Encrypt & Decrypt Password And Store In MS Access DB
I am trying to encrypt the password and then store in Access DB. I have check out already existing threads on Sitepoint and read the artile at 15second.com (Password Encrypt/Decrypt using MDI ). It works for SQLServer. I tried it. It works..
But i am using MS Access Database, and it doesn't have any binary data type in it. So MDI is not working for me here. I havn't find any help.
I am looking for your help now as i have give it up and this thread is the only hope for me now. I need to Encrypt/Decrypt the password while using Access at backend.
how i can encrypt something in asp and put it into a database and decrypt it using a key?I want members info and order info in my database to be secure.
Dim paramPwd as SqlParameter paramPwd = New SqlParameter("@Password", SqlDbType.Binary, 16) paramPwd.Value = hashedBytes objCmd.Parameters.Add(paramPwd)
I have been able to Encrypt my password, but now I am struggling to Decrypt it and i need your suggestions again. Now how i can Decrypt the password that is stored in my DB as binary form.
Public Shared Function Encriptar(ByVal cleanString As String) As String Dim clearBytes As [Byte]() clearBytes = New UnicodeEncoding().GetBytes(cleanString) Dim hashedBytes As [Byte]() = CType(CryptoConfig.CreateFromName("MD5"), HashAlgorithm).ComputeHash(clearBytes) Dim hashedText As String = BitConverter.ToString(hashedBytes) Return hashedText End Function
this function encrypt user password, I need to un-encrypt that password
I am new to ASP security. I want to know what is the best way to store database password in ASP application? Or if there are any places to store in IIS? I tried to store the password in VB DLL file, but looks like when I open the DLL file, I can still see the plain text password.
I am presently saving a word document to an access table in a OLE Object field. I retrieve the document and display it fine.
I would like to retrieve information from one of the other tables and merge the two together. And then display the new word document. Inother words do a mail merge or replace.
I have password protected my Access database. I have ASP code that does not include in the password, I am not sure where to place it in the code - and every time it runs it comes up with an 500 internal server error message.
Here is a sample of the code:
....................................... dim Conn, rs set adoCn=server.createobject("ADODB.Connection") adoCn.open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=" & server.mappath("fpdb/database.mdb") set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset") .......................................
I have password protected my Access database. I have ASP code that does not include in the password, I am not sure where to place it in the code - and every time it runs it comes up with an 500 internal server error message...
Here is a sample of the code: ....................................... dim Conn, rs set adoCn=server.createobject("ADODB.Connection") adoCn.open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=" & server.mappath("fpdb/database.mdb") set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset") .......................................
database.mdb is the password protected file, lets just say ABCD is the password.... how should it look?
I need to connect from my ASP page to an access db which has also some Oracle tables linked.
I need to copy some oracle tables in some access table. I have 2 recordset for each "copy process" 1 reading data from oracle and 1 writing them in access.
But I have a big problem: I have to give user/password to ORACLE to use linked tbs.
I am trying to create a "Members Only" section of my website. I have an Access Database to store usernames and passwords and I am using Frontpage 2003.
I have very little ASP experience and am having trouble finding some help on this subject that is understandable. I already have a global.asa file on the site because I currently have a page with a form that writes to the database.
What I would like to know is how to setup a login screen to get to the members only side of the site which will validate against the password table in the database.
I have a client who wants to password protect a learning course that is set up in modules. Each module needs to have it's own password protection so users can only access them as they progress through the course.
Each user should have their own password (for each module) and, said client would like the password to expire for the user at some (predetermined?) point. Is this possible? It seems like a lot (in terms of setup), but I don't know much about password stuff.
If it is possible, can someone give me an overview of how it works (theoretically) or where to find more specific info on setting something like this up (in ASP.net)
If it isn't possible, can someone suggest what is more reasonable in terms of protecting the modules?
Can RSA encrypt a sequence of numbers and letters intermingled together. I was told that RSA can only encrypt letters,i'm not so sure. So can it bge done
i want to encrypt my URL of my site when user process his/her queries he/she see encrypt form of URL and will not seen actual queries, how can i do this in ASP .
Does anyone out there know how to encrypt the entire ASP file? That means when a person tries to view my ASP source code, it will display as rubbish. Can't use Script Encoder (srcenc.exe) cause out there in the market exist a freeware Script Decoder (scrdec.exe) which can easily decode back the file to its original state.
I am working with an existing script/old server that uses encrypt(whatever) quite often (mostly querystrings), however there is no routine written anywhere in the script for this. no connection to any components or anything...
I didn't know it had a default encypt function (assuming its like base 64 or something)...
When using the QueryString of the request object the actual values are exposed to the viewer of the site and often user pickup on these values and start changing them . This can lead user to see data that they are not supposed to or even data that may be erroneous.
Is there an easy way to encrypt the querystring values that get displayed on the location bar / other than not using querystring. Can I use java script to disable the status bar, at the bottom of the page to not expose the URL's of various links on a page?
I often use a querystring in my ASP pages.for example:
if val > 1 then Response.redirect "val1.asp?val=1&user=UserID End if
Is there a way to encrypt the querystring so anyone trying to mis use the web site will not know what the encryption stands for also when people view the page source they should not be able to see the QueryString value. How best can I handle this . Using hidden values still expose the value in the page source. Does HTMLEncode help any?
I have a problem with asp encrypt. I always encouter this error message when i try to log in my system thru an IP address. The strange thing i that, onli my computer is experiencing this problem. I tried loggin in using another computer, with the same IP address.. and it's sucuessful. Izzit the problem wif my ASP encrypt or wad? The error i have is:
I created sessions to authenticate username and password. How can I utilize this same script to alert the user to change password at 3rd login? In other words when a user logs into a site after the 3 or 4th time which ever, they are prompted to change their password. Code:
we have an Enterprise Application on ASP and MS SQL 2000. Would like to know if I can convert the asp app to an exe or encrypt / encode / hide the source code so that no one accessing the server can touch / modify / copy the same.
I am looking for some ASP - SQL server 2000 online store application that i can buy for my company. This store is completely internal for the company and will be on our intranet server and will be utilized by the company employees to buy company merchantdize.
Also at this time there will be no credit card processing as the amount of purchase will be deducted from the payrol. I will be needing the shopping cart and product view. Later if we provide the credit card processing, we have already installed PayFlowPro from verisign and do creadit card procesing on our main site.
Does any one know such application that i can integrate with our style sheets and general layout?
I am using ASP and VBScript to access an Oracle database and display query results to my users. However, my query is huge! and I want to keep the query separate from my ASP/VBScript code. How do I store the query on one page and then call it from another page?