Exporting Of Orders

I have a site where orders are placed, i was just thinking of a good way for customers to keep track of there orders, at the moment they can page through there orders and and find it manually, I was thinking of putting a seach in also. Another one was to export all there orders in to an excel file, and one think thats any good?

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Customer Orders By Fax

I have a small team who are building e commerce sites for different clients .One of our client wants his customer orders to be faxed directly to him.

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Printing Multiple Orders In Asp?

I have an orderreport page where it lists all of the orders that have been placed, on each individual order i can click and it brings up a page where it shows the order items shipping info and such. I can print on each of those pages, Is there a way to say pring ordernumbers 1 2 and 3 or to say print all with a certain status.

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Query Customers With No Orders

I'm trying to pull a listing of customers for which no orders appear in the order table.

table names are "customers" and "orders"
both tables contain a column named "idCustomer"

I thought performing a subquery that would sum up the total of order numbers would give me a means by which I could determine this, but I'm still getting incorrect results.

select customers.idcustomer,customers.customercompany, Orders.idorder,Orders.idcustomer,orders.orderDate from customers inner join orders on customers.idcustomer = orders.idcustomer where customers.idcustomer in(select count(idorder) as totalorders from orders where orders.idcustomer = customers.idcustomer and totalorders = 0)

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Creating A Best Sellers List From My Orders Table

I'm creating an online shop which has an area showing the top ten best selling products. I'd like to generate the list of the best selling products from my OrdersDetail table (which is table showing listing purchases made on the site), ordered by the most popular at the top and the least popular at the bottom.

I thought if I could use the SQL DISTINCT command this would create a list of products without duplicates, then if I could COUNT them I'd generate a list of the most popular products in the OrdersDetails table. This nearly works but the list won't ORDER BY the COUNT column (I get an error). This is my code so far:

SELECT DISTINCT ProductDescription, COUNT(ProductDescription) AS bestSellers
FROM OrdersDetail
GROUP BY ProductDescription

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How To Place Shopping Basket Contents Into Orders Table

I am reaching the point in the implementation of my first shopping cart where I need to place all the customer’s products within their shopping basket into an orders table.

I am sure many of you have performed this task before so I wondered if you wouldn’t mind pointing me in the right direction. I am not really sure exactly what is usually stored within the orders table in most shopping carts. My shopping cart contents is stored in a session array like this Code:

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Asp Exporting To Cd

Is it possible to save .asp pages to CD, and that data can be shown

Everything works ok on my local server (iis), but how to create some
transferable server to make these files work on every comp.? Any solutions?

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Is there a way of exporting some asp generated text to various formats (doc,pdf,csv,xls etc.)? Idealy it should be preformated in order to print it directly (ex. labels).

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Exporting To CSV File

I've got a code that takes SQL query and creates a downloadable csv file, and it works fine. But, there is data that is getting seperated by commas that I don't want to be seperated. Like "Last Name" that is "Drake, Dr.".

I tried creating a tab delimited file (which I did) but it opens all wacky if I leave it as a csv file, and if I change it to txt then the download box doesn't open. The end users could select all the text and create their own file, but these end users are in desperate need of as much assistance as possible. Here is the code I am using:Code:

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Exporting Mysql In Asp

how do i export a MYSQL table to an ACCESS table using ASP code.

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Exporting ASP Page

How can i convert my ASP page into a doc? Is it possible to directly convert an HTML stream into a Doc/RTF/PDF?

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Excel Exporting In Asp

I am exporting excel files using Asp, its opening and displaying data when I used Office 2000 and above versions.

I have faced a issue when I opened the same files with Office 97. It displays the data in junk characters.

Please advice, since my client have only Office 97 he don’t wants to upgrade it. I have to fix this issue as soon as possible. Code:

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Exporting To CSV Issue

I am using a SQL 2000 server and am trying to export results from a
query to a text file. The code is working, expect my CONTACTNAME field
has a comma, and my export is splitting that into 2 columns when I only
want it to be one. Code:

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Exporting ASP To Excel

I have been able to successfully export data to Excel via ASP, however there is a small problem.When the file download window is displayed (to export to excel), you have have several options: open, save and cancel. Pressing the save button allows you to save a *.xls file to your HDD (THIS WORKS FINE). However, most users will push the open button. By doing so, the same screen will appear again with the same options: open, save and cancel. Pressing the open button again causes MS Excel to open (as expected) and then a dialog with the following message appears: "C:Documents and Settings<user name>Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5BIOJDDG5<filename[1].xls> could not be found".

As most users will probably press the Open button, I want to find a solution to this problem.

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Exporting Query

I am trying to make my query results save as a CSV file on the local machine. I am having a terrible time getting this to work.

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Exporting To Excel

I am trying to export a dynamically generated table to excel. I have used following code for the same

Response.ContentType ="application/vnd.ms-excel"

On some machines with excel 2000 version it is not working. The problem is that i have coded a session check for the user in that page and page is not getting the session value & it is redirecting the user to homepage for login in that excelsheet itself. That means instead of showing expected report ,excel sheet is showing contents of home page. I am not getting what is the connection of excel version with session.

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Exporting Information To .csv

I have a table that contains information that I need to export to a .csv file without manually saving the file, e.g click a button, information is passed and saved. I have no problem geting the information from the table, just exporting it into a .csv and then saving.

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Exporting As Excel

I am trying to export a result set as an excel spread sheet. Most of the time this works as expected, when a user chooses to save as excel the browser pop-up a save as dialog to allow the user to save the spreadshet with a .xls name. Some times the browser will open up the file as text file within the bvrowser itself? These are my two lines of code to prompt the save as dialog for a Browser:

Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AddHeader "Content-
disposition", "attachment;filename=ReportsName.xls"

I do not use any HTML to write out the Response from the Database rather just plain text and VBTab for a new column and VBCrLf for a new line.

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When Exporting To Excel....

....is it the posssible to:

format a field as "currency" or "number"?
format a field as a formula?

I create my sheet as a table
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"

is there any other way?

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Exporting A Variable From Asp To Flash.

the below code successfully queries the database for the record with the correct username and password, and then displays the users age and email from the database.

what i need

at the moment the asp returns the details in the form of a sentence on the browser.
however, i shall be exporting the retreived details into flash, so rather then the current way, i would like to declare the fields i have just loaded as something i can export out to flash..such as Response.write (age=myage which will be the flash text box name) or something like that. Code:

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Exporting To Excel Spreadsheet.

I have a report that the user can view either on a page with HTML or they can open it in Excel.

I am attempting to change the content type with this statement:

response.contentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" 

But it appears that when I do this I lose all my request variables and my recordset is null.

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Exporting HTML Table

I am planning to export data from SQL that generates HTML table. Instead of selecting the table and then copy then paste to word, I need a script(JS or VB) that will automatically export or open the Query to word.

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Exporting Recordset To Excel

I am trying to export a recordset to an excel file using the Content Type below in the header.

Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"

Which works fine however the problem is that when I have a number in a column with a leading zero the zero gets dropped. E.G. 01760942 will be displayed as 1760942 . How can I rectify this?

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Exporting Sql Table Values

how to export sql database values to excel sheet using asp. so that user can save that work sheet to their harddisk.

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Exporting HTML Table To Excel?

Is this possible? I am planning to export data from SQL that generates HTML
table. Instead of selecting the table and then copy then paste to excel, is
ther a script(JS or VB) that will automatically export or open the Query to

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Exporting Excel To Text File

1.) I've done this using macros in excel but I can't get the macros to run with the security of the xls file. I can't change the security, how can I make that particular macro safe?

2.) Now that I have macros running in excel, i'd like to know how to implement them into my asp page. I can't just copy and paste my macro b/c it wouldn't know what file it's looking for. I need help putting a macro on my page pointing at any given xls (dynamically as they will change)

3.) When running the macro in excel, i have problems with the output. Currently (until i get a better grasp on getting it running) i am using a macro from MSDN called quotecommaexport (which obviously makes a comma separated list of the data from excel) and the problem is when the xls shows ########## instead of the value b/c of lack of space.

It works when I span out the column and shows the value, the correct value is exported. Otherwise, it exports "#############" which does nothing for me. How can i get it to export the value without me physically spanning out the columns to give the value room. (I know this question may not make sense) Code:

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ASP.NET Exporting To Excel - Basic Error

The code below (partial) should export a file as Excel when the button near the bottom is clicked. The example I pulled the concept from uses a GridView for binding. I don't need to display it, just export it, so I created ExcelGrid visible=false at the bottom. The Response.Write(strQuery); is never getting executed. I get:

Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: Control 'ExcelGrid' of type 'GridView' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.

I'm almost positive (from what you see below) that my ExcelGrid is inside the form tag, which contains the runat=server.

Any ideas? It works when you pull that code and just run the rest of the form so the runat=server is working for all of the other controls! Code:

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Question On Exporting Data From A Database Using ASP.

I don't know if this is possible, but I have been amazed at what I have
learned from this group so I will throw it out there.

I have an MS Access database that I connect to through .asp pages. Can
I offer a user of my page the ability to export data from the Access
database (either feeding of a table or a query) to their hardrive in an
Excel format?

If it is possible, I have two followup questions.

1: Can you export in additional formats (Access, Word, Notepad, ...)?

2: Can you do this if connecting to a SQL server?

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Exporting Data Into MS Excel .xls File Using ASP

I am writing a web-based information portal and one of the requested features is that some data be outputted not to the screen, but to an MS Excel file.

I could not find much information on this topic, but I'm sure there's a way. All the database searching is in place, the recordset has been built, I just need an interface to send data into Excel as opposed to a text file, or to the screen. Code:

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Exporting Data To A Word Document Or PDF

We have a variety of work related forms (overtime sheets etc) that people currently download via our intranet.

What I'd like to do is have a page with a drop down box getting staff names and then tick box's as to which documents you want and it will put the employees name and number on the form and print etc ....

The bit I'm a bit a bit lost on is how would I export my employee name and number from a form to a an area on a word document.

I've exported data to an excell spreadsheet before but never a word document.

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Exporting From Outlook Public Folder

I am trying to take all the messages that are in a public message folder and export them to a database and then from there I can output to a webpage. I have it set up so I can do it all manually.I have to copy them all to a persoanl folder and from there I can export to a database.

I am looking for a way to automatically. Is it going to be possible to do, or will I need to take a look at making a Macro to do it? I havent done any real VB in quite some time, just VBScript in ASP's. I am trying to avoid doing the macro thing.

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Exporting Data In Text File

I am trying to pull data from a DB an export it to the user in a comma delimited text file.I found this.Do I need to save the actual textfile or is it possible to stream the text file out to the browser? If the answer is yes, how do I stream it after it is saved and delete it once it is saved by the user?

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Exporting Data Into A MS Word Serial Letter Via ASP

I have a asp page with a database connection where I need to export adresses
into a MS Word Serial Letter. Is this possible and if how??

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