FDF-toolkit And ASP To Create Pdfs

I've successfully managed to install the FDF-toolkit to my computer and I've also managed to create a PDF-file from a asp-page. But all of this have been for testing, now I want to implement this pdf-creating-service to a system for inquirys.

The salesman at the office uses a webpage to build their inquires and at the end I want to have a nice looking pdf for them to print. Is there anyone that knows how to actually create real dynamic pdf:s where the amount of pages and data varies a lot? If not, does anyone have an idea how to get good printouts from a webbrowser, where the text or tables dont get cut in the middle by the printer.

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Adobe FDF Toolkit Be Used To Dynamically Create A Several Page Report ?

can the adobe FDF toolkit be used to dynamically create a several page report using data from a recordset in ASP? As far as i can see now, it is only useful for filling in form fields from user submitted data.

Another option we are exploring is using the activePDF tools to do this. Has anyone had any experience with these tools? any comments/opinions? Can it do what we asked above?

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Dynamic PDF Loading With FDF Toolkit

Using the toolkit and the following code to stuff values into the pdf. Staic field names are not a problem. Dynamic field names coming from an array does...

Getting an exception occurred error on
An exception occurred: 'objFDF.FDFSetValue'

Code: ....

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I am looking at expanding some search engine code of mine to include PDFs. Therefore I need some mechanism to extract the text from a PDF file which I can break down into individual words so I can index them.

Does anyone have any code or examples that will allow me to pull out the
text of a PDF file in ASP?

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Printing PDFs From ASP

This is something I must have spent hours searching for to no avail ;( .. Is there a way via classic ASP to issue a command to have a PDF file print? The code has the filename and path and all... All I need is a way to issue it to print! Is this at all possible?

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Caches, IE And PDFs

I'm using the library fpdf.asp from www.aspxnet.it and when I generate the pdf succesfully, this pdf rest in caché memory, and when I try with other user to generated another pdf, Internet Explorer shows me the old pdf.My question is, How can the delete the caché merory?I try with the HTML meta tags, but if I do this, de IE only write the pdf tags not de pdf page because it have a bug with acrobat.
I try with

Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache";

but it' s say that can't access to cache memory and it can' t generated the pdf.

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PDFs Dynamically

Does anyone know if there are any IIS components out there that run on
IIS 5.0 that will convert LaTeX to PDF? I have written a script in ASP
that produces the LaTeX document, but am unsure of how to go about
converting it to PDF and delivering it to the client.

If you don't know of one, do you have any idea of how I might implement
such a transform? I would have to use a WshShell to run pdflatex on
the source twice before I could deliver the PDF to the user. However,
pdflatex outputs a PDF, so I would have to redirect the client to the
PDF, and then somehow come along later and clean it up. I'm not sure
if this would be the optimal process to take.

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ASP/Oracle And Generating PDFs

I have a project coming up soon where pdf files are stored in our oracle database. They want me to pull the pdf form out of the database and present it to the user on the screen. I've done a little searching on google, but haven't been able to find anything that helps. Can someone tell me if this is possible and if so, give a little example?

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Creating PDFs From Page

Does anyone know of a web-based tool that will allow users to print certain pages in PDF?

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Merge / Appending Multiple PDFs Together

I need to take a bunch of PDFs that I have made using Appligent's FDFMerge and append them together. I know I could use Appligent's AppendPDF. But I was wondering if there were any free toolkits that I could use with a bit more work out there?

I cannot tell what on the Adobe site would be a candidate for me to even look at. The Acrobat SDK seems to be for Acrobat Reader plugins. Not what I am going for. The PDF library seems a candidate, but what *is* it? A C library? I cannot use a C library unless it has a COM wrapper.

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Problem When Searching For PDFs With Indexing Service In ASP-solution.

I have a problem with a small asp-solution that searches for PDF-documents with
indexing service.

For some files in the search result I get gibberish returned, such as ....

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Index Server & Site Server + PDFs

I fire the following code on Index Server (different obj) and it returns a PDFs no problem, but when I change the object to use the MSSearch for Site Server I don't get any PDFs. Anything in the code that would cause this? I can see the PDFs getting crawled in Site Server, but when I try and search I don't get any pdfs .....

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Create Database And Create Table On One Form

Here's what my code looks like...

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Create A PDF From ASP

Is there anyway to generate a PDF using ASP Scripting(VB Script).

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Create Pdf

Does anybody knows a way (free of cost, code or dll) to generate pdf?

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Create Url

I use a website in asp for which I have to type a username and
password everytime I want to login.
On the form are two fields for typing the username and password and
one button LOGIN.
I want to create an standard url for the website which includes my
username and password so I don't have to type it in everytime.

I looked at the page source but I can't find the right string.
I thought maybe http://.........aspx?username=me&password=it

but that doesn't work.

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Create PDF

Is there a (simple) way to create a PDF file from ASP?

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Cannot Create A Asp

I have 2 developper machine running visual studio 2003 and Windows 2000. On the first machine (Machine A) I may create a new asp project without problem. On the second (Machine B) I cannot create a new project.Visual Studo create the project but not the initial files and freezes.

But I may create a new project from Machine A using the web server of machine B.I have checked the access rights of both servers, the access rights on directory wwwroot and inetpub.Everything seems the same.

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Create A TGP In ASP

Has anyone seen or know if anyone has done this? I think that ASP would be a great tool to do this with but I am curious if anyone has tried it and found it to be too hard or too burdensome to follow through with?

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Create New User Using IIS/ASP

I'm running IIS5 on a Win2K server, and I want to have an ASP page that
creates new users. I have some simple code to test this, but am getting
a "500" error when I run it. The ASP looks like:


strDomain ="Foo.com"
strUser ="Foo1"

' Create new user with password
Set oDomain = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomain)
Set oUser = oDomain.Create ("User", strUser)
oUser.SetPassword = "password"

Just for this testing, I've added IUSR_machinename to the Administrators
group, but am still getting the 500 error.

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Create Object & DAO

how to create dao.tabledef object in asp:

I need to convert the following code into asp:
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim fld As DAO.Field

Set db = OpenDatabase("C:Mydb.mdb")
Set tdf = db.TableDefs("Table1")
Set fld = tdf.CreateField("Field2", dbText, 10)
tdf.Fields.Append fld

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Create Hostheader With ASP

Is there a way to create a host header in IIS with an ASP?

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How Can I Create A Guestbook?

I want to create a web page for my friends.(I have a subdomain and my server supports ASP scripts) It will contain a small basic guestbook.It must write the entries to a text file on the server.And i must be able to view the guestbook.

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Create ASP File On The Fly

I'd like to create ASP file on ther server side. Can I use
fso.createtextfile("c:folder est.asp")
Do I need to create a folder too?

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Trying To Create A Menu With ASP

I am trying to create a menu with multiple tiers. I want to use the one menu as an include file throughout the site. Depending on what page you are on, I want the 2nd and third tiers to show up.

The rest just show the tier 1 links. I'm pretty sure this can be done in CSS, but the problem is that with a very big menu, I'd rather not have to load up the entire menu when it all won't be showing.

There for I figured I could create it in ASP. I could set some sort of parameter in the page so the menu include file would know what page I'm on, and then would only show and load the 2nd and 3rd tiers of that section. Is this possible? Code:

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Create Xml File With Asp

is it possible to create a xml file and save so that i can upload with asp?

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Create Flowchart

i want to create flowchart/flowdiagram like msword.And the user type inside the rectangular what they want to do..

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Create Txt File

How can I simply save some data into a flat file (.txt) ? I've some data available and if the user clicks on a button it will save that data into the flat file... The user also need to define the directory (as in VB the common dialog box)...

Is this possible ???

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OWC Component Cannot Be Create Using ASP

I have created an asp page that pulls data from SQL server and displays
on webpage in the form of Table and Chart.

I use OWC to generate Chart. It work find on my computer with Ms office
2000 installed, but when I upload my the page to my webserver, it
doesn't work with the following error message:

006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~Invalid ProgID. For additional
information specific to this message please visit the Microsoft Online
Support site located at: http://www.microsoft.com/contentredirect.asp.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

P.S. On the production server, Office Web Component had already been
installed. WSCript.CreateObject("OWC.Chart") works fine in my colleage's
vbscript file.

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Create An Use Threads

tell me with some examples to how to use our own threads in asp pages. I tried to do it in usual way how we are suppose to use it in console and windows application. but the same thing will fail in asp pages. it give "nullreference" exception from unknown module.

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Create New Folder

how can i create a new folder by using ASP??

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Cannot Create ASP File

I have Windows 2000 and recently included Internet Information Services. I
then created a simple ASP file and clicked on it. The Open With dialog
appears asking me to select a program. I copied an existing ASP file,
test.ASP from another computer where it runs successfully. When I copied it
to my computer it changed to test.ASP auto file. The other computer runs
Windows XP. I am not sure is this is the issue. I verified the IIS is up
and running on my computer. Is there anything that can be done to correct

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Using ASP To Create DOC File ...

I am using ASP code to create a Word document on the server and all is working except for one thing: I need to be able to insert page breaks. My existing style formatting for page breaks does not seem to insert a page break into the Word DOC. Suggestions? Code:

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