Error :: Microsoft VBScript Compilation Error '800a0408'

I found this code on writing to a csv file within this form. I have modified the connection and command slightly. I keep getting this error and can't figure it out!

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0408'
Invalid character
/Expat/CSV_test.asp, line 38
Also, I have not created a csv file - not sure whether I need to create one with the headers/field names etc first. All I have done is the code below. Is this enough to create the csv file?

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Microsoft VBScript Compilation Error '800a03ea' Syntax Error

I am trying to display data from three tables in an MS Access database. Here is my code:

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Recordset Error :: Microsoft VBScript Compilation Error '800a03ea'

I'm trying to send an email with a list of people in the body of the email but when i ty to send the mail i get the error

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ea'

Syntax error

/admin/tr1.asp, line 124 do while not rsp.eofwmail is the body of the email.I'm completely stumped here. Code:

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Error :: Microsoft VBScript Compilation Error '800a03f6'

I have all of a sudden started to receive this error on my site. I have no idea what script it is executing, why it is now failing, what is going on? All I have been able to find out is that Microsoft has had the same problem on their site.

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f6'

Expected 'End'

?, line 0

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Microsoft VBScript Compilation Error '800a0400'

Here's the error I get:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'

Expected statement

/Includes/Common/DebugFunctionsJS.asp, line 3

<script language="JScript" runat="server">

Here's the code:

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Microsoft VBScript Compilation Error '800a03f6'

I have all of a sudden started to receive this error on my site!

I have no idea what script it is executing, why it is now failing, what is going on??

All I have been able to find out is that Microsoft has had the same problem on their site!

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f6'

Expected 'End'

?, line 0

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Cookies: Microsoft VBScript Compilation Error '800a0401'

Here's the error:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'

Expected end of statement

/SEI/test/order_step2.asp, line 1

Here is my code that I am using to write the cookie: ....

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Mail : Microsoft VBScript Compilation Error '800a03ea'

My global.asa file looks like this

<script language=Vbscript RUNAT=server>

Sub Application_OnStart
application("ADOSqlConnection")="driver=SQL Server;Server=;uid=;pwd=;database="

application("ConnectString") = "driver=SQL Server;Server=;uid=;pwd=;database="

Sub Session_OnStart
Set Session("arrTo") = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set Session("arrCC") = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set Session("arrBCC") = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set Session("arrFiles") = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Session("Count") = 0' to generate unique keys for the dictionaries
end sub

Sub Session_OnEnd

end sub

End Sub


I get this error

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ea'

Syntax error

/LM/W3SVC/542313792/Root/global.asa, line 8

Sub Session_OnStart

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I Have A Error Called Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error- Error '800a000d'

I got an error saying

Microsoft VBScript runtime error- Error '800a000d'

Type mismatch

/briansforums/default.asp, line 923

also another error called Code:

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Microsoft JScript Compilation Error '800a03ec'

As you can see i am getting the following error message, this is for my university coursework j have finished the website but it just doesnt link to my databse properly

Microsoft JScript compilation error '800a03ec'

Expected ';'

/jamestoone/webbug.asp, line 2

Dim Conn Code:

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MS VBScript Compilation Error 800a0401

I have no idea what's wrong with the following ASP statement:

Response.Write "<select name="id">"

MS VBScript Compilation error 800a0401
expected end of statement

However, if I do the following, it will be fine:

<select name="id">


any ideas??

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VBScript Compilation Error '800a03ee'

I need some help with my punctuation on this connection script: Code:

connString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & server.mappath((request.servervariables("URL"),1,InstrRev(LCase(request.servervariables("URL")),"installer")-1)) & "CPDatastore1.mdb;"

This results in this error:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ee'

Expected ')'

where this punctuation need to go?

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CDONTS Error .. Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a0046'

CDONTS is not working on my webserver. IIS 5.0 Windows 2000

I am using this code

Dim objNewMail
Set objNewMail = CreateObject("CDOnts.NewMail")
objNewMail.From =""
objNewMail.To = "***@***.com"
objNewMail.Subject = "Test"
objNewMail.Body = "<html><b>test test</b></html>"
Set objNewMail=nothing

But it gives me error
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied
/test.asp, line 11

I have also referred this Microsoft KB but no help....

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Error :: Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a000b' Division By Zero

I am accessing the same error-containing ASP page on an ISP server using w2k IE6 but with different effect. On the first computer I get several line of HTML outputed by ASP, shown correctly by the browser, followed by a descriptive error message:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000b'
Division by zero

followed by the number of the error-making line. On the second machine my HTML is not displayed at all. Instead I am getting that meaningless error page sayng that The page cannot be displayed, HTTP 500 - Internal server error. How can I get the second computer be more informative about the errors?

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Error :: Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a01a8'

When I do the click event, I get this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: '' /get.asp, line 13

The Server is running on NT.

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Error :: Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a000d'

I have just tried setting up a POST USER A COMMENT and when I go to post a comment i get this:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'LBound'

/ws/viewmember.asp, line 103

Line 103:

For MM_i = LBound(MM_fields) To UBound(MM_fields) Step 2

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Error :: Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a0046'

Getting this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission denied

/OperationsManageFiles.asp, line 28

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Microsoft VBScript Compilation

updating my asp page. here is the error code that i get, and on the bottom is my original code.

Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
Expected end of statement
//shoppingcart.asp, line 19, column 70
set RSCustomers = Conn.Execute ("Select Max(Cust_ID) From Customers") As ("MaxID")

If IsEmpty (Session("Cust_ID")) Then
set RSCustomers = Conn.Execute ("Insert into Customers(Order_Date) " & "Values ('" & Now & "') ")
set RSCustomers = Conn.Execute ("Select Max(Cust_ID) From Customers") As ("MaxID")
Session("Cust_ID") = RSCustomers("MaxID")
End If

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Microsoft VBScript Compilation

I'm getting this error on opening a page from a category :

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0411'

Name redefined

/includes/, line 14

Const adOpenForwardOnly = 0

Generally what does it mean and how do I fix it?

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Microsoft VBScript Compilation (0x800A03F6)

I'm getting the following error on an ASP page that previously worked fine:

Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A03F6)
Expected 'End'

I know that this can mean that there's a problem with If..Then...Else structures, but I've checked them over & over and they appear fine. Same goes for loops.

I'm more than happy to send the code if necessary, it's just that it's rather long....

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Microsoft VBScript Compilation (0x800A0401)

why i got the error message using the following sql statement?Error Type:

Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
Expected end of statement

sql_update = "UPDATE Expenses SET Value = '" & val & "', Detail = '" & modifiednote & "', Time = '" & Time() "' WHERE myDate = '" & Date() & "'"

I am just trying to update my Expenses table in mdb database
and the table has field names:
1. MyDate
2. Value
3. Detail
4. Publisher
5. Time

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Microsoft VBScript Compilation (0x800A0411)

I am attempting to connect a form in Dreamweaver MX 2004 to a Microsoft Access database and am receiving the following error message:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0411)
Name redefined
Dim MM_conMembers_STRING

From what I can gather the MM_conMembers_String has been used somewhere before in my page but I cannot figure out where. I have no knowledge of code and would great appreciate it if someone could help me out. In the attached file are both the conMembers.asp page and members.asp page code.

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Insert Into :: Microsoft VBScript Compilation (0x800A03EE)

I am very new at this and ding this in context of a course. I am getting an error stating
Error Type:

Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A03EE)Expected ')'

Can you please look at this and tell me where I went wrong ? .........

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Microsoft VBScript Compilation (0x800A0400): Expected Statement

When the ASP statement end with a _ character, then the next line cannot
have comment ' character. Is that correct? Since I encountered the following

Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0400)
Expected statement

sqlStmt = "insert into TimeSlot (WeekDay, BeginTime, EndTime) VALUES (" _
' & 2 & "," _
& beginhour & "," _
& tohour & ");"

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Sql Date Select :: Microsoft VBScript Compilation (0x800A0401)

Ok I know there are lots of posts out there for this problem but no matter what I try I can not seem to get it to work

What is wrong with this syntax

sSQL = "SELECT * FROM serviceHostingMatrix WHERE start_date = "# & startDate & #";"

startDate is a variable that I filled from another tables date field

getting this error

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
Expected end of statement

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Microsoft VBScript Compilation (0x800A0408) :: Invalid Character

I keep getting this error message appear but cant find where the invalid character is:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0408)
Invalid character
/test/test.asp, line 18
For Each x in rs.Fields

here is my code:

do until rs.EOF
For Each x in rs.Fields
Response.Write(" = ")
Response.Write(x.value & "<br />")
Response.Write("<br />")*

What have i done wrong?

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a000d'

This is the error message that I recieve Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'DateToConvert' /i_functions.asp, line 95

And this is the section of the code that it is referring to:

Public Function GetDayName(DateToConvert)
dim WeekDays(7)
WeekDays(1) = "Sunday"
WeekDays(2) = "Monday"
WeekDays(3) = "Tuesday"
WeekDays(4) = "Wednesday"
WeekDays(5) = "Thursday"
WeekDays(6) = "Friday"
WeekDays(7) = "Saturday"
GetDayName = WeekDays(Weekday(DateToConvert))
End Function
This is line 95: GetDayName = WeekDays(Weekday(DateToConvert))

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a01a8'

I am getting the following error from this code;

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: "

owctemp2/shop.asp, line 113


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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a000d'

i am getting this error and the code is as follows:

CartArray = Session("Cart")

For i = LBound(CartArray,2) To UBound(CartArray,2)

i even tried doing it in this way:

For i = lbound(CartArray,2) To UBound(CartArray,2)

can someone tell me how to solve it.

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a01ad'

I am trying to create a form which emails to a specified address. I am using the "sendmail.asp" form handler but each time I submit the form I receive the error "

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'ActiveX component can't create object

/sendmail.asp, line 58 (In red below)

Anyone have any ideas why?? I have checked all the field names and supplied all of the required hidden fields. This is on an Nt4.0 box with IIS installed, a FrontPage web. Code:

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a01c9'

Am migrating a customer from IIS5 on W2K server to IIS6 on W2K3.
Zipped all the websites and unzipped them to the identical locations
on new server. Used IISMT to migrate metabase.

Got this error when I tried to run a very basic page... code:

<%@ LANGUAGE=vbscript %>
response.write ("Hello<br>")


Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01c9'

This key is already associated with an element of this collection

/LM/W3SVC/3/Root/include/, line 13

The global.asa file in the root which is as follows uses the includes (top 13 lines follow): Code:

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a004c'

I have an IIS 5.0 server with a Virtual Directory called test. This virtual
directory points to a share on the network, server1share and uses a valid
domain account in the "Connect As" field.

From an IE browser, you can access the virtual directory without a problem.
However, when referencing the virtual diretory in an asp page, the following
error is received:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'

Path not found

/Folder1/webpage.asp, line 10

Line 10 is where the virtual directory is referenced. Code:

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a01fb'

I get this error Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01fb' When i call LoadPicture method, or when i pretty much do any operation with PictureBox like setting width and height.

It happened after i apllied Service Pack 4 to my 2000 machine. Before it worked properly. Any suggestions?

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