Extract Winzip Archive Using Shell

I'm experimenting with using Windows Scripting Host to open files via Shell. So far I can open Word docs and Winzip archives. Is it possible with Shell to programatically cause winzip to extract an archive it to a particular folder? Self-Extractor isn't an option in this case.

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How To Extract Files And Folders From A Zip Archive Using ASP

Is it possible to extract files and folders from a zip archive using ASP? If not classic, will .net do it as a standard task, ie no activex dlls, etc?

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WinZip / Other Alternative

I'm using ASP and I need to generate a ZIP file that contains a list of files that I'm pulling from a database. I've determined WinZip's command line parameters so that I can use it, the problem is I'm unsure how to run WinZip on the server.

Set WshShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")


Assuming this would work, how do I get the process to terminate upon completion? I can't have 20-30 WinZip applications running on the server, I need it to handle what I send to it and then close. Maybe I'm taking the entirely wrong approach here.

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Winzip Command Line Utility Wzzip.eze Problem

I am using command line utility of wzzip.exe in asp and vb script. When I try to use wzzip in asp, it sometimes works fine and sometime hangs. It doesn't give any error.

The server that the process is running on, if I logoff from that server, wzzip.exe hangs, however when I just "disconnect" from the server, it runs fine. This happens when I try to use wzzip.exe from my user interface. The code to invoke the shell is in a dll which resides in MTS. I am using the following wzzip command in asp.

cmd.exe/c "c:Program fileswinzipwzzip.exe -a
servernamefolderfilename.zip servernamefolderfolder_to_be_zipped

When I run it manually command line, there are no problems.

I have a similar job which I have in vbscript, that job runs without any

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Monthly Archive

what i'm trying to do, is to create table identical to "faults" and move all of last months entries into the new archive table.
the current SQL i have is

SQL = SQL + Left(Date, 2) & ":" & Left(Right(Date, 7), 2) & ":" & Right(Date, 4)
SQL = SQL + " FROM Faults"
SQL = SQL + " WHERE (((Month([DateAdded]))=Month(Date())-1));"

the error that appears is... "Error 3290 - Syntax Error in CREATE TABLE statement"

can you work out whats wrong?

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Asp News Archive

As the client uploads the December news story, it replaces the November story and adds November to a dropdown menu on the news page.For example, all archived months stories can be accessed from the dropdown menu and the current month is visible on the page.
Hope this makes sense! Can anyone help, or point me in the way of some script I can download?

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Creating ZIP Archive

How can i create a ZIP archive of an already present folder? This folder might have some nested folders in it too.
I have seen some components where we can create the ZIP archive but these add the files to the main archive folder that will be created when you specify the name of the archived folder and its intended destination.
I already have the folder with the files in it.

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News Archive

i want to add this portion to my site.i want to display category of news depending on date.i want to display such news one month back from current date.

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Archive Data

do you know how to archieve data from database. if the was true with the data from database it will chechked or some thread or site for me look. i dont know to archieve it looked not same like using drop list.

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Create An Archive List

I need to know how to create a dynamically named list of a collection of records from my database.

All the records come from one table using the DateCreated column as the column that I want to collate the records with.

I want to group all the records in eg: march 2007 under a dynamic heading of 'March 2007' and the same for every other month in the table.

The date format in the DateCreated column is: dd/mm/yyyy

It's kind of a blog achive.

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Creating News Archive

i have a created a CMS in which newstitle, the newsdetails and date(automatically inserted using the date() function) that it is added is inserted into an access db.
Now what i want to do is to create a news archive list which groups the news item added by month, so let's for the month of july all news are grouped into a heading call july(2007).

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Error In Upload Of The Video Archive.

The page below sends archives of video for the component aspSmartUpload. All time that I try to send a video archive wmv appears this error:

Request object error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'

Operation not Allowed

/tvonline/video_enviar.asp, line 30

In line 30 I have this.


I already verified the way of the folder and the permission of the folder for reading and writing and I am all certainty. I do not understand because it is showing this error.

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Create Blog/news Archive In Asp

I have being trying a create a dynamic news section on my web site for a while now and I cant get it to work.

I would link the home page to display the four newest news items and then a link to a news archive on a seperate page.

The news archive will have links ordered by YEAR then MONTH, similar to the following page: Code:

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Create An Archive File Without Components?

Is there a script or a simple way(I doubt), to create archive files online without components...only with asp? by "archive files"....I mean .zip files or something similar that can then be de-archived later? It is not important whether the files get compressed or not. Code:

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Shell Run MS Access

I'm trying to use vbscript to run a Macro in MSAccess via Wscript.Shell. So far, I have tried every variation on notation imaginable, and no luck. I can get MSACCESS.EXE to open, but it never runs the Macro, and never closes (which is the final command in the macro).

On the other hand, running the exact same command in DOS works great. Does everything it's supposed to perfectly. Code:

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Shell Scripts

I need to run shell scripts from mozilla browser on unix side to start off tools. Giving direct link to it does not work in mozilla. Can i execute the shell scripts from ASP ? What other way is possible to start these shell scripts form mozilla browser on unix.

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Does shell.application aplly/work with virtual directories or paths?

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Access To Cmd Shell

We have need to run server based .vbs files and other OS commands through active server pages i.e

Set oShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Under Windows 2000 the EVERYONE group had read/execute rights against cmd.exe. Under 2003 this has been removed and in order to get my .asp file to execute the cmd shell I must grant the IUSR acct read/execute access to cmd.exe on the web server.

Is there a better approach or "best practice" to properly secure my web server and still be able to shell out to cmd.exe from asp?

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Currently, I move a application from win 2000 server to 2003 server, I use some vbs file in this application, however, it seems that those vbs file can not be run from 2003 server. Below is my code, can some one point out what did I do wrong here?

DIm objShell
Set objShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objShell = Nothing

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Shell() Function

I've the next code:

Public Class WebForm1
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Shell("C:Winntsystem32calc.exe", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)

End Sub
End Class

The Shell() function isn't workin? does anybody know Why?

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WScript.Shell Run Error

I am currently in the process of converting a website from an existing
web host to our servers. This website used the WScript.Shell command
to execute a series of Java commands that would send an encrypted

I ran these commands directly on the server and they execute properly,
but when I try to run them from within the WScript.Shell command then
I get a return code of 1, and the actions that should be completed are

The shell is executing a .bat file which is in the same directory the
text files it needs to run the following sample command(s): Code:

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Wscript.Shell.run Returns 254

I am trying to run a command line from an ASP page. I am using windows 2003 with IIS6. I am able to get this to run on my local machine (Windows XP IIS5). Here is my code:

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Wscript.shell Win2k

For win2k adv server/iis5.0 trying to run an external program from my asp routine that has multiple
parameters, see following.

set shell = server.createobject("wscript.shell")
shell.Run """f:phsDatahtmldochtmldoc.exe"" --webpage -f phsnew.pdf

program either doesn't get invoked, or has an error, but since it has no error log i can't check that, so not sure why not getting a result i have run the program successfully from the command line in that directory, so know it can be run in the first place and the asp program creates and writes files in the same directory so i don't think its a permission problem. asp doesn't complain with any errors.

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Wscript.Shell Run Program

I am trying to use the Run method of WScript.Shell to run a program that creates image files on the server. When I run the program through the command line it creates a text file and a bmp file which is what it is supposed to do.

If I run it from an asp page it doesnt do anything, it also doesnt give me any error messages. I can run the same vbscript code in a standalone vbs file on the server and it works right. Code:

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Using WScript.Shell And The Run Command

I've been testing the WScript.Shell object and the Run command now for a server query. The file I am running generates a file with the server querys which i later on parse in my page. But there is a problem. When running the Run command om my Windows XP machine it all seems fine. But when trying to run it on my webserver (not configured by myself) I get an error, or the command fails. It's nothing wrong with the acctuall command but ASP seems to not want to allow the Run command.

First I though it had to do with user privilegies but after giving the IUSR_X full access it didn't help. So, does anybody know a solution for this? Exactly what do I have to configure, for what user, to make this work on my webserver (win2k).

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Executing Shell Commands In Asp

I'm trying to execute a Windows command in ASP. For example, this is a snippet of what I have right now:
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run("notepad", 1, true)
Set WshShell = Nothing

The strange thing is that notepad.exe actually appears under the list of processes in Task Manager, but its window does not show up on the server's desktop; the client's browser just sort of hangs. I'm led to believe that this has something to do with IIS permissions, but I'm not certain.

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Wscript.shell Error

Trying to view asp page which has the following code in
Set obj = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell')

It falls over on this line saying 'Activex cannot create component (wscript.shell)'. Doing the same in a .vbs file results in the same error. The platform is NT4 Server Service Pack 6a.

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Create A Shell Object In ASP

I want to run batchfiles via the Shell, but accessible in the Browser via IIS. Actually, I'd like the server to start a command line ntbackup if a users selects to do so on an ASP in his webbrowser. Does anyone know how to create a shell object in an ASP?

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WScript.Shell Object

I've made an ASP page that calls a small executable and collects its text output into a variable ("strExeOut") below. Below is some code similar to the one I use for that purpose.

strExe = "C:whatevermyprogram.exe -h1 -d33"

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objScriptExec = objShell.Exec(strExe)
strExeOut = objScriptExec.StdOut.ReadAll

I developed this in my own computer and the whole thing works like a charm, but
unfortunately I assumed my hosting provider would let me run the (little and harmless) exe, and they won't.

Therefore I have to run only the "exe" portion of the code in another web server and send back the output to my website on the net. I'd like to get some feedback on what would be the best way to call an exe on another server, and to have the output sent back.

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Wscript.shell To Open File

I have a big problem with some part of my code, where I'm using the wscript.shell method to open a file...

I've tried this:

dim shell
set shell= createobject("wscript.shell")
shell.run "C:Clip_CreatorTVSA02.bat"
set shell=nothing

and this

Function fnShellExecuteVB()
dim objShell
set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objShell.ShellExecute "C:WINNT
otepad.exe", "", "", "open",1
set objShell = nothing
End Function

I don't get any error but the application doesn't starts, I've also tried executing the notepad.exe and occurrs the same, nothing happens, I don't get error but the notepad doesnt lunch...

I'm getting tired about this code, I've tried a lot of kinds of scripts but I got the same result...

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How To Use WScript.Shell Properly From An ASP Page?

I have a process that creates a whole bunch of files in a specified directory. The names of the files are the employee IDs with an .txt extension, so they are like


The background is a bit more complicated so I won't bore you with it, but I hope that I can add a button on the asp page that would

1) go to that specified directory, which is database-driven by the department id, such as


and I'll be able to figure the directory path from the existing code

2) then loop through each employee id and append the employee name, so the above will become


The employee names are also database driven and my asp page will be able to provide the information.

What I would like is to have a button that would open the cmd.exe and make the appropriate changes, and then do the rename, and then close the cmd window.

I know that you can have something like: Code:

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VBscript IIS And WScript.Shell Object

can SO tell me why the following script :

dim oShell
set oShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.shell")
oShell.run ("C:WINNTsystem32cmd.exe /c C:WINNTsystem32
set oShell=nothing

works as expected in the context of a .vbs script and doesn't work (with the following changes made...) when inserted in a .asp web page under IIS ?

dim oShell
set oShell=Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
intReturn = oShell.run ("C:WINNTsystem32cmd.exe /c C:WINNTsystem32
set oShell=nothing

the Shell object is well created (i can check some of its properties) but the oShell.run command doesn't seem to execute the given command line.

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WScript.Shell And ASP, Permission Problem On IIS 5

When I call the WScript.Shell and "RUN" the object...

I've got nothing on the server

For Example,

objWscript.Run "notepad.exe", True, 1

But on the server side, there is no this process running..

The NTFS of notepad.exe permission is set to EVERYONE already..
While the IIS is running under the account of IUSR_XXXX

Is there any something wrong in the permission settings?

However, I run the same script on Windows 2003 Server, it is ok....

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