End Dates For A Week

If I know the week number and the year, how can I calc the beginning and
ending dates of the week?

For background I'm going to do some grouping by week but don't just want
to call the weeks Week 25, Week 26, Week 27, etc.

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Start/End Dates For A Week

If I know the week number and the year, how can I calc the beginning and ending dates of the week? For background I'm going to do some grouping by week but don't just want to call the weeks Week 25, Week 26, Week 27, etc. And the week number is to be calculated with:

DatePart("WW", [MyDateField])

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First Day Of Week

I need the formula to return me the first day of the current week.. I've searched for 2 hours online and haven't come up with a classic asp example.

For instance - when the formula is run today, it should return 6/5/2006.. when it is run this thursday, it will be the same.

I have this working in T-SQL right now, it looks like this: DATEADD(day, 1-DATEPART(dw, GETDATE()), DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE()), 0))

Perhaps this could get converted to asp >?

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Day Of Week

I know there is a function that shows: <% = date %>, which gives: 2/17/2006, is there any way to show the day of year? Example: Today is 2/17/06, but the 48th day of the year. Is there any call to get the 48th day?

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Getting Day Of Week

Is there a built in ASP function for getting the day of the week? Ultimately I'm trying to come up with the output:

Thursday, September 23, 2004.

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First Day Of Week

Need to print "Week of (first day of week)" First day being Monday.

week = Request.querystring("mydate")
response.write "Week of" & week

If week = 5/6/2004 (which is Thursday) it should output "Week of Monday, May 03, 2004"
How can I do this?

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Get Date From Week.

Currently i'm working on a application and i have no idea how to get the date for it. This is the scenario.

User will key in this code. For example 07W04. This mean is fourth week of 2007. So now i need to find out the date from the given code. I think of since 1 week is 7 days therefore fourth week should be 7 X 4 so the date will be 28. But then that is for the first month. The others i need to think for the 30 and 31.

So is there any solution for this? I think this is not an easy way. So hope some helps from you all or any function for this.

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Get Week Number

Does anybody know how I can get the week number. The week number we are currently on is 28 and I need to be able to reitrieve this number so that i can manipulate for loops to advance that number to 33 and 38.

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Week Calculations

I'm looking for a function that returns a date range for a specified week number of the year I'm not able to find functions like this anywhere.

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Work Week

I need to provide a pulldown with work weeks displayed.Is there any easy way to do this?

I would like to go 6 months from the current date and show a week as Oct. 11- 15.Which is Monday to Friday.

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Week Number

I am trying to figure out a way to get the week number of the current week. I know this is relatively easy using the calendar year (starting from January to now). However, I want to do it so I start in October on the first monday of the month, so today's date would be the 10th week.

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New Record Every Week

Is it possible (how) to display a new record every week (or day) from a recordset?

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Records From Last Week

I'm trying to create a page that displays records from an SQL database for any records that were created in the last week. I'm stuck on syntax.

I know I have to do something with the date field along the lines of SELECT * FROM table WHERE theDate <= "& now() -7 & " ... or something like that, but I don't know how to format now() or date() for anything other than their defaults.

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Week From Month

If I would like to get the week number for month, let's say today is July 25, 2005, which is the fourth weeks for July, how can I use base on the date I have and convert to get the week number in ASP.

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Convert The Week To Date

Can anyone please tell me is there any method to convert the week to the date?? For example If the week is 6 then we can get the date where the date is between '2/1/2004'
and '2/7/2004'

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Display A Different Txt File Every Week

I've made up a set of simple tide table files in notepad showing high and low tides. Each file is for 1 week (7 days) from Sunday to Sunday.

At present I change the text file manually every Sunday...Erm, ok, most of the time anyway.

How can I call a different text file on a weekly basis, using ASP, from the directory which the .txt files are all stored in. (The site is an asp driven site)

The existing files are each named by the starting Sunday date.....18_04_04.txt. (UK date format, sorry), but it'd be no effort to number them sequentially if neccesary.

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Messages For The Current Week

I have a db with the fields Day, Month, Year and Message. How can I select all of the messages for the current week starting with sunday and return the results as a list.

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Return Week Numbers

I have an mssql database with a table of timesheets, each recorded with a Week-Ending date. I have an asp3 webpage that checks the table for timesheets for a given month and calculates hours etc (sum where month = 8 etc). However i need to detect if a time sheet is missing for a given month... as sum() just adds up timesheets if there is 1 or 4.

How can i do this? the only way i could think of is determine the week numbers for a given date then pass these to a stored procedure or something which will then only select people with a full set of time sheets. or is there an easier way?

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Selecting All Values In A Week

I have an Access database which asp pages use which has a number of fixtures and events which take place on certain days, and I want to select all values from the database which occur over a period of a week.

For example, for this week I'd want to select all items which have dates between Monday 26th November and Sunday 2nd December. Code:

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Week Number Of Month

I need know the week nuber of the month. I know the function datepart() but returns the week number of the year a number between (1,53) I need a number between (1,4 o5). There is a function or method that i can use to do it?

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FileSystemObject Delete 'Week Old' Files

I know this is going to be blindingly simple but I've had one of those days where the more I search and try, the further away from finding the solution I am!

What I'm trying to do is really simple, but the last part of it I can't seem to get right... hopefully someone will spot it straight away.

fPath = Server.MapPath(".")
qDate = DateAdd("d", -7, Now())
Response.write qDate
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Folder = objFSO.GetFolder(fPath)
For Each i In Folder.Files
If i.DateCreated <= qDate Then
Response.Write i.Name & "<br>"
End If

Set i = nothing
Set Folder = nothing

As you can see, I've got down to selecting all the week old files no problem, but when I come to execute the 'objFSO.DeleteFile(i.Name)' line - I either get file not found or nothing at all.

Something to do with the ServerPath?

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Function To Get The Start Or End Date Of A Week

i want to display the Week start Date & End Date with week number when i use:

select datepart(date,Pur_Date),sum(Amt) from Purchase where Pur_Date
between '01/01/2004' and '14/01/2004 ' group by

result should be displayed as:

week start date end date SumAmt
1 01/01/2004 07/01/2004 1000
2 08/01/2004 14/01/2004 20000

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Displaying Just Fridays / Start Of Week Days

I need to build a sort of calendar in ASP (not .NET). I need to display just the fridays or the first days of each week of each months of an year. Any ideas on where or how to start?

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Calculate Month From Week Number And Year

is there a way to calculate the month from a week number and year?

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Function To Retreive World Week Calendar

how to retireve World Week calendar?

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Getting Week Start Date And End Date By Entering Weeknumber

In my page i have two combobox. one for year and one for week numbers.Now my prob is

1.when i select a year from combo box 1, second combox box will display the number of weeks in that year.eg if i select 2005 it display me list from 1 to 53 as there are 53 weeks in 2005.

2.when i select a weeknumber from combobox 2 and press submit button it ll display start date and end date of entered week.

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i have an admin page where i have to enter dates.

I enter them in french format : month/day/year, i save, when the page is reloaded, they appear in french format, "day/month/year"... if i save again, they will ve swapped again.. and so on....

what i'd like to know, is how to know the database supported format, the server date format and how to correct this little problem in my task management system i am developing.

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GMT Dates

lately i just migrate my website to a US webhosting (i am from malaysia) and since then the date is 13 hrs behind.

Understand that to solve this problem i will just need:

DateAdd("h", +13, now())

and the output will be:

4/16/2006 12:30:03 AM

The question is how do i just get 4/16/2006 (without the time)?

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Using Dates Between

I have this query:

SELECT COUNT(appold.reason) AS Insufficient_Information
FROM appold
WHERE appold.reason LIKE 'Insufficient Information' AND (appold.`date out`
BETWEEN MMColParam1 AND MMColParam2)

MMColParam1 #01/01/2003# Request.QueryString("date1")
MMColParam2 #20/01/2003# Request.QueryString("date2")

and using this link to set the values:


When I test this in the recordset dialog it shows up with the correct count but when I use the link as above I get a 0 count, what am I doing wrong?

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I am writing an app that uses ..Now()...
How do I allow for time zone differences?
If I understand, Now() pulls the server time.

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ASP And Dates

I have a form with 2 fields: Beginning Month and Ending Month. I want to be able to allow the user to select a beginning month and ending month and when they hit submit, it will retreive all records in the table where the month field is equal to or inbetween the months the user selected.

For arguements sake lets set:
strBDate = Request.Form("txtBeginDate")
strEDate = Request.Form("txtEndDate")

SQL: SELECT tb_admin.[Session#], tb_admin.Date_from, tb_admin.Date_to FROM tb_admin WHERE ????????? ;

I know how to connect to the database and pull the data using SQL and WHERE statements but im not sure how to form this WHERE statement.

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When I try to select records which have a date greater than todays date it brings back the incorrect records. I think I'v tried everything to get it working and may have missed something. Basically here's what happens.

Todays date is 04/05/2005, but the sql will return records which have a date of 05/04/2005 or greater. Heres the sql:

Select * From trainingCalendar2 where startDate > #04/05/2005# Order By startDate;

And Returns:

2 Course Test 4 07/04/2005 Mandatory Training

10 SAP Training 29/04/2005 External Course

12 Create Course 2 17/05/2005 Internal/Upskilling

I have checked the regional settings and they are correct. When I open the database and look at the records they are of the correct format.

Even when I look at the records in the site that are the correct format. I think it's access but I thought that access was supposed to have the same regional settings as the computer.

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ASP Dates

Ive got a variable in my code which is used to calculate the age of an entry in the database. The runtime value for the variable is set to Now-14 which checks to see if the article is more than two weeks old. I can change the value to Now()-21 and it still works (flagging all items 3 weeks or newer, but if I increase this to 28, 30 or anything above,

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