Field 'paragraphs.paraimage' Cannot Be A Zero-length String

Access Database
Field required = no

for i = 0 to 2
arrParap(i) = MakeSafe(Request.Form("ppara_text"&cstr(i+1)),2400)
arrImgp(i) = MakeSafe(Request.Form("pimage"&cstr(i+1)),50)
arrImgpPos(i) = MakeSafe(Request.Form("pimgpos"&cstr(i+1)),50)
if len(arrParap(i)) > 0 then
strQp1 = "INSERT INTO paragraphs(para_page, paratext, paraimage, imgposition)"
strQp1 = strQp1 & "VALUES ('" & objRS1("Subcateg_id") & "', '" _
& arrParap(i) & "', '" _
& arrImgp(i) & "', '" _
& arrImgpPos(i) & "')"
objConn.Execute strQp1
End If


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Field 'paragraphs.paraimage' cannot be a zero-length string. /content-builder/admin/pageadd.asp, line 53

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String Length And Limited Text Field

Three text fields on a PDF doc. These fields are limited - only 15 lines each.

Strings are separated by breaks and if a string is too long, it wraps to a new line, decreasing the number of items that can go into the field.

So, a for loop from 0 to 14 works only if a string in the array is not too long.

Then, and if and another for from 15 to Ubound -1

Another if and another for. Code:

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Spitting A String Into Paragraphs

This is the code I've written (based on kbogart's suggestions) ....

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Find Length Of Field

In my database table , I have field to store the text, I am tryinf to find the length of the filed in ASP like below

response.write len(rs("cname1"))

It is displaying the value , when the data in the field is nonzero, it is not displaying anything if the filed is mty in table. I cant understand y it is displaying the length as 0 , bcaz i want to compare the length , if the length is zero , it will display one result or else it will display the value.

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Form Field Length Validation

Alright what I need to be able to do is to make the field it's maxlength if the user does not enter enough characters.

<input type="hidden" name="B" size="10" maxlength="6" value="">

so basicly if the user enters a 5, 4, 3, or 2 digit number the input will be forced to it's maxlength. I need this because I am writing to an SQL db and am combining multiple form inputs into one field in the db table ie(variable = A&B&C&D)

On a different webpage I need to display the variables. I am doing this by string manipulation functions like the one below.

Nbr = mid(aTable1Values(DATA, aRowLoop), 6, 6)

(DATA = A&B&C&D)

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String Length In Pixels

Categories are beïng used out of a database to make a menu, example given:

menuitem 1 | menuitem 2 | menuitem 3 | menuitem 4 | ...

This all works, but the table width can only be 770 pixels.
If the menu structure is going to be wider than 770 pixels it has got to be devided into 2 or more lines.Is it possible to determine the pixels word by word?Or is there another possibility?On Google I read it would be possible in java, php,Only I didn't find anything that refers to ASP.

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Length Of Words In A String

I'm really at wits end on this as I'm not having much success with locating a function or other options I have. I'm working on a message board for a website and I'm needing to check the length of the words that users put in.

For example, when someone puts in "yesssssssssssss!", I put together a small function that omits all of the s's as this is wreaking havoc on the layout of tables within the site. But I don't have a solution if someone types in "ssss sasdfjskldjfaskld;jfaskdf" as random ambiguous letters.

I know I can check the length of the entire string but don't know to check the words
within it.

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Maximum Length Of String

What is the maximum length of the string that can be stored in a hidden field using javascript, which can be retrieved using ASP Request object.

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Input String Length

I have problem with multi-language string values. I have an input box, which accepts max 75 chars. Value goes to SQL server table field VARCHAR (75). it was okay with english language but error comes when saving Arabic or any RTL language.

I checked the values by
Response.write len(myRecievedString)


Lenght of String Containing 75 English chars: 75
Lenght of String Containing 75 Arabic chars: 525

Shall I increase the size of table field?

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Limit Length Of String On Session Id

I currently have a program that crashes if the sessionid is longer
than 9 digits. Is there a way to trim the length of the string that
IIS kicks out and limit it to 9 digits, or if that can't be done, is
there a function I can use to trim the 10 digit string down to 9

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0x80004005 Invalid String Or Buffer Length

I made a switch from Access db to mySql and I receive 0x80004005 Invalid string or buffer length error when I try to insert a record to the DB.

Have you experienced a similar problem and do you know any solutions?

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Doesnt Display Char Type Data Field Length 1

I have one field char type data length 1.. It has data either 1 or 2 in all the field tht I have checked through enterprise manager.

I'm running query:

"select * from table" and fetching all the records and displaying...

It display all the data except data from this field..Doesnt display anything..

I had put Response.write rs("fieldname")

What could be the problem?

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Paragraphs And CR

I am pretty new at all of this but I have managed to create a interface (dreamweaver, vbscript, access) so that a few of my writers for the web site can log in and submit there text. The question is, how can they (or what do I have to do) place CR and Paragraphs in there content. It seems as thought the Access DB ignores any manual CR that is entered during input. (just like in this input box)

I just pressed the ENTER key twice to get to hear but if I do that in my input box that does not happen.

Also, is there any tutorials that could show me how to place buttons like the ones above this input box so they could put in images along with their text.

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When for ex. somebody writes something in the textarea and if they press Return (on the keyboard) in the textarea everything seems OK. But in the database "Returns" are gone and when you retrieve data from the database "Returns" are gone.

I know that if i write html code in the textarea everything is ok - "Return" is there. I use Mysql database so maybe there is something wrong with settings or maybe when i select data from the database.

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Textarea, Paragraphs Sends Thru Email?

I’m trying to allow large amounts of text, like up to 6 pages (many paragraphs) of text to be inputted into textarea that then sends off thru email.

When I receive the email, all the paragraphs that I’ve submitted become 1 big long paragraph.

I tried wrap attribute but it does nothing.

Is it possible to receive a paragraph by paragraph by using textarea?

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Maintaining Paragraphs & Spacing When Inserting

I'm inserting data into my SQL server database via an ASP/HTML form. I have a textarea in the form where the user can enter content and I want to maintain any new paragraphs entered - however, when i insert the content into the database and reproduce it on another page, the spacing is lost and all the content is displayed in one paragraph. Is there a simple way to get round this issue?

The column on the database is set up as Type - Text (size 16).

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Parse A String From A Field

I need to parse a string from a single, semi-colon delimited, 60 character
field (el_text) in a recordset and display the results in a table on a
webpage (ASP)

I can retrieve the recordset from the database and display the field data
results in rows of a table but have the entire 60 character string in one
cell. I need to break that string apart and put each semi-colon delimited
value in it's own cell. Then move to the next record and do the same thing
in the next row of the table. - and so on

I'm using ASP, VB Script with DMSII Database and OLEDB

Does anyone have some code examples on how to break this field apart and
then arrange the data into an html table on a webpage?

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Field To String To Array

does ASP have arrays, and if so, can I use an array, inside a loop, to do the following.

x=field name *the field is now comma separated values*
while x != rs.EOF
take each part of x , put into array.
filter recordsetABC with current part of X.
display filtered recordset on screen.
next x

My syntax is horrible, so ignore that, this is just a theory exercise right now.

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Parse A String From A Field And Display In Table

I need to parse a string from a single, semi-colon delimited, 60 character
field (el_text) in a recordset and display the results in a table on a
webpage (ASP)

I can retrieve the recordset from the database and display the field data
results in rows of a table but have the entire 60 character string in one
cell. I need to break that string apart and put each semi-colon delimited
value in it's own cell. Then move to the next record and do the same thing
in the next row of the table. - and so on

I'm using ASP, VB Script with DMSII Database and OLEDB

Does anyone have some code examples on how to break this field apart and
then arrange the data into an html table on a webpage?

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Seperating Data From Single Table Field (string)

I need a way of putting say 10 to 20 bullet points in one table field in an
Access database

- say seperate them with a special character, then build a bulletted list on
my page.

If I can get the page to detect each special character, insert a new bullet
and move on to the next occurance in the string... Code:

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Maximum Length

I have an asp page that uploads a text file, with SQL Statements inside.
After I upload the file, I want to execute the statements and then delete the file from the server.
The problem is: when I read the first Sql statement, it gives an error when I try to execute it I get a "Identifier that starts with 'INTO blah blah' is to long. Maximum length is 128.
But when I response.write the variable it shows the whole string, all +-600 chars of it.
So is this a DB Problem? (I'm using SQL Server 2000)
And how would I change it, if it was?

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Set The Length Of Time

I believe that it's possiblte to set the length of time that a visitor to a site can be inactive before their session time's out, but I don't know what the coding is or where it's placed. have never had to bother with this, but I've just started with a host, whose server seems to time-out my session after like 4 or 5 minutes

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Select By Length

in my asp code i have a part that selects 10 products at random, and then displays in a right hand menu as links.
however long titles tend to run over 2 lines, and dont look right clever.
I was wondering if i can add a length to my sql
for instance select * from products where prodname.length < 10
how do i do that, PS i am on mysql server

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Maximum Length Of A URL

whats the maximum lenght of a url ?

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URL Length Limit

I think an url variable could be limited, maybe someone know the maximum length I can use ? (I try to send an html code with the get method, maybe some symbols could not be accepted in url).Is this length limited for a variable or for the url string ?

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Url Length Prob

I have a webpage with a form and i am saving the webpage using name value pairs. So i can give the users a link which they can click on and the form will open up prepopulated.

The problem i am having is that these forms can get exteremely long (hence the prepopulation facility) e.g test.asp?name=value?name1=value1?name2=value2

is there any way to increase the url in a browser or if you know of any other way i can accomplish this id appreciate ure feedback more detail regarding the above: I am allowing useers to save their forms with the data, also save multiple versions of the form (same form with diff data).

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Referer Length

I have a question about the Max Referer length. By default this is 256. I am not fully sure I understand this property. It this a header that is sent back to the Server by a client and is it part of the URL.

While testing our Secure IIS I ahd the error come up I increased the value to 1080 and the error did not repeat!. But through my search the Max Referer lenght is always 256. SO I am trying to get feel for what the Referer really is, is it part of the HTTP 1.1 protocol?

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Length Of A Text Box

i have a webpage containing a textbox (textbox1) and a label(label1).As the user is typing into the textbox i want the label to show the amount of characters they have typed. How do i go about doing this?

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QueryString MAx Length

How can I find the Max length of the QueryString?

I am passing data between ASP pages and use the Response.QueryString (I know
that this is not the best method). Is there a limit or is this configurable?

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Getrows Get More Than Rs Length!!

I am reading an recordset into an array using getrows, but my recordset has 38 records but my array has 46!!

If I loop through the array, it errors on number 38 (as expected). I am using UBound to find the array length.

can anyone think what is going wrong, without the need to post my code (step 2!)?

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Microsoft SQL Char Length

I previously had a post on a problem with the Microsoft SQL server, when I was trying to compare a record in the database with an inputed record, if the record in the database was not exactly the same length as the inputed record, it would not match. i.e. user codes = OAK,BRANT,QUYOU etc.

Unfortunately these records have already been made and they vary in length from 2-5 characters. Im programming in VBscript, does anyone know any functions which will rectify this problem?

i've tried the trim function but this has no effect, I could just change the length of the column so that they are all a similar length and thus will all be comparable, however this is certainly not ideal as an id code only two characters long is not unique, some of the records will clash.

I would like to avoid changing all the records as there are 25 different codes for about 10,000 records. im sure there is some code which could accomplish this but ideally I would like to solve the problem at source.

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Can The Request Length Be More Then 2088?

We have web site on IIS 5.0 for sending purchase-orders to database on MS
SQL through ASP and ADO. The purchase-order is being sending to .asp script
as web request, but the script recieves only the first 2088 characters of
request. Is it possible to increase this parameter somehow, or to set it
unlimited? Does the IE limit the request length, or IIS?

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Request.querystring Length Max

I want to load an asp page with a very great variable part (something like save.asp?myvariable=aa...zzzzz

I know the length of aa...zzzzz is limited to 255 characters. But I would like to be able to send a request of length, let say of 2500 characters.

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