>
end if

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I have a Base class that is inherited by Form.aspx them Form.aspx loads 2 controls Menu.ascx that never changes and a body control that is selected dynamically at runtime. On each of the body controls I have a Function for validating the page Val() .

What I need to do is when an image button is clicked on the Menu.ascx I need to Fire off Val() in the Body control. Is this possible? I have tried setting a session var. but I have to load menu.ascx after the body control for the page or the body control does not function properly?

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FormView Controls

FormView & DetailsView are great controls in the new version of ASP.Net, but
I am finding it tricky to display more than the record that either control is
bound to at the time. For these controls to be useful in any mode other than
read-only, we need the ability to populate controls like drop downs that hold
associated data, which in the DB represents foreign key related data. In
order to do this, do I create a template field that has a seperate control
that binds to a different data source pulling back the "lookup" data?

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HTML Controls

I have a list of radio buttons that is populated from the database.
The value of this radio button from the DB is SalesRanking
If one selects the radio button (Sales Ranking) then I want to display 2 select boxes.
Is this possible?

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Access Asp Controls

I have the following problem: I have an asp-page which contains a loginview
with two templates (loggedin- and anonymoustemplate). How can I access a
textbox inside the the loggedintemplate from the code behind c# module?

I tried: (TextBox)Page.FindControl("TextBox1") but that will result in a
null pointer.
I also tried:
(TextBox)Page.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1.LoginView1.TextBox1") with the
same result.

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Registering Controls

I am using the object command in asp page to download and register my controls on the client machine. But when a upload the file and run the page on client machine its shows means the permission to download the controls but it didn't download it on client machine as a result i am not able to use any of the control function from page. what to do.
I am using this object tag to download

height = "10"
width = "20"
border = 2>
Am i missing anything

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Add Controls In Asp Page

How do I add controls in an asp page at runtime ? Does anyone have a sample piece of code? or sample? or link?

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On Focus With Web Controls


<input type="txtLast" name="txtLast" size="20" style="background:#000000; color:#FFFFFF">

I want to change this color when someone selects this control. I know in visual basic the set.focus function works. how do I apply this to this control.

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Disable A Controls

I am just learning asp and I have a question. Is it possible to disable a control that is on one page from another?

For example, I have a control on "Control.asp" and I want to disable it from "Sample.asp"? Is that posible? If it is, how is it done?

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Create New Controls

On my form I have 3 dorp down controls. Two of them have main information on them. Then on the third control I have only 3 values. "<blank>, AND, OR". If the end user selects AND, OR then Create a new line with 3 more drop down controls beneath the other 3. Where can I find out how to do this?

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HtmlEncode For All Controls

If I want to encode all inputs from user, can I apply this encoding for all "Input" fields on my site in a single action. Something like Input.HtmlEncodeAll() or HtmlEncodeAllInputs() etc.

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Custom Controls

I have code for remove button.How to make it a common control so that it will be handy to use.

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Hiding Controls In Asp

I want to hide the form control on clicking the submit button on the same form.Tell me the solution.And also facing the problem while using the date time pickers in frontpage.

Actually by using asp value of date selected is being fethched in variable but on clicking the submit button again the datepicker shows the date before selecting the date.

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Identity Of Controls

i have a webpage which has 3 forms and each of the form has a about 20 controls. now what i want is to have these controls displayed in a mixed manner on the screen. moreover the ACTION pages of all the three forms are different. so is there anyway in which we can specify that TO WHICH FORM do they belong

my page is something like this

FORM1 starts
FORM2 starts

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