Fetch Random Database Table

There are 26 prizes available in a competition a client is running and he wants to be able to select these at random.

I thought the best way of doing this would be to construct a simple ASP page which displays 26 random records from the database.

The fields I wish to display are called name, email and address, and these are located in the table called Competition (this is an MS Access db).

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Fetch Information From The Usre Table And Update It

I have a text box when user type (Name) on it and push search button,if
database has this name information such as(phone, address,...) comes in
several text box, if user want to update these information ,change text
in text box and save it, I couldn't write the update code for this

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ASP Database Fetch From Id

I have a webpage with a form. This form submits data that goes to a mdb file
(id (AutoNumber), name, email contry etc.). I would like to make another
page where I can type the ID number and it will show all the fields only for
that id.

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Large Database Fetch

I've a large database that I am working with. The problem is right now I've so many sample data in the datbase all the testing data in it. I want to clear the database and reset the AutoNumber so that it starts at 1 and goes up by one.I know that its possible in Access and I've done it before, problem is the tables have relationship and lots of them.

the way I know to rest the AutoNumber require me to break the relationship but it will take very long time for me to rectreate them again and I might not get them same at the end.Is there a way to rest the AutoNumber without having to break the relationship?

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How To Transfer Records From One Table Of A Database To Another Table In Another Data

I have aproblem to transfer a data from table x to table y based on id. Its mean when 2 table have same id all data table x must move to table y. I don't know which command need to use is it insert into or update?

Dim conn
Dim rs

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=prmm;UID=administrator;pwd=sa"


MYSQL = "SELECT * FROM table_x where paymentdate between '" & tarikh1 & "' and '" & tarikh2 & "'"
rs.open MYSQL,conn ....

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Select Random Row In Database

does exist any command to get random row from target table in target database and then use this row ?

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Random Database Results

I am using the following code to Query information from my db table. The problem I have is that it displays the whole table rather than displaying 5 random results by ProductID.

objConn2.open strconn2
Set objRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS2.Open "SELECT * FROM Products", objConn2

Do While Not objRS2.EOF
Response.Write ":: <a href=""productsDisplay.asp?ProductID=" & objRS2("ProductID") & """>" & objRS2("Product_Description") & "</a><br>"
Set objConn2 = Nothing

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Random Database Records

I'm trying to create a portion of script that would select x (variable) number of random records from a table.

in PHP, I could do this pretty simply with a line like, "select * from table order by rand() limit x", but the solutions I've seen so far for asp and access involve things like 40 lines of code, selecting the entire contents of a database, creating temporary tables, etc.

Is there any quick and dirty way of doing this?

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Random Values From Database

Suppose I have a table named as tblfriends and there are 3 columns with several row. Column names are: name, email, phone

I want to pick 5 names randomly from the table each time my asp page refreshes. How can this be coded in classic asp?

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Inserting Random Passwords Into Database

I have a ASP/vbscript program that generates random passwords. The problem is I need to insert those passwords into an Access database of 327 clients. I have the random password program generating the 327 passwords, but have had no luck inserting them. Code:

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How To Choose A Random Record From A Database

ill have a database with 1 table and 3 fields:


(the ID field will be the auto incrementing index)

there might be 10 records in the DB, there might be 10,000. i need to open the DB and randomly select a record (and then display the name, which i dont have a problem with)

how can i randomly select a record? im guessing id have to open a recordset and check the count to get the number of records, so lets say there were 100 records. i imagine i would have to generate a random number between 1 and 100....

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Random Quote From A Database Every 4 Days

obviously in standard asp. and i'm not even sure where to begin. I currently have it set up for a random quote every time a user refreshes the site. This was no problem. Any help or if you can point me in the right direction.

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Generating A Random Code Which Is Not In Database

I am trying to write a script that generate random code which are not in database.

Things are ok on these points:

1. Generating a random code

2. Controlling whether it is in database.

For now, if the code is in database, it gives a message.

What I want the funstion do is to generate a code which is not in db?

How can id do this?

I write the code as reference.....

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Selecting Random Records From Database How?

The following code should select the specified number of records randomly from the database .....

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Random Display Of Images Dynamicly From Database

I am trying to retrieve images from the database and display them in a random order. The order of the images is supposed to change each time page is refreshed.

Below is my code, I am using an array to store the images but the images are not displayed for some reason. Any help would be appreciated.

<% Dim rstResult
Dim strSQL
Dim img(100)
imgID = 0
set rstResult = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "sp_sel_TilesByType 'O'"
rstResult.Open strSQL, strConnect

set rResult = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sSQL = "sp_sel_TilesByType 'O'"
rResult.Open sSQL, strConnect

if not rResult.EOF then

do while not rResult.EOF

imgID = imgID + 1
img(imgID) = "images/tiles/" & rResult("TileImage")

end if

if not rstResult.EOF then
intVendorID = 0
do while not rstResult.EOF

if intVendorID <> rstResult("VendorID") then
rndNumber = RandomNumber(imgID)
Response.Write "<p>"
Response.Write "<a href=javascript:popWin('tileview.asp?" & rstResult("TileID") & "','',1,1,1,1,700,600);>"
'Response.Write "<img src=images/tiles/" & rstResult("TileImage") & " border=0>"
Response.write "<img src=img(rndNumber)>"
Response.Write "</a>"
Response.Write "</p>"
end if
intVendorID = rstResult("VendorID")
end if
set rstResult = nothing%>

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Returning Random 10 Records Form A Database?

How can I do it?

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Writing Array Of Random Numbers To A Database

I am trying to write an array of random numbers to a database. The array part is working fine, but when I go to update the dataabse, it inserts the last value of the array into all the fields in the database .....

Dim MyValue,sqlRandom
Dim arrayRandom(8)
for i = 1 to 8
MyValue = Int((100 * Rnd) + 1)
arrayRandom(i) = MyValue
response.write "<p> Array Value:" & arrayRandom(i)

sqlRandom = "UPDATE CarParkDetails SET FreeSpaces = '" & arrayRandom(i) & "'"


I can't see whats wrong!

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ASP Database Table

I want to make an asp table for my database. I have two tables, one with peoples details and the other with their orders. I have done a one to many relationship between these.

What i would like to be able to do is a heading with the customer details, and under that all of what that person has ordered. Then another heading with a different customer and so on..

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Table In Database

How can i check if my table is already exist in the database?

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Database Table

Is there an

If no results found in database table
print results in table (made table and such)
repsonse.write("No Results Found")

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Fetch Files

What are the ASP codes required to fetch files from a remote location?

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Fetch The Results

query = "SELECT table. * FROM table where table.lastname=" & lname

How can I fetch all the rows with the lastname field equals to lname variable?

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Fetch Column Ids

I want to save the details of phases. On selecting a phase, there are 3 columns, task ,start date, end date in a row. Next to it, a button'Add task' is displayed. on clicking this, another row appears below. When i click submit, the data is saved if the following condition is truw: The end date should not be less than start date. how do i retieve the data of all the rows.

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Fetch Only Particular Items

I'm trying to make a sorting feature for my site which will allow the user to click a drop down menu, click the item they only want displayed, click a button, and then the results will only display that particular item.

I also would like the drop down menu to auto-fill because there are about 20 different categories available. is there and easy way to do this?

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Query Database Table

I have this code that retrieves the logged in users info. What I also need it to do is to display other records in the database that match the logged in users custnumber. Code:

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Search More Than 1 Database Table At Once

Im looking for a means to allow the search criteria provided by a user to be checked against fields in more than one recordset table in a ms access database.

Is there a means within asp to check multiple tables at the same time using one set of criteria? So far the only solutions i've seen to this includes the usage of a list box which dictates which recordset is opened. I would like to avoid this.

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How To Tell If A Database Table Exists?

You'd think this would be the most basic sql query in the world but noooooo!
I've tried this:

on error resume next
strsql = "SELECT * FROM " & session("TablePrefix") & CurrentTable
SET rs = conn.execute(strsql)

tableExists = 0

if (Err.number = 0) then
tableExists = 1
end if

But it doesn't return an error if the table doesn't exist. I'm searching on
the internet and hitting these long complicatred solutions involving the
database "shema". Surely there is a simple way of telling with one line of
sql if a table exists or not?

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Backup A Database Table

I need to be able to add a button on my site that will backup an SQL table (not the whole database) - does anyone know how to do that?

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Fetch Values From Excel

I have an excel file having textfields, I want to get its value from the ASP page. What is the way to get it?

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Fetch Records Within Due Date

I need to run a query to get records with date within 30 days from current date.What I used to do with SQL server 2000 was the following:

Date30More = Date+30
MPQry = "SELECT * FROM SOP_T where Rev_Date < '" & Date30More

This stops working with Oracle because Rev_Date in Oracle is in the format of "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MM:SS PM". Therefore, I received an error message as the following:
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

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Fetch Values From Access

im trying to connect to access and display some infor. from table. but it cant work, many errors occur, saying dat the<%language="VB" runat="server"ris not found in server. what i need to add in so that i can take infor. from acess? some codes.?

SELECT* FROM Detail... bla... bla... bla...

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Inserting Data Into A Database Table

i am trying to use the 'Insert into' sql query to insert data in an asp file but having some errors...this is the eror i got from the browser..

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
Expected end of statement
/AddConfirm.asp, line 46, column 36
sql="INSERT INTO tblMembers VALUES("8"," & DateJoined & "",""& Title& "",""& LastName& "",""&FirstName& "",""& DOB & "",""& AddressUnit&"""

this is the code i have in my asp file....


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Asp Database Pull From A Query Not A Table?

it possible to pull the information from a query located inside the .mdb database already, instead of pulling the information from the tables ?

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