Encrypting Data With Forms

For the register and login pages, etc (ie, any pages with forms), I'm wanting to encrypt the data using the basic form encryption method: Code:


However, I have no idea how to get ASP to de-encrypt the data on the other side.

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Encrypting Critical Data

After reading several articles on securing web applications, hackers can not only perform SQL injection attacks easily but can get hold of the information in the global.asa.

This really worries me because the connection string is stored in this file and it contains critical information such as uid and pwd. Most people suggested that we should encrypt this information but the solutions that are provided are all in ASP .NET. Does anyone know how to do this or is there any better and easier way?

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Data From Forms

I currently have 2 asp forms on one page, posting to different pages,one an email form, the other an upload. Is it possible that someone could help me with merging them together?The scripts and pages are below on my 3rd post below.

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Data Passing Between Forms

I have been using the post method, but that only works for one other page...how do I go about making variables available to more than one page?

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Cross Contamination Of Data Between Forms

I have just taken over an ASP application that has a form whereby the user on entering details submits it, where an administrator approves the form. lately I have been getting calls from people who on opening a Finalsed Form (non-editable) to copy similiar data to the new form, are finding the new form disapearing and the Finalised form taking on the new data.

Being new to ASP, I am assuming this would be a session thing, considering the Form number is held in a session variable, as are many other fileds of the form? Is this a common "break" in ASP - a user opening another copy of a form and ending up with cross-contamineted data? I havent included intracate details as at this stage I wouldnt know what to include without including the whole 20 pages of 1300+ lines of code...

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Data Entry Through Forms Layout

I have a table layed out in SQL 2000 like the following:

Username Date Hours Period
john 1/1 10 1
john 1/2 20 1

How simple is it for me to build a data entry form in ASP that would display this with input boxs for the hours field. The problem is I need it to span left to right on th eweb page.

Period 1
1/1 1/2 etc------------>
box box


The key to the look would be the current period.

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Collect Data In Multiple Forms

I Need to collect about 400 pieces of text information (of various types and sizes) in about seven forms in seven different pages and post all the data finally to a database. I would like to know what is the best mechanism to pass data from form1 through form 7.

Users should be able to go to previous pages and edit entered data. Should I pass them as hidden variables or retain them as session variables or are there other more efficient ways to do this?

Also, I want to be able to later retrieve the data and porpulate the forms with the data so that users can edit the data and post it again. I am using ASP to do this (not .net). Any help from a generous programmer?

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Populate 3rd Party Site Forms With My Recordset Data??

I have a simple application setup where people can submit a request for a sample of our product to be mailed to them. It's a very simple form with name and address information. I have a page setup where our warehouse guys can pull up current requests and then the plan is to use USPS.com to print shipping lables.

While it's already a big time saver, they're still having to either copy/paste or re-type the information into USPS.com's forms. Knowing the names of the form fields on their site, is there a way I can populate their forms with the data in my recordset from my details page?

For instance, they pull up the current requests and they click into the details page for one of them which lists the person's name and address. If I have the USPS.com page open in another window and on the screen which contains the form fields is there a way to call that page and populate those fields accordingly?

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Can't Find Error. Issue With Variables, Forms, And Displaying Stored SQL Data

1) This is page built as a form which displays the content of a SQL database (a specific row) for users to update.

2) Each form field contains the actual information that the database has at this time (some Columns May or May not have info in it. No actual way to determine if its NULL or Just Empty).

3) I have the actual row selector based on the Unique ID (autonumber value). Its selected from a previous page and passed through GET.


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Encrypting Cookies

I use cookies on my website to store details such as the colour scheme, email and username though I do not want people editing this data so I need to encrypt the cookie due to data such as post counts being stored in this way.

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Encrypting An Email Using GPG (not PGP)

Our web site is hosted on our providers site where ASP is installed. On our
website, we generate an email containing personal data including credit card
info whenever someone orders a product on-line from us (we only do a
transaction per day avg.) Becuase the email contains credit card info, we
want to encrypt it. I have downloaded/installed and generated a private and
public key using GPG and have distributed the public key I generated to the
provider that is hosting our website. They have imported it onto their

How can you generate an encrypted email using the public key on the
providers system , using ASP?

Currently we are simply generating a plain text email containing this data -
and this has to stop.

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Encrypting ASP Code

tell me what is the best way to encrypt ASP code?

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Encrypting URLs

Are using this practice? If yes which method are you using?

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Encrypting A Querystring

I have done a search on this and it seems to be a topic of some interest (700) views, but has not been fully explained.

I have a page which validates a username and password and then, if both are correct, the applicantid is retrieved and passed by querystring using a response.redirect. Apparently it would be wise to encrypt the applicantid when passing it.

<% else
strApplicantID = rsPandU("ApplicantID")
'Response.Write strApplicantID - this works
Response.Redirect "memberarea.asp?id=" & strApplicantID

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Encrypting Code

I want to know how can I encrypt my ASP code using VBScript & also when I use JScript so that people who see the source of my file cannot read my ASP code.

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Encrypting Credit Card Info In ASP?

I have a website for our online store. Until now we have received payment through email, which we then run in our local store's Credit Card machine.

We want to move up from there. I have signed up for Paypal and that is easy.

We want to also be able to accept the CC info in our own website securely. We are not looking to actually run the Credit Card, we just want to get the information from the user and pass it on to ourselves in a secure manner, so that we can run the information locally on our Credit Card machine.

So, I guess, my questionj is not really about credit card's at all. Rather I am asking, how can I get a form's data sent to my computer 100% (or close to that) securely.

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I am trying to write a simple script that will allow me to have someone complete a form and depending on which location they choose an email will be sent to a specific person.

I have a page that validates and sends and email to me correctly, now I am trying to simply add a case statement that will allow me to change the recipient to the individual it needs to go to. What am I doing wrong? Is there another way of doing this?

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Basicly I would like to know how to transfer data entered on a form one one page, to another - for example a signup:
Page one - Contains initial form
Page two - other details form ] both pages emailed through the same form.

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ASP And Forms

I am trying to take that is submitted in a form and put it into a querystring. I have a text field with the name "company_name" and has the value of <%= cCompany%> when submitted I want to take the value of the text field and send it to another page called submit.asp. then from the submit page I will append it into a table. I can append to the table fine but when I pass the value its blank. I have tried Request.Form(company_name) and Response.Write(cCompany). None of these seem to work the variable is always blank when I submit it. I can use javascript to get the value, which works correctly but cant dont think I can pass a javascript variable into a querystring.

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how come the second one has the forms lined under eachother
when the first one looks like it does?
How do i make the "boxes" in a straight line under eachother?

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Forms With In Forms?

I’m working on an Invoice page. The user may edit some of the vars on the page. Then The user will want to re calculate the totals. Then after seeing the re calculated totals then I will want to submit this info to the next page where the data will be put into a DB.

The question is how do I do this without using 2 forms, It looks like you can not put a form with in a form. Yet it looks like that’s the only way to be able to pass the vars iEither to the page where were calculate the vars, or the other page where we submit the data to the DB.

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ASP And Forms

i have

printerdropdown = printerdropdown & "<option value=" & rsPrinter("id") & ">" & rsPrinter("id") & " " & rsPrinter("name") & " ( " & rsPrinter("location") & " )</option>"

and want to pass two variables across my forum by selecting just the one.
i.e. rather then just passing rsPrinter("id") id also liek to pass rsPrinter("ccid")

But dont know how to without making it joined when i cann it on the next page via request.form("printerid")

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Is it possible to call ASP functions from event handlers? I am trying to find a way to have a form call an ASP function, if there is a better way let me know.

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Asp.net Forms

Is it possible to create a form that will authenicate against a 2003 domain?

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ASP Forms

A client of mine has a couple of simple contact forms on their web site and they have asked if I (their web guy) could put together an ASP Form for them as their current form is out-dated and the radio buttons don't work right.

Not only that but, they do not even have a re-direct page setup so when a prospective customer completes the form and hits "submit" the form they just submitted stays in their browser window.

I have put together html forms but, I was wondering if I could get some help with creating an ASP Form for my client with disrupting the format & layout of their current Forms?

I have checked out some ASP tutorial sites but, they really do not give you the full picture in creating a "working" ASP Form.

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how do you get the infromation from a form and put it into a database using sql .

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I am trying to create a page with a drop-down select upon it. When the user clicks on a selection I want a new frame to appear with a new URL (associated with the selection) appearing in it.

previously when I have used select I have passed the value to the new page, but this time I want to go to a different page depending on the selection.

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I have a very large form that clients will enter data into. When they submit the form I would like a page to come up where they can opt to confirm the form or go back and edit the form. I know this is possible is there a way to automate this so I dont have to retype the whole form again putting all the data in manual.

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I need the form to be emailed to me once the form is complete. the problem I'm having is when the SUBMIT button is selected I receive a HTTP error 403.1. My web server admin isn't sure what is causing the problem. Is ASP the best way to go?

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Forms Under SSL

I need to collect course registrations, with cc info, via an ASP registration form that would operate under SSL. The order info would be stored in a database that resides outside of the public web directory.

If I write a password protected utility that runs under SSL that allows the person processing orders to view/print records in this database under SSL so they can be manually processed, and after printing delete the cc number in the db, realistically, how secure is this? Host won't let me use PGP.

They don't want to use Paypal, and can't get an online merchant account because they're considered a high risk business (travel). What other options do I have?

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Forms And .asp

im creating an application form for an existing site. The pages are all .asp but my form is .php. I have never explored asp before and know very very little about it. Not sure of the easiest way to create this form within these pages.

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I have a form with 6 multiline text boxes each accepting data to be stored in a memo field. the form accept as much date as can be typed, but refuses to send data after
a certain limit (havent actually counted the # characters).

Is there a limit to the number of characters a form can send, or is it some other design problem.

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Basically I have a form, where I have 6 option boxes, say Option box 1 has 3 options in it, being A,B,C. Is the a script around than when a user selects an option them form gets reloaded with the same option boxes, but between the first two option boxes a Text box appears with a certain label, this labels is altered depenging on the users selection. Code:

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