Error Permission Denied.

I'm getting an errror,Permission Denied when I'm trying to send mail from an asp page.
I looked in the IIS settings.The SMTP server is not started when I try to start it gives a message RPC server problem.

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Permission Denied Error

We have a Visual Basic 6 project and asp pages loaded "through it" clicking on a node/link loads a page,recently certain users are getting error "Permission denied" but only when they try to access this web page by clicking on the link the first time, every other time it is fine, and the web page looks exactly the same and we have no problems working/using it but it very annoying not being able to get to the bottom of this error. I am not getting the errror and never have, some machines have SP2 and some don't so that is not the problem or solution.

I am not sure if I need to check for some files I might have on my pc, some sort of web components or something like that?

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Permission Denied: 'CreateObject' Error

This works on my PC at work, but at home, I get

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046)
Permission denied: 'CreateObject'


<%Option Explicit%>

Dim objInputXLS
Dim ObjInputWorkBook
Dim ObjInputSheet
Dim datStartTime
Dim datEndTime

Set objInputXLS = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

I'm using Office 2000 & Win 2000

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Permission Denied Error - MS Access

My ASP-MS Access application works fin in our local server and in our
hosting I get this errors, while adding/editing or deleteing.
When deleting a product: error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied
/webadmin/Products.asp, line 27
When deleting an image from a product: error
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied
/webadmin/modify_products.asp, line 21

My hosting company says that its my program error, But I do not think so as
its working very fine in local win 2003 server. Please help me to resolve
this. If this is permission error at the server, what should I do.

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Permission Denied Error For Filesystemobject

there is an aspx file in my virtual directory which access's an external file via the filesystemobject. This file is giving a permissions denied error while accessing the external file.

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'800a0046' Permission Denied Error

it works from my logon (domain admin account), but everyone else gets

Microsoft VBSCript runtime error '800a0046' Permission denied
path/patj/script.asp line 16

I looked at a lot of articles and gave the IIS accounts full access to the mailroot folder, along with the 'regular' domain user account I am using to test... still no good.
also to the directory in which the script(s) reside Anyone have a definitive answer on the permissions need to run these scripts? We started having this problem after I migrated to Windows 2003 Server/IIS 6.

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Permission Denied Error For OpenTextFile

I am getting "Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046) Permission denied" error at

set file = fs.OpenTextFile(fileName, openMethod, true)

I have given permission IUSR_<computername> user to read/modify the directory by adding it to the security tab. I have even given permission to Everyone but still I am getting the same error.

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Permission Denied Error When Opening And Writing To File

I have a script that opens a file and writes to it using ASP. I've used the script before and it worked fine locally, until recently, after I upgraded my computer to Windows XP Pro SP2. Also, it still works fine when I upload the script to my web host. However, locally on my computer using IIS, I get the error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046)
Permission denied

This occurs on the line: Set FileTS = FileFSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(".") & "" & FileName,2,TRUE)

I've searched online for answers and most articles say I have to set read and write access to the containing folder. I have done so for the containing folder and for the entire "wwwroot" folder, but the problem still occurs. I have also allowed anonymous access for my computer IUSR_XXXXX. This doesn't work either.

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Permission Denied :: Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a0046'

I have made a asp mailform.

What is wrong?

I get this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission denied

/fh/medlemsnett/send_mail.asp, line 26

Line 26 looks like this:


Here is the code: ....

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Permission Denied Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a0046'

The error is:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission denied

/tasks/SetTask_dbTask.asp, line 30

The problem is only on Insert statements. Update Statements work fine....

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ASP Email - "permission Denied" Error

I tried the coding but it keeps returning an error message:

Error Type: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046)
Permission denied
/JWarner/ForgotEmail.asp, line 33

Line 33 is the Mail.Send. Here is my code:

if Request.Form("submit") <> "" then
if UsersRS.eof and UsersRS.bof then
response.redirect "EmailFail.asp"
Dim objmail, mailbody
set objmail=Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objmail.Subject="Username and Password Request"
mailbody="Username and password: " & vbcrlf
mailbody=mailbody & "Username - " & UsersRS("UserName") & vbcrlf
mailbody=mailbody & "Password - " & UsersRS("Password") & vbcrlf
set objmail=Nothing
response.redirect "EmailSuccess.asp"
end if
end if

Can someone please tell me what's wrong?

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Copyfile "permission Denied" Error

In one of my projects i need to copy one image file to 3 different folders. I have given full folder security permissions to all folders. My application is allowing to upload and moving image files but i am unable to copy a single image file to other foldes.

It is giving permission denied error. note that all paths are correct. There is no path not found or file not found errors.

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Permission Denied

I'm getting permission denied when I try to create a new folder. I gave the everyone group write permissions to the folder and I still get permission denied.
Here is my code:

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'Permission Denied'

I have an ASP script which does numerous writes via FSO using ...

Function LogActivity(strText)
Dim fso, f
Dim strTime
strTime = ABCNOW()
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile((ABC_OS_ROOT_PATH & "ABCMAINLOG.txt"), 8,
f.WriteLine strTime & " " & strText
End Function

.... We have recently tripled the number of users using the app have
found that IIS is intermittently reporting 'Permission Denied' while
writing to the log. You can try again a moment later and all will be
well. Has anyone seen this ? It seems very strange that W2K can't deal
with multiple processes/threads writing to the same file without
getting itself confused

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Permission Denied

I am running a web application on a Win 2003 Std (Active Directory).
Everything works fine. I have installed same application on another
server Win 2003 R2 Std (No Active Directory). On that server I get
“Permission denied” using the following code (used to zip folder

set WshShell = server.createobject("")
strZipIt = "wzzip -a " & ZIPFILE_PATH & " " & FOLDER_TO_ZIP & "*.*" strZipIt, 0, true

If I run web application under Administrator account it works fine. I
have also tried to change from Winzip command to run a simple bat-
file. Still permission denied.

I have added read & execution rights to for instance IUSR_Machine,
IWAM_Machine on cmd.exe, wscript.exe, cscript.exe. Still permission
denied. Code:

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Permission Denied

I get problems using scripting.FileSystemObject.I am writing an application that should do the following: A user must be able to upload files and create folders on the server as well as delete them. At the moment the user can create folders, upload files and delete files without any problems.
The problem is the following: If I try to delete a folder I get the 'permission denied error'. I thougt the problem was with permission settings on the server itself, but it doesn't seem to be the problem especially since I can delete the files but not the folders they are in. I then tried to delete the folders manually on the server, but I get the "sharing violation" error. Soon as the application is run the folders become undeletable. How do I "close" the folders making it possible to delete them from my server???
It doesn't matter if I run the other scripts on the buttons. If I create a folder manually on the server and run this page, the folder can not be deleted(client- or sever side)

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Permission Denied

The following line

Set UserObj = GetObject("WinNT://" & replace(request.servervariables("REMOTE_USER"),"","/"))

was working on Windows 2003. I moved the code to a different computer, same Windows 2003, but now I'm getting

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

"Permission denied: 'GetObject'" error.

What needs to be done to fix the problem?

The page is under "Integrated Windows Authentication" security.

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Permission Denied

I found this calendar script. - see the attachement

This is what I need for my project. I try to Submit the new event from the admin.asp page, but I got this error message: Permission denied
/event/admin.asp, line 19

Which is at this line:

'open the text file

Set FileOut = FileObject.opentextfile(FilePath, 8, true )

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Permission Denied

I have a web server running Windows NT and IIS 4.0. My
users that are using Windows 98 2nd edition have no
problem uploading their files into the server via ASP but
those users that are using Windows 2000 Professional will
have the below error :

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission Denied

/project/maintain/result.asp, line 91

I have tried quite a lot of suggestion on the folder
permission but to no avail.Please let me know what I should do to solve this problem.

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Permission Denied

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'Permission denied

for line
'set writedata = fso.OpenTextFile(file_to_open3, 8, True)'.
this line should be correct right?? can anyone tell me why??

localdir =server.MapPath(mapPathName)
file_to_open3 = localdir & "" & serial_no &".txt"

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

set writedata = fso.OpenTextFile(file_to_open3, 8, True)

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Permission Denied

when i upload my excel file to server got msg that permission denied ,Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046) line no 121 and that line is Set oFile = oFS.CreateTextFile(sPath & FileName,8, True)I have checked the properties of the folder for the anonymous user the access is full.

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Permission Denied

i got an asp page that allow me to upload file into server,i try to test it under wwwroot its working fine i upload file using my asp page into my own pc derectory.

when using the same way to upload my file into another pc using LAN by just change the file destination path and i get permission denied error messages.What will be the error i done to create this error messages?thx a million

when i upload file into my own pc i using this bariable,

DestinationPath = server.mappath("/files/")

when i upload file into other pc using this variable also,

DestinationPath = ""+"/files"

then the error message come out,i did set the file permission of write and read to full control to everyone on PC that IP address

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Permission Denied

I am getting "Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046) Permission denied" error at Code:

set file = fs.OpenTextFile(fileName, openMethod, true)
I have given permission IUSR_<computername> user to read/modify the directory by adding it to the security tab. I have even given permission to Everyone but still I am getting the same error.

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Permission Denied

I am struggling to create a file using FileSystemObject on my os. (Win Xp pro) I know my code is working because when I upload to the server it works.

I have done the obvious by setting permission to the IUSR_Computer name and Disabled My Anti-virus App. Also Right clicked on the folder and web shared it. But there is one thing that is odd. When I de-select the "Read Only" checkbox and Click Apply and go the the properties again the Read Only is Selected again? I thought it might be the System Restore but it wasn't that.... anyone know what it could be .

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Permission Denied

I am using Server.createobject("Adodb.connection") on a local server, when i am doing this from my machine its ok but when i try it from other machine it gives the error that permission denied server.createobject, I am not getting through exactly , what happening ,

The problem,,, is

when i use http:localhost est est.asp it runs
but when i try from other machine
http:abc est est.asp
then error , abc is my machine name

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Permission Denied

With my script ASP, I display list of folders and files in a directory. My problem is :
when the directory is protected, I have a message an error page with "permission denied" message when my ASP script try to read its content. How can i read the content ? Or How Can I get permission ?

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Permission Denied

I have created a dll to read the mails from inbox folder and to send the mail-using outlook. Code:

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Permission Denied

i'm trying to put some verification onto some pages so that a msgbox pops up to say "added" or "removed" etc etc when i submit a form, but when i use the msgbox code i get a "permission denied" error

do i need a .inc file to use the msgbox code or something?

also tried it with <script language="vbscript"> and got the following error:

Expected statement
/Remove Patient2.asp, line 25
<script language="vbscript">

it doesn't matter which page i use the msgbox code on, i always get the permission denied error! and the expected statement error when i use the <script....> code.

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Permission Denied

I cannot execute the batch file through my ASP page.

The code is below:

Set WShShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
s=WshShell.Run("c:aayush est.bat",1,False)

the drive c: is a network drive (shared) also the application is kept on a folder which is shared too (but i think this dosent makes any difference). I have set Execute permission for the application in IIS, Restarted the server many times.

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Permission Denied

Really need your assistance since I have been struggling with a
problem long time now.

I am running a web application on a Win 2003 Std (Active Directory).
Everything works fine. I have installed same application on another
server Win 2003 R2 Std (No Active Directory). On that server I get
“Permission denied” using the following code (used to zip folder
content). Code:

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Permission Denied: 'createobject'

I've been here before, I've set this working on an NT 4 server, but for the life of me, I can't remember the trick...

In full, I'm opening a doc in word 2k on the server - win2k adv - to print to file as .ps, for conversion via Acrobat distiller.

set wordapp = createobject("word.application")

is generating:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission denied: 'createobject'

/test/print.asp, line 32

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Getobject Permission Denied

We just moved a legacy asp application to a Win2003 server. The following
line of code:

set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomain & "/" & strUserName &

Raises the following error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied: 'GetObject'

Any suggestions?

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CDONTS Permission Denied

I am getting a permission denied error on line


I've done a bunch of searches on this and came up with many different reasons why this would happen, but I can't seem to fix it.

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