
I am trying to create a dynamic CSV file via FileSystemObject.CreateTextFile. I have no problem creating the CSV file normally but I would like to insert comments and VBScript into the coding.

Normally, the file would look something like this: .....

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FileSystemObject CreateTextFile Falling Over

I am trying to execute the following function which performs four tests to
make sure the current environment is capable of uploading files. Test 1
completes ok, but test 2 results in the page hanging indefinitely.

An error
number is not returned (it just hangs on the line: Set testFile =
fso.CreateTextFile(fileName, true) ). However when I execute test 2 using
VBScript from within an Excel macro it creates the text file without any
problem. Code:

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CreateTextFile With ASP

I want to create a text file,I have read numerous tutorials about this, the problem is
when I try to create it,I get an error message saying that I don´t have permission,
does anyone know how I can change the settings so I can do this? I´m running my test
asp on my local mashine.

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I am pulling info from a couple of different tables and writing the info to a formatted text file. Some of the info is pretty staight forward but I can't get my head wrapped around this last part.
I'm looping through the items ordered but each line I write needs to be numbered. The bold number needs to 1,2,3,4, etc for each line thats written ("dt|1|" & objRS("SKUid") etc...).

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CreateTextFile Deny On IIS

I develop a website on my local computer in ASP/SQL SERVER 2000 in XP PRO OS. The CreateTextFile, DeleteFile and OpenTextFile (for appending and also just for reading) functions doesn't work.

I had done all security rights from IIS (read, write, execute) and I shared the folder with all rights in reading, writing and executing. I don't understand why this functions doesn't work. I have no error display but the script never stop.

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CreateTextFile Problem

I am trying to use the FileSystemObject to create a text file and then write some data to the file. Code:

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CreateTextFile Halts Program

I got the following code from various ASP help sites:

dim filesys, filetxt, getname, path
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set filetxt = filesys.CreateTextFile("c:somefile.txt")

The third line causes the program to halt. I am on localhost. (I tried it without "c: too.) What is the problem?

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Filesys.createTextFile Limit

I use filesys.createTextFile to create a csv file. If I have about 600 rows(10 columns) then I can see the csv file created. But, if I have about 700 rows(10 columns still) then the csv file not created. I repeated many times and the result is the same. Is there a limitation on filesys.createTextFile?

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Creating Asp File Using Createtextfile

When an introducer is logged onto our site, I want to create a separate directory for them and place in this an index.asp page that will redirect including a variable to identify them.

I have created the folder with no problem, but when I try and create the ASP file, I'm getting errors. Code:

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CreateTextFile Excel File Formetting Problem

I am having problems with serving an excel file to client web browsers.
I am creating a tab delimited .xls from a recordset. Below is the .asp
code. Code:

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I am trying to attach files (all formats excel, word, including power point, pdf, any other embebbed files ...) on a form and copy them on to a specific folder. The code works only for text, word and excel formats but not for pdf, ppt, embbedded files. How could I add these files also?

I used this in the code:

Set oF= FSO.CreateTextFile("FolderNameFileName", True)

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i have made a site that allows users to log in and download or upload a file. but now i want to put in a drop-down menu so they can select which file they want to download. I want to populate the drop-down menu with a list of files in a directory using filesystemobject so it can change depending on what user logs in. can anyone give me some idea of how to populate the drop-down menu using filesystemobject.

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I am trying to see if an XML file exists and if it does then show the data in it if not do something else but can't seem to find the file. That definitely is the virtual path. Can you see anything wrong? Code:

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I just want to be able to access a simple text file but I cant not seem to figure it out I have used the FileSystemObject in Javascript before! Can anyone point out the error in my ways!Code:

FILE=FSO.CreateTextFile("c: est.txt",true)
FILE.WriteLine("Some Text!")

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Can anyone tell me which protocol (http/s, RPC) or
service (w3svc) is used when using FileSystemObject in an
ASP page?

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I can't create textfiles.I could last week, and I can on my spare server. But this week, my production server freezes when trying to write to the file System.

set ObjTextStream = fs.CreateTextFile(str, fsoForWriting)

Where should I start to look for the difference? Both servers are W2KSP3. Both have IIS 5.I've run virus scans with the latest updates and no viruses found. I did receive an error about Windows File Protection needed to update some files, but those were ftp related.

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is there any way that you can delete blank lines from a file or prevent them from displaying

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I am trying to read a file (in first ASP project) and i get the following error

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01B6)
Object doesn't support this property or method
/CP_Site_C/Default.asp, line 15

and line 15 is
fileStream = fso.OpenTextFile(filePath)

and the complete code is:

Dim fso, fileStream
Dim HitCnt, filePath

set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
filePath = "C:InetpubwwwrootCP_Site_CHitCount.txt"
fileStream = fso.OpenTextFile(filePath)

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Ok, I've got several different RAW LOGS, which I want to anylise, with the FSO.

However, I haven't got the faintest idea how to actually do anything (usefull!). For example, I want to be able to set the date of a traffic rapport (e.g display details from 15/03/2003 'till 17/03/2003). I also want to get all the usuall stuff like pageviews, visits, visitors...etc

Can anyone help me how to get all this, and still maintain somewhat of performance of my webpages? Code:

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This my code for practice:

Response.Write("6 ")
dim fs,fname
set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fname=fs.CreateTextFile("f: est.txt")
fname.WriteLine("Hello World!")
set fname=nothing
set fs=nothing

but I couldn't create the text file at all with no error warning.How can I do this?

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I'm having intermittent trouble with the Scripting.FileSystemObject.Basically, I'm stress testing my ASP application and using the FSO to output lots of instrumentation/debug information to the same file.About 5 times within a 15 minute stress test, it returns "Permission Denied". I would think that this object is capable of asynchronous file open and writes.Has anyone else seen this issue and been able
to resolve it?

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I have serious problem with FileSystemObject, When I try to create object it saysInvalid Class String

It seems that FileSystemObject is removed or currupted. Could any know how can I re-install FileSystemObject it or fix this problem

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In my ASP (IIS 5.1), when I use oFile.OpenTextFile to open a file, the code stucks.
How can I fix this problem?

set oFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strServerFileName = "files/fieldmap.txt"
If (oFile.FileExists(server.mappath(strServerFileName ))) Then
Const ForReading = 1
Set fSubmit = oFile.OpenTextFile(server.mappath(strServerFileNam e),
ForReading, False) --->>
end if

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I'm using the filesystemobject to list all files in a directory

Function lagsangliste()
dim fso, tekstmappe, file
set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set tekstmappe = fso.Getfolder(Server.Mappath("/claus/tekster"))

response.write "<p class=sangliste>"
for each file in tekstmappe.files

response.write "</p>"
End Function
But the filenames seems to come in random order.Is it possible to order them alphabetically?

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Can the FileSystemObject be used to return the document title?I am using a script to return all files in a folder, but would like to display teh document title instead of the filename. Is there a way to do this?

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i am having Permission problems with FileSystemObject.can any one guide me whats wrong?

set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set t=fs.OpenTextFile(fcopy1,1,false)
'Response.Write("The text in the file is: " & x)
set f=fs.CreateTextFile("fcopy2")
Response.Write("<hr><a href=../site/samnik/content/index_3.asp>file is created</a>")

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Using Filesystemobject

Im trying to get this filesystemobject code to access a different server then the one its sitting on. I am a admin on both servers. Is there anyway you can do this?

dim fs,fo
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fo=fs.GetFolder("")
Response.Write("Folder last accessed on: ")
set fo=nothing
set fs=nothing

I havent heard of anyone trying this before, but I hope its possible.

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How do you set the permissions to allow filesystemobject? I have already gone into iis and set the write permissions but that did not do it.Code:

set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

Set act = fso.CreateTextFile(server.mappath(file_being_created), true)

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I keep getting this error when I try to run the application. Could some one tell me what triggers this error.It was working fine and all of a sudden I started getting this error.

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How would I go about deleting a data in a text file?


123 123
1234 1234
12345 12345

how would I use FileSystemObject to delete the 12345 line

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Use FileSystemObject

I'm trying to write some simple code using FSO, but I can't make it work. There are a many FSO tutorials on the web, but they all start with a line similar to:

set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Yet that line simply doesn't work. I've tried it on my server and on my development PC, both of which are configured as web servers running ASP. I suspect that these computers simply aren't configured to support FSO, but nowhere can I find any hint of how to do that configuration.

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I've been using the FileSystemObject to try to save various html files as .htm files. I have been pulling down the code correctly (its our website, we are needing the database driven pages stored statically on cd, hence we are automising the process) I have the HTML in strings, replaced all the links I need to, and when I try to write to the file via the fs.write(HTMLCode) it doesn't work, I've tried many approaches .

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When dealing with the FileSystemObject component, I found that attempting to use the fso.GetFile(path) method (where fso was set using the CreateObject method, and path is set to the physical path of the file) was completely hanging IIS, that I had to restart it to get anything going. PLacing traces and breakpoints up to that point showed that this is the method causing the hand. The folder in which this file resides has only about 10 files in it.

I'm running on Windows 2000 SP4 with IIS 5.0. I also have Norton AV 2002 installed and I tried disabling it in case it is the culprit. Same result. All services that should be running appear to be in the correct (started) state. I also have Zone Alarm Pro running, but both IIS and the browser are running on the same machine, and the local host ( is in the Trusted Zone.

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