Extract 'days' From Now Till Future Fixed Date

How would one extract the number of (days) from (today) and a (future fixed
date)- eg: February 12, 2003. ....where today will always be Date().


02/12/04 - Date(now) = 27 days.

Can anyone help me here?

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Weekday Function - Getting Days From Future Dates??

I know I can use the weekday function in order to get the current day displayed to me, but is it possible to pass an inputed date in the format of 12/31/2005 or whatever to the weekday function so that it can evaluate it and say what day it will be on that date.

The reason for this is that I want to find a way of taking a range of dates from my database, basically a start date and an end date, and to identify all weekends that fall inside the range, so that they can be excluded from a count.

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Date Of Future

I'm trying to select certain records based on a "Display Until" date.
I receive all records no matter what the date is. I should only receive records that are greater than today.Code:

<% Dim vardate
vardate = date()
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sqlstmt = "SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE Openings = yes and webonly = 1 and displayuntil > " & varDate & " ORDER BY JobNumber"
myDSN = "DSN=test"
rs.open sqlstmt, myDSN

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Date Picker - Making The First Date Five Days Away

I would like to modify this so that the first available date that can be selected is five BUSINESS days out. The script only shows Mon-Fri so if the date is Tue Jul 13, 2004, Tue Jul 20, 2004 needs to be displayed. Code:

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Add 365 Days To Date()

I've set up a membership module which allows members to have a validity period of one year.

So if start date is = Date() [which is todays date]

Would the expiry date be Date() + 365 ?

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Subtract Days From A Date

I am trying to subtract days from a date but I didnt got it. how to do it?

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Extract Month From Date

I have a field in an access db which is of the data type Date/Time holding a date in the format, Short Date. Thefore it looks like 10/03/2004. The table holds a lists of events and I want to list them all by month breaking on the month as a header (and only listing for months which have events), like so:

10/3/2004 Event Title

1/4/2004 Event Title

1/6/2004 Event Title

How can I display just the month from this field?

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10 Days From Today Date Comparision

How would I compare a the month year and day fields entered in a form to make sure the date entered is at least 10 days from current date.

how is 10 days added numerical, I am clueless at this point.

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How To Clculate (date-3months+7 Days)

now i am working on some telehealth project[enhancement]. i need to calculate (date picked from the calaender - 3 months + 7 days. i a trying this one from past three days. and the controls are loading from the database dynamically

say i picked 1 jan. i need to calculate:

[(1-01-2005)-( no of day in (dec+nav+oct))+7 days]

say i picked 1 jan. i need to calculate:

[(1-01-2005)-( 60 days + days]

which one is good. how to implement this one.

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Truncate Till Decimal

I have files names like bcd.jpg, 1234567.mpg etc in my DB. I need only the file names. I know the truncate method but it's no good here. How do I cut away the extension part?

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Future Of Classic ASP

What do y'all see for the future of ASP in light of MS decision to replace
FrontPage with a new series of development tools? All of them mention ASP.NET,
but no mention of the ASP I love. Code:

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How To Hide Future's Records (id=?)

I have a site, constructed with dreamweaver, that contains a master-detail page set.
I have make some changes to the code (although I 'm not a programmer, I am beginner), so that I can insert records that will

be displayed when the date of the record is equal to the current date(server's date).

The detail page is something like http://localhost/1.asp?id=495

My problem: I discovered that anyone that hits to the browser any other id number by hand(example

http://localhost/1.asp?id=496), can view the records I wanted to be displayed when the appropriate date come!

So, I have not any way to protect my records from these people?

What can I do, so that nobody can see the future's records above the current date?

The master page already has a 'where' statement, and displays only the records with date=< current date.

My problem is at the detail page.

Suppose someone hit in the browser, just because he wants to cheat me, write another id in address bar, replacing the one the browser currently displays.

Thenhe has discover a brand new page which should be online in the future.

That's my problem.

It would be nice if I could hide the real address from browser address bar.

Or if I could somehow change it in order not to reveal the real address and this could make it more difficult for someone to reveal future's pages.

I know the use of frames hides such information(exact address) but as far as I know this solution has many disadvantages.

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Make A Future SQL Statement

I have a form (dropdown box). I want to write a SQL statement with the help of this form.


RS.Open "SELECT * FROM products WHERE category=' ... Request.Form("name") ... '; objConn

I hope you understand what I'm trying to do. This isn't the right way I think. Do you know a way for this task to be achieved?

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ASP Support In Future Versions Of IIS

I did a search for any posts on the topic of ASP and the future support model
for it within IIS. I see a lot of speculation based on current use, etc.,
but let's not forget that Visual Basic 6.0 is a dead product - regardless of
how many people are still using it. Let us also not forget that Microsoft
changed some core syntax of C++ (actually C) that had been in place for 30+

Anyway, can anyone point me to any official Microsoft documentation that
outlines the lifecycle for ASP or a good roadmap for IIS? I tried
http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/search/, but it is not there since ASP
is not technically a product.

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Past And Future Dates

what is the most efficient way of finding the following with asp.

1) disovering what day of the week was the first of the current month. (eg. this month 1 December fell on a Wednesday) From there I would like to get the same for the following month and the following month after that and so on.

2) a way of finding the last day (numerically) of the current month and the next month after that and so on. (eg. this month it's 31, next month its 31 then it's 28 and so on.)

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Show Fixed Decimals

How do I show a double with 2 decimal places in vbscript? Also is there a way to show a string that is holding a number with two decimal places or does it need to be converted to doulbe first and then converted back to string after manipulating the double?

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Create Fixed Section

I am a C#-Coder and now I have the duty to rewrite a ASP-Website and add some functionality. The problem is that I have never seen ASP before and I don't have the time to learn everything necessary to complete my work.

It's a very simple problem and would be really great if someone could tell me what to do or show me a small code-example. I think "learning by reading code" is the best way to get new information

I have an ASP-Website with a very long list (out of a SQL-Query). If I scroll down the page I can't see the list-header any more <- THATs my problem. What I need is an ASP-Website with a fixed section that can't be moved and below a common, scrollable website.
The header of my SQL-Query should be in this fixed section and the datasets should be in the scrollable section.

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Display Fixed Decimal Digits

I have variable, say "total". It can be an integer or floating number.

No matter what value it stores (5 or 5.1 or 5.24), when I display it, is
there a way I can make it display it with fixed 2 decimal digits, like 5.00?

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Array Is Fixed Or Temporarily Locked

I posted a similar problem a while ago but never found a solution. I am passing an integer value (called NoElements)from a html form (which gets created using javascript) to an asp page. The value of NoElements is used to create an asp array of that size. At first I was confronted with the following error:

Expected integer constant

I then was advised to initialise the array (to say 100) and then do a ReDim Preserve. I now get this error message:

This array is fixed or temporarily locked? What should (or at least I thought) be a simple porcedure is making my life a nightmare.

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Fixed! Form Values Being Cut Off - Strange!

i'm getting an instance of a form field value being cut off when input into a MS SQL db. i can't figure out where it's doing it. the field datatype is set to VARCHAR with a size of 100. the data is being cut at 30 characters. here is the form field: Code:

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Selecting Fixed Number Of Records From Database

I have an articles_tbl . How do i create a select statement which only brings back the latest 3 records added to this table (the database has a field called 'date_added') so the information of when they were added is present.

I was just wondering how to bring back only THREE records and showing them, instead of bringing back the entire table content and then showing three out of them..

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ASP Error : This Array Is Fixed Or Temporarily Locked

i got this error when trying to looping through an array

Quote: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000a'

This array is fixed or temporarily locked

Here are my code:

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Creating Fixed Width Text Files

i know how to create text files using ASP, but is there any way to create fixed width text file using ASP? i need to have the data lined up in the same location at each row.

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Selecting Tables From A Drop Down Box With No Fixed Position On Screen?

i am designing a search engine, you select the search options from five choices in a drop down box, each option reveals a table, but the tables have fixed positions on the html page.

i need it so that if only one option is picked to search and it is the last option on the drop down list, that it will appear at the top of the page? i dont have a clue what type of function to write to do this or what techniques will be involved!

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Printing The Part Till "@"

I am coding an archive section for Imail List Server, since it doesn't have one. In listing the mails, preventing the people and search engine spiders from collecting emails, I "only" print from.Name. But some people don't use from.Names, they just use from.email.

I thought that I can solve this problem just printing the email adres till @. for example, I want to print an actual email address like someone@somedomain.com as someone. how can I print just this part of it?

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First Part Till "-" Sign

equpID = "ABD-4-01" i have this string and want to cut the first part, means (ABD) by the way the first part may connsest of more that three letter , like "ABAT-2-01" .

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Days Old

I built a asp website for my baby boy to let my family & friends to view notes and pictures about him and I was wondering if there was a code that I can use to automatically display the "years", "days" old he is based of his birthdate?

display Like this:

1-year 11-months old

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Within The Next 30 Days

If "DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 30 DAY)" < rsTest("dat") then
response.write "It is within 30 days"
End if
response.write ""

I am trying to have it show something if the date in my database is within 30 days of the current date.

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Displaying The Next Seven Days

the script below writes the next seven dates and their weekday names. it works a treat, until it gets within seven days of the end of a month. when that happens, the number of days shrinks and shrinks until the 1st of the next month, when it goes back to normal.

my question is - what needs to be changed here in order for it continue displaying dates into the next month? Code:

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Display Last 10 Days

I've got a very simple database holding requests that users have submitted.Once we take care of the request we mark it shipped.There's a check box field in the database which holds this value.

I'd like to create a page that lists all shipped requests for the past 10 days.The SQL is giving me problems though.I'm not sure how to write this out.

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Adding Particular Days

i want to add particular days of the week of past two months into a dropdown list according to current date at run time but i am unable to do so can anybody tell me how to do that.

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Days In A Month

Does anyone know of a formula that I can use to work out the number of days in a month not including the weekends?

I know I could probably use a loop that checks each day and if it is a weekday it adds to a counter but I'm guessing that would make things run a tad slower and the way this system is running I wouldn't want to make it any slower.

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Counting Days

I need to display the count of days on the page where the start date is the result of the record set and the end date is the current date. So if the record set value was 3/04/2007 than the display on the page would be "3" ( with todays date: 3/07/2007 as the end date). I know I need to use datediff(d,???? ) you can see where I get lost.

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