Error Handling Inside Classes

I can't seem to get error handling to work from inside my classes. On the outside it works but on the inside it doesn't. Any thoughts?

if err.number <> 0 then response.write "errors" end if

I'm trying to catch all the errors as I go and I can't do that if it won't work on the inside of my classes.

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Validation Inside Classes

I'm currently new to OO programming with Classic ASP and have been stopped dead in my tracks on the issue of validation inside classes and if I should be doing things that way. I have been using a User class and it has methods such as Save(), Update() and Delete(). Particularly with the Update() method I'm unsure if I should be validating my form(s) within the class or on the actual edit.asp page that uses the Update() method?

I have two types of edit pages; one for Admin users and one for the My Account page. On the My Account page if the user wants to change their password they have to enter their current password, a new password and then their new password again to confirm .

If an Admin user is updating that same user's info they do not have to go through those steps and they can simple just change the password by typing it in. The point here is that there are two separate cases of validation rules on two separate pages that both use the Update() method. Do you validate your forms inside your classes or outside?

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Error Handling Using Asp

How do i do error handling using asp. Like taking an example i am getting this error on trying to save a record twice whihc has a primary key constraint:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again.

how can i handle such cases and where do i place the code???

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Error Handling In ASP

I want to error handling in ASP. But i think that ASP is not enough for
error handling. I have got two chance.
1. I can prapare an error page and control throught IIS.
2. I can use on error resume next.
For 1. This is a general handling. I want to handle local error. Maybe i do
special thing when error occured.
For 2. I have to write alot of lines code. I have to control every line.

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Error Handling In Asp?

Is there a possiblity that, when an error comes in asp page in server, especially with sql script, to hide that error from user and display just Error, report to admin,

i just want to make a general case where when an error comes i should take the page to report to admin.

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Error Handling In ASP

How i can handle the errors in ASP. Please suggest something.

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Error Handling

how i can handle errors on ASP page. Actually i want to maintain a ErrorLog in Database and want to redirect the user on an Error.asp page where i can show him the error details(i-e error #,Description etc).

I have found "With Endwith" method to handle errors but the problem is that i can only write it with a record set and it will handle only record set related errors and also i have to write With EndWith with each recordSet but i want to handle any error on page at a single place.

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On Error Handling

what this code doesnt work?

on error goto errhand:

exit sub

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Error Handling

I have a script that takes gathered customer data, sends it to the gateway (ecommerce site), then takes the response from the gateway and redirects or prints out any errors (invalid CC number, declined etc.). Code:

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I have a usercontrol that consists of a dropdownlist that is databound to a sqldatasource. It gets populated with a staff list.

I've setup properties that can be set for the usercontrol when it's accessed from an aspx page.

I then have an aspx page that has a formview on it that is databound to a sqldatasource.

On the edititemtemplate I bind to the dropdownlist usercontrol's SelectedValue property that I setup.

The bind works, but it seems only works for writing to the control. When I bring up the edit item template, it shows the properly selected value from the dropdownlist, but when I change that value and then hit save, the item I changed to on the usercontrol dropdownlist isn't grabbed and sent back to my server it seems.

On the ORIGINAL version of my page that consists of about 30 other bound controls, it would give me an error of "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'blahblahblah', table 'Blah.dbo.Blah_tbl'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails.
The statement has been terminated."

But when I rip almost everything out and just leave the company name textbox and the dropdownlist it doesn't return that error, but it still doesn't save my value. It posts back the page as if it had saved it, but no data is updated. Code:

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WDDX And Error Handling

I am am using WDDX.Deserializer.1 to parse some XML data to display on an ASP page. Occasionally, I get an error like this:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01fb'
An exception occurred: 'deserialize'
/includes/sidebar.asp, line 25

Line 25 is:

set MyRs = MyDeser.deserialize(content)

I would like to set up some error handling so that if this error occurs it will display a custom error message rather than this one. Right now this message occurs near the top of each page on the site, in effect crashing the whole site. How can I test this to see if an error will occur?

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Paging Error Handling

I inserted an error handling code for the code bellow. What happen is
the page is taking a long time to load. Upon loading it takes me to
"page not found" of microsoft internet explorer. How do I solve the
problem? Code:

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Custom 404 Error Handling

When a user tries to visit a non-existant page in our web site they receive a custom 404 error message. I want to capture the URL the user tried to visit. Does anyone know where I can find this string?

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How To Perform Error Handling In ASP?

how can i put the error messages in HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error page in a nicer way so that it suits my web design.. ?

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Error Handling Routine

I have an error handling routine that emails me the Err.Source, Err.Nbr, and Err.Description in the event of an error. How can I include the line number of the error as well and the filename?

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Handling Ref. Integ Error?

Is there an elegant way to check for the REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY VIOLATION in Access via ASP. The reason I ask is that if the user attempts to refresh the screen after implementing an INSERT he will be trying to insert an identical record which thows up the following error (below).

I could place On error resume next before but I find this dangerous or am I overworrying. I could preface the insert by doing a check for the record but this creates longer code which warps my anti-debugging frame of mind :) - is there a better way? Code:

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Error Handling Using VBScript

i am coding in VBScript. i am coding for an online survey. Fr error handling (eg if the user forgets to fill out a field), is it possible to ensure all fields have been filled out BEFORE clicking the submit button? i wish for the user to be notified via a MESSAGE BOX, how would i go about this(using VBScript)?

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XML HTTP Error Handling

I currently use this for my error handling in XML HTTP... Code:

On Error Resume Next
If NOT xmlHttp.readyState = 4 then:xmlHttp.waitForResponse = 5:End if
If err.number then
response.redirect("error.asp?error=2&pg=" & Current_page_URL)
If xmlHttp.Status <> 200 OR NOT xmlHttp.readyState = 4 then
response.redirect("error.asp?error=2&pg=" & Current_page_URL)

'content here (no error)

end if

But when the site I am gathering data from is down, then I get an error saying that It cannot connect to the server. How can I error handle this error?

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Error Handling-duplicate Key

when I try to insert a duplicate record I get the primary key error. which
is good. but I want to generate a user friendly error ... telling the user
that u have got this error because u r trying to insert a duplicate record.
i can simply do so by using "on error resume next"....

this is what I do:

"on error resume next server.transfer("error.asp")"

the problem is it simply takes me to a page where I display an error has
occurred... it doesn't look attractive to display a one line error in a big
page? I hope I am clear....

1. how can I display the error message in my error.asp

2. I can I make it look better... how is error handling done ???


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Error Handling With Ubound

Error is:

Subscript out of range: '[number: 0]'
Subscript out of range: '[number: 1]'
Subscript out of range: '[number: 2]'

This is correct in that the variable is empty if user does not fill in correctly. However how do i stop it falling over and just get it to error handle?

e.g. If Subscript out of range: '[number: 2]' empty how do I 'know' this without an error? Code:

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Database Error Handling

If I try and add a record with a duplicate primary key I get the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again. Code:

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Error Handling A ICMP Ping

I am having trouble, with Error Handling.. I have a ICMP ping utility in VBScript, it works fine if there is a proper reply but will create an error if the IP or DNS name is unknown, Can someone look through the code and see if theres a way I can catch the Error and display say "REQUEST TIMED OUT" Code:

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Error Handling - Rolling Back Changes

i'm trying to incorporate error handling into my application, but i've run into a dilemma.

i've already performed 10 successful INSERTS, but on the 11th INSERT, the application fails for some reason (say for example, i tried to perform an INSERT into a table that doesn't exist). logically, i should stop execution and display some sort of error message. but, i've already ran a bunch of INSERTS so what do i do?

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Error Handling With Stored Procedures

I am calling some stored procedures from ASP. These strored procedures have to deal with lots of deletes and updates. So i have thought of implementing transaction commits and rollbacks.
But if a rollback occurs in these stored procedures, i want to get a value back to asp page, based on this value i will run the next stored procedure.

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Error Propagation On Page And Its Handling

I want to capture err.description into asp variable when any error occurs in the pages as a whole. Suppose some error occurs at the top of the page say ADO Block.

Can it will travel till page end, or can every error necessarily stop the proceedings and throw error resulting page crash. My ultimate aim is to capture error in asp variable when ever crashable error occurs. How to capture it. Code:

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Error Handling - Rolling Back Changes

i'm trying to incorporate some error handling into my web app,
but i'm not sure how to go about it in this case.

say for example, i already ran 10 INSERTS, then on my 11th INSERT,
something fails (perhaps trying to perform an INSERT into a table that
doesn't exist). logically, i should stop execution of the page and
display some sort of error message. but, since i've already run 10
successful INSERT queries before the error occurred, what do i do

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Error Handling Of ADODB.Field (0x800A0BCD)

I am facing some problems for the database query.

Error Type:
ADODB.Field (0x800A0BCD)
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record. How to do the error hanndling, if certain record cannot be found in the database? If possible, please show the coding.

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Database Insertion Statement Error Handling

I need to know how to handle errors if a write to the database fails. Here's the pseudo-code:

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How To Do The Error Handling If The Users Key In Character Into Integer Text Field?

How to do the error handling if the users key in character into integer text field? If possible, please give example and show me the coding.

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Two Classes

When I write the code

Set a = new C1
Block of code
Set a = Nothing

Set b= new C2
Block of code
Set b = Nothing

The Class C2 doesn't work.

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ASP Classes

I've been searching for some information on the use of Classes in ASP, but
found very little information.
I found this .
Are there more information somewhere online?

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Classes Vs COM

For the majority of my work, I just use plain ASP. On the rare occasion that
I am doing something intensive that does require user interaction I might
create a COM component (ie where performance gain outweighs the overhead of

A simple Rule-of-Thumb. I imagine this is fairly common practice... (I hope
it is, at least).

However, I'm curious about VBScript Classes. I would have imagined that if a
page was complex enough to merit defining and creating your own
classes/objects, that COM would be appropriate...

In which case, when and how do people use VBScript Classes?

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VB Classes

I am re-coding a VB application to be used on the web, some of which requires additional DB components for user registration etc. Usually I use ASP classes to manage the DB I/O stuff but I was wondering whether they are any benefits in having them as VB classes and compiled as dlls?

I like the idea of having the VB application as dlls, but using asp classes for the general functionality of the application. However, I don't wish to do this out of convience for myself.

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