Execute Access Forbidden Error

I am currently running IIS 5.1, Windows XP Pro with service pack 2. When I try to run an ASP page I get an error saying that 403.1 Execut Access Forbidden - IIS. There are no firewalls up and running. I hav given permission and access to everything, every folder that I can thin to give access to. Obviously I must be missing somethin somewhere. anyone have any ideas for me??? The execute permission have been set to scripts only. I have also tried scripts an executables.

I also have a box that I run the same asp pages on and the onl difference that I can find is that I am running Windows XP Pro wit service pack 1. I don't have any problems executing ASP on this box. I have tried to mirror all the setting from box to box and stil nothing.

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IIS HTTP 403.1 Forbidden: Execute Access Forbidden

When creating a virtual directory in IIS 5.0 win xp Pro with the name like
"abc.com", an error HTTP 403.1 Forbidden: Execute Access Forbidden will
return when accessing the web page. But, this will work fine if the virtual
directory is named in "abc.com.sg" or others. Why it can't be created with
the name "xxxxxx.com"??

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403.1 Forbidden: Execute Access Forbidden

We just upgraded our server from Windows 2000 to Windows 2003 Server, and when I try to execute an ASP request, I get the message below. I ensure that ASP was an allowed
file type, but still gives me the message.

-----error start------
HTTP Error 403
403.1 Forbidden: Execute Access Forbidden

This error can be caused if you try to execute a CGI,
ISAPI, or other executable program from a directory that
does not allow programs to be executed.

Please contact the Web server's administrator if the
problem persists.
-----error end ------

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Access Forbidden On Testing Page

I got this message ' HTTP 403.9 - Access Forbidden: Too many users are connected
Internet Information Services' on my testing page , I'm doing an ASP e-commerce website. I am not sure whats wrong. i am running on Windows Xp using IIS version 5.1 . how can rectify this problem? would really appreciate cos I cant seem to solve it.

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HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden Error While Accessing Html And Asp Page

well i m developing application in asp when i want to access these pages from ie5 it shows error HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden in internet explorer http://localhost/Mail/email.htm .

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HTTP 403.9 - Access Forbidden: Too Many Users Are Connected

HTTP 403.9 - Access Forbidden: Too many users are connected. Internet Information Servicesis anybody know why this error popuped

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Execute An Access Query

How can you use ASP code to execute an Access query. I want to run the query to then display updated data on the webpage.

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Cannot Execute UPDATE On Access Database

I tried at least 10 different solutions for my problems and I stuck this time. The problem is I got this:

Technical Information (for support personnel)

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
/webpage/Save.asp, line 45

Browser Type:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022)

Page: Code:

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Sever.Execute Error

Whenever i try to accecc HTML page through server.execute, i got this error.

Server object error 'ASP 0228 : 80004005'

Server.Execute Error

server.execute("/folder1/htmls/" & strfilename & "_1.html")

The call to Server.Execute failed while loading the page.

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ASP Forbidden On The Network

Below is the message I received when I attempted to use a web page on our
network that makes use of ASP.

The page cannot be displayed
You have attempted to execute a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from
a directory that does not allow programs to be executed.

Please try the following:

a.. Contact the Web site administrator if you believe this directory
should allow execute access.
HTTP Error 403.1 - Forbidden: Execute access is denied.
Internet Information Services (IIS)


Does that mean that we need to relocate the files where the server allows
ASP executable commands to function? Or can the directories properties be changed so that such executables is allowed?

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Execute SQL Select Statment Error

I'm getting this useful error '80040e14' when trying to run a select statement in an ASP page. The connection to SQL Server 2000 is ok. The variables in the Select statement, 'area' or 'areaid' are passed through form the previous page ok.The code is below... Any ideas? Is it something obviously dense on my part?? Code:

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Error-checking And Query-results After Execute

After commands like:

tmpDBconn.Execute("DELETE * FROM mytable WHERE rc_id = 10" )
How do I check for errors?
Is there a way to check the results?


Set rsCatCount = tmpDBconn.Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cat WHERE key_id = 10 AND cat_id = 6")

How do I get the count? Do I use rsCatCount(0)?

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ASP Will Still Execute Code After Run-time Error Has Detected?

The following code has run-time error on "divide by 0" error. I expect
"do the work<br>" will not print in the browser, since it happen after
the code that cause the error. However, this is the output: any ideas why?? Or
this is the nature of ASP scripting language that is being executed in
sequential order? Code:

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Object Error After "objConn.execute(sql)"

after "objConn.execute(sql)" the page got error how can i show the error? there is an Object error?

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MS Access + ASP + ADO + OpenSchema + Error - Unspecified Error

I am using MSAccess 2003 as my DB, ASP page my front end. My access file is
in the temp folder which ahs IUSR_Machine permissions. My asp page works
fine, connects to DB and retrieves what I want. Now, when I open my db file
in Microsoft Access in Exclusive mode my ASP page doest establish a
connection which is correct as exclusive open locks the files and prevents
further connections. Upto here no problem.

Now when I close that opened Microsoft Access instance, my web page resumes
working. If I refresh it, it works. The third time I refresh the page I get
"Unspecified Error". Again if I refresh it works and again if I refresh I
get "Unspecified error" when I debugged it fails at connection open. Code:

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Error Server.Transfer / Server.Execute ()

Any one has Idea, How to use Server.Transfer and Server.Execute, When I tried to use these methods I got an eror:

Server object error 'ASP 0230 : 80004005'
Server.Transfer Error
/SISWeb/portal_logon.asp, line 40
The call to Server.Transfer failed while loading the page.

anybody is there who can respond to this problem. Do I need to change any setting at IIS?

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Error :: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

I have this insert statement where instruction field in the DB is a memo field.

SQL="INSERT INTO int ([instruction]) VALUES " & _


Its giving me error:
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

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I am trying to develop some database and connecting to webpage. Actually i would like to add database to webpage and when i change the stock number or preis,it would be change on my webpage.Should i have to also make an user name for database?

Does it not secure?I have done with exel but i have at least 1000 product to be specified .I have not seen any web page using with exel database.Are there any webpages with exel database? Code:

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SQL Error In Access


sqlParts = "insert into Parts(HCSCID, partsFname, partsLname, partsTitle, partsPhone, partsEmail, partsNotes, partsLoc) values ('" & HCSCID & "', '" & FName & "', '" & LName & "', '" & Title & "', '" & Phone & "', '" & Email & "', '" & Loc "', '" & Notes & "')"

what I'm missing in the above sql? I have looked at it a hundred times and it looks right to me. The error is "Expected end of statement".

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ASP Access Denied Error

I am getting the following error while trying to access an ASP page.

Server object error 'ASP 0178 : 80070005'

Server.CreateObject Access Error

/hypoccs/Report/PFR85.asp, line 15

The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is denied to this object.

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MS Access Update Error

I have an inline VBScript script to update a MS Access Database, unfortunately I get this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.

First of all, the code is flawless. I've been checking the last 6 hours. I checked security issues in MS Access and set to full read and write privileges. I then accessed IIS to make certain that full read write privileges were set.

I also went through windows explorer and made sure that read only was unchecked. I even attempted to create a virtual directory with the anonymous user IUSR_machine. All to no avail.Lastly, I went through ODBS sources and added my mdb file as a System Database.

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MS Access Unspecified Error

I'm only a beginner in using ASP and DB CONNECTIONS...everytime when I add into my DB I receive an error that says:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)
Unspecified error
[Page Name] , [line number]

Can anyone help me fix this error.

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Permission Denied Error - MS Access

My ASP-MS Access application works fin in our local server and in our
hosting I get this errors, while adding/editing or deleteing.
When deleting a product: error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied
/webadmin/Products.asp, line 27
When deleting an image from a product: error
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied
/webadmin/modify_products.asp, line 21

My hosting company says that its my program error, But I do not think so as
its working very fine in local win 2003 server. Please help me to resolve
this. If this is permission error at the server, what should I do.

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80004005 Error ASP3 /Access 97

Running Access 97 on Xin Xp. Please note the recordset icon that is created in the folder with the database does disappear after the first submit as it should. I have even tried a new database. :-(

When I run this code it is fine the first submit and posts but on the second it has an error:

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xc64 Thread 0x174 DBC 0x1036b8c Jet'.
/projectsoftware/test/theme_addition.asp, line 26


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Error Accessing MDB, But Can't Access The Data?

I have uploaded a few ASP scripts that that a friend wrote and that work well. The scripts connect to an Access MDB db on my windows host server.

I often need to make changes to the Access db by adding certain new entries etc, so... the way I do this is; I grab a copy of the mdb off my server

I add the records to the MDB on my laptop I then re-upload the MDB to the db/ dir on my server However... I then get the following message: Code:

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Microsoft Access Error Message

I am using a data entry program and when I enter records on a certain form,

I get the following error message when I enter data in to an Access 2000 database:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

Cannot open any more tables.

/m3cat/metd_edit.asp, line 1911

Any suggestions on how I can solve this problem?

I have been told my the people that created this program that they don't know what the problem is and I am "on my own" for fixing it. I have no experience with ASP and need this problem fixed.

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Error :: General Access Denied

when i run the ip of my web site i get the following error:

HTTP 500 - Internal server error
the log file shows the following error:
The server failed to load application '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT'. The error was 'General access denied error '.

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Path/File Access Error

I have one COM (.dll) for uploading files to server. Its working fine on server A but same code and file not working on server B giving error Path/File access error .

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Error Message Access Denied

I get this error when trying to access a folder created on my IIS FTP server. How do I make this folder accessable? An Error occured opening the folder on the FTP Server.
Make sure you have permission to access this folder.

550 /<FOLDERNAME>: Access is Denied.

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Server.CreateObject Access Error

i am using persists mail component for sending emails. all my pages were working fine 2 days ago, but suddenly it started giving me error as below:

Server object error 'ASP 0178 : 80070005'

Server.CreateObject Access Error

/contest/thankpage.asp, line 183

The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is denied to this object.

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Update Syntax Error, Access And ASP

I am trying to modify and update a column in the access dB by using a form on the first page, and then the update sql statement on the second page.

For some reason the error its throwing at me is this

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
/willdata/password.asp, line 34

When I use the same update statement directly into the access dB it works, if I even hard code in values in the ASP page I still get an error - I now cannot see for looking: Code:

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Error: ODBC Drivers (0x80004005) With Access.

I have an ASP page (deleteselect.asp) that is set up to query an Access database, list the records in the table, and then create a link for each record that calls on another asp page (deletepublication.asp) and deletes the record from the database using the primary key (ID) field.

I got this exact same code to work for another page to delete users from the database. I copied the code exactly to create the delete publication page but then I started getting the error (the delete user page still works, just not the deletepublication page). Basically I have 2 tables in the dB, one called "users" and one called "publications", so I just changed the code accordingly and started getting the error.

This sounds quite complicated, but basically I can't figure out why one works, and the exact same code for another page doesn't work and generates this error: Code:

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Wrong Number Of Arguments Error With Access??

I'm trying to query an Access database with an asp page hit with a hidden form from an ecommerce site. It was working fine until I added a new variable ("speed"), and now I get the following error: Code:

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