Excel Spreadsheet In ASP Page?

What would be involved with having an Excel spreadsheet displayed in an ASP page? The additional problem is that the file name changes on a monthly basis. For example, this month's file name is 'Feb 2005.xls'.

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ASP To EXCEL Spreadsheet

I have my excel spreadsheet generating just fine. What I'm trying to do is format each cell to something other than "general" I've figure out how to format to currency:


I really need to format to "text" though. Anyone have a good link to a chart that explains how to format to all of the different possibilites, or just how to format to text?

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Excel Spreadsheet

I'm successfully using Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" to generate an Excel spreadsheet from an asp page and a SQL Server database.One of the columns contains data that is a long number (13 characters eg. 1122334444566).The spreadsheet does not display the number correctly because the column is formatted as 'General' so it displays 1.12233E+12.To correct this in Excel I simply change the column type to number. How do I get around this in asp.

I know I could use fso to create the spreadsheet on the server using a template, but I prefer to do it on the client side so that I don't accumulate a whole lot of xls files on the server.

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Connecting To Excel Spreadsheet

What is the syntax to connect to an excel spreadsheet as well displaying contents of a column.

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Exporting To Excel Spreadsheet.

I have a report that the user can view either on a page with HTML or they can open it in Excel.

I am attempting to change the content type with this statement:

response.contentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" 

But it appears that when I do this I lose all my request variables and my recordset is null.

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Creating An Excel Spreadsheet

I am creating a website in which users will be able to query an sql database by several different criteria (i.e.- name, department,supplier, part#, date). What will return to the user will be a webpage with the column headings that they selected in their search criteria (i.e.- name, supplier, part#) and below those column headings, a list of the results.

I want the user to be able to print this report or export it to an excel file, this is the part that is tripping me up.Any ideas about this? Am I going about it all wrong?

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Update Excel Spreadsheet

How to using asp script update data in Excel Spreadsheet with style (ie, Bold, Font Size ..) ? Is it possible to do that ?

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Formatting Excel Spreadsheet With Asp

I'm using the Excel application object to create a
spreadsheet from a recordset. Everything seems to work
fine except any date fields are not displaying properly.
For example 4/18/2004 is displaying as 38095 in the

I loop through the recordset to display each row. The
line that actually writes out the field is:

objSpreadsheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value = objField.Value

Any suggestions?

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Trying To Import An Excel Spreadsheet

I am trying to import an excel spread sheet, my first step is to be able to see the spreadsheet on the webpage, Code:

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Data Entry In Asp Like Excel Spreadsheet

I have asp project where large volume of data entry would be done. I am
trying to find out if there is any tool that can allow me to build asp
application where the forms would be like excel spreadsheet.

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Extra Rows In Excel Spreadsheet

I'm exporting tables to Excel, but they seem to format with an extra row between every record. The table is output in HTML on one line, so it doesn't seem to be a white space problem.

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Insert Data Into Excel Spreadsheet

How to using one excel template to insert data into another excel spreadsheet by using asp programming ?

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Populate Existing Excel Spreadsheet

I've been reading through all related Excel posts now for about an hour as well as Googling for my answer and I'm getting even more cornfuzed as I go. I have an Existing Excel Spreadsheet, I need to populate certain fields of the form with values from a Database.

I have no problems connecting to my database and pulling up the data, but I have no idea where to begin with opening my existing spreadsheet, then telling it which worksheet to use and then how to populate the fields I need.

I'm not looking for an entire code handout, this is just something that I haven't attempted before in ASP. If someone could just give a quick example of first opening the existing spreadsheet, selecting the correct worksheet and populating 1 field, I think I can figure everything else out from there.

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Creating An Excel Spreadsheet From Web Form Data

I want 2 create a survey Web Form that people can fill in. I then want the data entered to be saved to an Excel spreadsheet located on a server.

Can .ASP handle this kind of task? and if so does anyone know the code required to perform this function?

The data entered will be RAW and the .ASP (or whatever required programming) will need 2 process and convert the data into the spreadsheet.

Also, would it be possible to run this from a stand alone machine so that the web form, .ASP and spreadsheet are all contained on the machine and have no outside influences?

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Date Field/Excel Spreadsheet Problem

I've inherited this asp page. It builds an Excel spreadsheet, but it's not putting the date in the spreadsheet and I don't know why. here is the code (see bold-red line): ...

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Email With Attachment Of Excel Spreadsheet And Word Document

I have a 2000 server running IIS 5. I need to send approximately 10000 emails to recipients from an excel spreadsheet with a small word document. These are requested emails, no spamming. I don't have a clue as to where/how to start this.

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Export To Excel From Asp Page

am creating a asp page that wiil fetch data from database and export that to excel. not using excel objet, am creating a HTML table to display the data. Now that it displays the data correctly in IE, I want to it to be stored in excel file too.

If I create a file in code, it creates the file. But the file shows up 0 bytes. and holds nothing. Anybody pl guide me how would I redirect my output to the excel file.

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Importing ASP Page Into Excel

I was having a go at importing a page written using HTML embedded with some ASP and SQL commands into an Excel sheet.

Now I have tried using the command below and no luck. After doing some Google searching I found some people suggesting removing HTML and BODY tags which I did but no luck. Tried using HTML and BODY tags and still no luck and all of a sudden I hit a brick wall. Code:

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Trying To Open Excel From A Page (changes In 2002+)

i'm trying to have excel open up a webpage which basically contains a

in excel 2000 if i specify content type text/csv this works by
displaying an open/save dialog box and clicking open, launches excel
and displays data as a table (desired result ) however in machines with
excel 2002+ excel simply displays the html code.

trying to specify application/excel opens an excel plug-in inside the
browser which poses a problem becouse the excel has links to pdf file
that obscure the plug-in.

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Transfer Data From Page To Excel

I have an asp page that collects data from a database and then displays it in a table on the page. I also want to be able to put this information into excel. I know how to get the page to load up in excel and then display the data using the following command -:

response.contentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"

however I want it so that there is an Extra button on the page that the user can press to transfer the data accross. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Outputting To An Excel Worksheet From Asp Page

I need to show some results from a database on a page and also give the user the option of downloading these specific results as a excel spreadsheet ....

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Page Break Not Work For Excel By Asp

I have tried
<p style="page-break-before: always;"></p>


<style type="text/css">
.break{page-break-before: always;}

But it seems no work. I really take a page break for a particular row. How can I do it?

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An Asp Page To Access Excel Directly

we have web users that have requested the web application access an existing
excel spreadsheet directly.

Users have an excle spreadsheet with complex functions, macros, formatting
etc. They have data in the database that is accessed via a web applciation.
They would like to use the web app to get the data they want on screen and
then click a button to get that data and put it into specifc cells in the
spreadsheet. is this possible?

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Automatically Fill Out An Excel File From An ASP Page?

My boss wants me to develop this page so that users can click on a button alongside an employee's page and this will open up the company Expenses Claim Form with some of the fields automatically filled in, pulled from the same SQL database that the webpage gets its info from.

I have been looking this up for *weeks* now, but the only solutions I can see involve the dot net framework, 3rd-party plug-ins or installing the Microsoft ODBC driver for Excel. My boss will not accept any of these solutions, as we are a huge organisation and this has to work accross the entire system. We're stuck with MS Office 2002, Windows XP and SQL Server 2000.

So far the best I can manage is getting the Excel form to open (but without the fields filled in), which I accomplish using the following code:

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Office 2000 SP3 Excel Page Break

Since I updated Office 2000 to SP3, my ASP code has failed when executing this function:

(the HPageBreaks.Add line fails)
function insertPageBreak ( xlsObject, strLocation )
with xlsObject
.Range( strLocation ).Select
.ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.HPageBreaks.Add .Range( strLocation )
end with
end function

xlsObject is a valid object of excel created with:
Set xls = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

strLocation is a string in the form "Axx" where xx is the current row number, e.g. "A54"

I had to uninstall and reinstall Office 2000 without service pack 3 in order for it to work....

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Data Types And Export To Excel From ASP Page

My asp/sql server application gets an error, but only when you use the
Excel export option:

<% Response.ContentType="application/vnd.ms-excel" %> (very popular w/

I think somebody entered a string of characters that Excel does not

So I believe (but not sure) some character(s) in a Ntext sql server
field "desc_text" is confusing the Excel file and causing it to error
(and crashes Excel)

So far, I have attempted three fixes with no success

1) Tried to convert the data type in the SQL query:
CAST(sr.desc_text AS VARCHAR(255))

2) Tried to convert the data type in the vbscript:
<% desc_text1 = Cstr(rs.fields.item("desc_text").value)%>

3) Tried append an apostrophe to the beginning of the field so that
Excel would not read it as a formula. (this might have worked, but
Excel does not treat an apostrophe the same from an export as it does
if you typed it in directly)

<%response.write "'"%> <% response.write desc_text1%>

Soliciting all ideas!

Also, if you have any ideas on how to isolate and identify the
specific record and character(s) that is causing the error, that would
be great. I have it narrowed down to a record set of 600 records, and
the error occurs if I include beyond the 130th character position. The
problem does not occur if I use CAST(sr.desc_text AS VARCHAR(129))

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Populate Table From XML Or Excel Sheet On ASP Page?

Does anyone know where I can find an easy example of how to read an Excel or XML file and automatically populate a table on a ASP page?

I want to create an asp page that has a table on it that reads from a XML or Excel file so I can update the file and the table information changes accordingly. I know this has to be somewhat simple but I cant seem to find any exmaples. I probably am not searching the right keywords or something.

Any suggestions on where to find an example script to do this?

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<% Response.contenttype = "application/vnd.ms-excel" %>
<% Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "filename=hardware.xls" %>

I'm using the above lines to generate a spreadsheet from a recordset. One of the recordset fields has HTML data.

Whenever the spreadsheet is generated,it will place some of the HTML data into new rows. Same appropriate column,but different rows. Is there a way around this?Is there an easy to create a DBF or CSV file that would work?

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ASp Spreadsheet

i am having a problemn thinking on a solution to make a web application.
This is the scenario: I have to make an application that should catch some
user data on the screen and pass it to a database. Here is the problemn: the
data that the user will pass is huge. I am talking about some columns and 27

3 rows as caption rows and the other 24 to get the data. How can i do
that? I thought about making columns with textboxes (with ids like R1C1,
R2C2, R1C4...) in a dynamic table inside a form and submit it.

But the boss
wants an excel spreadsheet look into it. I am relutant about using OWC
because first, i don't know if the users will have the office installed and
secondly because if they do have office installed, how can i know what
version of office is everybody using? Code:

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Import Excel File From Asp Page To Listbox/access

Basically, I want to have an asp page that has a button where when you click on it, it opens up a file open dialog box where you can search for any excel file you want to import. Then, once a file is selected, I want to read all the contents of the excel file (from column A) to display into a listbox on the screen (so that each individual row from excel file would be a separate item in the listbox). Also, this data would have to be inserted accordingly into an access database .....

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Why Paramater Values Are NULL When Page Is In EXCEL Format?

I have 3 asp pages. The first page (login.asp) takes the parameter values(userid, groupid, locationid and deptid) based on the login (validate using a table). On submit the page params.asp is executed. Here the user has to select the filtering.

Then the page results.asp is executed. When the result is in excel format only the parameter value p_attdate (p_attdate is the value on page params.asp) contains a value.

The value of p_gid(p_gid is a session variable) remain null. BUT when the output is in html format, the parameter value p_gid return the correct value. I want the output to be in excel format but the sql statement is returning the wrong result. Only p_attdate is returning the correct value. I think because p_attdate is a form variable.

Can anyone tell me why value of p_gid is always null when the output is in excel format???

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Resenebles The Spreadsheet

I have created an asp page that resemebles that of a spreadsheet. It contains mostly javascript functions. The page functions ok except when there are a significant amount of row entered. Then there is a delay tabbing from cell to cell -- but only cells that have function(s) associated with it. Is there something that I can do to speed this up?

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Creating A Spreadsheet

I'm creating a spreadsheet online via ASP. I have the following at the page

<% Response.contenttype = "application/vnd.ms-excel" %>
<% Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "filename=FullList.xls" %>

It works fine for some 60+ manufacturer listings. However, it balks on one
single manufacturer. By chance, this manuf has 18,000+ records. The others,
less than 10,000. Is there a limit to the number of records I can convert to

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