I'm sending email from a networked computer that uses an exchange server on yet a different computer. With the two different types of code posted below, the email will only send successfully on my computer. When I step into a colleague's office (using the same exchange server), no email is ever sent....
I have created a form that sends email thru my local server. What I want to do is send the email thru our corporate Exchange server. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this task? Please advise. Thanks.
Is it possible to create an ASP page that can notify the user that they have an email on our Exchange server? And that will list the number of unread emails they have waiting in their inbox.
I have worked with CDO mail before at a different job, but at that job I was developing internet sites, and now I am developing Intranet apps. We have the following setup, WWW/SQL on 1 server, mail server, PDC and SDC (and Proxy), all OS's are Windows 2000 Server (except Proxy, it is NT4).
What would be the best way to allow sending emails from ASP?
I require an Asp script that will enable me to get all sizes of mailboxes held on Exchange Server v5.5. What I want to achieve is to list all users with a mailbox over a certain Kb size.
I am an intermediate with ASP and i'm not sure if this is possible but i'll give it a shot. I am creating a Listserv (newsgroup) and I want them able to reply to messages in there email. Right now I have sign up form online which connectes to an access db which stores the emails. The admin uses a web based form to send letters and if the subscribers want to send a message or reply they have to use another web form. How can I use exchange server to eliminate the web based forms?
So basicly I want them to reply in like outlook, but the emails are all in access. So when they reply to the list email (list@home.com), somewhere in the exchange server the server will read the db and send the message to the subscribed emails.
I have a form with a input text box where a user has to enter a work email address.Is there anyway that he or she can click a link which will open Microsoft Outlook and list all the work email addresses, thereby selecting an email address which will be automatically inoutted into the input text box?
I have developed a fairly simple CMS for my intranet at work - I would like to have a "Request a photographer form" that e-mails me the posted data by utilizing our intranet exchange server, if possible.
I'm not really looking to code this but I will if I absolutely have to =) Anyone know how to do it or where I can find a simple form script that does? I have found lots that work with sendmail and other types of servers but none for exchange.
How would I be able to simply read an MS Exchange Server 2000 mail and transfer it to a SQL Server 2000 database programmatically. I need reference for this an has been unsuccessful in looking for any for the past week already.
I have no knowledge of Exchange server, and have always used CDO to send emails from ASP in the past. the server in question doesn't have SMTP installed alongside IIS, it has Exchange installed which apparantly does have SMTP capabilities but not like the default ones normally accessbile via IIS.
Has anyone ever used this approach to sending emails? I'm hoping that I dont need a component or anything else, just some changes to my existing email code.
I use the method below to send emails from an asp page that's part of a web application:
<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="CD000000-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D" NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Library" --> <% On error Resume Next Dim cdoConfig, cdoMessage
Set cdoConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") With cdoConfig.Fields .Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = 2 .Item(cdoSMTPServer) = "MailServer.Name.com" .Item(cdoSMTPServerPort) = 25 .Update End With Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") With cdoMessage Set .Configuration = cdoConfig .From = "Me<mailsender@mymail.com>" .To = "You<mailrecipient@somemail.com>" .Subject = "Surprise!" .TextBody = "Helloooo..." .Send
If err.number Then Response.Write("Houston! We have a problem...") End If End With Set cdoMessage = Nothing Set cdoConfig = Nothing %>
On the production server (Windows 2003 Server) everything works fine and I don't have a problem sending the mails from the application. However, I recently upgraded my development box to Windows XP Pro SP2 and the code fails with with the following error:
CDO.Message.1 (0x80040213) The transport failed to connect to the server.
The from and to email addresses that I'm using are valid and part of my domain (not a Hotmail or other freemail address).
The SMTP service is up and running on the dev box.
I also tried replacing the mail server name with the IP address of the mail server, but again it's failing.
We are running Exchange Server for email and if I change the cdoSendUsingMethod to 3 (for cdoSendUsingExchange) the mail is sent correctly without errors.
Will I not able to use the cdoSendUsingPort method to send the email if I'm on Exchange? Am I forced to use cdoSendUsingExchange?
I am having a problem here to send my asp form to my email! I am using CDONTS under w2k and IIS! when i submit the form, all of the message (that suppose to go to my email), went to the queue folder under wwwroot!! nothing appear to my yahoo email also... that means that my script is working...but only the configuration is need to be adjust here!
the thing is that i dont know how to configure, setup or setting the configuration for Exchange server! since my organization uses exchange server instead of the SMTP!
Im trying to create an application that when sent an email, retrieves the email, and uses its content to create an MS Outlook/Exchange task request.
I have everything else in place, but when I try to connect to CDO's MAPI interface, I get [Collaboration Data Objects - [MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED(80040111)]] error messages. I've tried numerous examples from books and the internet to no avail.
Could anyone shed some light as to why this is so? I've also exhaustively searched the archives on this site for examples and used some of them but I keep getting the same errors. Code:
I have the following code, that retrieves the emails from a designated inbox, stores the message and subject content in a SQL database and then deletes them from the exchange server. Now I need to take the attachments for each email and save them on a different server.
I've researched this all day, and I keep finding references stating that I can download the file using, X-MS-ENUMATTS. I'm using it currently to retrieve a list of attached files, however I fail to see how I can download the attachment to my webserver using this.
The red code below is a request to the actual file. So I know the http path to the file, how do I go about saving it to my server? If I can't downlaod it without any user interaction, is there at least a way that I could allow the user to download the file via a link, without them being prompted for a username or password? Code:
Dim Mail Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.Newmail") mail.From = "abc@hotmail.com" mail.to = "xyz@hotmail.com" mail.subject = "Test Email Subject" mail.body = "This is Email body message" mail.send
Now the question is that this code will use the Default Virtual SMTP Server in IIS, but I want to use my ISP's SMTP server. please tell me how to do this. I have used my ISP's email server in Outlook express and it is working fine. Please do not suggest to use "CDO" or "CDOSYS" to use for sending emails because I must have to use "CDONTS".
I've built a survey and tested everything is working fine - except fo one problem, that i have been told MUST be fixed
I am using CDO.Message to send email message to the respondants of the survey - a lovely thank you message.
It is sending the emails fine to all email address i have tested, except for email address here where I work, and I have been unable to find a reason for this
the web scripts are running on a secure server (SSL certificate) and all is working great except the email issue.
the actual code that is sending the emails works perfectly on non-secure server, and seems to be fina on the secure server except for the most important(apparently) email addresses.
Does anyone have any ideas why the scripts would not send to one set of email addresses, but seems to work for all other when on SSL, but works for ALL email address when not on SSL.
I've set up a website contact page which uses CDOSYS to send form details to an email address.
However, the domain is set up such as the client is using their own mail server, and using my server only to host the website.
Ordinarily I would set up hosting with email and change the nameservers of the domain to point to my server, but in this case the client is keeping the nameserver details the same, but just updating the A record to point to my server to display the website.
Trouble is, the CDOSYS email doesn't seem to work with this set-up. Do I need to hard code their mail server IP somewhere to get it to work?
I am running a rather large email list and want it to be processed directly on the server. I have been using ASPEmail from Persits, which has a SendToQueue function, but it still requires a lot of processing time in the browser, and often times out. Can anyone tell me the best way to do this?
I need to send a email to my clients from my website using the email object. I developed my site in ASP, and the server is linux, thats why i cann't use CDONTS object to send emails bcz server is not IIS....
Is it possible to set up server-side mail services such that when someone e-mails to a certain address, the contents attached to that mail are processed and the processed content is returned to the user, again, as an attachment?I installed a server-side component for managing graphics. "Wouldn't it be nice," thought I, "if untutored staff could email graphics to a certain e-mail address to have them resized and returned to them.") I understand how to handle the graphics processing and the sending. I don't understand how to set things up so that e-mailing to a certain address will trigger the start of an application. Ideally you could do this all within ASP. Is this possible?
I have the setup working close to what I am after. The upload script I am using has been supplied by 'Lewis Moten'.
Basically what I am after is.
A job application contact form. that includes a input="file" element allowing the user to send a CV, to the address related to that job.
So far locally I have the file uploading, the file sent, and then the file deleted all working fine. Althoug this may well work locally I feel I will have problems when I come to trying this live. Mainly due to timings.
Surely the script would need to know when the file has been uploaded completely, also when the file has been sent completely before delete....
My questions concerns building a login system based on checking for the existence of the user's email address only....
1. Is it ok for me to use IP address to allow user to bypass all login and registration systems if IP is present in database? I wish to save the user time....if the IP is not present I will present the LOGIN email screen....
2. I am consideirng using Session variable on each page I wanted I protected...I think I know how to do this but I am not sure on whether I should be using the global.asa to handle loggin in or logging out or whether I should so all the code on the secure page itself.
3. I wish to use a sql server backend to house my tables: tblProspect, tblProspectPageSelections......is it okay to use the following branching code to switch between my test and production server with regards the physical database path as I have multiple sites on our remote server which need to feed off the same database....I am thinking about something like this:
If InStr(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME"), "publicserver.com") > 0 Then ' Set Public Server Paths Else ' Set Private Server Paths End If
I want to send email with attachment. I have no problem if the file is located on the same server but i got error when attach file from different server. This is the code,
set mail=server.CreateObject("persits.mailsender") mail.host="smtp.mydomain.com" ..... 'mail.addattachment "c:attach est.txt" ' no problem with this mail.addattachment "websvrattach est.txt" ....... mail.send
I got this error, "Persits.MailSender.4 error '800a0007' Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."
when i changed the servername to static ip address also got the same error. any idea? fyi, this user has an administrator rights to the server.
I am using ASP formmail from www.brainjar.com. I keep getting this error message: Form could not be processed due to the following errors:
Email send failed: The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550 endlessenergysystems.com.
The email address in the form is correct and does work. I have changed the settings to different email address and SMTP servers to try to figure out the issue. However I still get the same error. Here are the basic settings:
Can anyone tell me why this code doesn't work? The original came from an example in this group, but was modified slightly when the original failed to return message details.
I am able to connect to the server and see the number of messages on the server, but message details (sender, subject, body, etc.) are not returned....
I have created a simple set of asp pages which do some funky database stuff. One aspect which I would appreciate some help on is Email.I have created these pages for use internally to my work network, mainly admin database entry type stuff. The network has several exchange servers. I would like to send a notification email everytime a function within tthe asp scripts is made (i.e. every time a new set of information is added to a database) to a select few people (which may well change from time to time). Now I thought that I might create a new mailbox on an exchange server and send mail via this, so that if anyone were to reply to the notification mail it would go back to the mailbox. Therefore, using the exchange server mailbox as my pump for shooting off mails all over, I could create an email rule which would forward anything from my asp pages to the relavent people.Couple of questions 1) is this a logical approach 2) if the answer to 1 is yes then what is the best method of shooting off emails from asp scripts to the exchange server?? (would it just be using the SMTP service)
I have written a asp form and i'm trying to figure out how i can connect it to send out an email.
The form is running through the process & isn't showing any errors, but it isn't sending out the email either from the form. I know that our IT guy is running MS Exchange for our email, but I believe that it is on a seperate box as well. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?