Error :: Opened Exclusively By Another User, Or You Need Permission To View Its Data

I keep getting an error that says:

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)
The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'c:inetpubwwwrootannoneil\_databaseannoneil_AN D.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.
/annoneil/artist.asp, line 96

The code was working fine a few days ago but now I cannot figure this out.

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Opened Exclusively By Another User

For some odd reason I keep getting the following err msg:

Error Type:
MSAccess (0x800A1EBA)
Microsoft Access can't open the database because it is missing, or opened exclusively by another user.

On line 57 which is:
objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase strDbName

I have strDBName set as
strDbName = "C:Test.mdb"

This is the correct name and the db is not opened I keep getting this err msg. Code:

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Streaming File To User: 'File Could Not Be Opened'

I have a page on our intranet that is supposed to stream an Excel sheet to
the user. I'm using pretty standard code:

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How To Count The View, Donwload, User Quantity?

i saw from the web, how can the coding write out to count:

1. how many people View this image?how many people View this Topic?

2. how many people download that image, software or etc?

3. how to write out the code?

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How To Use Database To Check User Permission Level

i'm going to ask the way to use database to check user permission level in asp..

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Giving Access Permission To Specific User

I want to create directory and set access permission to specific user.

i tried with wscript but it's not working, i used "cacls" command it's working only NTFS partition but i used to fat32 . how to set directory permission with asp script
on fat32 so anyone help me?

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Req/l Forum Script That Allows Me To Set User Groups To View Certain Categories?

im looking for an asp (not .net) script based on a user forum
where as the admin i can set up different users to only see related
forum topics (i want to use it for project management) uploading files
to the forum would also be a massive advantage!!!

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View Data

I have a asp code that shows the values from a database. But here it shows all the values in one page. I want to make each record appear in a new page. How can i do it. Code:

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Can't View Data In Access DB

I have a datbase (db2.mdb) on the server

Here is the information:
DB name-Addresses
Input - user
Input - password

Here is the script that I'm using to try to view, unsuccessfully, the user in this database. Does anyone see the error? Code:

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Script To View Data

I'm looking for some advice in creating a page to allow me to view the data stored in am access database. I want to be able to see all of the saved records. Is there a simple way to do this?

I did recently create a page to put the data in this database. I'm proud of this. I still haven't grasped with all my reading, etc. the function of all the code.

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Can't View Updated Data

i am working with asp 3.0.whenever i enter new data and want to view the data. i can,t view latest data(it shoows the page last visited), i have to refresh the page , then i can view the latest updated records from database.

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Interface In Access For Data Entry Using Grid View

i often to make a user interface in access for data entry using Grid view. is there a possibility to make Data Entry user interface using Grid in ASP?

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View The Error Of The Page

why i can view my ASP or javascript errors on pages when running on my local server but when i upload and test on the server all i see is the server 500 error. is there a setting i need to change or something which will allow me to veiw the actual error, someone else in my office can see the error.

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Permission Denide Error

i hava wrote the code to restore a file of SQL server database through ASP.It can access the backup file on server and restored but some times or in some systems it gives error like permission denide.What is the reason for that. Here is the code:

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Permission Denied Error

We have a Visual Basic 6 project and asp pages loaded "through it" clicking on a node/link loads a page,recently certain users are getting error "Permission denied" but only when they try to access this web page by clicking on the link the first time, every other time it is fine, and the web page looks exactly the same and we have no problems working/using it but it very annoying not being able to get to the bottom of this error. I am not getting the errror and never have, some machines have SP2 and some don't so that is not the problem or solution.

I am not sure if I need to check for some files I might have on my pc, some sort of web components or something like that?

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Error Permission Denied.

I'm getting an errror,Permission Denied when I'm trying to send mail from an asp page.
I looked in the IIS settings.The SMTP server is not started when I try to start it gives a message RPC server problem.

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Internal Server Error When Trying To View .asp Files

I've gotten mod_perl and apache::asp installed. But now whenever i try to access any of the examples asp scripts provided by apache:asp i get the following error.

I tested apache::asp by typing perl -MApache::ASP -e ''

i can view the default.htm page (samples page) but when i click on a sample .asp script i gives me the error below.

Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

and the apache error logs spits this out. Code:

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Permission Denied: 'CreateObject' Error

This works on my PC at work, but at home, I get

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046)
Permission denied: 'CreateObject'


<%Option Explicit%>

Dim objInputXLS
Dim ObjInputWorkBook
Dim ObjInputSheet
Dim datStartTime
Dim datEndTime

Set objInputXLS = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

I'm using Office 2000 & Win 2000

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Permission Denied Error - MS Access

My ASP-MS Access application works fin in our local server and in our
hosting I get this errors, while adding/editing or deleteing.
When deleting a product: error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied
/webadmin/Products.asp, line 27
When deleting an image from a product: error
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied
/webadmin/modify_products.asp, line 21

My hosting company says that its my program error, But I do not think so as
its working very fine in local win 2003 server. Please help me to resolve
this. If this is permission error at the server, what should I do.

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Permission Denied Error For Filesystemobject

there is an aspx file in my virtual directory which access's an external file via the filesystemobject. This file is giving a permissions denied error while accessing the external file.

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'800a0046' Permission Denied Error

it works from my logon (domain admin account), but everyone else gets

Microsoft VBSCript runtime error '800a0046' Permission denied
path/patj/script.asp line 16

I looked at a lot of articles and gave the IIS accounts full access to the mailroot folder, along with the 'regular' domain user account I am using to test... still no good.
also to the directory in which the script(s) reside Anyone have a definitive answer on the permissions need to run these scripts? We started having this problem after I migrated to Windows 2003 Server/IIS 6.

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Permission Denied Error For OpenTextFile

I am getting "Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046) Permission denied" error at

set file = fs.OpenTextFile(fileName, openMethod, true)

I have given permission IUSR_<computername> user to read/modify the directory by adding it to the security tab. I have even given permission to Everyone but still I am getting the same error.

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Set File/User Permission With ASP/VBScript To A File

i would like to add a user and set file permission to a file with ASP.
(No component). is that possible ? do you have a link ? an example ?

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Permission Denied Error When Opening And Writing To File

I have a script that opens a file and writes to it using ASP. I've used the script before and it worked fine locally, until recently, after I upgraded my computer to Windows XP Pro SP2. Also, it still works fine when I upload the script to my web host. However, locally on my computer using IIS, I get the error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046)
Permission denied

This occurs on the line: Set FileTS = FileFSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(".") & "" & FileName,2,TRUE)

I've searched online for answers and most articles say I have to set read and write access to the containing folder. I have done so for the containing folder and for the entire "wwwroot" folder, but the problem still occurs. I have also allowed anonymous access for my computer IUSR_XXXXX. This doesn't work either.

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Permission Denied :: Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a0046'

I have made a asp mailform.

What is wrong?

I get this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission denied

/fh/medlemsnett/send_mail.asp, line 26

Line 26 looks like this:


Here is the code: ....

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Permission Denied Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a0046'

The error is:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission denied

/tasks/SetTask_dbTask.asp, line 30

The problem is only on Insert statements. Update Statements work fine....

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Sessions Opened

I got a situation here, I have a web farm application, and I have a
requirement that I need to know the number of sessions opened on each web
server in this web farn design, I would appreciate if anybody can give me the
good thought.

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How To Save Opened Excel From Asp

I would like to open existent excel file and save it via ASP, I have to create save button to save opened excel cause I afraid that my user don't know path of saving. How can I do, now I open excel file on IE by <iFrame> and want to get data in <iframe> to save as excel file.

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How To Track HTML Emails Being Opened

I've built an email application which uses the 'ASPEmail' component to send mail to a list of around 3000 subscribers.

It's not possible with the stats software I have to track individual graphics - which would have been a good way to track the number of people who looked at the email. So is there any other way to do this tracking? Will javascript work well in mail clients, or can I embed a hidden iframe etc?

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Word Security When Opened From Asp Hyperlink

I have a document saved to a public network server. The public directory
grants change access to all users on the network. To keep my Word doc
protected I am using the Security feature "File Sharing Options" in Word to
attach a password to the document. This works as expected when users open the
file with Windows Explorer.

I also have an ASP web page that has a link to my file on the public drive.
When I click this link, the Word document loads without asking me for a
password and is not read-only. (Note the link in formatted with an href
attribute like this: file://servername/share/filename.doc)

Am I mssing something? Shouldn't the Word security work even if the file is
accessed through a hyperlink?

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Problem With Ms-word In Asp(Document1 Keeps Opened Only)

I am automating microsoft word from my asp page. It works fine but the only problem is that document1 keeps opened on my server.

Plz help me why do Document1 doesnot get closed??? Everytime when someone runs my application Document1 is there... So if 50 ppl execute this web page, there are 50 Document1 being opened and they remain open only... How to make it close???? Plz i need to do this urgently. This is mail merge sort of application.. This is my dll code:

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How To Check Whether Database Connection Opened

I have to check wether the database connection is opened or not.I am using ASP with sql server database.

I can open connection and do all the transaction with the database,when multiple users are connected to that same sql server instance,i got an error like sql server not exist or access denide.So i want to check my status of the connection.

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Securing User Data

How can I protect from SQL-injection in this instance?Code:

sql = "
FROM dbo.admin
WHERE dbo.admin.username = '"&Request.Form("user")&"'"

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