File Upload Does Not Work

I'm using FileUPload from softartisans (not my choice, but my company's), and in our testing environment, the anyonymous web user can successfully upload and delete files to the server (iis 5.0/win2000).
However, in our production environment (same software/hardware setups), the web user can only delete a file, the file upload doesn't work. I've set if Err's do a response.write after each and ever step...and no errors are written out. i can do a generic response.write("Test") at the top, middle and bottom of the script and it prints on the page. The IUSR_xxxxxxx internet guest account has modify access for the directories (identical to the testing environment).

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Upload Excel With Macros Using HTML File Upload

We face problems uploading excel (with macros) documents using HTML
File Upload.

The file contents are corrupted while viewing the same. However, we
are able to upload excel (w/o. macros) documents successfully. Is
there anything we have to take care of, while handling uploads of
excel documents with macros?

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Separate File Does Not Work.

i have this css file.


#navcontainer ul
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style-type: none;

when i put both codes at 1 file, everything are ok, but when i separeted them into different files, nothing happened. what's wrong with the code?

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Non-file Fields Don't Work

I have a form that has the user fill in a date, title, & browse for a file to upload. If I comment out the file upload & ONLY have them fill in the date & title using the default form encryption (application/x-www-form-urlencoded), everything works fine. If I comment out the date & title and change the form encryption to multipart/form-data, the file uploads fine.

BUT, if I leave the encryption type as multipart/form-data and UNcomment the date & title, I get an error. They both come through as empty strings. Why is this? And is there any way around it aside from breaking the form into two pages?

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Force A File Download Dialog Does Not Work In 5.5 Sp1

i am using the following code to force a file download dialog in asp

Response.ContentType = "application/"
response.AddHeader "content-disposition","attachment; filename=" &" &

Now the it works fine in ie5.5 sp2 but no ie5.5 sp1 it prompts the
user twice the open dialog box.

i found on microsoft site that it bug in ie 5.5 sp1 and it says to
upgrade to sp2.

but my users are not willing to ugrade there ie. can you please help me out how can work this in ie5.5 sp1 or anyu other way to force a file download...

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CDOnts.newmail Attachfile Don't Work When File Is Large

I am using the CDONTS.newmail object to send file as an attachment so I
used attachfile method. it seems the attach file wont work if the file size
more than 100 KB , does anybody know if there is a size limit or where to
change it I am using the SMTP server included with IIS 5.0.

PS when file is sent, it will show on the EMAIL as an attachment only with 0

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File System Object Doesn't Work In Virtual Path?

I have a virtual path setup in order to give my web server access
to a file on my app server. I am using the file system object to check
for the existance of the file and if it exists, it has to validate the
file date.

The problem is I can't seem to find the file. I can successfully check
for the existance of a file on the web server, but once I enter the
virtual path it can't find anything. All three of these calls return


However these two calls work, so I assume I am referencing the file

Response.Redirect "http://server/localfolder/virtualfolder/test.txt"
Response.Redirect "/localfolder/virtualfolder/test.txt"

Am I doing something wrong here? The virtual path is setup with an id
that has full access to the folder.

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File Upload - Need To Check File Size

I'm having a problem with the fact that I want to allow image files to be uploaded to a remote web server, as the hosting package the web site is on is IIS6 and has a default file upload size limit of 200kb. As it's a shared hosting package, the default limit cannot be changed for me unfortunately.

Anyway - i need to check the size of the file being uploaded, so i can notify the user and prevent them getting the default Microsoft error message page. The problem is that I can't implement a server side size check which works, using either Request.TotalBytes or load.getFileSize (with "load" being an object of my loader class). It seems that I can't carry out any of these operations when the file size is too large.

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Upload File To Server And Get File Properties

I would like to add a facility to my web page which allows users to upload basic files (word, excel, text, gif, jpg etc) to the server.

I know there's a facility to do this using HMTL forms, but I don't know how to handle the file on the server side.

What I think I need is an ASP file running some code to manipulate the filesystemobject, allowing me to receive the file and store it in the filesystem on the server. It would be nice to access some of the file properties too (name, type etc).

I've seen a few custom components online which allow you to do this, but I can't depend on installing them. I need to be able to script it myself.

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ASP File Upload - Limit File Types?

I would like to use this code on my website to allow simple file uploads from clients. I would like to restrict the file types they can upload. Code:

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How To Upload File In Asp.

I'm working on a asp-application where I shall upload a xml-file from the
user, and then process til file (xml) for insert into a database. I'm currently
using a "INPUT-field of TYPE=file" to browse for file, and a extra submit button
to perform the actual transfer and start file-processing.

Is it possible to show the user one ebutton "IMPORT" without any text-field
associated with it, which browses for the file and directly startes the
upload to server and triggers file-processing. The actual processing of the file
must be done on the server-side (inserts to db etc.).

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PDA, File Upload

Is it possible to upload files using <INPUT type="file"> tag from IE on PDA .

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Ftp File Upload In Asp

when i load the page nothing happens, it just refreshes to a blank page. does this page need to be named something special? does it need to be on the same server it's uploading to? Code:

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Upload File Bat

Whit ASP upload procedure i charge to a server files with different extensions.

But if you want to download a file with the extension ".Bat" ( for example execute.bat ) the browser returns:

The page can not be found. The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

The path to the file execute.bat is exactly and this file execute.bat is located on the server.....

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How File Upload ASP

Where can i find information on how to upload files to a folder on my server using asp code and a form? Does anybody have a simple snip of code for this that they would mind sharing?

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XML File Upload

Could someone point me in the right direction for an asp script that would save an XML file to a folder on the same server it resides on?
This XML file will be sent from another application and the asp script needs to accept the XML file (no validation of the XML in the file is required) and save it to a folder on the server.
I've seen scripts with a web frontend which requires user interaction where the user has click a browse button and select the file to be uploaded from their local machine. The script I require will have no user interaction - the XML file will just be fired at the script from the other application and it should save it to a folder on the server.

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I Need To Upload A PDF File

i need a piece of code which enables my to upload a PDF file into the server hard using ASP to develope my website....

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Upload File Using Asp

I have to do something like this that a user see list of record if he would find record and want to upload that list then he could upload in a pdf file of that record.

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Upload Jpg File

I'm looking for some ASP code that will allow a user at my website to upload a jpg. image from his or her harddrive to my website or just to mail it to me via email.

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File Upload From IE

I want to build file upload functionality that, when user clicks on a link, a file browse box pops up and allow the user to select a file and upload it. Is this supported by IE at all? If yes, could someone send me a simple example?

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Upload File

Im trying to upload files to my website, my write permissions folder is /db, but when I try to upload some file, Directory does not exists shows up. What could be the problem?
My code:

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Upload A File

how can I copy a file that is in one folder of the site such as /data/ to another folder, like / ?

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Upload Doc File

I want to upload a doc file to email form and want to send to my email adress. Anybody have idea how can I upload a doc file into a form and send it as attachment to my email address.

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Upload File .dbf

How can I Upload one file .dbf to SQL SERVER, I can't not get path where file .dbf store because it store in pc client and I don't want copy it to Server.

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File Upload

i want to know about file upload problem in my asp application. how to upload file from the user to my project path (example c: ewsimage)

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Upload Doc File

I have written a script to upload the file. The script can upload txt, rtf file. However, when I try to upload doc file, the file cannot open, or just decode as a rubbish. Do you have any idea about this problem?

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Upload An Image To File

I've been trying for a while now to write a page that uploads an image to a file.

Does anyone have a really simple example that I can start with. I have searched the net but only found complicated examples.

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File Upload Question

In my project I am uploading file, using HttpPostedFile in ASP.NET. In
my project I have to allow user to upload pdf, gif and jepg file only.
I know after uploading file I can check ContentType of file and give
user a massage.

But I like to filter files when in File Browser. So
when user will click the Browse.. button only list of pdf, gif and
jepg files will be showing up in the file browser. But I don't know how to do
that .

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File Upload Using ASP & JScript

Loads of source code out there to upload files using VBScript. Anyone know of any JScript code to do the same thing.

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Multiple File Upload

i trying to do a asp based multiple file upload form. i got an example coding to upload 4 file a once, but when i try to add another textfield and try to upload the 5 file at a time, i got an error message. Code:

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How To Upload File/image

How to upload file/image and store the file path to my access?

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When I Upload A New Image File

I use upload.asp (an open source file) to upload image file to a hosting folder, and save the file name to a field of database (I use mysql). But sometime (not all time) when I upload a new image file, I lost all the old value (old image file name) that saved in the field of database, the file name field in all old record are all changed to NULL, but the new file name is correctly saved into the right place.

Does any body know why it happened? Is it because the upload action or insert action? And "insert into" sentence can change old record value?

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Image/File Upload Per URL

I have to copy an Image from one Server to an other. It has to be done as follow:

Get the URL of the Image (http://dddd.ddd.gif) then copy to an folder on a NT4.0 Server.

Thats pretty easy if would be working.

I need an free codebased alternative or maybe an configuration tip for the IIS on a NT4.0 server.....

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