Fill Command

I am setting up a asp page so that a database can be added, updated, and deleted from, when the user choses to update and already existing record is there a way to search and get the information to fill the form with the current information so then you can just change what needs to be and click update.

I am still also trying to figure out how exactly to make the sql statements for the update and delete buttons.

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Error - 2147217908 Command Text Was Not Set For The Command Object

I am getting the above error when trying to execute the following code:

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Command Text Not Set Command Object

I have an online application. I get the following error when a user selects an option from one drop down list but doesn't select an option from another drop down list. Here is the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e0c' Command Text was not set for the command object. Code:

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Command Text Was Not Set For The Command Object

I have an online application. I get the following error when a user selects an option from one drop down list but doesn't select an option from another drop down list. Here is the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e0c'
Command Text was not set for the command object.

Line 87
Line 87 = rs1 = conn.execute(finalSQL)

Here is the page causing the error. Code:

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Command Text Was Not Set For Command Object

I keep getting this error. I searched the forums, and found one. It said to basically replace elseif with else. It worked for that person.

I tried it and it didn't work. So what i decided to do was, remove all of the if statements and keep one. Even with just one if statement i get the same problem. Does anybody know what is wrong? It worked fine, up until i added the if statement. I need them there though for a reason.

Personally i think, it;s not getting the value from the request form, and hense it isn't picking anything up. What do you lot reckon? Code:

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Auto Fill

Is it possible in ASP to have an Auto Fill option? For instance, if I am typing in a name and I type in the first few characters, can ASP recognize a similar name in the database and begin filling in the rest of a possible match?

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Auto Fill Using Asp

ive got an online system which allows people to enter info into a database about an absence request they have - at the same time this emails the person in charge of absences.

The form is setup now but to make it easier i want to alter the "Name" and "email" fields so they require no filling in ie - a staff members name will be chosen from a drop down list (ive done this bit fine) and then once this is done the relevant email for this person is automatically placed in the email field. This bit i am struggling with - anyone any ideas how this can be done??

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Fill A Dropdownlist

I do not have too much experience developping ASP.NET.
I need to fill a dropdownlist with all the color of the system,
I know how to do it by hands, one by one. :
But there are like 200 hundred colors, then

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Auto-fill From DB

I am currently developing a web form for the transfer of assets between departments, which will store information in an Access database. I currently have the form created and I am working getting the transaction processing portion of it going.

Basically, there is a minimal amount of information that needs to be entered into the form and I would like the rest of the information to auto-fill. So for instance, I would enter the asset number of the asset to be transferred, and said asset's serial number and description would fill in automatically. I have go this working in Access, but I'm at a loss for how to do it with ASP.

I think that I need the script to execute after a change is made to the AssetNo field, but I have not been able to get it to work how I want. Code:

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Fill A Dot Template From Asp

I have created a word template(.dot) with several bookmarks but know I don't know how to fill this information from the asp page. I have to retrieve the information from the database and fill the information in the word document Code:

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Fill A Textarea

i can get the data out the db but then i am at a loss as to how i fill the txtarea with the text from the db, anyone know?

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Simultaneous Fill Out

I would like to make a form that multiple people can access and update at same time with their web browser. The form would have fields that each wouldfill in and I would like for all to see what the others fill in. Is there an automatic way or would they have to refresh?

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Using Asp And Xml To Fill A Drop Down List

I have an asp page right now and I want to fill a drop-down list with
information like a persons name from an xml file. Once the user picks a
person from the drop down list I want it to go back to the xml file and
load the information about the person into textboxes. Does anybody have
an example for something like this in asp?

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Fill In Dates Automatically

I have a form that has 2 text fields. Field one is start date and field two is end date. I want field one to automatically be filled in when the Web page is opened with DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),1) which should give me the first day of the month. Field two should be automatically be filled in with todays date. How do I do this?

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Fill A Box With Current Date

i have three boxes to display date.dd/mm/yyyy format.1 box for dd 2 for mm 3 for yyyy.suppose today's is 25 july i want to fill this box date from 24 july 2005 to prevous month 25 june 2005 .means each time one month back of current date.

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Auto Fill Fields

how can i get two text boxes to fill from a users selection from a dynamically filled drop down list.(called from a database)

i can create the drop down no problem and call the data from the database just how do i getthe page to refresh and auto fill the other two fields depending on the users selection

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Fill And Submit Form

I have all data already collected on the current page? I want to open another window with the form, fill the fields and submit that form. So basically the question is how can I fill all fields and submit the form on another window.

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Fill A Drop Down Menu

I have an access database called contact.mdb and I have linked to it just fine and used the records held in it to populate a datagrid and can update and delete records.

I don't understand databases that much but I would like to read the values into a drop down menu which are held in the field 'ID' from a table called 'courses'. I have a feeling it is something to do with data sets but am not too hot on these either.

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Fill All Elements In An Array

this may seem like a very basic question but one I could do with having answered!! I have an the following array TableArray(20, 100) and I need to start off with all elements in the array to hold the value 1. Is there a simple way of doing this or do I have to loop throuugh the array setting the values?

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Fill The Combobox Statically

i retreived my data's in the database and i filled in my combobox, in that there is know "all" option in database,but i need that option has to be included in my combobox, so it has to be added statically, please give me coding to add that in my combo box statically. my combobox name is "selSchemeNo" .

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Fill Text Box On Form

Using ASP, If I have a text box on a form, how can I auto populate it when the form loads with the date of the current Friday, i.e. dd/mm/yyyy .

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Auto-Fill In Form From Database

I have a form that I want to auto fill in with database data. When the customer number is typed into a textbox and a button in clicked, the database will be queryed and pull back that record.

Once pulled from the database I would like the form text boxes to automatically fill in with the data brought back. Can this be done? If so, can someone show me a small example of the easiest way to do this?

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Fill Up An Access DB Through A HTML Form

I have a problem with filling up an MS Access Database by using a HTML form. I created 3 files: a HTML form file, an ASP file that executes the command and a MS Access DB containing a table with the fields that I want to fill up. Code:

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Content Fill Asp Page While It Loads

I've got an asp page which scans a range of IP addresses and printes the
response to screen.

I've tried loads of methods and ended up with using javascript innerHTML to
try and fill the content

What I'd like is the value to return instantly rather than wait until the
routine has completed and return ALL the results.

if i'm pinging a big range of addresses the page usually times out......
I thought if I could build the page dynamically, one result at a time, the
timeout error wouldn't happen - and users would see that something is
actually happening!!! Code:

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Fill Text Area With Variable

I have a text area in my asp page:

<textarea name="content" rows=10 cols=60>
"end of code"

Is there any way to fill the text area with the value of a variable?]

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Fill / Populate Form Text

in a text field e.g.

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Homepage Email Address" SIZE="25">

How would I pre populate that text box so that when a user opens the page there is already text in that box?

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Fill Data In PDF File Through Programming

I have a pdf editor software which opens pdf files in edit mode. I am opening a pdf file through this software in my code. The code is as follows:

Process.Start(Application.StartupPath.Substring(0, Application.StartupPath.ToString().IndexOf("Eviction")) + "PDF Editor 2PDFEdit.exe", "F:Covenant.pdf");

But, I want to pass some data to be displayed in the pdf file. This software allows to insert some textboxes(with name given to each textbox) in the pdf file and save them.
So, when I open this pdf file through my code, I want some values to be displayed in these textboxes.

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Fill Table With Database Query

I want to retrieve a large number of rows from my database (Select SomeColumns from myDatabase)and then to fill a table with the retrieved data. What can i do?

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Automatically Fill Out An Excel File From An ASP Page?

My boss wants me to develop this page so that users can click on a button alongside an employee's page and this will open up the company Expenses Claim Form with some of the fields automatically filled in, pulled from the same SQL database that the webpage gets its info from.

I have been looking this up for *weeks* now, but the only solutions I can see involve the dot net framework, 3rd-party plug-ins or installing the Microsoft ODBC driver for Excel. My boss will not accept any of these solutions, as we are a huge organisation and this has to work accross the entire system. We're stuck with MS Office 2002, Windows XP and SQL Server 2000.

So far the best I can manage is getting the Excel form to open (but without the fields filled in), which I accomplish using the following code:

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Automatically Generate Data To Fill HTML Form

Is it possible to use ASP +/ VBScript to automatically fill in certain fields of an HTML form with data generated from what the user typed in another field?

For example, the user needs to input 24 consecutive weeks worth of forecast data. If everything is done manually, they'll have to type in a date for each of the week. I would like the form to automatically fill in the following 23 dates (each one week later than the previous field) after the user fill in the first week's date. How do I do that?

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Showing User Error Message For Incomplete Form Fill Out

I have a form that I want the user to fill out. If they dont fill out the whole thing, I want the form to reload and an error message to be displayed at the top of the page. Here is the jist of my code:

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Error In Asp Text: Command Text Not Set For The Command

I am getting the above error in an asp page. Not sure why? The error details is given below. Code:

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Back Button : : How To Fill Values Back

I have a form that submits values to an asp page. If their is an error on the asp page that is called and you go back to the first page with the form. The values are not in the form.

How can I set the value back into form without the user having to retype them in? If I use hidden fields on the first asp page and I go back to that page wouldn't the values for the hidden fields be empty as well?

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