File Upload In ASP And Page Has Expired Error

I have 3 ASP pages. Page1 has file upload feature where the user selects a file and clicks on upload button. Page2 takes that uploaded file and process the records to insert into the database. Page3 shows that records from the database. Code:

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Page Can't Directly To Login Page After Session Expired

I have page for user to update his/her details. What i want is after idle for more than 20 mins, the page will redirect to login page automatically. So that the user knows that his/her session already expired and need to login again.

But it doesn't working. This is because if he/she update the details (after idle more than 20 mins), and click the Submit button, it will go to login page and all the data will be lost. Code:

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Error On File Upload

I have a form that has many fields on it (selection list, text areas, etc) as well as the ability to upload some files. I'm using Lewis Moten's upload code (works great). No problem so far. However, if the user has a typo or the file does not exist then I want to return the user to the original form with an error (invalid file) and all of their work the way it was before the submission (i.e. if they had selected something from a list - when returned to the form the selection is kept).

Because I'm uploading files I have the form set as this:

<form method="post" encType="multipart/form-data" action="addform.asp">

In my addform.asp, I have a check for a valid file:

set objUpload = new clsUpload

if objUpload.Fields("document").Length = 0 then
' redirect user back to original page with an error
Response.Redirect addform.asp?error="invalid file"
end if

On the original form, I have quite a bit of data - may exceed the querystring maximum.

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Error In File Upload

error in file upload

Error Microsoft VBScript (0x800A0007)
Insufficient memory: RequestBin

happened uploading a file of 3.5MB, but before it did not give error me. that it can be?

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ASP Upload File Error

just wondering if anybody has encountered this problem before ? I'm trying to upload a file using an ASP component that came with a web app Code:

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File Upload Error

I'm using a free component to upload image files to the web server. I'm getting this error when I try to upload

SaveBinaryData error '800a0bbc' 003.jpg:Write to file failed.

/southernlumber/_Upload.asp, line 903

I know that I have write permissions for this server. Maybe my path is incorrect. How can I solve this?

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How To Make ASP Page To Let Browser Upload File

how to make asp pages that could let people to upload files. I use Macromedia Dreamweaver and there is a form for file field, but it doesn't has any help function on how to do it.

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Page Has Expired

How do you get a web app to not show the 'page has expired...' error and
refresh and requery when you hit the back button after submitting a form? I
just want the old data to still be displayed in the form so the user can go
back, make a few changes, and submit again.

I checked knowledge base for this and I do not have "Do not save encrypted
pages to disk" checked and the user is running IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158 I am running server2003 and
IE 6.0.3790.0 update version 3283 and I don't have the problem.

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Page Expired

I put this code in my asp page, trying to prevent the back button issue.

Response.Expires = -1
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 2
Response.AddHeader "pragma","no-cache"
Response.AddHeader "cache-control","private"
Response.CacheControl = "private"

But nothing happens, the back page is loaded again.What can i do to add expired time to my pages.

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Expired Web Page!

I want to show users a custom "Page Expired" page when users go back to
the previous page by clicking the "Back" button of the browser (or when
he right-clicks anywhere on the current page & selects "Back" from the
menu). How do I do this?

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Expired Page

I have a form that users fill in and the results are put into a DB by an asp script, this script will then redirect the users to another page where a receipt number is generated and displayed. How can I make the form expire after the user sends the information and the receipt is issued.

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Page Expired

At the moment I am getting the following Expired Warning if a user logins into a secure page and attempts to press the 'back' button:

Warning: Page has Expired The page you requested was created using information you submitted in a form. This page is no longer available. As a security precaution, Internet Explorer does not automatically resubmit your information for you.

To resubmit your information and view this Web page, click the Refresh button. Is there someway to gracefully stop this from other re-display the login page? Also, what is causiing this? Session Variables?

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Warning: Page Has Expired

Regarding the Internet Explorer message below:

"Warning: Page has Expired The page you requested was created using
information you submitted in a form. This page is no longer available.

As a security precaution, Internet Explorer does not automatically
resubmit your information for you.

To resubmit your information and view this Web page, click the Refresh
button. "

I'm developing an e-commerce site from scratch.

I've noticed on other e-commerce websites that use other development
tools such as php or probably "websphere" (java) that when clicking
the back button this message appears during a checkout process. This
is good because it reduces customer error in many ways.

I'm using ASP and response.redirect mostly. But, I've noticed that
even setting a page timeout to zero won't stop the caching of the
page. My customer, who just submitted a form, can just click the back
button and the cached page just comes up.

How do I create the error above with ASP?

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Page Expired Problem

I have a web pagewhich queries a db and displays information on the
subsequent page. On the subsequent page if I click back to previous page
(this is a button with javascript code on it), it takes me to the previous
page but the page says - "warning page expired".

When I am in my company
work environment, I dont get this page, it properly displays the information
on the previous page but when I go to the client site, it gives me the
problem All of us are on the same IE version and service packs. Could this
be a programming issue or a security issue.

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Warning: Page Has Expired...

How do you get a web app to not show the 'page has expired...' error and
refresh and requery when you hit the back button after submitting a form I
just want the old data to still be displayed in the form.

I checked knowledge base for this and I do not have "Do not save encrypted
pages to disk" checked and am running IE

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Display Expired Page

for security purposes how can i set the requested page to expired or is set to inactive, after a period of time.

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How To Protect A File Upload Page With A Login Username Cookie?

I have downloaded a nice upload script from the internet, it works great, but I would like to have it protected,so that only the admin user can use this upload page, I'm getting the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Request.Session'

If I change it in Request.Cookies, that won't work either.....

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Time Out Expired Error

I am getting the error Time out expired , I have tried every thing increased Server.scripttimeout to 90000 response.buffer=false .. etc even then I m gettin the error.

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Timeout Expired | Error '80040e31'

I was getting this error starting on Friday.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80030e31'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Timeout expired

/poststatuscheck.asp, line 39 <-- this would vary

So I searched and found that changing this

cOperations.Open ("DSN=Operations; user id='uname'; password='password'")

to this

cnOperations.Open ("Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=x.x.x.x; Network=DBMSSOCN; user id='uname'; password='password")

makes it work like its suppose to.

The questions I have are...

What is the difference between these two types of connections? I know one uses data source and the other dsn.

Should I be concerned about security with this new method? Should I be concerned with anything in this new method? Is it possible to fix the old method?

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Upload Excel With Macros Using HTML File Upload

We face problems uploading excel (with macros) documents using HTML
File Upload.

The file contents are corrupted while viewing the same. However, we
are able to upload excel (w/o. macros) documents successfully. Is
there anything we have to take care of, while handling uploads of
excel documents with macros?

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Error Running Bat File From ASP Page

I am using windows 2000 server IIS 5.0

i was trying to run bat file from asp page and getting: Access Denied

but when i run the bat file from the command prompt on the local server, it's running good the bat file copying files from target computer in the LAN to the local
computer, o.k

i give write and execute permission on the IIS for this site on the local folder(where the bat file) i assign full NTFS access for "test" user on the target computer i shared the folder with Everyone Full control and assign Full NTFS access for the "test" user
but still cannot run the .bat file

where it can be the problem, how i need to set the site on the IIS to run the bat file?

any how to run bat file from ASP page document?

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ASP Upload Error - Persits.Upload.1 (0x800A001C)

I keep getting the following error message when attempting to run the below script.

Persits.Upload.1 (0x800A001)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
line 42.

line 42 is "File.ToDatabase Connect, SQL"


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Force A "page Expired"

I have a registration page where people sign up for different tennis leagues. However after they're done, they change their minds and use the back key to backup a page and either add or change their selections which ofcourse messes up registrations completely since it was written to the database already. BIG FAT COLORED letters do not prevent them from doing this, neither do they read any instructions. (Which I probably should know by now....)
I need to prevent them from doing this by expiring the pages. Both these sites are using asp pages, but the one site is linking to an MS SQL database and the other to an Access.

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File Upload - Need To Check File Size

I'm having a problem with the fact that I want to allow image files to be uploaded to a remote web server, as the hosting package the web site is on is IIS6 and has a default file upload size limit of 200kb. As it's a shared hosting package, the default limit cannot be changed for me unfortunately.

Anyway - i need to check the size of the file being uploaded, so i can notify the user and prevent them getting the default Microsoft error message page. The problem is that I can't implement a server side size check which works, using either Request.TotalBytes or load.getFileSize (with "load" being an object of my loader class). It seems that I can't carry out any of these operations when the file size is too large.

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Upload File To Server And Get File Properties

I would like to add a facility to my web page which allows users to upload basic files (word, excel, text, gif, jpg etc) to the server.

I know there's a facility to do this using HMTL forms, but I don't know how to handle the file on the server side.

What I think I need is an ASP file running some code to manipulate the filesystemobject, allowing me to receive the file and store it in the filesystem on the server. It would be nice to access some of the file properties too (name, type etc).

I've seen a few custom components online which allow you to do this, but I can't depend on installing them. I need to be able to script it myself.

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ASP File Upload - Limit File Types?

I would like to use this code on my website to allow simple file uploads from clients. I would like to restrict the file types they can upload. Code:

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How To Upload File In Asp.

I'm working on a asp-application where I shall upload a xml-file from the
user, and then process til file (xml) for insert into a database. I'm currently
using a "INPUT-field of TYPE=file" to browse for file, and a extra submit button
to perform the actual transfer and start file-processing.

Is it possible to show the user one ebutton "IMPORT" without any text-field
associated with it, which browses for the file and directly startes the
upload to server and triggers file-processing. The actual processing of the file
must be done on the server-side (inserts to db etc.).

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PDA, File Upload

Is it possible to upload files using <INPUT type="file"> tag from IE on PDA .

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Ftp File Upload In Asp

when i load the page nothing happens, it just refreshes to a blank page. does this page need to be named something special? does it need to be on the same server it's uploading to? Code:

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Upload File Bat

Whit ASP upload procedure i charge to a server files with different extensions.

But if you want to download a file with the extension ".Bat" ( for example execute.bat ) the browser returns:

The page can not be found. The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

The path to the file execute.bat is exactly and this file execute.bat is located on the server.....

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How File Upload ASP

Where can i find information on how to upload files to a folder on my server using asp code and a form? Does anybody have a simple snip of code for this that they would mind sharing?

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XML File Upload

Could someone point me in the right direction for an asp script that would save an XML file to a folder on the same server it resides on?
This XML file will be sent from another application and the asp script needs to accept the XML file (no validation of the XML in the file is required) and save it to a folder on the server.
I've seen scripts with a web frontend which requires user interaction where the user has click a browse button and select the file to be uploaded from their local machine. The script I require will have no user interaction - the XML file will just be fired at the script from the other application and it should save it to a folder on the server.

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I Need To Upload A PDF File

i need a piece of code which enables my to upload a PDF file into the server hard using ASP to develope my website....

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