Filling An Emails TO Field From An Sql Recordset

I have an sql database, and an asp website. I need to send emails to users from the site. I have loaded the recordset with the email field from the table. I them send an email to all the emails in the recordset. I use the BCC field to do this. The problem is, sometimes the emails get missed judged as spam or junk. How can I fill the TO field of the email instead, with the emails from the recordset, and send an email to each address individually, in like a loop or something? So like, it will go through and send an email to email1, then loop back through and send one to email2, and so on....

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Loop Through A Recordset And Send Emails

I need to send an .ASP page as an email template using VBScript. I'd like to do so using CDONTS or CDOSYS. the script needs to loop through a recordset and send emails using data from SQL 2000.

when i try to send using a script i built the asp page pulls in without rendering the asp. how can i pull the rendered asp into my vb for emailing?

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Set A Field Of Recordset To Be Editable

i would like to ask how can i set a field of recordset to be editable?

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Filling Out Forms

I've just been given another job at work and was hoping that you guys would be able to help me out. Basically I need to find a way to fill in a form using data from another form.

So basically I need to be able to fill in one form and then use this data to populate another form which I don't control.

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Recordset Dealing With Unlimited Text Field

I'm trying to query a set of data from MSSql which contains field type "text" for unlimited length of characters.

I make a query and store the data into a recordset. However, soon as the page try to access the unlimited field, it seems as if the recordset looses all the data it was holding.

Does anyone know how to get around this problem? or what's causing this? I dont even get an error msg. It just doesn't show anything as if there was nothing there.

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Filling In Drop Downs W/ASP

I've been using ASP for smaller (up to 4 items) dropdown menus, and so far I've been if/then/ statements such as this boolean case:

<select name=""gift">
" <%If MyGift = true Then %>
<option value="true" selected>YES</option>
<option value="false">NO</option>
<% Else %>
<option value="true">YES</option>
<option value="false" selected>NO</option>
<% End If %>

How do you set the selected item in a drop-down menu when you have many items in the dropdown, as in the case where the dropdown contains the 31 possible days in a month?

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How Do I Filling Items In A Drop Down Box In Asp?

i want to fill a drop down box using data retrieved from access database.......

i alread know how to connect and retrieve data from the database but i am a lil unsure as to how i can populate the drop down list with the values retrieved.

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Filling Dropdown And Setting Value

This code is a part of my update record form. I want the dropdown to populate with the names from Dbase. This works. I also want the current value of the dropdown to reflect the name in the recordset I am updating. I am not sure where to set this value. Code:

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Filling Form With A Link

I have a submit form with 2 fields: Product Code and Quantity.

I have dynamic table beside my form that displays a catalogue and one of the fields on the table is product code.

What I want to do is to make the Product Code on the dynamic table a link that ONCLICK inputs that code to the form. There is something similar in another post but not for a list coming from a DB. Any ideas, samples ? I'm using Classic ASP, DWMX 2004, windows.

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Filling Out The Missing Squares In My Picture Grid

Using ADO/ASP, I want to retrieve a list of pics from my db (which will be
dynamic number of pics as a user will be uploading anything from 1 to 12
pics) and put them in a grid (table) of say 3 x 4 cells.

I think this is easy to do if the user has uploaded 12 pics, as the
recordset's recursive loop will create the table for me, but my problem is
that what if they only upload 4, 5 or 7. How do I list these pics in my
grid, but get the ASP to neatly finish off the 3 x 4 grid? If I just leave
it to my recordset of say 7 recs then my 3 x 4 table is going to disjointed
and unfinished.

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Error Type: ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BCD)

Last week, my shopping cart was still working well until I began getting the following errors 2days ago..

Error Type:

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BCD)
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.
../order/saveorder.asp, line 157

Browser Type:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)

GET /main/saveorder.asp

Could you check my code below and let me know what possibly the error is?

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LEFT JOIN On A Date Field And A Numerical Field - Using WHERE Clause

I am using a Relational database for my site and i have the following tables:


the fields in FIXTURES are:


(All of the above are numerical fields)

the fields in GAMEDATES are:

GameDate(#Date Field#)

What i have done is in the GAMEDATE field in the FIXTURES table i have used the ID number of the date that i wish to assign to that record - using a LEFT JOIN to display the actual date that is pulled from the GAMEDATES table (That which corresponds to the relevant id used in Fixtures)

The problem is that in some of my code i want to display records using sql and sometimes in the where clause i use the following:

WHERE Fixtures.GameDate<=(Date())

obviously meaning WHERE GAMEDATE is LESS THAN or EQUAL to TODAY.

The thing is when i use the join it does not use the where clause and displays all of the records in the FIXTURES table.

Does any one know how to get around this, i have not received any error messages it just isnt displaying the right data

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Emails From ASP

Anyone want to give me any pointers as to how to send emails from asp?

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ASP And Emails

What is the best option?Im writing a forum so i need a universal solution...
This means i cant use something like ASPEmail as not all ASP servers have this.
So what do i use? Someone suggested to me CDONTS but then said you have to set up the server or something.Do all web servers have this pre configured.

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Emails From ASP

Is there any way we can send off an email from a web hosting server that does not support CDONTS and cannot register any components to their server. They have no SMTP server as well.

IS there any web site that supports any one of these for FREE or better yet is there any other way to send off an email without CDONTS and components? Is it possible to like redirect to another mail with just scripting?

Appreciate any response to this matter.

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Not Receiving All Emails

I have a stored procedure which sends out an email to all the users
listed in the database. for some reasons I am not getting all emails.
could someone offere some assistance? Code:

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HTML Emails With CSS Using ASP

I am using ASP to send order confirmation emails to customers. However i want the emails to appear as HTML in the emails.

I have Successfully done this but i need to know how to attach CSS to the emails, so that it can look exactly like the html page i design.

I am using the CDONTS.Newmail component with the .body attribute.

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Pop3 Emails

I am working on a piece of software that needs to store email data in a SQL server table. Been flicking around and it looks like the ASP mail components are a good way to go. Basically I will be recieving mails from a pop3 server (prob outlook) and using the same program to put the data in a database.

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Reminder Emails

I don't necessarily need code here, just some guidance to my thought process.

I have built a system for a hospital where users can sign up for classes that the hospital offers. Now, I want to be able to send the users a reminder email a day or so before the event/class. In the database, I have all the user's info in one table. Another table holds the registrations with keys to the user table and the key to the table that has a listing of the classes.

How do I now go about automatically looking through the class table to find out if there is a class in the next 24 hours, and then send an email to all the people registered for that class?

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IIS 5 Will Not Pass Emails Or SSL

Has anyone had or heard of IIS not passing emails or SSL connections, thereby disconnecting or making the server useless?

I had a virus that seems to have done this.

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Sending Emails With Asp

I need some advice on how to write an email script in asp. I am farely new to asp but so far i have manage to understand most of the materials i've covered for this language except for sending emails from a form.

I've read the following tutorial ->URL twice, but i can't get the script working.

What am i doing wrong?

I am working on my personal box at home, do i need to have a mail server running? do i need to have addtional asp component install?

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Getting ASP To Send Emails

Anyone have any pointers as to how i could get asp to send some simple emails?

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ASP CDO Sending Emails Twice

I have emails being created and sent using CDO and it is working well but, the email is being sent twice. I only call the .send once (per person) but it comes through twice.

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Tracking Emails

anyone know a good way of tracking an email so that i know if theyve been
opened? and preferably somethign where i can identify the recipient
(matching with our crm)?

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Sending Many Emails

I have an exchange server, that I sometimes use to perform mail shots to
clients on our database, these can be upwards of 1000 at a time.
As we don't want different clients to see who we are working with we put
these mailshots in the bcc field of the mails.

This can sometimes cause a problem as we are getting alot of mails bounced
back. I would like to write a script to have these emails sent
out individually using the to: field of the mail. I have googled for
examples of doing this but haven't found anything useful yet

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Long Emails

When sending long emails a mysterious space-character is added after a
certain number of characters. Any idea why that happens?
I am using a Dundas Mailer control (if that matters) called from an asp

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Automated Emails

I need to send a set of Emails from my application (reminders) each month
1st. Is there anyway in ASP scripts to trigger an event to run
automatically? I have no dedicated server, so no DLLs or Scheduler scripts
can be used. Also adding the trigger script in the application object may
not send emails in time, as we have not enough visitors to that application.
Is there any way other than 'Clicking a Send button'

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Send Emails

is there a way of sending emails directly from iis without using an external
SMTP service?

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Sending Emails

Im searching around how to send emails but it doesnt seem to be working for me. They stay in the queue and research tells me that a firewall might be blocking them from being sent.

This is in the events log: "The remote server did not respond to a connection attempt."

Is there a way to send the email via the user's mail program?

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Auto Emails

I am in the beginning phase of a project that will require automatic email reminders to be sent out. Has anyone had any experience or suggestions that might help me get started in the right direct. My project will use the following.

ASP/VBScript/SQL Server Express

Once a record has been added the Auto Email reminders will be sent every 24 hours for the first 3 days or until the receiving party has responded to a questionnaire.

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Emails Not Being Sent All The Time

I am getting a bit worried because not all of my emails are being sent/received. My customers fill out the form on the website and their details are emailed to me. I have filled out the form several times, and some of my details are not being sent. Code:

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Weekly Emails

For a System I'm Creating I wish to send a weekly reminder to everyone in the database. Could you help me go about this as I dont even know where to start?

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Secure Emails

i have to do a few stuff in ASP for a client. I'm used to code in PHP but I'll manage to do it...

I just have a question though. The app will have to send an email with sensitive data (cc info). The pages dealing dealing with these info are secured (SSL) but what about the email? Can you encrypt it? Is it safe to send an email just like that or should you do something to secure your data? If yes, what are the measueres to be taken?

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