Is there an encryption protocol that asp classic uses that also uses?The reason is, I need to allow users to automatically be logged on if they are logged onto the old asp site in the .net one.They are on the classic asp site, they click a link, first, some info is gathered then it is encrypted and placed in a query string.The .Net site gets the query string, decrypts it and takes it from there.
im looking to encrypt a string of numbers in ASP using javascript. Ive been looking up encryption using RSA that does this for text strings. Does anyone know if this can be done with a string of integers?
I'm trying to find an encryption algorythme that is emplimented in asp and js so that I can encryp a password client side with the js and decrypt server side with the asp.
what I'm looking to do is encrypt a small portion of html code that is generated by my ASP page. I haven't had much luck finding any info to see if it can even be done though.
Does anyone know a way to encrypt html so its not as easily viewed by the source page code?
My form accepts user name and password. I want to encrypt the password when I send it to the server. I think I can use windows advapi32.dll functions to encrypt and decrypt the data. Does anybody know if I can use this dll directly in my asp? Do I have to write customized dll which uses advapi32.dll and then use the customized dll in the asp?
I would like to know what is the best to encrypt/decrypt info using ASP. I would like to encrypt some darta when recording it in an Access db and decrypt it when retrieving the data in question.
I guess that there are no built-in function so I was wondering if you would have a script that you would recommend. Or should I use a third party? It doesn't have to be very complex.
I am planning to provide the Pause/Resume while uploading files.Our site is using both java applet and activex to do this.The list of selected files will be stored in an encrypted file using SHA256(I have taken the code from:
The user can Pause file uploading and can resume file uploading even without login to our site at any time (even after days/weeks).Since the list of files are stored on an encrypted file our site's client service program will upload the rest of files.I invite all to discuss about the security issues arise out of this solution and how secure is the above program using SHA256?
I have developed a real estate software and I want to encypt few lines of ASP code so that it becomes difficult for a user to edit the code and change copyrights. Example:
"Cannot use Request.Form collection after calling BinaryRead"
I get this message cause I have a form that inputs two types of data: a file to upload and a field value to save in a datasource. The encryption is "multipart/form-data". The file is uploaded successfully, but, how can I invoque the fields of the "request.form" without getting this error?
I am currently working on a project where I need to encrypt the query string parameters to hide the details from the user. However, everywhere this parameters are used, I must encrypt on the calling page, and then decrypt on the page being called.
if there is a way to do this transparently so that I don't have to do these steps for all pages? I know this can be done using an HTTP module in .NET but is there a way to do this in classic ASP ?
I need to send an email via an asp page that will encrypt the email so that it can be decrypted when it arrives in the inbox of the person it was sent to.
I know that PGP can be used but i cannot find anything of how to do it online. Has anyone got any ideas where i could find some info about this or even an alternative way of doing things.
i cant generate paypal buttons with software available as mine need to be dynamic. however i have read paypal manuals 3 times now, and all it tells me is i have to have openSSL.
now i dont, least my host doesent anyway, i have an SSL certificate, but it is not open. does anyone have any experience of trying to encrypt there dynamic buttons for paypal and working with ASP ?
How can I encrypt strings using an asymmetric key?I want to encrypt short strings (credit card numbers, etc.) and save the encrypted strings into a database. When accessing the data (i.e. the web admin), he will provide a password (the decryption key).
There are DLL components (, but I can't register a DLL on the machine (hosted server).
I'm looking for a strong, reliable, and cheap component for my encryption needs. I'm wanting to encrypt credit card numbers, encrypt user ID's in cookies, and all the regular stuff.
I'm trying to encrypt query strings. For Example... I want this... to be something like this...[encrypted string]
I've seen the 4guysrfromrolla's version. Its fine "but" I don't know if it would be practical in this case. I would need to encrypt many urls on a single page and every link on a displayed page would be pulled from a database. the "rolla" version I came across requires that a text file be created and key written for each encoded string everytime the page is called. This doesn't seem that practical to me because I would be writing files and keys dozens of times everytime the page is called.I've also seen aspEncrypt but they want 250 bucks and I was hoping to avoid this. I also see that .Net has a method for this but I'm only working with classic at this point.
I'm working on a site that needs several different types of protection, ranging from hashing pw's (md5) to needing a reversible encryption for some data.
The current encryption I'm using is a freeware RC4 implementation but it periodically generates sql-UNfriendly strings that I can't seem to filter no matter what I try.
Has anyone else worked with an encrytpion method that's both effective and won't blow up an INSERT statement?
I am trying to create a simple, secure credit card payment system using either public/private key encrytpion.
I know public key encryption is probably more secure, but it is also slower from what I have been reading. What I am looking for is some examples of public or private key encryption.
I'm writing an application that requires me to encrypt all data within SQL Server. On each page in my application I will need to load somewhere between 200 and 1000 records and decrypt the two fields returned for each record. This is gobbling up major overhead..! Should I dump the decrypted data into a temp table that deletes after the users session ends? Or possibly put the entire collection into a session as an array.
Basically what the title says. Im looking into and currently trying to develop a nice secure login. To be honest for this project not much of a security issue but yet learning now will help later.
For this instance though there will be a minimum 1 login user to maybe 4 users. A database in this instance to maybe store the encrypted password dont seem worth while so what other way am I best doing ? Or is still the database the ideal method as obviously they have to be stored somewhere.
I have written an web based client upload script. But i need to encrypt the files before the upload, and then a method of decrypting them at the server.
The files in question will all be audio files, all formats. I am new to asp/, so can anyone point me in the write direction in how do code the encryption. Is the 128 bit, the best method to use?
I am trying to re-work the login interface of an e-commerce system that we use but I need some help reverse engineering the user password encryption, it is a fairly basic HEX encryption of some sort. Here is what I have so far (and some sample PW)
A system I use uses advanced encryption for passwords. It was taken from some sample script and adapted some where. However this was I think intended to be for passwords. So nothing too long.
However the time has come where I need to create a function to encrypt a large amount of text. It has to encrpt a large amount of text but nothing too advanced is needed to be honest. Just so its unreadable because its written to a text file on drive. It has to be a function though then capable of decrypting the encrypted text.
Any ideas ? Again Dont have to be nothing too flash. I mean I had a go at just changing letters to different letters but the function got huge with all the replaces.