Extracting Filename From An URL

What string function(s) would I use to extract just the filename from an URL?

For example, if I have http://www.yourdomain.com/some_directory/some_file.asp, how do I extract just the "some_file.asp"?

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Getting Filename From Form Then Deleting - Filename Is Changing!?!

I have a form that gets a filename from a db like so

<FORM METHOD="POST" encType="multipart/form-data" ACTION="pic_delete.asp">
<input type="hidden" name="File1" value="<%=rstemp("filename")%>">
<input type="hidden" name="ImageID" value="<%=rstemp("ImageID")%>">
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="cmdSubmit" VALUE="Delete" ></form>

when I submit I get the error message "File not found"

So a did a respnse write to write my filename and found it is now called 2006_Apr_19-83955.23.bin It seems to be the time as it changes each time I try and get the filename to write...

this is the code on my delete page

Dim Upload
Dim FileName
Dim Folder
Set Upload = New clsUpload
FileName = Upload("File1").FileName
response.write "Here is the file " & FileName & " name <br>"

Folder = Server.MapPath("..country") & "" & strPathToSave
response.write "Here is the folder " & folder & " name"

Upload.DeleteFile Folder & FileName
'Upload("File1").SaveAs Folder & FileName
Set Upload = Nothing %>

The folder name comes out right, just the filename changes.

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Extracting XML With ASP

I have an XML file that contains nodes and I'm having no problem extracting the information using ASP. However I can't seem to get the ID number from the deliverrequest node from the example below.

<!DOCTYPE xiamSMS SYSTEM "Message.dtd">
<deliverRequest id="10234690"> ''' Need to retrieve this number using
<content type="text">Test 2</content>

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Extracting Height

Is there an ASP way of extracting the height and width of a swf file so that
I can specify these dims when adding the whole OBJECT code to the web page?

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Extracting The First Paragraph

Is it possible to extract the first paragraph in a mysql text field? my code line to display all text:

<%=replace(Recordset.Fields.Item("article").Value, vbcrlf, "<p>")%>

I want to separate the 1st paragraph (article lead) from the others (article), without having one table for 1st paragraph and a second one for the rest of the text.

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Extracting Files

I need a help in extracting files, thru ASP. Is that possible to extract files from .tar, .gzip and zip files thru ASP.

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Extracting Parts

i want to extract the number 38 from the URL below, using ASP what is the solution?
then store it as a variable.


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Extracting Text From PDF File

is asp code able to do the extraction of text from PDF File without using a third party software?

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Extracting Other Sites Content

we have a site, that has a link to a online PC cart that we are registered with. Trouble is, when the user goes to the other site, we obviously no longer have our interface wrapped around the page.

We can do this with an iframe, but it wont vertically stretch the content (a scroll bar appears). Is there any way in ASP, to call a url, and say, insert that url into a <td></td> on our page?

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Extracting Data From A Document

Not a problem with my code, but something I would like to add, (ASP
VBScript) at the moment I have a form where a user uploads their details
including a document (Doc, PDF, TXT, Docx) The document is uploaded to a
folder on the server with the address being stored in the database and I'm
tracking the user id through sessions.

What I would like to do after the upload is redirect to a blank page, where
some script extracts the data from the document and inserts it into another
field on the database associated with the user id, I think this may be called
parsing, but I'm at a complete loss, I don't suppose you guys have any ideas
on this do you.

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Extracting Part Of A String

we have a database with a lot of products in it. and for some reason one fo the feilds is set up like "<img src="images/something/image.jpg" />". they should be set up without the html but because of the way they are set up theres no way i can use them outside of the root directory.

I need a way to just pull the first 10 characters off the string. which would be the <img src=" part, and then pull off the last 4 characters " />. so that i am just left with images/something/image.jpg.

I can sort of get the first part to work by using Mid(string,10)

but how can i remove the last 4 characters?

in php the function would do the ending characters if you made it a negative number. but Mid(Mid(string,10),-4) doesnt seem to work.

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Extracting Source Code

Is there a way of processing an ASP page and placing the resulting HTML
source code into a TEXTAREA on another page?

I have a page that will be generated dynamically from database content.
However, I want a form on another page to have access to the compiled source
code for use in an electronic newsletter.

Manually I would load the dynamic page, view the source and copy it out. I
would then paste it into my form field on the relevant page.

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Extracting Part Of Text

Is there a way of extracting only part of an entry retrieved from a SQL database. For instance, if I have an article of 4000 characters can I extract only the first line of the article and them put a link to the full article after the extracted text.

It is something I have been trying to master and will help me display my retrieved recordset data better.

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Dynamically Extracting Data

in my project, i want a label which shows the current value of all shares in the market whenever the user login to the application.how can i do that.how could i dynamically extract data from the shares website.

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Extracting Data From Another Webpage

Basically I want to be able to take the tempreature, pressure and wind and be able to use them as variables in calculating performance automatically for an aircraft. I've tried using the pull string method but can't work out how to seperate the variables.

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Extracting Data By Date

I have a website where people can add job vacancies to our database. In the admin section I can delete these vacancies but have trouble with selecting certain dates from the database.

For example if I wanted to delete all the jobs from the database for the 18/12/2003 I would select the date then all the jobs will appear on the screen and I can delete them. But if I select a date such as 06/12/2003 or 11/12/2003 it doesnt display anything from the database when I know there are a couple of hundred in there for those dates.

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Extracting Text From Remote Site

I'd like to do the above, ideally in javascript but i'm aware of the security restrictions with accessing the DOM of a file not hosted on the same server - however i'm not looking to manipluate anything on the remote site, or handle any events (such as keylogging!). All i want is to have a piece of text on the remote site dupicated on my own site.

I'm happy to receive the html as a whole and split it up to get what i want, but i'm beginning to think the way forward is doing it server-side with asp.
Anyone know the best way to do this?

OR am i just being silly and there is a way to copy the contents of a remote page into my own page in javascript, split it up and only display what i need.

(btw im quite happy with the splitting up bit, no help needed there - i just need the blasted text in the first place!)

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Extracting Data From MSSQL To Excel

Is it possible to extract data from SQL server to MS Excel ? Say if I have 2 tables (Membership and Profile) and extract some certain datas from those 2 tables; MemberID, Member Name, Birthday, Interest; could it be possible to extract them automatically everyday at 1 AM without me doing it manually?

Perhaps its possible to do it with Stored Procedure? or some other means?

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Extracting Data From A URLEncoded String

I am trying to add a feature to our inventory that will pass the current URL to a second site so that I can return to the original site later through a redirect. Basically, it is intended to work like this - you do a search, and are taken to a page where you can view the records.

You click on a record to view it and/or update it, and then you are returned to the original search results. I am having some trouble, and am hoping that someone can help me out.

I am placing the values that I want to keep (original URL, search terms, sort order, page number) into a string, and then using Server.URLEncode to encode it: Code:

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Extracting Infomation From Session Variable

I have a bunch of html stored in a session variable. It's just a long string of html. I want to parse it to extract certain things out of it. I'm assuming I would use the Left, Mid and Right functions. But don't know exactly how to do it. Plus I need to find the information in the session variable too.

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Extracting Sentences From Memo Fields Containing Specific Strings

I have an access database and am currenlty using classic asp for most of my coding and am trying to extract sentences from the memo field that contain specific strings, in this case "<b>"

The memo fields contain a lot of data so filtering becomes an issue, so i just want to be able to only display the sentences within the memo field i.e. between "." and "." OR beginning of record and "." OR "." and end of record that contain the string "<b>"

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If Filename Contains Then

I'm looking for a way to check if a directory has any filenames with 'w9' in it, and if so print 'yes' in the appropriate place. My database has a field called CustomFieldFilesDir where the appropriate folder structure is already entered for each person ex. 'p:john doe'. I've searched and found scripts that look at extensions but not the file names themselves.

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Get Filename Out Of Pathname

i have this form to upload a document to a folder on the server. i have a field where you browse the files on your computer to upload to the server. once that field is chosen i would like another field to be populated automatically with only the document's name, without the path extension on it. does anyone know how to go about doing this?

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Download Under A Different Filename

My problem is: i need to write an ASP page which first checks whether
the user has permissions to download a ZIP file, and then streams the
file itself if the user is allowed to see it.

I have succeeded until
this point, but the client browser asks to save the file with the
original filename (and ASP extension). Obviously this would mean
making the downloaded file unusable at client side, unless I tell the
site user to manually rename it, but this is not a solution.

So I ask you: is there any way for an ASP page to stream data to the
browser and have it saved with a default file name and extension which
are different from the page's ones? Code:

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Retrieve FileName

I want to have a form where there is a textfield and a Browse... button to the right of it. I want the user to be able to press the Browse... button and select a file and then that filename be returned to the textfield.

I don't want it to upload it or anything like that...I just want to know the filename that the user has selected. Also, when the user presses the Browse... button, I want it to automatically go to a certain place.

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Add Timestamp To Filename

I have an asp file upload facility on my website and I now want to add a timestamp to the name of each file uploaded to my webserver to ensure no clash of names.
I have no idea how to code it so egfile.txt will arrive on the server as egfileYYYYMMDDhhmmss.txt (or something similar).
Is it possible to do?

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Randomise A Filename's Name

I've created an upload application that allows a user to upload a file a space on the web server.

What I want is when a user selects the file to upload, when the upload process takes places, a random number is generated and added to that filename.

I work out I can add the code:

intrandomnumber = Int((1000000-1+1)*Rnd+1)

but how do you do the change to the filename when it uploaded as I can change the filename name but the physical filename name would be the filename held on the user PC?

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Trimming Filename

I am storing URL in a database for a 'sort of' directory type website.The <a href> is built from the recordset of URL's which is all working no problem, easy stuff.What I have found is going to be necessary in some cases is to trim the URL back to just it's www.abc.co.uk address for the link display.

I still want the actual link to go to it's long 'deep linking' location, but there is limited room for displaying a URL that could be a hundred chars long.

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Path And Filename

I'm making an error tracking system.I want to include a file (or function) at the top of each page which gets the A) current file name B) directory the file is in. In PHP this is $_SERVER( PHP_SELF )

On a side note, why is it that you can type "PHP SERVER FUNCTIONS" in google and get wonderful results, whereas "ASP SERVER FUNCTIONS" returns garbage?

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Filename Renaming In ASP

am trying to upload a file and at the time try to rename the file to autogenerated name.

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Request The Filename

One of the things I do is do my testing on an alternate address, then store the file as the regular address after it tests correctly, but since I might mention the test page in various forums when I ask questions, I leave it uploaded just in case someone later sees the link and clicks it.

So far, my kludgy way of handling it is to have a variable called "thispage" and set it equal to the page I'm working on, so when it links to itself, it links back to the page in question.

Is there a way of automatically testing for this value instead of manually defining it? I tried a quick Google search, but I didn't know what to call it. I assume it might be in the same general collection as the HTTP_REFERER item.

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NS7 Renames Filename

I coded a simple asp-script to force a file-download. (ex. dummy.doc). In IE6, NS4.7 and Opera 7 everything works fine and the file can be easily downloaded. But NS7 renames the filename in the dialogue-box to dummy.doc.asp . How can I prevent that?

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Space In Filename

I have a page that writes a hyperlink to files in a folder, but the
hyperlink fails with the space in the filename. How can I strip out that
space or replace with &nbsp; ? Code:

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