Evaluating A QueryString In A Conditional

Ok I know this is simple but I cannot get it to work.
on the URL I have:


I then have:

If Request.QueryString("strCode") = "xxx" Then
Response.Write "code is XXX"
End If

So for some reason it is not evaluating the queryString and does not enter into the conditional. Why?

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Evaluating Past Time

I'm trying to figure out how I can evaluate if a given time/date has passed. I'm pulling a time/date field from my database in the format "9/1/2007 3:18:04 PM", and want to compare it against <%=NOW%> then set a variable if the time/date I pull has already passed.

Is there a way to use the datediff in the negative or something like that? I'm really not sure how I could accomplish this.

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Conditional IF

I have a form with a list/menu where you select the year you were born. Now, when I submit this form, it creates a new register in my database etc.

How can I use a conditional to redirect a person that for example was born in 1987 or less?

if request.form("year")="1987" then%> is this the correct way to start?

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URL Conditional

I have a ton of dynamic pages that I need an asp conditional to run on.I know the urls of all the pages and I want to know if there is an easy way to write a conditional statement that if they are on a specific page that it outputs something depending on the url they are on. Is there an easy way to do this?

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I have the following simple conditional on my page,

If EmpIDError <> 1 Then
'Show Input items
End If

Now I need to add another conditional to this,

If PosIDError <> 1 Then
'Show input items
End If

So I made it like this,

If EmpIDError <> 1 OR PosIDError <> 1 Then

But the problem is that if PosIDError = 1, then it still shows the input
items. But if I take the EmpIDError <> 1 out then it works with no
problems. Why would this be like this?

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Conditional Statement

I've got the following VB in an ASP page and can't see why it won't work

<% if Request.QueryString(Failed=="N")%> The Failed variable is N <% else
%>The failed variable is not N<% end if %>

I'm calling the page as thepage.asp?Failed=N

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Conditional Inculde

I have written a small library for ASP, and I tried to keep it in a modular fashion, splitting my library in some files.

Then I have a file named "framework.asp" that include all the other files.

The problem is that I can't reuse code internally to my library because if for example:

framwork.asp include:
- utils.asp

Then html.asp include:

If the programmer include framework.asp would have 2 times the same file utils.asp in his ASP page! Code:

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Conditional Statement

I have a code for executing a stored procedure and returning a recordset wrapped in an IF statement. If the statement is true the code executes. If the statement is false the code is skipped.

On the page, I want to display a message if the Recordset returned from the stored procedure is empty.

<% If rs.BOF or rs.EOF Then %>


<% End If %>

Running the above code will return an error message if the recordset object doesn't exist...i.e. if the stored procedure hasn't executed and returned the recordset object.

How can I write the code to include that condition?

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Conditional Includes

Will this work in asp 3.0:

If True Then
<!-- #include file="test1.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="test2.asp" -->
End If

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Conditional Formatting

i have an simple invoice sheet and in "total" coloumn i need to put a formula like IF < 8.50 THEN VALUE =8.50.it is something like we dont do delivery less then 8.50 so if the TOTAL is less than 8.50 then it should turn in to 8.50 automatically.

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Conditional Compilation

One of my asp pages can be loaded in two ways - it may be submitted to itself (and therefore contains user data) or it can be loaded by clicking on a link on my menu, and consequently all fields are empty.

If the fields contain values (ie. the submit button was pressed), i want to load data from my database into an array, but if it is accessed via a link, i don't want this data to be loaded. So essentially, i want to know if there is some form of conditional compilation or something in asp (i know it technically shouldn't be called that, but i'm coming from a c++ background, so...) similar to the #if and #elif type directives in C

I can't place the code in a subprogram and selectively call it, because I want the arrays to be global so all my client-side scripts can access the data I'm using VBScript for the asp scripting.

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Conditional Sql Statements

I have a shopping cart that I want to load items in that come from a huge scrolling form. In other words, when someone clicks on a category in our site, it scrolls out all the items in that category, maybe 30 or more. I have text boxes next to each item so somone can enter a number, then press submit form button at the bottom of the form, and
send those slections to the shopping cart.

The problem is, many of the text boxes are empty, yet they are still being sent to the shopping cart as a quatity of 0. Is there a way for sql to ignore a value if the variable is zero, or only get the sql statement to run if a variable is > 0?

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Passing QueryString URL As A Paremeter In QueryString

The subject sounds confusing but here is what i want to do. I have a
button on my page which says

OnClick="javascript:window.open('reportsContainer.asp?pag eURL=Report1.asp?intCurrentPage=1&blnRetrieveFlag=1&Show=1',TasksRPT');"

Now on the Conatiner.asp what i do is
if Request.QueryString("Show") = 1 then
pageURL = Request.QueryString("pageURL")
end if

And then i set the pageURL along with intCurrentPage and
blnRetrieveFlag parameters to my fram src as

<frame height=500 scrolling=auto name="pageFrame" id="pageFrame"
border=0 src="<%=pageURL%>">


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Nested If Else Conditional Statament

I am not too sure wats wrong w the if-else statement below!

<%if (start==req || end==req)%>
<%="There is no such record found"%>
<%="There is no such record found!"%>

Error: 'else' without 'if'.

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Conditional Display Of Data From DB

displays content IF several conditions exist or display's nothing if it doesn't?

Basically, in english this is what I'm trying to do:

IF a record exists

WHERE session(userID) = idByUserID in 'notes'
WHERE userID = idAboutUserID in 'notes'


display from the record fieldnames 'LastUpdate' and 'note'

don't display anything

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Conditional Page Re-direct

I have a 'primary' intranet website and a 'secondary' backup of this site as
well. I would like to programmatically have the effect that if the
primary site is (page not found 404) not available, for it to access the
secondary site or at least be able to add a message with (or instead of) the
404 error dialog that the primary site is down and give the user a link to
the alternative (secondary) site.

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Conditional Routine And Date

I'm trying to not show some data dependant on date but it never works right.

<% If Request.QueryString("EventDate") > DateAdd("d",6,Date()) Then %>

I have used similar routines before and it worked fine but this time i'm using a QueryString instead of a database field.

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Advanced Conditional Statement

URLURLI need help writiing an advanced conditional statement.I want to display an image if two recordset values = 1 or other various number combinations.

This statement works with one, how could I edit this statement to include two recordsets values? Say I want to add another feild say "recent" to this statement and it has a value of 2


<% if Recordset1.Fields.Item("progress").Value = 1 then ' Adv Conditional Region %>
<% end if ' Recordset1.Fields.Item("progress").Value = 1 %>

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Conditional Statement On DB Currency Field

Given a value in a database (Access) of type Currency how do I write a conditional statement such as the following:

if rs("price") > "$1,000,000" Then
Response.Write " Luxury Home"
End If

When I try this it writes out Luxury Home for every record, regardless of the value in Price.

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Dreamweaver Conditional Statement Code

I'm just trying to figure out what the colon : does in this code:

<%If (Not isNull(COLOR)) Then If (COLOR = "Blue") Then Response.Write("SELECTED") : Response.Write("")

I thought it may be the ASP version of the Ternary operator, but it doesn't have the same effect. Is it just another way to concatenate? or a reverse concatenate?
or maybe a addition of an empty string to make sure that the output from the response.write statement is a string and not a number?

If the second response statement has a value then it prints it e.g. Code:

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Conditional Color Formatting Of Field In A Table

This is probably a simple question, but how does one format a table such that if a field is a certain value, then it will have a specific color.

For example, in the code below, if the specific field named "Year" is '2004' then I want it to appear in red, otherwise it should appear in black. Code:

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Conditional Statement If SFileName <> "" THEN

know what an if statement is, and dont' find that challenging. However what the heck does this mean in ASP? Code:

if sFileName <> "" THEN

Does it mean if sFileName is not empty then do the following?

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"less Than" Conditional Statement

I am trying to do a simple "less than" conditional statement, and hitting a brick wall if I use a database element with it.

This DOES work:
if Request.QueryString("PC") < 10 then Response.Write("less than ten") else
Response.Write("more than or equal to ten") End if

This DOES NOT work:
if Request.QueryString("PC") < Record.Fields.Item("count(*)").Value then
Response.Write("less than COUNT") else Response.Write("less than or equal to
count") End if

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is it possible to check if a variable is present in the querystring, or is that unneccesary? will it assume the variable is empty if it is not present in the querystring?

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i have a hyperlink from a results page:Code:

Response.Write "<TD>" &"<a href = JobDetails.asp?id=" & rs("JobID") &" >" & "Click Here" & "</a></TD>"

the sql statement in JobDetails.asp =

sqlstr = "select * from Jobs where JobID = '" & Request.QueryString("ID") & "'"
rs.Open sqlstr, conn

im getting this error when i click the hyper link

line 20 is the rs.Open sqlstr, conn line

this error seems to happen with dates but i dont have any dates at all.

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I want to write a page which will
load a default page for me with some links and all. lets say someone
clicks on the link, which not only points to the same page but also
passes a querystring. Looking at the querystring I will then display
data from a database.
So my question in short is... Is it possible to have a single asp page
which can return either a default page where no querystring is passed
or a result from the database when a querystring is passed?
If the answer is yes, then is it a good idea to do this or have 2
seperate pages?

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I've got a request form for samples of our product that we send out. The form is being linked from our ebay auction pages. In the link from the auction page I'd like to include the model number of the sample that they're requesting. (ie. /sampleRequest.asp?AS240)

Then, on my sampleRequest.asp page which contains the input form I'd like to include a hidden field which holds the value of that querystring. Finally, upon submitting this form I'd like that value to be placed into the sampleModel field in my Requests table in my database.

The problem I'm having is how to populate the hidden form field with the querystring form the ebay auction page. Code:

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I have a querystring like this:


I would like to insert each set of checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3 into a table like field1(checkbox1), field2(checkbox2), field3(checkbox3). Remember each set of 3 checkboxes are 1 unit inserting into a table. Is this possible?

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I am trying to maintain some ASP code that I did not generate and the programmer who did has a very different style than I do so I am having some problems. Hopefully someone out there can help me by answering my question.

I have the following line of code:

If (isEmpty(Request("dir"))) Then.....

Now my question:
Could the Request("dir") used above be the same thing as using Request.QueryString("dir")???

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I just noticed though that when I include the file name to the folder it worked.

ie unitingrhythms.co.uk/?size=4 - no output
& unitingrhythms.co.uk/index.asp?size=4 - outputs 4

can the querystring be read when the file isn't shown?

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i have a querystring on one page where the url looks like:


on delete.asp i have:

Dim name, type
name = Request.QueryString("name")
type = Request.QueryString("type")

It gives me an error for some reason.

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i am working on ASP.net in c# and i want to pass " +" in querystring but "+" is converted to space.Is thereany encoding method to show "+" in querystring.

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I have a querystring that contains the + sign as a separator, I need to read these values individually in a select statement, for example.


where single is the type of room somebody wants and 205 is the user ID in the Customer table.

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