File Access Components

i've bunch of files in a directory which need to be displayed in a html page. is there a way to display those files by order (dateCreated (descending))?

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File Upload Components

I need advice about a good Upload component that can also give us the flexability of download and impersonation. If some one knows about a good componenet please do let me know.

Have checked the following ActiveFile, SA-FileUp, and Huge Asp Upload.

Also have used XML and ADO stream to upload the files, this could be perfectlly done in IE as we cannot create an object on the client side using Netscape.

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File Upload And Form Components

I am having problems trying to make a form submit information back to itself. The form works fine when I am not using the enctype"multipart/form-data" tag that is used to upload files with the <input type="file"> form component. However I need to upload a file using this form and also pass information back to the ASP page aswell.

txt = request.FORM("COMMENT")
<form name="frm1" id="frm1" action="mytest2.asp" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<strong>Select file #1:</strong><br>
<input type="file" size="40" name="FILE1" id="FILE1"><p>
<input type="text" size="40" name="COMMENT" id="COMMENT"><p>
<input type="submit" value="Upload!">

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Create An Archive File Without Components?

Is there a script or a simple way(I doubt), to create archive files online without components...only with asp? by "archive files"....I mean .zip files or something similar that can then be de-archived later? It is not important whether the files get compressed or not. Code:

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Office Web Components :: Save Changes In Excel File Via Web

In office web components u can use Excel through web with almost the same functionality. I have an emergency in finding out if it is possible in asp to save the changes u make to the spreadsheet though web to the original file in the web server.

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Upload Excel File To Server Without Using Third Party Components

How do i upload excel files to the server from the client browser without using any third party components. My server runs on NT server. And I am coding in ASP( Vbscript).

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ASP Attempting To Access MS Access 2000 On File Share

I have a Development server that is running Win2k, IIS 5.0, and ASP enabled. I am trying to gain access to an Access 2000 DB located on a file server within my domain. I'm pretty sure I have all the correct permissions set, but I am having problems when trying to access the DB.

The error is similar to:

The Microsoft Jet Database engine cannot open the file '******'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

I'm looking for ways to fix this... Microsoft suggests turning off the ability for IIS to sync passwords. Unfortunately, this is not a viable solution for me.

Is it possible to create a new virtual server that is a share to my file server? Put my ASP and MDB file in there and have it work? Anyone have any other ideas?

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I am working on getting through the book Teach Yourselve Active Server Pages in 24 Hours.
Now, I am not learning ASP.Net, but ASP. Why, because, I am getting a lot of calls for asp, but not many for .Net. And I just don't know enough as I'd lilke.
At any rate. I have gotten to the section on Working with components. for example the MSWC.NextLink
I don't have it. I am running IIS 5.1 because I am on a Windows XP machine. And I am told I need a SDK download, but which one? Everywhere I look, its IIS 6, but that doesn't work on my machine. So, how do I get these components so I can run them.

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Components And ASP

After working for so many yrs in ASP and COM I still feel novice. I have asp
page nd a COM component (.exe) which is written in VB. For some fixure, I
have to remove my IIS and reinstall it. My ASP page is not instantiating my
component. Whereas, components which are dlls working frin in ASP pages....I
checked permissions on DCOMCNFG, file directory, folder, file.
Any clues what is missing.

Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0178 (0x80070005)
The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is
denied to this object.
/testcomponent.asp, line 2

line2 is just a createObject for my .exe com component.

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ASP Components

I am new to using components in ASP, whilst I can see the huge benefit of using them, the big problem that I am coming up against is that my host won't let me register them on the server.
My question is simply this: is the only way around this problem to setup your own server (which is probably beyond my technical ability) or are there lenient hosting companies out there that will let you install components freely (obviously subject to their approval)?
I dont know if there exists a directory of components somewhere which have been approved by hosting companies as safe to use on servers? Im a little confused as to how I can take advantage of components if I can't physically install them. Is it possible to use a component removely without having to install it on the server?
Sorry, I know I have asked a lot of questions but I am really in the dark here and not quite sure what my options are.

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PDF Components - Which Is Best

I need to convert a dynamic (ASP) page on my site to a PDF, so I am looking for a PDF component which can open the page from a URL. Failing that it would need to open an HTML file from disk and convert.

I've been searching and there are hundreds with rather random pricing and different feature sets.

Can anyone recommend a component for this job which doesn't cost a fortune?

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DLL Components

How can I make components to my asp code in VB or other VS 6. Nedd to know all the steps, because never make any activeX component. Nedd also to know how to call the dll file as well to receive and pass arguments to it.

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Using Components

I am trying to use a component to execute a file but I'm not exactly sure how to
could some one please provide a little bit of sample code showing me how to
use a simple component?

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File Access

Is it possible to read a file from a local computer? I know how to read a file that is in the server, however I would like for the user to read a values contained in a file that is loacted in his/her computer and then load these values into a database.

A way around this would be for the user to upload his/her file into the server, but reading the file directly from the local computer would be much faster.

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ASP Code Vs COM Components

I've just been reviewing a COM component (VB6) that I wrote a while ago to
record when and where 404 errors occur; each error is logged in a DB along
with supporting information.

Looking at it now, I'm wondering why I chose a COM component rather than
just an ASP page. There is not that much code involved, so I could easily
have expanded the ASP page that calls the DLL to do the whole job....

COM Component:
Generally perform faster than an ASP page, but there is an overhead
associated with creating a new object in the calling ASP page, so more
suited to more intense apps that dont require user-interaction. Also keeps
code private of course.

Keeping you code in an ASP page is often more efficient for smaller jobs,
where the cost of creating a COM object outweighs the potential performance
gain. Also prefered for tasks that require frequent user interaction. Code
remains public (to those who have access to server).

This is what prompted my question: At what point, does it become worthwhile
to go for a COM component as opposed to an ASP page? Is there that much
difference in it?

Are perceptions of the issues fairly accurate?

I've updated the DLL in question - it was a bit of a ball ache: modify code
& compile, reset IIS, then copy DLL to server and re-register. I know my DLL
in this example doesnt do much, and I'm certain that modifying and copying
ASP pages would be simple & efficient, but at what point does it pay to use
a DLL?

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Email Components

I have a server runnign iis with no email componetns. Where do I get cdonts or similar components from?

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Serverobject's Components

anyone have any experiencing using serverobject's components guid maker and aspmail? i'm wanting to change my cdonts scripts to the aspmail com and was wondering how good it worked. the guid maker is also installed on my host and was thinking of using it.

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ActiveX Components

which ActiveX Component allows IIS to provide e-mail services

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Components Under IIS6

I migrated an application from NT4 (IIS4) to 2003 (IIS6).

The application only works when the components are registered with regsvr32.

One of the webpages doesn't work-- when I fill the form out and hit submit I
get "compx error '800af10a' Insufficient memory to perform operation.
/submit.asp, line 283"

I've tried going through and changing permissions but haven't had any luck.
I also tried setting the Web Site to use an Application Pool that I created
to run as System Mode but that didn't make any difference.

Everything works when I select "IIS5 Isolation Mode".

Knowing that it works under IIS5 Isolation mode how can I determine what is
causing the message so I can run it under IIS6?

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Third Party Components

How can i view the third party components installed in my PC?

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Graph Components

Could anyone suggest me some asp graph components which take in data from a recordset by SQL query to a database and then display it in web browser.

Are there any freewares....?

Buying a license is the 2nd option......and preferably a component which allows customization..

I have a graph component: ChartDirector.... Which doesnt allow me to include any queries in the same asp file...

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Server Components

is there any script that shows the components which is installed on the server?

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Components Registering

if there's a way through which I can register ActiveX DLLs on my web-host's server remotely. My web-host is using win2k server.

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Missing Components

I am running Sun One ASP v 4.0.2 on Apache 2.0.x on Win XP Home. I noticed that Sun One Asp doesn't come with components such as AdRotator, Content Rotator, Browser Capabilitles, etc. Is there any way I can install all these components on Win XP Home. For me upgrading to Pro is not an option.

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Registering Components

if I have a component that I want to use in my web site (a DLL), is it possible to reference it at runtime in code without having to register it with the O/S? Basically every hosting company I look doesn't say if you can reference your own DLL's. But surely there's demand to do so?

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Debugging COM Components

I need to debug a .sln file used as a COM component within my ASP page.

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Register Components With MTS

How do I register FileSystemObject and ImageGlue component with MTS? Because the files manipulated using ImageGlue & FSO need to be recorded in the database. Without transactions, a lot of 'floating' files (without entry in the database), and entries without the physical files left around on the server.

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Components Needed In IIS

I was wondering if there is any updates or components needed if you was going to connect a database in ASP. Because I have a script that I download from a website that I know works 100% but when I set it up in my own IIS environment. it comes out with a 500 error. I've searched the internet and I keep seeing mentions of ADO and Mac types .

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ASP Components Needed

I'm currently developing a website for my company. I would like to provide
list server functionality to the site, if possible. We have a third party
mail service, so I can easily POP and SMTP.

Does anyone know of any nice and reasonably priced list servers for ASP?

I'd also like to know if anyone knows of any good event calendar components
for display a small calendar on web page and listing events that are
upcoming. Having an admin page would be great too.

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COM Components Available By Default

Is there available some list of COM components available to ASP pages, that are available on virtually every IIS machine?

I am wondering wether there is some right-away-available API with cryptogrphy functions. The particular function I need is MD5 hash estimation for files. I have one written in JScript, but it would be very slow for larger files.

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Web Components Server

I make report in crystal reports and use html interpretation to bold substring in a formula field it works in crystal report, but when i call this report through asp then no effect is shown on formula field value.

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Upload And Components

It's been awhile since I've had to upload files with classic asp and now that we're changing servers, we're having a problem with the server guys. They don't want to install any components on the server in case they cause problems with the server (memory leaks, etc...).

We are currently using Dundas file upload. Anyone know what I can use instead? Or of any components that don't cause any issues and are free?

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Same Database Access File

is there a way i can read into two tables in the same database access file?and if so.. how would i write the code?the code below is already connected to a database reading from table1.. and i wish to read it from table2 as well...

rsMap.Source = "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE (State = '" + Replace(rsMap__MMColParam, "'", "''") + "') OR (City LIKE '%" + Replace(rsMap__MMColParam2, "'", "''") + "%') ORDER BY City ASC"

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