Encription Type 'multipart/form-data'

I am facing one problem while uploading images in ASP. I am using ASPUpload to upload the file. I can upload the files also. for that I am giving the Encription type as multipart/form-data. THat time I am not able to get the other informations in that form like some hidden fields inthat form.

Is it possible to get the information when we were uploading the images. I am using post method for uploading.

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Multipart/form-data Vs Xml

Is it possible if i wanna append xml data and upload picture at a same time using the same form?

The problem i'm facing now is, when i add the 'multipart/form-data', i can't append the xml data

I know there's one solution, using 2 FORM but the project i'm doing now is designed to be put them both (file type for upload and textarea for append) together

Besides, i have no idea how to encode or decode the posted data.

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Multipart Form Data

I have a form which uses the encode type "multipart/form-data". How do you parse and iterate through the form field collection once the binary read method is used?

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If I'm using multipart/form-data as the enctype and the action is the same page how do I check if the form has been submitted? Usually I'd use something like this:

if request.form("input_submit") = "Save" then
' Process the form ...
end if

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Problem With ASP Multipart/form-data

I am using VB 6 and ASP to upload files to the web server in one of my web applications. The architecture is something like this...Thin ASP/html front end using multipart/form-data when user selects the file and clicks on upload a COM object is being called to upload file.

This works absolutely fine when dealing with file sizes in b/w 1 to 15mb....Now users are trying to upload huge file sizes such as 80mb/100mb. the web application dies without uploading the file....hence was interested to know if there is any size restriction for this???

The COM object is written using ASP Scripting library, MTS scripting engine, ASPSOFT upload....references.

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I am trying to upload a file . In my asp page I have enctype='MULTIPART/FORM-DATA'. for my form. Problem I am having is that I have some hidden variables in the form which do not pass through when that form is submitted. how to pass the values of hidden variables with enctype='MULTIPART/FORM-DATA'.

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Multipart/form-data And Select

I have a form (which is multipart/form-data) it has a file field and a select. When i submit this form i can get the file but i can't get the value of the select? any ideas?

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POSTing A Binary File Using Multipart/form-data

I'm trying to setup an ASP page to POST an image across to another page- essentially simulating what a browser does when you use <input type=file> in a HTML form.

I'm able to correctly setup the headers etc and do the POST, but I'm unable to include the binary data of the image.

The only way i've been able to do it is if I base64 encode the image. I'm using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP to do the POST, and I can't seem to do the .send with a form body that includes the binary data of the image. Code:

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Passing Form Data Using ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"

I have a form that has the option to upload a file at the bottom. If you select a file it works fine but if you leave file selection blank the forms bombs. This is not how I want it to work. On the form you need to use ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" in the form tag.

On the processing page I need to use Set to assign a variable to the form data. I tried using IF on the variable assigned to the file path but it bombs out telling me "This function is not supported". Is there any other way I can check to see if curQes has a value assigned to it?

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Request In Form Enctype="multipart/form-data"

I need to get some Request value from a Form... but this form is enctype="multipart/form-data" (to upload files) and I if I use the standard syntax Request("nameField") I don't get any value.

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Passing Variables When Using Enctype="multipart/form-data">

I am using an asp page (upload.asp) to gather information and to upload
files to the web server using SoftArtisans SAUpload Tool. In the first page
(upload.asp), I have a form for gathering info with the following: Code:

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Multipart Mime Type

How to send the HTML and Text email at the same time?CDONTS only send one type of email at one time and we should know before hand what type of email the client can receive. In my case i want to send both and depending on clients email reader the right one should show up.

I have used ASP email component also but for this component to work properly we should have relaying enabled on our SMTP server.Due to the threats of SPAM i dont want to do this. I am not any demanding here but simply trying to find the better way

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I am trying to complete a file upload form and I am getting very close (at least I think I am). Part of my process is that I want to display the file location back to the user after the file is uploaded.

So here is what occurs.

-I have a from that has the encType="multipart/form-data" as part of the form (it is doing a post). -In the next ASP page, I try to view the contents of the INPUT TYPE=File by using Request.Form("txtFileLocation"). The problem is that when I display this value it is blank.

This is part of a file upload process so I think I have to use encType="multipart/form-data", correct? Then assuming I have to use the encryption or assuming it is wise to, how can I retrieve the path the user entered in the previous form in the txtFileLocation?

I tried this without encType="multipart/form-data" and then I was able to display the path entered but the way I understand this is that it is required for the file upload process or at least it adds security.

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I have a basic file upload form.

<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="uploadaction.asp" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<tr><td><b>Image</b></td><td><input type="file" name="UploadFile"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2 align="center"><input type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload"></td></tr>

what exactly does the enctype="multipart/form-data" do? I'm having trouble getting the request.form("UploadFile") to work with it, but it has to be in the form for the file upload to work. Is there a way to "undo" this once it makes it to the action page?

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Multipart Mime Type For HTML/Text Email

How to send the HTML and Text email at the same time? CDONTS only send one type of email at one time and we should know before hand what type of email the client can receive. In my case i want to send both and depending on clients email reader the right one should show up. I have used ASP email component also but for this component to work properly we should have relaying enabled on our SMTP server. Due to the threats of SPAM i dont want to do this. I am not any demanding here but simply trying to find the better way.

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Method="POST" Does NOT Work With Enctype="multipart/form-data"

My form has mixed fields in it, one of them is a file field for picture upload when i submit my form via method="GET" i can retrieve my form data with Request.QueryString() method but as then I loose my file, but as soon as I switch to method="POST" and use Request.Form() method i get nothing unless I remove enctype="MULTIPART/FORM-DATA" at which point I loose mi file also... What is causing this? is there a different enctype i need to be using?

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Errors With Wrong Data Type On Search Form

I have a search form that searches through employee records by either employee number or last name. I have 2 radio buttons, one for last name and the other for employee number. The value of those radio buttons tells the query what to search by. My problems is if they forget to select last name and type text into the search field. I get an error of course. How should I handle this? I need some fresh eys on the problem.

If request.QueryString("action") = "search" AND request.form("searchby") = "nam" then
rsTraining.Source = "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE " & searchby & " LIKE '" & criteria & "%' AND STATUS ='Active' ORDER BY NAME_LAST, NAME_FIRST"
End If

If request.QueryString("action") = "search" AND request.form("searchby") = "num" then
rsTraining.Source = "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE " & searchby & " = " & criteria & " AND STATUS ='Active' ORDER BY NAME_LAST, NAME_FIRST"
End If

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Form Passing Variable -SQL Statement - Matching Data Type

I have a page that calls itself using a form. The form has two select elements. In the sql statement I am attempting to match the values of the select element to populate a recordset.

The two fields in teh Access db are of type Text and of type Integer. What baffles me is that one sql statement works fine and the other returns nothing. I am having the issue matching on the bedrooms.

In the first statement I took out all other doo-doo and just matched bedrooms = request("bedrooms"). On the other one I used p.bedrooms but it keeps turning up empty. Code:

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Multipart Form Processing

i have created a registration page containing a form than sends username password to an asp processing page. If the user exists it sends the user back to the registration page with server.transfer command otherwise it adds the new user to the database as expected.

Anyhow I now want to add an upload feature to the registration page (using pure-asp). The example I used says that the form Enctype property should be set to mulipart/form-data.

Now when I add a new user via the registration form, the processing page for some reason assumes the user is already registered (BUT IS NOT IN DATABASE) and the server.transfer code is executed ? sending the user back to the registration page.

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Displaying Image Data From SQL...single/multipart Tiff

An application is logging faxes sent in SQL2000 image column type. I have
found code on the net but what it is doing is prompting to save to local
which is fine for single page image. Not good for multiple page faxes. I
have not been able to locate an example to load in the browser or how to
handle multiple image in the one column. Code:

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Data Type Mismatch When GETting Data From An Access DB

We are running into problems with the script below, whose purpose is to allow users to choose values from drop downs populated by an MS Access DB.

(returns a blank page with only HTML Titles)

(you may notice this is a modified sample script): Code:

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File Form Type And Request.Form Problem

I have a form as follows:

<form action="dropboxsubmit.asp" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

<input type="file" name="FILE1" size="30">

<input type="text" name="def" value="0" size="10">


and can't get my asp to recognize data in other form input boxes using Request.Form

Any thoughts?

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Data Type

What data type do you use for this input -- uyen8976? how do you convert it to a string? how do you query it?

I tried to create a table in sql with this field
invoice char not null

qInvoice= "select invoice from ItemMaster where invoice=" + cstr(inv)
rs.open qInvoice, "dsn......"

when i tried to query this field, computer didn't understand what cstr(inv) was. It kept reporting errors.

However, i couldn't use varchar data type for uyen8976 either. The computer didn't let me convert "uyen8976" into a string.

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Data Type

i define Dim total as int but the total's value cant exceed a certain big amount. is there any long data types or double, which can be used?

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Data Type Error

i am getting this error Code:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e07'

Syntax error converting the varchar value 'Canvas' to a column of data type int.

/store/administrator/special.asp, line 98

what i am doing is selecting an item from the drop down and i have textbox i want to display the items price from the table here is the code:

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Data Type Error

I am trying to do a comparison between two values and am getting the following error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e07'
Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

The code that is creating the error is as follows:

sb = Request.Form("storyboardscreen")

if Not Lcase(Request.Form("AllStoryBoard")) = "all" then
whereClause = whereClause + "theStoryboard = " + sb
end if

I am using the statement to build the where clause of my query. The sb value is retrieved from a pull down menu and "theStoryboard" column is the db is of data type "text". The values stored in the field are 12 digit numbers. I have tried doing a cstr to sb but that doesnt work, any tips on what I am doing wrong? I am using asp with an access db.

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CDbl Data Type

I'm grabbing data from an XML web service and storing the values in ASP variables. I'm trying to apply the cDbl function to values returned and I'm getting the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'cDbl'

The data prints to the screen just fine

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Data Type Of An Array

can i put my operators into an arry, as i want to loop them later in a loop. but i have problem declearing the data type of the arrys.

Dim operatorsArray(4) As ?????
operatorsArray(0) = "+"
operatorsArray(1) = "-"
operatorsArray(2) = "*"
operatorsArray(3) = "/"

what should the data type be to work. can i have an example of how i am going to
use it.can it be done this way eg.
2 operatorsArray(0) 3 operatorsArray(0) 4 operatorsArray(0)does the above interperate as 2 + 3 + 4?

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Integer Data Type

I am calling a javascript function in my asp. I am passing a recordset value, a 7 digit integer, to this javascript function. However, in the function this value is not coming in correctly. say for example i am passing 0360001, in the function when i pass it to another window, its going as 122881.

I am asuming its because of the size of the default integer data type. If you think thats the reason, how can set a long integer data type to this value, if that can be done in asp.

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Mismatch Data Type

I m getting mismatch datatype error. How will fix this?Id is number, and route_knowledge is text.

Select route_name from routes where ID in (select Route_knowledge from drivers where ID =10)

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Variable Data Type

Is there a way to print a variable's data type - like int, string, dbl?

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Data Type Mismatch In SQL/ASPstatement?

I have been trying to delete a record from a database using the following code:

strQuery = "DELETE * FROM tbl_bookings WHERE fld_booking_id= '" & delID &"'"


it looks fine to me but I am getting the following error message:

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E07)
Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
/cancel.asp, line 50

Line 50 is the objConn.execute statement.

Is this something simple?

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Data Type Mismatch Error

I am doing a simple profile update webpage, I keep getting this error and can'y figure out how to fix it. I have included the code. The only field in my database that isn't a text field is my userid field which is an autonumber field.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression ASP Code:

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