I currently need to allow users to download a series of Excel files from the intranet which were generated individually using ASP. Rather than have them click one link at a time to download only one file, I want to find out if it is possible to let them download the whole series of files with one link click.
The users are all on the LAN so bandwidth is not an issue. Furthermore, the total size of all the files is only 100kb.
I have an Access db with usernames and passwords set up on a web site. Upon signing in to a password protected asp page which contains a link to an exe file, the user clicks the link and the browser asks to either Open or Save the file.All this works fine, but if the user simply types the full path to in the address bar, the browser again asks the user to either Open or Save the file - thus bypassing the security Is there a way to prevent this "back door" of accessing the file or would I have to set up an FTP mechanism.
I want to provide the ability to download files from a web page based on whether a user has paid for the file. I therefore need to hide the URL from the user.
How do I write code to download a file and hide its URL?
I have a website that (like many) allows users to download large files. Some are up to several hundred MB in size. The problem is that since switching to IIS 6.0, the size of the file is limited by the ASPBufferingLimit, and it's size seems to be limited to only 4294967295 bytes.
That's pretty big but it's not quite big enough and I need to disable it. Some people have recommended setting it to -1 via:
c: cd C:inetpubadminscripts cscript adsutil.vbs set /w3svc/1/aspbufferinglimit -1
but the -1 doesn't really "take"...IIS keeps it at 4294967295.
Setting it to 0 does "take", but then IIS returns nothing (0 bytes).
How do I disable or workaround this security feature in IIS which is not allowing people to download large files?
I am running Win Xp pro and have all components of IIS installed from the add/remove programs I have my FTP & website running fine, I am working on a page for a new sit and it's a form when I go to the page I get all the code not the page when I publish it to my host the pages display but the forum cant access the DB, switching to a Win based host, but I want to test here then publish how can I do this?
I have Apache::ASP installed on a server. And I have gotten a little code that I found on a website to work. But when I tried doing any code other that what was on that website it doesn't work. This is what I have in my htaccess file Code:
I believe that the .NET framework comes by default installed on win 2k3. It better, otherwise i don't know why it has .net framework wizard or .net configuration.
i can run asp files on my server fine. I changed the extention of the asp to aspx. Now it says file not found when i try and load it. Is this a problem with my aspx maybe, or you think aspx isn't registered by default, anyone know if i need to set something special up?
I have an FTP server that I use to store documents. When a user needs to download any document the "download link" directly points to the FTP server (eg: <a href="ftp://some URL since URL are blocked">Download</a>). I want to avoid this and now have added a user name and password to the FTP sever. But instead of giving the link as "ftp://usernameassword@myftpserver.com/document.xls, I want a much secure way of letting the user download the file without letting the user know about the FTP server username and password.
I need to log how many times one spesific file is downloaded from my website. First I thought this could be done simply by routing via a script that count number of downloads, and then redirect to the spesific file. But this soultion will not work when a user right click on the file/link and choose "save target as...". How can I solute this?
Is it possible to log a successful/unsuccessful download in ASP? I've got a download logging system but I'm wondering if its possible to find out if a download was disconnected or not?
I have an VB ASP page that creates, using a linked database, ad-hoc queries. Like, the user selects what table to look into, what fields, any criterias (ex: PROVINCE="QC"), etc. That part is easy.The problem is, I would like the results to be outputted in MS EXCEL. Well, it's not my idea, but I have to do it. Any ideas how this can be done? My only idea would be that: 1) The ASP page writes to a file on the server and offer a link to the user to download that file. 2) User Downloads 3) We can't have these Excel files cluttering up the server, so the file would also have to be deleted automatically.
Is this even remotely possible? I'm not too good with ASP, so is it even possible to write to file? Could I create a Workbook/worksheet object using VB ASP?Can I delete the file programatically
Does anyone know of a way to be able to take 10 urls which point to zip files and then for it to download them one by one, i.e. when one has finished to then begin the next one.
This is for an asp site which is why i posted it here, but i am not sure where to post this as i dont even know how to go about doing it.
I have a website setup which also provide ability to download latest version of our Software by logging into the webpage. All latest softwares (ONLY ONE FILE .EXE for each Software) are located in the "/Download" folder of my website. Customer will login to website and the ASP page decide the software that this user has purchased and privide ONLY that Hyperlink to download the latest Version file.
My problem is if somoe body know the path and file name then they directly put the URL in address bar and will get latest file. How do I restrict that? Please suggest all possible solutions.
A big problem with most server statistics is that when they count file downloads, they are counting the number of requests to the server, not complete downloads. Is it possible to count downloads more accurately?
I can use the Response.IsClientConnected command immediately after streaming the file to the browser but it's working only for files with size less then 80MB . How can I resolve this problem?
I have a file that SHOULD only be made accessable to registered users. They must login to get to the download page. The problem I have is that once a user logs in an gets to that page they can potentially share the web link to that file with anyone and that unregistered user can bypass logging in.
I was thinking something along the lines of download.com where when you click download, the actual files location only appears for a split second, pops up the download box, then it switches to another webaddress?
i was search on download multiple file at the same time and the answer i got is to zip these files my Question is :Is there sny way to unzip these file on client machine?
I'm trying to make a form that allows the user to select multiple files from their computer, and then INSERTS those file names into an access database using ASP. I also don't want to have a seperate <input = file> tag for each one??? Is this possible?
i trying to do a asp based multiple file upload form. i got an example coding to upload 4 file a once, but when i try to add another textfield and try to upload the 5 file at a time, i got an error message. Code:
I want the user to select multiple files. On selecting the listed files, he can click on open and all the selected files should appear in a textbox. On clicking a button upload, all the listed files should upload.
I have an ASP.NET Web application where I want users to specify browse/select multiple files in multiple folders on their local workstations.Upon submitting the form,I want to have server-side code to manipulate the files.This is something like writing an email with attachments via a web form
What is the best way to accomplish this?Are there some examples of how to browse/select files and pass them to the server-side code
i am able to do file download using the response object, where a dialog box will appear, asking user whether they want to open,save or cancel.
it is possible to download multiple files at once. since it is stated that 1 file download per http request. i am lookinn at http://www.motobit.com/tips/detpg_m...es-one-request/
where it show multiple file per http request. i don't quite understand it though.
is there any scripts available which can upload multiple files like some available java applets as my server does not support java so i have to use only asp
kindly suggest if there is any available i searched in this forums but just able to file aspsmart upload or aspupload , my server does support installation of dll so i cannot use these i need pure scripts which can help to upload mulitple file with interface.
For some reason, I am having trouble with this. I want to have a select statement, such as -
<% Select Case Request("service") Case "s" <!-- #include file="includes/bottom_nav.inc" --> Case "p" <!-- #include file="includes/bottom_nav.inc" --> Case "a" <!-- #include file="includes/bottom_nav.inc" --> End Select %>
I know that is not the correct syntax for the include files.
I have a standard ASP page that appends to an xml page.
Currently if there is more than one person attempting to append to the same XML file at a time. One user will have the ability to append, and the other user will append nothing.
Is there a way to avoid this from happening? For example. Lets say the user opens up a cached version of the page then append to the actual file. For some reason I remember reading about something like that, but just can't recall.
I am doing a binaryWrite to allow users to download files. The problem occurs if the file is too big. Some of the files i have are close to 100 megs. I read on msdn that if the data is greater than 4MB it is advisable to break it up into multiple chunks Code:
I've got multiple pages on the same server that all have the same drop down boxes in them. It is a list of all our facilities. Every time there is a change, I have to change it on every page. They are in the format below. Is there an easy way to store all that data in a text file so I only have to update it one place?
Just as the title says I am trying to do something impossible with a single SQL statement. I am doing an ASP webpage for internal use at the company I work for.
I want to know if there is a way to insert/update data into multiple tables in 1 SQL statement.
If it requires functions | views or anything else that is fine but I don't want to have 3-4 different SQL statements to update 2-3 different columns in different tables.
I have a search option on my website, which should perform a search on 4 fields, as follows:
tblNews headline content
tblDatabank filename description
It only needs to return matches which are an exact match of their search criteria. For instance, searching for "I am here" would return a record which contained "I am here", but not just "I" or "I am" etc.
I need to return all these records as part of one recordset preferably, as I want to be able to order them etc., though I imagine you may suggest I use an array somehow to merge two recordets etc., then reorder them?