I have an ASP page in which I reference quite a few ADO constants such as adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly and they work fine but a reference to adUseServer comes up as undefined?
for eg strtext =" response.write ""hello world!"" "
now i have tried single quotes and double and both give the error Unterminated string constant reason i want this is so that i can write this line to a text file
or better yet "<%response.write "hello world!"%>" into a file and then save it as an asp page, and then open that page from my browser.
I have a table (MSSQL 2000 server) with a column called "Content" whose datatype is text. Now I'm trying to insert data into the table using a stored procedure. What is the ADO constant that I should use to insert value into that column? Code:
I need to create an ASP page that automatically queries my database once every hour on the hour. So, what I was hoping to do was just create an ASP page that constantly loops and never actually turns itself off. Within this code, it could check the current time and if it's the top of the hour again, my database gets queried however I have a feeling that my web host probably won't permit this. So I was just wondering if this would work or if not, is there a work around? Worse case senario is I could create a visual basic application that sits on my desktop and just works off of there but I would prefer to develop this in a web based language such as ASP or .NET if possible.
I have a quick question regarding a text field for inserting record, I have a page which inserts various fields including area code an phone number for a new record, however I am curious if there is a way that I can either make the area code appear with brackets around it in the text field which is sent so that the user does not have to type it in each time.
I was thinking I could concantenate the value i send in each time with brackets but am not sure what the syntax would b for this. or perhaps there is another way of doing this?
I am trying to resize images which have been retrieved from my database using 2 DLL files. I can display the images correctly but get an error message (Unterminated string constant) when I try to resize them.
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0409) Unterminated string constant
Here is my Query, It is slight incorrect: HELP.
newest_sql = "SELECT TOP 5 CatID, ContentID, DateAdded, Title, FeaturedLabel, NewestLabel FROM Content, ContentTypes Where Content.ContentTypeID = ContentTypes.ContentTypeID AND (((Content.Display)=1) AND ((ContentTypes.ContentTypeId)=4)) ORDER BY DateAdded DESC"
I'm querying 2 tables in 2 seperate recordsets and comparing set 2 to set 1 using ASP. If booking exists in set 2 that matches item in set 1 then I need to display the length item is booked for. I'm using a table with many cells and shading background to identify booked areas.
I've written a script that allows users to choose their own colors for the style sheet, but when I try to include the style sheet (style.inc), I get this error:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f6'
Expected 'End'
/theroguehacker/style.inc, line 106
Line 106 is the end of the file... I've messed with it at least two hundred times... Please take a look and see if I'm doing it wrong. (I'm definately a beginner)
Also, I'm going to post the script that processes all the input. I'd like to know if there's an easier way to do it. Code:
i have a dropdown box with some values, i take that value and query the DB, i need to take that value and query across more than one column i set the up but am i have some problems i'm getting an error "Expected end of statement, Code:
I've walked myself through a Beginning ASP book and taken a class on SQL2000. I'm able to access my database on my server through a DataConn_Open.asp page. The code below is giving me back the error:
I keep on getting this error. I had an sql statement before and it works. I changed it and i get this error so i know it's within the sql statement. Does anybody know what is wrong?Code:
<% dim mysql set objconn = server.createobject("ADODB.connection") objconn.connectionstring = "dsn=prospect" objconn.open set objrs = server.createobject("ADODB.recordset") 'mysql = "select * from Prospect where asm = '" & Username & "' order by Prospects_Name ASC " mysql = "Select * from Prospect WHERE Status_Report.Prospect_Number = Prospect.Prospect_Number " objrs.open mysql, objconn %>
I have a link on our ebay auctions that goes to a request form where people can request to have samples of our product sent to them.
I'm trying to use a simple querystring to hold the model number of the product so the actual request form can put the value in a hidden field and get submitted into my database with the rest of the informaiton. Code:
I need the end statement to this sql query, but I am doing something wrong, is there site where they show you the different forms of ending sql statments in ASP? Code:
during the creation of an HTML page using asp variable I have this problem:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401) Expected end of statement /asp/pages/connect1_1.asp, line 27, column 35 strtable = strtable & "<tr valign="top">" &
I am building an application for inserting and updating one field in a database. The database is in SQL Server and I am using Classic ASP.
I have a dropdown listbox that is populated with names, when a name is selected it automatically submits the form and then replaces the dropdown listbox with the name of the resident selected. Now I need to take a field and split it into 2 textboxes. This is where my problems begin. The field is named ProblemO and looks something like this, Code: